Home Teaching

Ordinary Differential Equations 1 in English

Fall 2023. Reception Hours: Sunday, 15:10 - 16:00, Room 123b, Shreiber building

Lectures: Thursday, 11:10 - 14:00, Physics Shenkar 104

Detailed Syllabus

Linear systems with constant coefficients: method of undetermined coefficients, real numbers' case

Arnold V.I. "Ordinary differential equations"
Boyce W.E., DiPrima R.C. "Elementary differential equations and boundary value problems"

Lectures taught in the Fall of 2023/24

Lecture 1 Lecture 2 Lecture 3 Lecture 4 (special) Lecture 5 Lecture 6 Lecture 7 Lecture 8 Lecture 9 Lecture 10 Lecture 11

Exam, Term A, 25/03-2024, with solutions by Michael Fraiman

Exam Solutions

General Exercises

Exercise 01 Exercise 02 Exercise 03 Exercise 04 Exercise 05 Exercise 06 Exercise 07 Exercise 08 Exercise 09 Exercise 10 Exercise 11 Exercise 12 Exercise 13

Collection of problems mostly taken from the exams given in the past


Hebrew Syllabus (updated in March, 2012)

Exercises (with participation of Lorina Dascal)

Exercise 1 Exercise 2 Exercise 3 Exercise 4 Exercise 5 Exercise 6 Exercise 7 Exercise 8 Exercise 9 Exercise 10 Exercise 11 Exercise 12 Exercise 13

Solutions 1 Solutions 2 Solutions 3 Solutions 4 Solutions 5 Solutions 6 Solutions 7 Solutions 8 Solutions 9 Solutions 10 Solutions 11 Solutions 12 Solutions 13

Exam ODE1, 28/06-2010, with solutions

Collection of problems mostly taken from the exams given in the past (updated 18/02-2013)
2002 Test ODE1 01/02-2005 Test ODE1 20/06-2005