The Yolanda and David Katz Faculty of the Arts

The Buchmann-Mehta School of Music
In collaboration with the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra
Honorary President: Zubin Mehta


English עברית

About the school



The BMSM Symphony Orchestra

The Carter  Symphony Orchestra

The Oratorio Choir

The Chamber Choir

The Workshop for Contemporary Music/ Wind Instruments Workshop

The Gertler Quartet

The Opera Ensemble

Auditoriums and Facilities


  The International Program




The Workshop for Contemporary Music

The Workshop for Contemporary Music works as a course that brings students together from all of the school's departments: Instrumental, Vocal, Composition and Conducting. Its goal is to develop the students' abilities with an emphasis on the different challenges involved in the performance of contemporary music.



 The repertoire performed in the workshop is devoted to three main categories: Contemporary works from the international repertoire, works that are already considered as "Israeli classics" and works composed by students of the composition department. This last area adds a special dimension to the workshop: the joint work of performing and composing students fills the gap that is unfortunately so common nowadays, between the performers' world and the composers' one.

 "New Music on Campus" has in recent years been the special concert series of the workshop for contemporary music. It has received high acclaim from the critics and is recorded constantly on "Kol Hamusica", the national classical radio station. The workshop is directed by guitarist and composer Ruben Seroussi.


Workshop for woodwind Instruments/ Workshop for Brass Instruments

The Wind Instrument Workshops operate as ensembles of varying sizes for Woodwinds and Brass. The work concentrates on preparing chamber works for large ensembles, performing orchestral pieces and preparing for professional auditions. Emphasis is placed on ensemble-playing, intonation, sound production and understanding different styles.

Rehearsals are held once a week for two hours with performances at the end of each semester. The Wind Workshops are core courses for Wind Instrument performance majors.

The Woodwind Workshop is directed by Head of the Wind & Percussion Department - Eyal Ein-Habar

The Brass Workshop is directed by Michael Slatkin, principal Horn, IPO.


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Web design: Ori Talmon