The pages linked herewith contain an overview of the
structure of the regular charge-monopole theory and of its
relevance to strongly interacting particles. Each page
contains a brief and simple discussion of one topic.
The main objective of this overview is to help the
reader understand the significance of the
regular charge-monopole theory. Scientific articles discussing
these issues can be accessed by clicking items on
the leftmost column of the home page.
It is shown here that the Regular Charge Monopole Theory provides
explanations for some experimental results which are
unexplained by QCD (Quantum Chromodynamics). These cases are marked
below by an asterisk.
For reading a review article demonstrating the overwhelming advantage
of the Regular Charge-Monople Theory over QCD,
click here
For reading a very short proof demonstrating that QCD has been constructed
on the basis of an erroneous argument,
click here