(It is recommended that readers read the following introduction
before reading this page -
click here).
This page contains general remarks on the form of
the proton's wave function. Analogous arguments hold
for other baryons in general and for the neutron, in
particular. The theory used is the Regular Charge-Monopole
Theory (RCMT).
(Click here
for reading an overview on this theory
and its applications to strong interactions.)
Thus, we have three valence quarks of the uud flavor.
They are ordinary spin-1/2 Dirac particles and the uu pair
must be in an antisymmetric state. A result of this
discussion is that one should not expect to find that
the so called "naive quark model" is physically meaningful.
This model uses just one configuration for describing the proton's
state. Thus, the naive quark model assumes that the uu pair
is in a state where L=S=J=0 and the d quark
accounts for the proton's spin.
This model certainly does not fit the data. Indeed, if it is correct
then the proton's magnetic moment should depend on the single
d quark whose electric charge is -e/3.
In such a case the sign of the proton's
magnetic moment should be negative with respect to its spin.
This outcome contradicts the experimental value which is positive.
Other inconsistencies of the naive quark model are seen in the
neutron data and from a comparison of the proton-neutron magnetic moments.
The mathematical basis of the multiconfiguration structure of
a quantum system that contain more than two particles
is described here in few lines. The Hamiltonian is a hermitian operator.
Since the overall angular momentum, parity and flavor are
good quantum numbers of strong and electromagnetic interactions,
one may find a nonvanishing
off-diagonal matrix element which is related
to two configurations that have the same total angular momentum,
parity and flavor. Now, the following is a mathematical property
of hermitian matrices: If the lowest diagonal matrix element
is related to
off-diagonal matrix elements then a diagonalization of such a matrix
reduces the value of
the lowest diagonal element. Therefore, the ground
state of a particle is described by many configurations.
The points described below
rely on theoretical principles and experimental data.
As stated above, the theory used herein is RCMT and, in particular,
quarks are ordinary Dirac particles.
Hadronic data indicate that the elementary unit of the magnetic
charge is much larger then its electric counterpart where
e2=1/137. Hence, relativistic effects cannot be
treated as a small perturbation. Thus, one concludes that:
Spin-orbit and spin-spin interactions play a significant role
and their values are expected to be of the same order of magnitude
as the Coulomb-like interaction. Therefore, the magnetic monopole
analog of the fine structure is expected to
produce a very significant split.
The overall wave function contains configurations having additional
(Click here
for observing a figure which shows
that antiquarks are measured directly in a proton). Therefore,
a Fock space should be considered. The relatively small mass of pions
indicates that the energy price of adding a
qq pair to a hadronic
state is quite cheap.
All terms of the proton
must have the same overall angular momentum (J=1/2), parity
(even) and flavor (uud). Its actual calculation looks
like a very hard task. Thus, some qualitative arguments are
presented below, in order to gain an insight into the problem.
In particular, note that 35 terms are used in a calculation of the
Jπ=0+ ground state of the helium atom [1]. Now, a
½+ state of a uud system can be created by many
other states of the uu subsystem, besides the 0+
state. Thus, regarding all these arguments, one expects to find
that a very large number of configurations are needed for
a good description of the proton's ground state.
(BTW, this very large number of configurations provides a
straightforward explanation to the nagging problem called
the proton spin crisis.)
For the simplicity of the discussion, the specific configurations
written below do not account for a baryonic core that contains
closed shells of quarks. For example, assume that a baryonic core
contains a uudd quark system and each configuration of
the three valence quarks should comply with the appropriate
orthogonality to the wave functions of the core's quarks. The
configurations which are written below pertain to a simple quarkless
The main purpose of this discussion is to show how a multi-configuration
structure of a state arises. Therefore, the
more intuitive L-S (also called Russell-Saunders)
scheme is used. Here orbital angular momenta are coupled separately
and the same is true for the spins. This scheme is mathematically
equivalent to the alternative j-j coupling.
An example of the j-j copling can be seen
The configurations described below do not contain additional
pairs. Evidently, this is the simplest set.
Each term associated with this set can be characterized by the
antisymmetric state of
the uu quarks. Having the state of the uu
quarks, one defines the state of the d quark so that
the total angular momentum and parity take the required values.
Let us examine three uu states of this kind. Other
states can be constructed analogously. The functions
fi(r), gj(r)
and hk(r)
denote radial functions associated with
the s,p,d angular functions, respectively.
The subscripts i,j,k denotes the
order of the radial excitation. r1, r2
denote the
radial coordinates of the two u quarks and r3
denote the radial coordinates of the d quark. As usual,
L,S,J denote spatial, spin and total angular momentum.
l1=l2=0; S=0.
The spatial part of the two u quarks is symmetric and
takes the lowest orbital. The spin part is antisymmetric.
The d quark (not mentioned here)
is in its lowest state and accounts for
the overall spin and parity.
This is the "naive" state.
l1=l2=0; S=1.
Here one radial function represents the first radial excitation.
The spin state is symmetric and the radial functions are
antisymmetrized. In this case, one sees a kind of a tradeoff between
two energy effects. The radial excitation increases the kinetic
energy of the state. On the other hand, the exchange integral
reduces it. The latter effect is an analog of the Hund's rule.
The role of the d quark is analogous to that of the previous
case. However, here one can construct 2 configurations:
l1=l2=0; Juu=1]
l1=l2=0; Juu=1]
Note that in the second case the orbital of the d quark
is l=2.
l1=l2=1; L=1; S=1; J=0,1.
Here we have two p-waves coupled to an antisymmetric spatial
state L=1 and a symmetric spin state. g denotes the
radial function of the p-waves.
This part of the wave function
produces two states,
depending on the total angular momentum J of the uu
subsystem. Thus, we have here j=0 and j=1. (The case
of j=2 cannot produce a final spin-1/2 state with a
ground state d quark.)
The role of the d quark is analogous to that of the previous
configurations. Like in the second case, the symmetric spin
state of the uu quarks reduces the overall energy.
The 2 couplings of the
uu quarks together with the f0(r3)
of the d quark produce 2 terms:
l1=l2=1; L=1; S=1; Juu=0]
l1=l2=1; L=1; S=1; Juu=1]
Each of the wave functions constructed like the ones described above
can be an element of the Hilbert space which contains the state of the
uud quarks. Similarly, a Hilbert space for the system
uuddd can
be constructed, etc. Having a good approximation for the full space,
one can calculate the Hamiltonian's matrix elements, diagonalize
it and find the wave function which describes the proton's state.
Now, some of the large number of terms that form
a basis for the Hilbert space have
spatial angular momentum l>0 (see e.g. cases B.b and C above).
Therefore it makes sense to find that a part of the
proton's overall spin is associated with spatial
angular momentum. Hence, the "proton spin crisis" which
was found nearly two decades ago should not be regarded
as a surprise and vice versa: the fact that only a small
portion of the proton's spin is associated with quarks'
own spin is consistent with the analysis carried out above.
Another issue is the magnetic moment of nucleons.
Evidently, the experimental data are completely inconsistent
with the "naive quark model" described above. However, the
multitude of configurations and terms expected to be useful for
a description of a nucleon's ground state,
indicate that only a specific calculation
will (hopefully) provide an explanation for the nucleons' magnetic
[1] A. W. Weiss, Phys. Rev. 122, 1826 (1961).