Eliahu Comay's Site

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My recently published book describes many topics of my theoretical work in physics. Some points are shown here.

The two facets of the electromagnetic interaction term reject fundamental Standard Model issues. Click here.

An outstanding particle physics person violates fundamental laws of physics in his futile attempt to justify SM. Click here.

Darwin & Breit refute the Aharonov-Bohm idea about the significance of the electromagnetic potentials. For reading an article Click here.

For reading a refutation of the Majorana neutrino theory Click here.

For reading an article that supports M. Gell-Mann's qualms concerning the QCD merits, Click here.

The unacceptable structure of a Standard Model theory. For reading a short text, just Click here.

The moral of a short story. Just Click here.

Let us follow R. P. Feynman and M. Gell-Mann. Just Click here.

For reading three questions of a Trouble-Maker, please Click here.

For reading a discussion of erroneous elements of the gauge concept in QED, please Click here.

The following paper proves that the electroweak and the Higgs theories contain inherent and uncorrectable errors. For details click here.

Here are some fantastic issues that belong to the Believe It Or Not domain. For details click here.

A short introduction to a present QED contradiction. For details click here.

The energy-momentum tensor of fields can also be used as a consistency test of a field theory. For more details click here.

A comparison between two weak interaction theories proves the clear advantage of the new dipole-dipole theory over the Standard Model electroweak theory. For more details click here.

Two simple arguments prove that the electroweak theory violates relativistic covariance. For reading a proof, click here and here.

Problems with the Standard Model interpretation of the four lepton decay of the Higgs boson. For reading a proof, click here.

A presentation of new errors of the Standard Model. For reading a paper, click here

A presentation of QED inconsistencies. For reading a paper, click here   or   here.

Proofs of inherent contradictions of the electroweak W± bosons. For reading a 10 page paper, Click here.

New Important Consequences of the Variational principle. For reading an 11 page paper, Click here.

A brief introduction to the plethora of Standard Model errors. For details Click here.

A first step towards a consistent weak interaction theory. For reading a 10 page paper, Click here.

A very short and very simple refutation of vital elements of the Standard Model. For reading a short introduction Click here.

For reading an article Click here.

Two easily explained theoretical errors that are included in the contemporary physical curriculum. For details Click here.

A Standard Model supporter fails to justify a fundamental SM error. For details Click here.

Erroneous attributes of the Higgs idea. For details Click here and here.

New Problems with QED. For reading a concise introduction Click here.

For more details Click here.

For reading a new short proof of the erroneous nature of the presently accepted monopole theories Click here.

An Inroductory Description of the Present Situation of Particle Physics. For details click here and here.

A New Inherent Contradiction in the Present Structure of Theoretical Physics. For details Click here.

For reading quite a few short appetizers, click here,

A Conceptual Problem. Please
Click here.

Two Standard Model Issues: No-Higgs and QCD Contradictions. For details Click here.

Several Independent Proofs of Inherent Electroweak contradictions. For details Click here.

Predictions of High Energy Experimental Results. For details Click here.

Particle Physicists vs. Physics. For details Click here.

Nevertheless, I Adhere to Foundations of Theoretical Physics. For details Click here.


On the Logics of Theories

A Definition of Erroneous Theories in Physics

Specific Physical Subjects

Magnetic Monopoles

Some Standard Model Problems

The Klein-Gordon Equation

The Yukawa Theory of Nuclear Interaction

The Idea of Vector Meson Dominance

The Aharonov-Bohm Effects

The Idea of Diffraction-Free Electromagnetic Beams

Unexplained QCD data

A Review Article

Gauge in Electrodynamics

Predictions of Experimental Results

No Higgs etc


The Need for a Free Discussion of the Validity of Physical Theories
The general approach of a typical journal of physics to a free critical debate of existing physical theories is very far from being satisfactory. Indeed, the publication of articles presenting pros and cons concerning existing physical theories practically does not exist in many journals. One may wonder why the modern community of physicists has adopted this practice. For example, every factory that has a minimum of self-respect, devotes efforts to QA (Quality Assurance) of its products. Note that the history of scientific theories teaches us that not all theories survive the test of time. (See e.g. the Bohr-Sommerfeld old quantum theory, illustrated by the picture on the upper-left hand side of this page.) Another aspect of this matter is that the status of a truly correct theory can only be improved if it is tested critically every once in a while. Hence, people who genuinely believe in a specific physical theory should support such a debate. On the other hand, the suppression of a critical debate certainly does not make a positive contribution to the progress of science. Referring to this issue, it is interesting to cite a statement from S. D. Drell's final speech as president of the American Physical Society (APS). In his description of referees of APS's Journals, he uses the following quotation: "We have met the enemy and he is us" (see [1], p.61 second column,[2]). In my personal experience, I have seen reports of many excellent referees. However, there are too many referees belonging to a different category. Considering them, I must say that I cannot deny Drell's description.

This site is dedicated to a free discussion of several theoretical elements of physics which are proved here to be erroneous. This is a very important assignment because everybody understands that physics cannot make a real progress on the basis of theoretical errors. Readers' responses will be published as appropriate.

Another discussion of this important subject can be found here .

[1] S. D. Drell, Physics Today, 40, 56 (August 1987).

[2] Click here.


Is Theoretical Physics on the Right Course?
Even today, there are thousands of physicists looking in vain for particles or effects predicted by existing theories. Here is a short list of arguments indicating problematic subjects:

Do We Need Strings for a Monopole Theory?
For many decades, thousands of physicists have tried to find a Dirac monopole. In spite of these efforts, the existence of this particle has not been established. The Dirac monopole theory relies on irregularities called strings. Now, a system of monopoles and fields (without charges) is dual to ordinary electrodynamics of charges and fields. Hence, it is free of strings. For this reason, one does not understand the need for strings in a monopole theory.

Doubts Concerning the Klein-Gordon Field Theory.
The Klein-Gordon field function Φ(xμ) depends on a single set of space-time coordinates xμ. Therefore, like the Dirac field Ψ(xμ), it describes a structureless pointlike particle. Now, unlike Dirac particles (electrons, muons, quarks etc.), the existence of pointlike KG particles has not been established. The theoretical side of the KG equation has flaws of its own. Thus, for example, in the case of the Schroedinger equation, Ψ*Ψ represents the particle's density. Hence, the dimension of this Ψ is [L-3/2]. On the other hand, the dimension of the KG function Φ is [L-1]. For this reason, the nonrelativistic limit of the KG equation disagrees with the Schroedinger equation.

Does the Standard Model Provide a Theoretical Interpretation for Hard Photon-Nucleon Interaction?
Experiments prove that the interaction of a hard photon with a proton is about the same as its interaction with a neutron. It follows that interaction of a hard photon with charged constituents of nucleons cannot explain the data. At present, the idea of Vector Meson Dominance (VMD) is used for this purpose. However, the PACS system and the xxx arXiv define VMD as a phenomenological idea. Moreover, it has been proved that VMD is inconsistent with well established physical theories.
(See The Idea of Vector Meson Dominance.)
Hence, the Standard Model has no acceptable theoretical interpretation for the hard photon-nucleon interaction.

Detailed discussions of these subjects and of other ones can be obtained from an activation of items found in the Subject part of this site.
A Special Subject

An alternative explanation of the strong and the nuclear Forces.

This explanation relies on the Regular Charge-Monopoles Theory. This theory is derived from the duality relations between a system of charges and a system of monopoles. Its main results are as follows: charges do not interact with bound fields of monopoles; monopoles do not interact with bound fields of charges; radiation fields of the systems are identical and charges as well as monopoles interact with them.

For more details, Click here.