Devils are regarded as negative figures aiming to inflict troubles on
people. There is however one very important exception which is the
devil who employs an advocate. On June 17, 2014
the first paragraph of its Wikipedia item describes this advocate
by the following words:
"In common parlance, a devil's advocate is someone who, given a certain
argument, takes a position they do not necessarily agree with
(or simply an alternative position from the accepted norm),
for the sake of debate or
to explore the thought further. In taking
this position, the individual
taking on the devil's advocate role seeks to
engage others in an argumentative
discussion process. The purpose of such a
process is typically to test the quality of
the original argument and identify weaknesses
in its structure, and to use such
information to either improve or abandon
the original, opposing position. It
can also refer to someone who takes a stance
that is seen as unpopular or unconventional,
but is actually another way of arguing a
much more conventional stance."
Many human organizations regard the devil's advocate as
a very important element of their activity and its role is
regularly exercised in order to improve ideas and theories.
Unfortunately, the theoretical particle physics community does not
follow this practice. On the contrary! Editors of mainstream journals
never take the initiative to organize a free debate
that questions the validity of any sector of the Standard Model.
Furthermore, Editors and referees automatically reject
manuscripts expressing "dissident" ideas. In the recent decades
this practice has apparently become a law by which a
mainstream person must strictly
abide. This is the underlying reason that explains why inherently
erroneous theories are still regarded as good ones. The
following lines present two very important examples that substantiate
this claim.
QCD has been constructed on the basis of an erroneous argument. For
reading a short proof of this claim,
click here.
A book belonging to the popular science genre has been published
recently by Samuel Wachtman's Sons, Inc.
The book explains in plain English many QCD failures and
provides an adequate amount of references that substantiate its
claims. It can also be useful for physicists because these failures
are omitted from textbooks. The book can be found in places like
For reading a review article demonstrating the overwhelming advantage
of the Regular Charge-Monopole Theory over QCD
click here.
B. The Electroweak Theory
For a short discussion showing that the electroweak sector of
the Standard Model contains uncorrectable errors
click here.
The previous link also contains references to theoretical discussions.
Readers of this page are cordially invited to play the devil's
advocate role with respect to... the ideas presented herein.