Among the forces known in Nature, one finds two forces having a
close similarity - the strong and the electromagnetic forces.
(For seeing a table illustrating this aspect
click here.)
The problem addressed on this page is: Why there are two
forces of this kind?
The regular charge monopole theory provides an automatic explanation for
this problem. Indeed, take an electromagnetic system of electric
charges and electromagnetic fields and apply the duality operator.
The result is a system of magnetic monopoles and magnetoelectric
fields. Applying the duality operator once again, one finds that
the result contains the equations of motion of the original
system of electric charges and electromagnetic fields (where
all terms have the opposite sign). Hence, duality
transformation teaches us that there is a pair of related
forces having two kinds of charges: electric charges and magnetic
monopoles. Charges and monopoles have one kind of radiation fields.
Proponents of the Yang-Mills approach in general and of QCD in
have not addressed this problem. Indeed, it is not clear how
a person armed with all the Yang-Mills groups can explain this
property of Nature.