Nuclear Density and Nuclear Force

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The first figure shows the internucleon potential as a function of the distance [1]. The solid line of the second figure shows the respective quantuty of the intermolecular force [2]. The impressive similarity between these graphs is discussed in the following lines.

Nuclear data show that in nuclei having more than a very small number of nucleons, the density of nucleons is about the same. The force between two nucleons depends on the distance between their centers. This force is characterized by a very hard core where the force is repulsive. Outside this core, there is a rapidly decreasing attractive force.*

These properties of nuclei correspond to what is found in a liquid drop. The density is uniform and the dependence of the van der Waals force on the distance between the centers of two molecules resembles that of the nuclear force.

The two figures show the near region where the force is strongly repulsive. In both cases the repulsion stems from the Pauli exclusion principle acting between identical fermions. The rapidly decaying attractive force shows the residual nature of the van der Waals and the nuclear forces. Two properties of an electromagnetic system make a sufficient condition for the existence of a force having a residual characteristics:
  1. the field is related to positive and negative charges whose sum vanishes.
  2. The potential decreases like 1/r.
The regular monopole theory used for describing hadronic structure satisfies these conditions and thereby, it explains the residual nature of the nuclear force and the success of the nuclear liquid drop model.

QCD does not satisfy the second requirement mentioned above and it is not clear how can it provide an explanation for the residual nature of the nuclear force. Indeed, QCD is known for more than 3 decades. In spite of that, textbooks on QCD do not provide an explanation for the nuclear data described herein.

*There are other features of the nuclear force like tensor components and spin-orbit interaction. For a discussion of the nuclear tensor force and its sign , see the text beginning at line 4 of p. 94 of the following article:

A Regular Monopole Theory and Its Application to Strong Interactions (Published in Has the Last Word been Said on Classical Electrodynamics? (Rinton Press, NJ, 2004)).


[1] S. S. M. Wong, Introductory Nuclear Physics (Wiley, New York, 1998). P. 97.
[2] H. Haken and H. C. Wolf, Molecular Physics and Elements of Quantum Chemistry (Springer, Berlin, 1995). P. 15.