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Several years ago, two groups of experimental physicists working at DESY reported an unexpected increase in the number of events found in very high energy experiments [1,2]. The letters AB are the initials of the first authors of these reports. These letters are used below to denote the results of these experiments.

Now, if the AB results are confirmed then they indicate that in cases of higher energy, a new factor becomes active in the scattering process.

The regular charge-monopole theory can provide an interpretation to the effect reported by AB. This interpretation relied on the strong evidence indicating the existence of a baryonic core that contains closed shells of quarks. For a discussion of this issue Click here and see also references linked therein. In this case, one expects to find a quark effect which resembles the Franck-Hertz experiment. Here quarks belonging to inner closed shells enter the interaction only in cases where the projectile has enough energy.

The issue discussed here is just one reason for waiting to see the results of the new LHC machine which is now under construction at CERN. For reading a paper diacussing this subject Click here.

For reading a further discussion of this issue and related topics, as well as two LHC predictions Click here.


[1] C. Adloff et al., Z. Phys C74, 191 (1997).

[2] J. Breitweg et al., Z. Phys C74, 207 (1997).