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General Description:

proximal gradient method for solving problems of the form 
  • all functions are convex
  • f   - smooth
  • g  - proper closed and proximable
  •   - positive scalar
Available Oracles:
  • function value of f
  • gradient of f 
  • function value of g
  • prox of a positive constant times g
(the function values of f and g are not required in the economical setting)

out               = prox_gradient(Ffun,Ffun_grad,Gfun,Gfun_prox,lambda,startx,[par])
[out,fmin]        = prox_gradient(Ffun,Ffun_grad,Gfun,Gfun_prox,lambda,startx,[par])
[out,fmin,parout] = prox_gradient(Ffun,Ffun_grad,Gfun,Gfun_prox,lambda,startx,[par])

Ffun       - function handle for f
Ffun_grad  - function handle for the gradient of f
Gfun       - function handle for g (if g is extended real-valued, it is enough to specify the operation of g on its domain)
Gfun_prox  - function handle for the proximal mapping of g times a positive constant
lambda     - positive scalar
startx     - starting vector
par        - struct containing different values required for the operation of prox_gradient

 field of par possible values default description
max_iter  positive integer 1000maximal number of iterations
eco_flagtrue/false  falsetrue - economic version in which function values are not computed
 print_flagtrue/false  truetrue - internal printing is enabled
 Lstartpositive real 1an initial value for the Lipschitz constant
 const_flag true/false falsetrue - constant stepsize is used false - backtracking is employed
 regret_flag true/false falsetrue - Lipschitz constant is divided by eta in the next iteration false - otherwise
 eta real>1 2multiplicative constant used when regretting or backtracking
 eps positive real 1e-5stopping criteria tolerance (the method terminates when with x^k being the kth iterate vector)

out           - optimal solution (up to a tolerance)
fmin         - optimal value (up to a tolerance)
parout      - a struct containing  additional information related to the convergence. The fields of parout are:
                   iterNum    - number of performed iterations
funValVec - vector of all function values generated by the method
LvalVec - vector of all used Lipschitz constants (relevant when par.const_flag=false) 

Method Description: 

Employs the proximal gradient method for solving 
using the following update scheme:
where the stepsize t_k given by t_k=1/L_k. L_k is either constant (if const_flag is true) or chosen by backtracking (default). The backtracking procedure either keeps L_k as it is, or increases it - each time by a multiplicative factor of eta. If regret_flag is true, then at the beginning of each iteration L_k is divided by eta.

The method stops when at least one of the following conditions hold: (1) the number of iterations exceeded max_iter (2) the norm of the difference between two consecutive iterates is smaller than eps.


Example 1:

Consider the problem 
where A and b are generated by the following commands

>> randn('seed',315);
>> A=randn(80,100);
>> b=randn(80,1);

We solve the problem using 100 iterations of prox_gradient by taking f(x)=norm(A*x-b,2)^2, lambda=2 and g(x)=norm(x,1). We use the fact that A'*(A*x-b) is the gradient of f and the function prox_l1, which is part of the package (for a list of available prox functions, go here

>> clear par
>> par.max_iter=100;
>> [out,fmin,parout] =prox_gradient(@(x)0.5*norm(A*x-b,2)^2,@(x)A'*(A*x-b),...

#iter       fun. val.     L val.
     1       44.647100  256.000000
     2       23.720870  256.000000
     3       20.469023  256.000000
     4       19.039811  256.000000
     5       18.151359  256.000000
     6       17.535138  256.000000
     :              :               :
    97       14.990022  256.000000
    98       14.989947  256.000000
    99       14.989876  256.000000
   100       14.989808  256.000000
Optimal value =       14.989744 

Note that all the Lipschitz estimates were chosen as 256, meaning that the backtracking procedure had an effect only at the first iteration (in which the initial  Lipschitz estimate 1 was increased to 256). If we allow regretting, then the Lipschitz estimates are different. 

>> par.regret_flag=true
>> out=prox_gradient(@(x)0.5*norm(A*x-b,2)^2,@(x)A'*(A*x-b),@(x)norm(x,1),...
#iter       fun. val.     L val.
     1       44.647100  256.000000
     2       23.720870  128.000000
     3       18.879081  128.000000
     4       17.456805  128.000000
     5       16.738304  128.000000
     6       16.282443  256.000000
     7       16.012172  128.000000
     :                :             :
    97       14.988546   64.000000
    98       14.988546  256.000000
    99       14.988546  128.000000
   100       14.988546   64.000000
Optimal value =       14.988546 

Note that the obtained function value is better than the one reached by the version without regretting. In fact, in this example, trying to run prox_gradient with 1000 iterations results with only 102 iterations since the stopping criteria requiring sufficient change between iterates is met. 

>> par.max_iter=1000;
#iter       fun. val.     L val.
     1       44.647100  256.000000
     2       23.720870  128.000000
     3       18.879081  128.000000
     4       17.456805  128.000000
        :                         :                        :
    97       14.988546   64.000000
    98       14.988546  256.000000
    99       14.988546  128.000000
   100       14.988546   64.000000
   101       14.988546   64.000000
   102       14.988546  256.000000
Stopping because the norm of the difference between consecutive iterates is too small
Optimal value =       14.988546 

In the economical setting, we do not require to provide any function values (only gradient of f and prox of g) and the method does not employ any backtracking/regretting procedure, and thus a constant stepsize is employed. Following is an example in which the method is run with constant L=256 for 100 iterations in the economical mode. 

>> clear par
>> par.eco_flag=true;
>> par.max_iter=100;
>> par.Lstart=256;
>> out =prox_gradient([],@(x)A'*(A*x-b),[],@(x,a)prox_l1(x,a),2,zeros(100,1),par);

Printing is suppressed in the economical mode, but we can compute the obtained function value "manually"

>> 0.5*norm(A*out-b)^2+2*norm(out,1)

ans =


Example 2:

Consider the problem 
where A_1,A_2,...,A_20 are the rows of A and b_1,b_2,...,b_20 are the components b. A and b are generated as follows. 

>> randn('seed',314);
>> A=randn(20,30);
>> b=randn(20,1);

We use prox_gradient to solve the problem

>> out =prox_gradient(@(x)log_sum_exp(A*x+b),@(x)A'*exp(A*x+b)/sum(exp(A*x+b)),...
#iter       fun. val.     L val.
     1        8.266494    1.000000
     2        7.487822    4.000000
     3        7.443980    4.000000
     4        7.431942    4.000000
     5        7.423753    4.000000
     :               :               :
    28        7.349317    4.000000
    29        7.349317    4.000000
    30        7.349317    4.000000
    31        7.349317    4.000000
Stopping because the norm of the difference between consecutive iterates is too small
Optimal value =        7.349317 

Example 3:

The prox_gradient solver does not require the function f to be convex. In cases where f is nonconvex (but still differentiable), the method is not guaranteed to converge to an optimal solution, but only to a stationary point. As an illustration, consider the problem 


>> A=[1,1,4;1,1,4;4,4,-2]

A =

     1     1     4
     1     1     4
     4     4    -2

A is not positive semidefinite, and thus the problem is nonconvex. prox_gradient is guaranteed to converge to one of the stationary points, which in this case is either the zeros vectors or any normalized eigenvector corresponding to a nonpositive eigenvalue. Computing the spectral decomposition of A

>> [U,D]=eig(A)

U =

   -0.4082    0.7071    0.5774
   -0.4082   -0.7071    0.5774
    0.8165         0    0.5774

D =

    -6     0     0
     0     0     0
     0     0     6

Thus, there are 5 stationary points: the zeros vector and the two first columns of U along with their negatives. Starting with the initial vector [0;-1;0] actually results with the optimal solution. 

>>  out =prox_gradient(@(x)x'*A*x,@(x)2*A*x,@(x)0,@(x,a)proj_Euclidean_ball(x),1,[0;-1;0]);
#iter       fun. val.     L val.
     1        1.000000    8.000000
     2       -3.538462    8.000000
     3       -5.537778    8.000000
     4       -5.925659    8.000000
     5       -5.988165    8.000000
     6       -5.998111    8.000000
     7       -5.999698    8.000000
     8       -5.999952    8.000000
     9       -5.999992    8.000000
    10       -5.999999    8.000000
    11       -6.000000    8.000000
    12       -6.000000    8.000000
    13       -6.000000    8.000000
    14       -6.000000    8.000000
Stopping because the norm of the difference between consecutive iterates is too small
Optimal value =       -6.000000 
>> out

out =


Starting from [1;1;1] produces the zeros vector which is just a stationary point.

>>   out =prox_gradient(@(x)x'*A*x,@(x)2*A*x,@(x)0,@(x,a)proj_Euclidean_ball(x),1,[1;1;1]);
#iter       fun. val.     L val.
     1        6.000000   16.000000
     2        0.375000   16.000000
     3        0.023437   16.000000
     4        0.001465   16.000000
     5        0.000092   16.000000
     6        0.000006   16.000000
     7        0.000000   16.000000
     8        0.000000   16.000000
     9        0.000000   16.000000
    10        0.000000   16.000000
Stopping because the norm of the difference between consecutive iterates is too small
Optimal value =        0.000000 
>> out

out =

   1.0e-06 *
