
FOM is a MATLAB toolbox containing a collection of first order methods for solving (mainly) convex optimization problems.
The package was developed by Nili Guttmann-Beck and Amir Beck

Download: Get the latest version by clicking here

Installation: To install the package, extract the archive in the directory of your choice. Then run the script init_fom.m at the root of the FOM directory. The script permanently adds the relevant directories to the path.

Documentation: The site contains detailed descriptions of the 8 solvers that comprise FOM, as well as many examples. 
Documentation is also available in the paper

If you use FOM in your research, please kindly cite the following paper:

  • Amir Beck, Nili Guttman-Beck, "FOM -- A MATLAB Toolbox of First Order Methods for Solving Convex Optimization Problems", to appear in "Optimization Methods and Software", 2018.

Contact: If you have any questions about FOM, please contact Nili Guttmann-Beck at becknili@mta.ac.il