
General Description:

Nested FISTA method for solving problems of the form 
  • all functions are convex
  • - Lipschitz, nondecreasing and proximable
  • . The components f1,f2,...,fm are smooth
  • g  - proper closed and proximable
  • A  - linear transformation 
  •   - positive scalar
Available Oracles:
  • function value of 
  • prox of a positive constant times 
  • function value of f (returns an m-dimensional column vector)
  • transposed Jacobian of f (an nxm matrix containing in its columns the gradients of each of the component functions)
  • function value of g
  • prox of a positive constant times g
  • value of the linear transformation A
  • value of the adjoint of A

out               = nested_fista(Phifun,Phifun_prox,Ffun,Ffun_grad,Gfun,Gfun_prox,Afun,Atfun,lambda,startx,[par])
[out,fmin]        = nested_fista(Phifun,Phifun_prox,Ffun,Ffun_grad,Gfun,Gfun_prox,Afun,Atfun,lambda,startx,[par])
[out,fmin,parout] = nested_fista(Phifun,Phifun_prox,Ffun,Ffun_grad,Gfun,Gfun_prox,Afun,Atfun,lambda,startx,[par])

Phifun          - function handle for phi 
Phifun_prox - function handle for the proximal mapping of phi times a positive constant
Ffun             - function handle for f
Ffun_grad    - function handle for the transposed Jacobian of f
Gfun             - function handle for g (if g is extended real-valued, it is enough to specify the operation of g on its domain)
Gfun_prox    - function handle for the proximal mapping of g times a positive constant
Afun             - function handle for the linear transformation A
Atfun            - function handle for the adjoint of the linear transformation A
lambda         - positive scalar
startx           - starting vector
par               - struct containing different values required for the operation of nested_fista
 field of par possible values default description
max_iter  positive integer 1000maximal amount of iterations
 print_flagtrue/false  truetrue - internal printing is enabled
 Lstartpositive real 1an initial value for the outer Lipschitz constant
 eta real>1 2multiplicative constant used when regretting or backtracking
 stuck_iter positive integer 100maximal allowed number of iterations without improvement
 inner_eps positive real 1e-5stopping criteria tolerance for the inner fdpg method
 inner_max_iter positive integer 50maximal number of iterations for the inner fdpg method
inner_Lstart  positive real 1initial value for the Lipschitz constant for the inner fdpg method

out           - optimal solution (up to a tolerance)
fmin         - optimal value (up to a tolerance)
parout      - a struct containing containing additional information related to the convergence. The fields of parout are:
                   iterNum    - number of performed iterations
funValVec - vector of all function values generated by the method
LvalVec - vector of all used Lipschitz constants 

Method Description: 

Employs an extension of the monotone version of FISTA for solving 
using the following update scheme:

where M_k is chosen by a certain backtracking procedure. The vector zk is a solution of an optimization problem that is solved by fdpgThe method stops when at least one of the following conditions hold: (1) the number of iterations exceeded par.max_iter (2) no improvement in function values was obtain in the past par.stuck_iter iterations. 

Example 1:

Consider the problem 

where A1,A2,b1,b2,B,c are generated by the following commands.

>> randn('seed',329);
>> n=400;
>> m=200;
>> A1 = randn(n,n);
>> A1 = A1*A1';
>> b1 = randn(n,1);
>> A2 = randn(n,n);
>> A2 = A2*A2';
>> b2 = randn(n,1);
>> B = randn(m,n);
>> c = randn(m,1) ;

Note that A1,A2 are positive semidefinite by the way they are generated. We can now run nested_fista by noting that the problem at hand fits the main model with 

The optimal solution is obtained by running the following commands. 

>> f=@(x) [x'*A1*x+b1'*x; x'*A2*x+b2'*x];
>> grad_f = @(x) [2*A1*x + b1,2*A2*x + b2] ;
>> phi= @(x) max(x) ;
>> g = @(x) norm(x+c,1);
>> [xf,fun_xf,parout ]  = nested_fista ( @(x) phi(x) , @(x,lamda) prox_max(x,lamda), @(x) f(x) ,@(x) grad_f(x),...
@(x) g(x) ,@(x,lamda) prox_l1(x+c,lamda)-c,@(x) B*x,@(x) B'*x, 1,ones(n,1)) ;

#iter         fun. val.           L val.    inner L val.  inner iternu. 
     1    41120.358535  2048.000000 262144       50 
     2    19911.092737  2048.000000 131072       50 
     3    10551.248162  2048.000000  65536       50 
     4     6076.307291  2048.000000  32768       50 
     5     3628.100774  2048.000000  16384       50 
     6     2219.251422  2048.000000   8192       50 
     7     1376.900043  2048.000000   4096       50 
        :                        :                         :                      :               :
   831      117.349390  2048.000000      8        2 
   832      117.349390  2048.000000      8        2 
   833      117.349390  2048.000000      8        2 
   834      117.349390  2048.000000     16        2 
   835      117.349390  2048.000000      8        2 
   836      117.349390  2048.000000      8        2 
Stopping because of 100 iterations with no improvement
Optimal value =      117.349390 

Example 2:

Consider the problem of finding a point in the intersection of 5000 balls of dimension 200 

where the centers and radii are generated by the commands 

>> randn('seed',315);
>> rand('seed',315);
>> n=200;
>> m=5000;
>> x_true=randn(n,1);
>> r_all=[];
>> c_all=[];
>> for k=1:m
>>    r=rand;
>>    r_all=[r_all;r];
>>    d=randn(n,1);
>>    d=d/norm(d);
>>    c=x_true+0.9*r*d;
>>    c_all=[c_all,c];
>> end

To solve the problem, we first formulate it as the following minimization problem.

This model fits the main model with 

To solve the problem using nested_fista, we will exploit the following formulas:

where is the soft-thresholding operator (also implemented in the function prox_l1) and e is the vector of all ones. With the above formulas in mind, we can solve the problem.

>> phi=@(y)sum(pos(y));
>> prox_phi=@(x,a)prox_l1(x-a/2,a/2);
>> f=@(x)(sum_square(x*ones(1,m)-c_all)-(r_all.^2)')';
>> grad_f=@(x)2*(x*ones(1,m)-c_all);
>> [xf,fun_xf,parout ]  = nested_fista ( @(x) phi(x) , @(x,a) prox_phi(x,a), @(x) f(x),...
@(x) grad_f(x), @(x)0 ,@(x,a)x,@(x) x,@(x) x, 1,zeros(n,1)) ;
#iter       fun. val.   L val. inner L val. inner iternu. 
     1    283431.366571 16384.000000    256       50 
     2    71260.317218 16384.000000    128       50 
     3     9347.554536 16384.000000     64       50 
     4       89.325227 16384.000000     32       50 
     5       89.325227 16384.000000     16       50 

   989        0.000000 16384.000000 5.684342e-14      2 
   990        0.000000 16384.000000 2.842171e-14      2 
   991        0.000000 16384.000000 2.842171e-14      2 
   992        0.000000 16384.000000 2.842171e-14      2 
   993        0.000000 16384.000000 5.684342e-14      2 
Stopping because of 100 iterations with no improvement
Optimal value =        0.000000 

The obtained solution is a good reconstruction of the vector x_true

>> norm(x_true-xf)

ans =
