פרופ' יגאל גרציאק

אמריטוס בפנסיה
פנסיה אמריטוס
פרופ' יגאל גרציאק
טלפון פנימי: 03-6405418
פקס: 03-6407669
משרד: וולפסון הנדסה, 409

תחומי מחקר

ניהול התפעול, תיאום בשרשראות אספקה מבוזרות, תורת ההחלטות, מיכרזים, כלכלת אי-ודאות, הסתברות יישומית.


  • Gerchak, Y. "Postponed Holdback Pricing, Profit and Consumer Surplus" Asia-Pacific Jour
  • nal of Operations Research (Special issue on Economic Models in OM), 29, 2012, 1-8.
  • Nalça, A., H. Süral, and Y. Gerchak “Economic Manufacturing Quantities of Components in Supply Chains”, 2013,  International Journal of Inventory Research, 2, #1/2, 44-62.
  • Gerchak, Y. and D.M. Kilgour "Degree of Difficulty as the Objective of Contest Design”, International Game Theory Review 16, 2014, #3, 1-20.
  • Granot, D. and Y. Gerchak, “An Auction with Positive Externality”,  OR Letters, 2014, vol. 42, 12-15.
  •  Smirnov, D. and Y. Gerchak "Inventory Sharing via Circular Unidirectional   Chaining", EJOR, 237, 2014, 474-486.
  • Gerchak, Y. ”Strategy in the TV/Board Game ‘Pointless’“, EUREKA, 63, 2014,  1010010-1010011.
  • Gerchak, Y. and D. Smirnov “Evaluating the Effect of Suboptimality”, OR Letters, 42, 2014, 455-457.
  • Yu, Y., S. Benjaafar and Y. Gerchak “Capacity Sharing and Cost Allocation among Independent Firms ”, Production and Operations Management, 24 (8), 2015,1285-1310.
  • Gerchak, Y. “Allocating Pooled Inventory according to Contributions and Entitlements”. Decision Making in Manufacturing and Service, Special Issue on Games and Applications, 9, 2015, #1, 51-54.
  • Gerchak, Y. “On the Non-Symmetric Nash and Kalai-Smorodinsky Bargaining Solutions",  Decision Making in Manufacturing and Service , Special Issue on Games and Applications, 9, 2015, #1, 55-61.
  • Gerchak, Y. “Manufacturing Newsvendor and Inventory Pooling with Non-Linear Production Costs,  International Journal of Inventory Research, 3, #1, 2016, 70-80.
  • Gerchak, Y. “How does Wholesale Price depend on Initial Inventory at Retailer”, International Journal of Inventory Research, 3,#3, 2016, 282-292.
  • Smirnov, D. and Y. Gerchak “Inventory Sharing Via Circular Bidirectional Chaining”, International Journal of Production Economics,  179,  2016, 141-152.
  • Gerchak, Y. “Procurement Auctions where Service Providers have Official Ratings”, International Game Theory Review, 18 (4), 2016. 
  • Gerchak, Y. and D.M. Kilgour “Serving Strategy in Tennis: Accuracy vs. Power” Mathematics Magazine, 90,  2017, 188-196.
  • Gerchak, Y. “Extensions of Bertrand’s Differentiated Products Model”, Journal of Game Theory, 6(1),  2017, 1-6.
  • Gerchak, Y. “On the Viability of Partial Inventory Pooling”, International Journal of Inventory Research, 4(1), 2017,44-60.
  • Gerchak, Y. and G. Schwartz “Supply Chain Coordination with Multiple Retailers and Nonlinear Production Costs”, International Journal of Operations Research, 33(2), 2018, 251-265.
  • Gerchak, Y. “On Inventory Control with Reference Prices”, International Journal of Inventory Research, 5(1), 2018, 29-37.
  • Gerchak, Y. and E. Khmelnitsky “Partnership’s Profit Sharing: Linear and Non-Linear Contracts”, International Game Theory Review, 21(2), 2019.
  • Gerchak, Y. and E. Khmelnitsky “Bargaining over Shares of Uncertain Future Profits”, EURO Journal of Decision Processes, 7(1-2), 2019, 55-68.
  • Schmid, C. and Y. Gerchak “How Should a Principal Reward and Support Agents when Firm Performance is Characterized by Successes or Failure?”, Managerial Decision Economics, 40(4), 2019.
  • Silbermayr, L. and Y. Gerchak “Partial Inventory Poolling with Allocation According to Contribution”, International Journal of Production Economics, 218, 2019, 375-385.
  • Gerchak, Y. “Inferring Authors’ Relative Contributions to Publications from the Order of their Names when Default Order is Alphabetical”, Entropy, 22(9), 2020. 927..
  • Gerchak, Y. and C. Schmid “Principal-Agent Models where the Principal is only Affected by Extreme Performances”, accepted to Managerial Decision Economics.
  • Gerchak, Y. “Deriving, and Learning about, Spatial Demand Distributions in Location Models”, Journal of Mathematics and Statistics Science, 5, 2020, 146-152.
  • Bukchin, Y., E. Hanany and Y. Gerchak “Coordination of the Decentralized Concurrent Open-Shop”, to appear in IISE Transactions.
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