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2007 The purpose of decorating pottery and artifacts in prehistoric Anatolia: Designs with a hidden meaning. In: G. Umurtak, S. Dönmez and A. Yurtsever, eds., Studies in Honour of Refik Duru, Istanbul, pp. 59-68.
2007 The ethno-cultural affiliation of the Anatolian Early Bronze Age. In: H. Todorova, M. Stefanovich and G. Ivanov, eds., The Struma Valley in Prehistory, Sofia, pp. 339-345.
2008 The archaeology of the Kaska, Studi Micenei ed Egeo-Anatolici 50:817-827.
2010 The nature of prehistoric Anatolian religions-an ethnoarchaeological perspective, Colloquium Anatolicum VIII: 291-310.
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1993 M. Gimbutas, The Civilization of the Goddess:The World of Old Europe. San Francisco 1991. BASOR 292:122-124.
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1995 M.R. Behm-Blancke, Hrsg., Hassek Höyük. Naturwissenschaftliche Untersuchungen und Lithische Industrie. Tübingen:Wasmuth 1992. BO LII: 467-470.
1997 J. Roodenberg, The Ilıpınar Excavations, Istanbul 1995. BO LIV: 214-218.
1999 H.I.H.Prince Tahakito Mikasa, ed., Essays on Ancient Anatolia and Surrounding Civilizations, Bulletin of the Middle Eastern Culture Center in Japan, Vol.8 Wiesbaden 1995. JAOS 119.1:188-190.
2001 The Domestication of Metals:The Rise of Complex Metal Industries in Anatolia, by Aslihan Yener. Boston 2000. BASOR 324:114-116.
2003 Der Kupferzeitliche Schmuck Bulgariens by H. Todorova & I. Vajsov, Sttutgart 2001, Archaeologia Bulgarica VII(1):97-98.
2003 F. Gerard & L. Thissen, eds., The Neolithic of Central Anatolia:Internal developments and External relations during the 9th-6th Millennia CAL BC:Proceedings of the International CANeW Table Ronde, Istanbul, 23-24 November 2001. BASOR 331: 67-69.
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2004 K. Schmidt, Norsuntepe, Kleinefunde II:Artefakte aus Felsgestein, Knochen und Geweih, Ton, Metall und Glas, Archaeologica Euphratica, Band 2. Mainz 2002, BASOR 334:78-81.
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