ד"ר יעל גרייף

בדימוס במחלקות קליניות
מחלקות קליניות בדימוס

מידע כללי

 Head of Allergy and Immunology clinic, Pulmonary institute,

Rabin medical center                                                                                 


קורות חיים



1973-1979                  Faculty of Medicine (Rappaport School of Medicine)

                                    Technion Institute, Haifa, Israel              

                                    M.D.     1981   



   1987-1988            Basic Sciences Program, department of Cell Biology, Weizmann institute

          Rehovot, Israel              

                                     T-cell reactivity in rat adjuvant arthritis.


  1992-1993            Diploma in health care management, Bar-Ilan university and Gallile      

                                 College, Israel


1995-1996           Research Fellowship, Hospital University of Pennsylvania,

                            Philadelphia, USA


2003                     GCP






Period (dates)      Name of Institution (city, country) Department                Rank/Funct.


    1979-1980        'Bnei-Zion'  Hospital                                                         Internship

                            Affiliated  to the Technion School of Medicine,

                          Haifa, Israel


 1981-1983       Medical corps, IDF   (primary Physician and head        Captain

                          of medical committee)                                                     


1983-1984       Chaim Sheba Medical Center, Tel  Hashomer,                Internal Medicine

                         affiliated to Sackler School of Medicine,                          Resident

                        Tel-Aviv University                                                                             


    1984-1985       Allergy Clinic                                                                       Clinical

                            St. Mary's Hospital and Medical School,                           Fellow

                            London, UK


    1985-1987       Chaim Sheba Medical Center, Tel  Hashomer,                Internal Medicine

                            affiliated to Sackler School of Medicine,                           Resident


    1987-1988       Department of Cell Biology, The Weizmann Institute,    Research

                            Rehovot, Israel

                               T-cell reactivity in rat adjuvant arthritis.

                            (Basic science project)


    1988-1989       Department of Immunology, Ruth Ben-Ari Institute,     Allergy &  

                           Kaplan Hospital,                                                                  Immun.

                        Rehovot, Israel                                                                      Resident


    1990-1993       Medical Corps , IDF (Chief surgeon, women corps, IDF)   Lieut. Col.                                           


    1993-1994       Chaim Sheba Medical Center, Tel  Hashomer,            Internal Medicine

                            affiliated to Sackler School of Medicine,                            Resident

                            Tel Aviv University


1994-1995           Allergy Clinic, Chaim Sheba Medical Center,                  Senior

                            Tel  Hashomer,                                                                      Staff

                            affiliated to Sackler School of Medicine,

                            Tel Aviv University


1995-1996          Division of Allergy and Immunology 

                            University of Pennsylvania Medical Center                       Research

                       Philadelphia, PA, USA                                                         Fellow

                            Research into the level of IL-5 in the late phase                                                                                                     

                            Allergic reaction.   Molecular Biology Research.



  1996-2002         Allergy and Pulmonary Clinic, IDF                                     Head


  2000-                Allergy Consultant the chief surgeon of the medical corps, IDF


2002-2003         Allergy and Immunology clinic, Pulmonary institute        Senior

                             Rabin Medical Center, Belinson hospital,                           Staff

                             affiliated to Sackler School of Medicine,

                             Tel Aviv University


 2004-                Allergy and Immunology clinic, Pulmonary institute        Head

                             Rabin Medical Center, Belinson hospital,                        

                             affiliated to Sackler School of Medicine,

                             Tel Aviv University         



1. Green-Graif Y,  Ewan  PW

Diagnostic value of the skin-prick test and RAST assay in insect sting allergy.

Clinical Allergy 17(5): 431-438, 1987  (The name of the journal was changed to Clinical

And Experimental Allergy in January 1989)               I.F-5.032


2. Zweiman B, Parrot C, Graif Y, David M, Lessin SR

Quantitative comparison of cytokine mRNA and inflammatory responses in cutaneous

late phase allergic reactions.


Cytokine 12(7):1065-1075, 2000                              I.F-2.012


3. Graif Y ,Yigla M ,Tov N ,Kramer MR

Value of a negative aeroallergen skin-prick test result in the diagnosis of asthma in

young adults: correlative study with methacholine challenge testing

Chest 122 (3):821-825, 2002                            I.F-6.225


4. Graif Y, Goldberg A

The efficacy of nasal surgery among patients with and without allergies

Allergy and Asthma proceedings 24 (2):119-122, 2003    I.F-2.170


5. Graif Y , Garty BZ ,Livne I,Green MS , Shohat T

Prevalence and risk factors for allergic rhinitis and atopic eczema among schoolchildren

in Israel: results from a national study.

Annals of Allergy Asthma and Immunology 92(2):245-249 ,2004  I.F-2.833



6. Shohat T, Graif Y , Garty BZ , Livne I, Green MS

The child with asthma at school: results from a national asthma survey among

 schoolchildren in Israel.

Journal of Adolescent Health 37(4):275-280, 2005     I.F-3.334 



7. Graif Y, Confino-Cohen R  ,Goldberg A

Reproducibility of skin testing and serum venom specific IgE in Hymenoptera venom  Allergy.

Annals of Allergy Asthma and Immunology 96(1):24-29, 2006   I.F-2.833  



7a.Editorial: Robert E Reisman

Diagnostic venom skin test and venom specific IgE assays: do we have to worry

Annals of Allergy Asthma and Immunology 96(1):5-6, 2006                                           


8. Graif Y, Romano-Zelekha O, Livne I, Green MS , Shohat T

Allergic reactions to insect stings: results from a national survey of 10,000 junior high School children in Israel.

The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology 117(6):1435-1439, 2006



9. Graif Y, Goldberg A, Tamir R ,Vigiser D ,Melamed S

Skin test results and self-reported symptom severity in allergic rhinitis-The role of Psychological factors.                                                                                                             

 Clinical And Experimental Allergy 36(12):1532-1537, 2006     I.F-5.032                                                                                                                                                                                    


9a. Editorial: Hyland ME

Why do patients with rhinitis report symptoms?

Clinical And Experimental Allergy 36(12):1487, 2006                                                                                                                                                                                           


 10. Romano-Zelekha O, Graif Y, Garty BZ ,Livne I,Green MS ,  Shohat T

  Trends in the prevalence of asthma symptoms and allergic diseases in Israeli adolescents :

 results from a national survey 2003 and comparison with 1997.

   J Asthma 44(5): 365-369, 2007   I.F-1.525


11. Graif Y , Romano-Zelekha O , Livne I, Shohat T 

       Increased rate and greater severity of allergic reactions to insect sting among

        Schoolchildren with atopic diseases

        Pediatr Allergy Immunol 20(8):757-62, 2009   I.F-2.459       

 Graif Y, German L , Livne I , Shohat T .12  

Association of food allergy with asthma severity and atopic diseases in  Jewish and Arab adolescents

Acta Paediatrica 101:1083-88, 2012         I.F-2.073    


13. Graif Y, German L, Ifrah A, Livne I, Shohat T

Dose-response association between smoking and atopic eczema: results from a large cross-sectional study in adolescents

Dermatology   (On line, to be published)                                    I.F-2.053                                                                           


B.2  Case reports

1.יעל גרייף, אבנר גורן, אבנר רשף

הלם אנפילקטי חוזר תוך-אישפוז- גורם בלתי צפוי

"הרפואה" כרך 138 ,99-101, 2000

Graif Y, Goren A, Reshef A

Reccurent anaphylactic reactions during hospitalization-an unusual etiology

Harefuah 138(2):99-101, 2000


B.3  Review Articles   

1.אבנר רשף, יעל גרייף

חידושים בטיפול באנטיהיסטמינים.

"הרפואה"כרך 125, 95-100  ,1993

1. Reshef A, Graif Y                                                                                                                              

 Recent advances in antihistamine treatment

   Harefuah 125:95-100,1993

אוניברסיטת תל אביב עושה כל מאמץ לכבד זכויות יוצרים. אם בבעלותך זכויות יוצרים בתכנים שנמצאים פה ו/או השימוש שנעשה בתכנים אלה לדעתך מפר זכויות
שנעשה בתכנים אלה לדעתך מפר זכויות נא לפנות בהקדם לכתובת שכאן >>