ד"ר יבגני וינברג

סגל אקדמי בכיר בביה"ס לרפואת שינים
ביה"ס לרפואת שינים סגל אקדמי בכיר

מידע כללי

Dr. Evgeny Weinberg, D.M.D., M.Sc., Ph.D., Specialist in Periodontology

Faculty of Medicine, the Goldschleger School of Dental Medicine, Departments of Periodontology and Dental Implantology, and of Oral Biology, Tel Aviv University, Israel.

קורות חיים

  • סיים את לימודי רפואת השיניים באונ' תל אביב בשנת 2007​.
  • מומחה ברפואת חניכיים החל מ- 2014, התמחה במחלקה למחלות חניכיים והשתלות דנטליות באונ' תל אביב.
  • בעל תארים שני (M.Sc.) ושלישי (Ph.D.) במדעי הרפואה.
  • חבר הסגל האקדמי הבכיר באונ' תל אביב החל מ- 2016, בעל מינוי מרצה בכיר לפריודונטיה.
  • מנהל מרפאה פרטית העוסקת בטיפול במחלות חניכיים ושתלים דנטליים.
  • מנהל את תחום הפריודונטיה (מחלות חניכיים) בבי"ח בילינסון (החל מ- 2017).
  • מנהל מעבדות המחקר בבית הספר לרפואת שיניים (החל מ- 2020).
  • מזכיר האיגוד הישראלי לרפואת חניכיים (החל מ- 2022).
  • עוסק במחקר פעיל, הוראת סטודנטים והדרכה קלינית של סטודנטים ומתמחים לפריודונטיה.


  1. Weinberg E, Zeldich E, Weinreb MM, Moses O, Nemcovsky C, Weinreb M.

Prostaglandin E2 inhibits the proliferation of human gingival fibroblasts via the EP2 receptor and Epac.

Journal of Cellular Biochemistry. Volume 108 (1): 207-215, 2009.


  1. Zeldich E, Koren R, Dard M, Weinberg E, Weinreb M, Nemcovsky CE.

Enamel matrix derivative induces the expression of tissue inhibitor of matrix metalloproteinase-3 in human gingival fibroblasts via extracellular signal-regulated kinase.

Journal of Periodontal Research. Volume 45 (2):200-206, 2010.


  1. Weinberg E, Topaz M, Dard M, Lyngstadaas P, Nemcovsky C, Weinreb M.

Differential effects of prostaglandin E2 and enamel matrix derivative on the proliferation of human gingival and dermal fibroblasts and gingival keratinocytes.

Journal of Periodontal Research. Volume 45 (6):731-740, 2010.


  1. Artzi Z, Nemcovsky CE, Tal H, Weinberg E, Weinreb M, Prasad H, Rohrer MD, Kozlovsky A.

Simultaneous versus two-stage implant placement and GBR in the canine: histomorphometry at 8 and 16 months.

Journal of Clinical Periodontology. Volume 37 (11):1029-1038, 2010.


  1. Eliaz N, Ritman-Hertz O, Aronov D, Weinberg E, Shenhar Y, Rosenman G, Weinreb M, Ron E.

The effect of surface treatments on the adhesion of electrochemically deposited hydroxyapatite coating to titanium and on its interaction with cells and bacteria.

Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine. Volume 22 (7):1741-1752, 2011.


  1. Artzi Z, Nemcovsky CE, Tal H, Weinberg E, Weinreb M, Prasad H, Rohrer MD, Kozlovsky A.

Clinical and histomorphometric observations around dual acid-etched and calcium phosphate nanometer deposited-surface implants.

The International Journal of Oral & Maxillofacial Implants. Volume 26 (4):893-901, 2011.


  1. Weinberg E, Maymon T, Weinreb M.

AGEs induce caspase-mediated apoptosis of rat BMSCs via TNFα production and oxidative stress.

Journal of Molecular Endocrinology. Volume 52 (1):67-76, 2014.


  1. Weinberg E, Maymon T, Moses O, Weinreb M.

Streptozotocin-induced diabetes in rats diminishes the size of the osteoprogenitor pool in bone marrow.

Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice. Volume 103 (1):35-41, 2014.


  1. Gadban N, Weinberg E, Zoabi A, Ashkenazi M, Yaffe A, Binderman I.

Strain Reduction of Human Gingival Fibroblasts Induces the ATP Pathway.

Journal of Interdisciplinary Medicine and Dental Science. Volume 3:162, 2015.



  1. Artzi Z, Tal H, Platner O, Wasersprung N, Weinberg E, Slutzkey S, Gozali N, Carmeli G, Herzberg R, Kozlovsky A.

Deproteinized bovine bone in association with GTR or EMD procedures in aggressive periodontitis patients: A 1-year retrospective study.

Journal of Clinical Periodontology. Volume 42 (6):547-556, 2015.

  1. Maymon-Gil T, Weinberg E, Nemcovsky C, Weinreb M.

Enamel Matrix Derivative Promotes Healing of a Surgical Wound in the Rat Oral Mucosa.

Journal of Periodontology. Volume 87 (5):601-609, 2016.


  1. Eliezer M, Sculean A, Miron RJ, Nemcovsky C, Weinberg E, Weinreb M, et al.

Hyaluronic acid slows down collagen membrane degradation in uncontrolled diabetic rats.

Journal of Periodontal Research. 2019;54(6):644-652.


  1. Artzi Z, Eliezer M, Weinberg E.

Correction of alveolar ridge deficiency using hydroxyapatite and sugar cross-linked collagen sponge – A clinical and histological analysis.

Clinical Oral Implants Research. 2019;30(S19):488-9.


  1. Weinberg E, Vered M, Atzil S, Chaushu G, Chaushu L.

The dynamics of closure following excisional mid-palatal mucoperiosteal wound in a rat model.

Clinical Oral Investigations. 2020;24(12):4385-4393


  1. Bender O, Weinberg E, Moses O, Nemcovsky CE, Weinreb M.

Porphyromonas gingivalis lipopolysaccharide and glycated serum albumin increase the production of several pro-inflammatory molecules in human gingival fibroblasts via NFκB.

Archives of Oral Biology. 2020;116:104766.


  1. Landsberg C, Bender O, Weinreb M, Wigler R, Chackartchi T, Matalon S, Weinberg E.

Postextraction Ridge Width Alterations Following Socket Seal Surgery—A Retrospective Study.

Applied Sciences. 2021; 11(1):324.


  1. Chaushu L, Atzil S, Vered M, Chaushu G, Matalon S, Weinberg E.

Age-Related Palatal Wound Healing: An Experimental In Vivo Study.

Biology (Basel). 2021 Mar 19;10(3):240.


  1. Cohen O, Bosshardt DD, Weinberg E, Slutzkey G, Moses O.

The Effect of Coronal Implant Design and Drilling Protocol on Bone-to-Implant Contact: A 3-Month Study in the Minipig Calvarium.

Materials (Basel). 2021 May 18;14(10):2645.


  1. Tohar R, Ansbacher T, Sher I, Afriat-Jurnou L, Weinberg E, Gal M.

Screening Collagenase Activity in Bacterial Lysate for Directed Enzyme Applications.

International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2021 Aug 9;22(16):8552.


  1. Kabakov L, Nemcovsky CE, Plasmanik-Chor M, Meir H, Bar D, Weinberg E.

Fibroblasts from the Oral Masticatory and Lining Mucosa have Different Gene Expression Profiles and Proliferation Rates.

Journal of Clinical Periodontology. 2021;48:1393-1401. 


  1. Hamudi N, Barnea E, Weinberg E, Laviv A, Mijiritsky E, Matalon S, Chaushu L, Kolerman R.

The Association of the One-Abutment at One-Time Concept with Marginal Bone Loss around the SLA and Platform Switch and Conical Abutment Implants.

Journal of Clinical Medicine. 2021;11(1):74. 


  1. Weinberg E, Kolerman R, Kats L, Cohen O, Masri D, Sebaoun A, Slutzkey G.

Coronally advanced flap with connective tissue graft for treating orthodontic-associated Miller Class III gingival recession of the lower incisors: A one-year retrospective study.

Journal of Clinical Medicine. 2022;11(1):235.


  1. Arieli A, Adawi M, Masri M, Weinberg E, Beitlitum I, Pilo R, Levartovsky S.

The Accuracy of Open-Tray vs. Snap on Impression Techniques in A 6-Implant Model: An In Vitro 3D Study.

Materials (Basel). 2022;15:2103.


  1. Masri D, Masri-Iraqi H, Naishlos S, Weinberg E, Reiser V, Chaushu L.

Implant-Supported Prosthesis Is a Viable Treatment Alternative for American Society of Anesthesiology Physical Status 3 Individuals – A Retrospective Cohort Study.

Journal of Clinical Medicine. 2022;11(7):2002.


  1. Tohar R, Alali H, Ansbacher T, Brosh T, Sher I, Gafni Y, Weinberg E, Gal M.

Weinberg E. and Gal M. contributed equally to this work.

Collagenase Administration into Periodontal Ligament Reduces the Forces Required for Tooth Extraction in an Ex situ Porcine Jaw Model.

Journal of Functional Biomaterials. 2022;13:76.


  1. Weinberg E, Tagger Green N, Lusthaus M, Vered M, Mijiritsky E, Chaushu L, Kolerman R.

The impact of corticosteroid administration at different time points on mucosal wound healing in rats. An experimental pilot in-vivo study.

Biology (Basel). 2022;11(9):1309.


  1. Matalon S, Heller H, Beitlitum I, Weinberg E, Emodi-Perlman A, Levartovsky S.

Retrospective 1- to 8-Year Follow-Up Study of Complete Oral Rehabilitation Using Monolithic Zirconia Restorations with Increased Vertical Dimension of Occlusion in Patients with Bruxism.

Journal of Clinical Medicine. 2022;11(18):5314.


  1. Pinkhasov I, Kabakov L, Nemcovsky C, Weinreb M, Bender O, Gal M, Bar D, Weinberg E.

Single-cell Transcriptomic Analysis of Oral Masticatory and Lining Mucosa-derived Mesenchymal Stromal Cells.

Journal of Clinical Periodontology. 2023, 50(6), 807–818.


  1. Lifshits LA, Rabin M, Tohar R, Netti F, Gabay M, Sova M, Bar DZ, Weinberg E, Adler-Abramovich L, Gal M.

Enhancement of Collagen-I Levels in Human Gingival Fibroblasts by Small Molecule Activation of HIF-1α.

J Agric Food Chem2023, 71, 20, 7829–7835.


  1. Almogy M, Moses O, Schiffmann N, Weinberg E, Nemcovsky CE, Weinreb M.

Addition of Resolvins D1 or E1 to Collagen Membranes Mitigates Their Resorption in Diabetic Rats.

J. Funct. Biomater. 2023, 14, 283.


  1. Ansbacher T, Tohar R, Cohen A, Cohen O, Levartovsky S, Arieli A, Matalon S, Bar D, Gal M, Weinberg E.

A Novel Computationally Engineered Collagenase Reduces the Force Required for Tooth Extraction in an Ex-situ Porcine Jaw Model.

J. Biol. Eng. 2023 Jul 17;17(1):47.


  1. Slutzkey G, Kolerman R, Weinberg E, Chaushu L, Cohen O.

Thermal Changes of One-Piece Versus Two-Piece Implants During Setting of an Autopolymerized Acrylic Resin.

Int. J. Oral Maxillofac. Implants. 2023 Jul/Aug;38(4):784-788.


  1. Bender O, Khoury J, Hirsch G, Weinberg E, Sagy N, Buller S, Lapides-Levy S, Blumer S, Bar DZ. Immunorecognition of Streptococcus mutans secreted proteins protects against caries by limiting tooth adhesion. Journal of Dentistry. 2024 Feb;141:104805.
  2. Lifshits LA, Breuer Y, Sova M, Gupta S, Kadosh D, Weinberg E, Hayouka Z, Bar DZ, Gal M. Nature-Inspired Peptide of MtDef4 C-terminus Tail Enables Protein Delivery in Mammalian Cells. Scientific Reports. 2024 Feb 26;14(1):4604.
  3. Lifshits LA, Brohnshtein E, Attias M, Breuer Y, Cohen A, Gabay M, Sova M, Weinberg E, Zenziper E, Bar DZ, Sterer N, Gal M. Anti-fungal recombinant psoriasin of human origin effectively inhibits fungal growth on denture base. Oral Diseases. 2024 Jul 28, 00, 1–10.
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