פרופ' אורי רובין ז"ל

אמריטוס בחוג ללימודי הערבית והאסלאם
חוג ללימודי הערבית והאסלאם אמריטוס
פרופ' אורי רובין ז"ל
טלפון פנימי: 03-6405053
טלפון נוסף: 03-6409723
משרד: ביה"ס לשפות, 4


אני פרופסור אמריטוס בחוג ללימודי הערבית והאסלאם, ותחומי ההתמחות שלי הם הקוראן, פרשנות הקוראן והמסורת האסלמית הקדומה. בעת הזאת אני שוקד על חקר החומרים המקראיים והמדרשיים המשוקעים בקוראן, וזאת על סמך בדיקה מחודשת של טקסטים מקראיים ומדרשיים שטרם נדונו עד כה במחקר המודרני של הקוראן.

אשר לקורות החיים שלי ורשימת הפרסומים, ראו http://www.urirubin.com/publications.

ברשימה זו ניתן למצוא בין השאר את תרגום הקוראן לעברית במהדורה חדשה מתוקנת ומעודכנת.









Date of Award


Tel Aviv University

Biblical studies and history of the Mid­dle East




Tel Aviv University





Tel Aviv University



1976 (summa cum laude)


Title of doctoral dissertation: Muhammad the Prophet in the Early Muslim Tradition.

Name of supervisor: M.J. Kister


Further studies




Professional License

Date of Award


Tel Aviv University, Pedagogic Department

Bible teaching

teaching certificate



Academic and professional experience






Tel Aviv University

Shiloah Centre

Research Assistant


Tel Aviv University

Arabic Language and Literature

Assistant Teacher


Tel Aviv University

Arabic Language and Literature



Tel Aviv University

Arabic Language and Literature



Tel Aviv University

Arabic Language and Literature

Senior Lecturer


Tel Aviv University

Arabic Language and Literature

Head of Department


Tel Aviv University

Arabic Language and Literature

Associate Professor

Since 1.11.94

Tel Aviv University

Arabic Language and Literature

Full Professor


Hebrew University, Jerusalem

Institute for Advanced Studies

Research Fellow


Hebrew University, Jerusalem

Institute for Advanced Studies

Research Fellow

Since 1.10.09

Tel Aviv University

Arabic and Islamic Studies

Incumbent of the Irene Halmos Chair for Arabic Literature

Since 1.10.12

Tel Aviv University

Arabic and Islamic Studies

Emeritus Professor


Editorial Activity

  1. 1991-2000, Membership in editorial board of Israel Oriental Studies.
  2. 1994-2000, Membership in advisory board of The Encyclopedia of the Quran, E. J. Brill,Leiden.
  3. 1995, Editor of Islam section in Encyclopaedia Hebraica, 3rd supplement volume.


Active Participation in Scientific Meetings

  • 1980     “From Jahiliyya to Islam”, First Colloquium, Hebrew University, Institute for Advanced Studies.
  • 1982     “From Jahiliyya to Islam”, Second Colloquium, Hebrew University, Institute for Advanced Studies.
  • 1984     “From Jahiliyya to Islam”, Third Colloquium, Hebrew University, Institute for Advanced Studies.
  • 1985    ”Quran and Hadith”, Second Colloquium, Cambridge.
  • 1987    “From Jahiliyya to Islam”, Fourth Colloquium, Hebrew University, Institute for Advanced Studies.
  • 1988     “Hadith and Historiography”, Third Colloquium, Oxford.
  • 1990    “Fourteen centuries of the Quran”, SOAS, London.
  • 1990    “From Jahiliyya to Islam”, Fifth Colloquium, Hebrew University, Institute for Advanced Studies.
  • 1991     “Fourth Hadith Colloquium”, Free University, Amsterdam.
  • 1993    “From Jahiliyya to Islam”, Sixth Colloquium, Hebrew University, Institute for Advanced Studies.
  • 1996     "Jews and Muslims: a Revised Evaluation", School of Oriental and African Studies, London.
  • 1996    “From Jahiliyya to Islam”, Seventh Colloquium, Hebrew University, Institute for Advanced Studies.
  • 1997    “The Biography of the Prophet Muhammad: the Issue of the Sources”. University of Nijmegen. Title of Paper: “The Life of Muhammad and the Islamic Self-Image: An Episode in the Campaigns of Badr and al-Hudaybiyya”.
  • 1998     “Jerusalem in the Eschatological Thought of Judaism, Christianity and Islam”, Jerusalem. Title of Paper: “Ka`b al-Ahbar and `Umar: An Examination of Judeo--Islamic Traditions about Jerusalem”.
  • 1999    “Narratives of Rituals: Reconstruction in Religious Studies.” Hebrew University, Institute for Advanced Studies. Title of Paper: “Islamic Ritual in Historiographical Perspective: The case of the Pilgrimage to Mecca”.
  • 2000    “From Jahiliyya to Islam”, Eighth Colloquium, Hebrew University, Institute for Advanced Studies. Title of Paper: “Muhammad’s Hijra: the Episode of the Cave”.
  • 2000    Workshop: “Genesis and Regeneration”, The Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities, December, 2000, Jerusalem. Title of Paper: “The Origins of Religious Authority in Islam: Descent into the Islamic Well of the Past”.
  • 2001     “How a religion originates: The prophetic charisma as a factor of innovation”, Centro di Alti Studi in Scienze Religiose, Nov. 2001, Piacenza, Italy. Title of Paper: “The Prophet and Satan: Aspects of Muhammad's Anti Demonic Powers”.
  • 2001     Conference of the Israel Academy of Sciences: “Axial Transformations”, convened in December, 2001 at the European University Institute, Florence, Italy. Title of Paper: “The role of Arabian self-consciousness in the literary formation of the Islamic self-history”.
  • 2002    MESA Conference, Washington, November 25. Panel: “Ritual, Law and Society in Early Islam”. Title of paper: "On the History of the Islamic Direction of Prayer (qibla)".
  • 2003    “From Jahiliyya to Islam”, Ninth Colloquium,Hebrew University, Institute for Advanced Studies. Title of Paper: “Muhammad the Exorcist: Aspects of Islamic-Jewish Polemics”.
  • 2005    כנס החברה המזרחית הישראלית. האוניברסיטה הפתוחה. "בית האשם במסורת האסלאם"
  • 2006    “From Jahiliyya to Islam”, Tenth Colloquium, Hebrew University, Institute for Advanced Studies. Title of Paper: “Al-Masjid al-Aqsa and Jerusalem: A Reconsideration of Muhammad’s Night Journey and Ascension”.
  • 2009     “From Jahiliyya to Islam”, 11th Colloquium, Hebrew University, Institute for Advanced Studies. Title of Paper: “The Quranic and post-Quranic Image of the Prophet Muhammad: The Case of sura 94”.
  • 2009     Conference in honor of G. Kanazi, Haifa University. Title of Lecture: “Pre-Islamic imitations of the Kaʿba and Abd al-Malik’s Dome of the Rock”.
  • 2010     Ancient Arabia Colloquium, The Institute for Advanced Studies, convened in Clare Hall, Cambridge, England. Title of paper: “Quraysh and their winter and summer journey: On the interpretation of Sura 106”
  • 2010    "Exodus: Border Crossings in Jewish, Christian and Islamic Texts and Images": Interdisciplinary Colloquium, 2nd-4th December 2010, Karl-Jaspers-Centre, Heidelberg. Title of paper: “The Israelite Exodus and the lost tribes in the Qurʾan and in Islamic tradition: further considerations”.
  • 2011     “Les origines du Coran, le Coran des origines.” Académie des inscriptions et belles-letters, Paris, March 2011. Title of paper: “On the early origins of the qurʾānic chronology of revelation”.
  • 2012    “From Jahiliyya to Islam”, 12th Colloquium, Hebrew University, Institute for Advanced Studies. Title of paper: “In Defense of the Qurʾanic Textus Receptus: The case of ṭuwan (Q 20:12; 79:16)”.
  • 2013     'With God on Our Side': Holy War and Sacred Struggle in Judaism, Christianity and Islam--An International Interreligious Studies Conference, 2-4 June, 2013, Tel Aviv University. Title of paper: “The Idea of Exodus and the Conquest of the Promised Land in the Qurʾān and the Early Islamic Tradition”.
  • 2013    “The Sambatyon and Beyond: The Mythical River as a Border in Time and Space”, Yad Ben Zvi – Jerusalem. Title of paper: “Israelites beyond the Sambatyon: qurʾanic and post-qurʾanic perspectives”.
  •  2017    “From Creation to Sinai: Jewish, Christian, and Qurʼanic Traditions in Interaction -- Hebrew University, Institute for Advanced Studies. Title of paper: “The Israelite Exodus and the Promised Land: The Qurʾānic Viewpoint.”
  • 2017    The Bible in Arabic: Jewish and Christian Translations, Muslim Interpretations. Tel Aviv University. Title of Paper: “The Book of Jubilees and the Qurʾān: The Case of Abraham and the Kaʿba.” 


M.A. Students



work on thesis

name of student

title of thesis



A. Hakim

The Attitude of Muslim Tradition towards the In­terpretation of the Quran

Tel Aviv University


A. Shnizer

The Relation between Quran and Tradition with Respect to Prophetic Reve­lation

Tel Aviv University


Odelia Levi

Abraham in Early Islamic Tradition

Tel Aviv University


Iqbal Abd al-Raziq

Idolatry and Idols in the Qurʾān and the Extra-Qurʾānic Sources

Tel Aviv University


Elimelech Grossmann

The Concepts of ribāṭ and thughūr in the Early Islamic Tradition and in the Contemporary Research, their Role in the Confrontation with the Byzantines, the Visigoths and the Franks during the First Three Centuries AH

Tel Aviv University




Ph.D. Students


Work on Thesis

Name of Student

Title of Thesis



Aliza Shnizer

The Collection of the Quran; a Reappraisal of the Traditional   Accounts



Avraham Hakim

The Image of `Umar as an Idealized Leader in Early Islamic   Tradition



ראו גם:


רשימת פרסומים זו כוללת בין השאר את הקוראן בעברית במהדורה חדשה מתוקנת ומורחבת.


[Between Jerusalem and Mecca: Sanctity and Salvation in the Quran and the Islamic Tradition. Jerusalem 2019 (in Hebrew)].

[The Quran: The Divine Voice Speaks to Muhammad the Messenger. Jerusalem 2019 (in Hebrew)].







  • Uri Rubin (ed. and Introduction). The Life of Muhammad (The Formation of the Classical Islamic World: Vol. 4). Aldershot, 1998.
  • Uri Rubin and David J. Wasserstein (eds.). Dhimmis and Others: Jews and Christians and the World of Classical Islam. Israel Oriental Studies 17 (1997).




'הארץ המובטחת ואחרית הימים בקוראן ובמסורת האסלאם', בתוך: יורם ארדר, אלינער ברקת, מאירה פוליאק (עורכים), יד משה: מחקרים לזכרו של משה גיל, תעודה כ"ט תשע"ח (2018), עמ' 329--351.

'בין מכה וירושלים: על מקורותיה הקדומים של קדושת ירושלים באסלאם' קשת החדשה 19(2007), עמ' 102--111.

'לשאלת אחדותו של הקוראן', בתוך: עיונים באסלאם הקדום: דברים שנאמרו ביום עיון לכבוד מאיר י' קיסטר במלאת לו תשעים שנה. האקדמיה הלאומית למדעים, ירושלים, תשס"ה (2005), עמ' 72--85.

'ארץ-ישראל ובני-ישראל במקורות האסלאם', קשת החדשה 2 (2002), עמ' 106--113.

'כיוון התפילה באסלאם – לתולדותיו של מאבק בין פולחני', היסטוריה 6 (תש"ס 2000), עמ' 5--29.

'"הנה נבקע הירח" (קוראן סורה 54 פס' 1--2): לגלגוליה של דמות מוחמד בין הקוראן והמסורת החוץ-קוראנית', בתוך:  שרה קליין-ברסלבי, בנימין אברהמוב, יוסף סדן (עורכים), מנחה למיכאל: מחקרים בהגות יהודית ומוסלמית מוקדשים לפרופסור מיכאל שורץ (תל אביב, 1999), עמ' 141--157.



"כיוון התפילה באסלאם – לתולדותיו של מאבק בין פולחני", היסטוריה 6 (תש"ס), עמ' 5--29.



The Encyclopaedia of Islam (Second Edition, E.J. Brill, Leiden)

  • “Nur Muhammadi” (fascicule 131–32).
  • “Sa‘a” (section 3).
  • “Mala’” (Supplement volume).
  • “Na`l Sharif” (Supplement volume).

The Encyclopaedia of Islam (Third Edition, E.J. Brill, Leiden)

  • “Abdallah b. `Abd al-Muttalib.
  • “Abd al-Muttalib.
  • “Abraha” [Revised version in: Uri Rubin, Muhammad the Prophet and Arabia, Variorum Collected Studies Series (Ashgate, 2011), no. IX].
  • “Abu Jahl.
  • “Abu Qubays.
  • “Abu Talib.
  • “Ahmad.
  • “Amina.
  • “Amr b. Luhayy.
  • “Aqil b. Abi Talib.
  • “Arafat.
  • “Budayl b. Warqa’”.
  • “Children of Israel.
  • “Circumambulation.


Encyclopaedia of the Qur'an (E.J. Brill, Leiden, 2001-2006)


  •  “Caravan” (vol. 1).
  • “Children of Israel”(vol. 1).
  • “Hafsa” (vol. 2).
  • “Hanif” (vol. 2).
  • “Ilaf“ (vol. 2).
  • “Israel” (vol. 2).
  • “Jews and Judaism” (vol. 3).
  • “Muhammad” (vol. 3). [Revised version: Uri Rubin, Muhammad the Prophet and Arabia, Variorum Collected Studies Series (Ashgate, 2011), no. I].
  • “Prophets and Prophethood” (vol. 4). [Revised version: Uri Rubin, Muhammad the Prophet and Arabia, Variorum Collected Studies Series (Ashgate, 2011), no. II].
  • “Oft-repeated” (vol. 3).
  •  “Quraysh” (vol. 4).
  • “Remnants” (vol. 4).
  • “Races” (vol. 4)
  • “Repentance” (vol. 4).
  • “Sacred Precincts” (vol. 4, E.J. Brill, Leiden).
  •  “Vehicles” (vol. 5).


Religion in Geschichte und Gegenwart, vierte Auflage, Tübingen (2003)

  • “Medina.
  • “Muhammad.
  • “Prophets and Prophethood”.


The Encyclopedia of Islam and the Muslim World, Macmillan Reference USA (2003)

  • “Asnam”.


Encyclopaedia Hebraica, 3rd supplement volume (1995) (in Hebrew)

  • “Abraham”.
  •  “Islam”.
  •  “Muhammad”.
  • “Qur’an”.



1. “G. Lüling, Die Wiederentdeckung des Propheten Muhammad”, Jerusalem Studies in Arabic and Islam 6 (1985), 481–92. [Reprinted in: Uri Rubin, Muhammad the Prophet and Arabia, Variorum Collected Studies Series (Ashgate, 2011), no. III].

2. “J. Burton, Abu ‘Ubayd al-Qasim b. Sallam's K. al-Nasikh wa-l-mansukh...”, Der Islam 70 (1993), 167–170.

3. “R. Firestone, Journeys in Holy Lands: the Evolution of the Abraham–Ishmael Legends in Islamic Exegesis”, Jerusalem studies in Arabic and Islam 17 (1994), 245–49.

4. “R. Vassie (ed.): A Classical Handlist of Arabic Manuscripts Acquired since 1912. Vol. II: Qur’anic Sciences & hadith, London: The British Library, 1995.”, Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies 59 (1996), 218.

5. “J. Burton, An Introduction to the Hadith”, Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies 59 (1996), 340--41.

6. “Schoeler, Gregor. Charakter und Authentie der muslimischen Überlieferung über das Leben Mohammeds”, Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies (1997).

7. “Madigan, Daniel A. The Qur`an’s Self-Image: Writing and Authority in Islam’s Scripture.” Jerusalem Studies in Arabic and Islam 28 (2003), 381-86.

8. “Tottoli, Roberto. Biblical Prophets in the Qur›an and Muslim Literature. Curzon Press, Richmond, Surrey, 2002.” Jerusalem Studies in Arabic and Islam 28 (2003), 397-99.

9. “Alan Dundes, Fables of the Ancients? Folklore in the Qur’an. Rowman & Littlefield Publishres, Inc., Lanham - Boulder - New York - Oxford, 2003.” Jerusalem Studies in Arabic and Islam 30 (2005), 526-27.

10. “Walid A. Salih, The Formation of the Classical Tafsir Tradition: The Qur’an Commentary of al-Tha`labi (d. 427/1035). Brill, Leiden-Boston, 2004. VII + 267 pp.” Jerusalem Studies in Arabic and Islam 30 (2005), 540-43.

11. Stefan Wild (ed.). Self-Referentiality in the Qur’an. Harrassovitz Verlag: Wiesbaden 2006. Jerusalem Studies in Arabic and Islam 35 (2008), 433-40.

אוניברסיטת תל אביב עושה כל מאמץ לכבד זכויות יוצרים. אם בבעלותך זכויות יוצרים בתכנים שנמצאים פה ו/או השימוש שנעשה בתכנים אלה לדעתך מפר זכויות
שנעשה בתכנים אלה לדעתך מפר זכויות נא לפנות בהקדם לכתובת שכאן >>