פרופ' טליה פישר

סגל אקדמי בכיר במנהלת הפקולטה למשפטים
מנהלת הפקולטה למשפטים סגל אקדמי בכיר
פרופ' טליה פישר
טלפון פנימי: 03-6408642
משרד: מינקהוף משפ, 327


Talia Fisher is the Anny and Paul Yanowicz Professor of Human Rights and former Vice Dean for Research at the Tel Aviv University Faculty of Law. Her research interests include evidence law, procedural law theory, and the private supply of legal institutions. She holds an LL.B., LL.M., and Ph.D. in law from the Hebrew University. Fisher has been a fellow at Harvard Law School’s Program on Behavioral Economics and Public Policy (2023), a visiting professor at the University of Toronto (2017, 2009), a fellow at the Edmond J. Safra Center for Ethics at Harvard University (2013), and a visiting scholar at Harvard Law School (2003, 2010, 2013).


Fisher was awarded the Fattal Prize for Excellence in Legal Research (2018), the Shneur Zalman Cheshin Award for Academic Excellence in Law (2012), and the Zeltner Prize for Young Legal Scholars (2009). She also received the Provost Award for Excellence in Teaching in 2017. She was a member of the Israeli Young Academy of Sciences and Humanities from its establishment until 2017 and co-headed the “Human Rights in Judaism Program” at the Israeli Democracy Institute (2019-2022). Since 2019, Fisher has been a member of the academic board of the Israeli Institute for Advanced Studies and is currently serving her third term. In 2024, she was named a corresponding member of the Italian Academic Society for Evidence Law (Associazione Italiana Studiosi Della Prova). In 2020, she joined the editorial board of the "International Journal of Evidence and Proof" and is currently serving as its Deputy Chief Editor. In 2024, she joined the editorial board of “Law and Philosophy.”


Research Interests and Teaching

Evidence Law, Theory of Criminal Procedure, Private Ordering



Ph.D. in Law The Faculty of Law, The Hebrew University, Jerusalem.

Thesis: "The Separation of State and Law".

1998 LL.M. The Faculty of Law, The Hebrew University, Jerusalem.
1996 LL.B. The Faculty of Law, The Hebrew University, Jerusalem.


Academic Appointments


Anny and Paul Yanowicz Professor of Human Rights (2022-present)

Visiting Fellow Harvard Law School’s Program on Behavioral Economics and Public Policy (2023)

Member of Academic Board of Directors of The Israeli Institute for Advanced Studies (2018-present)

Faculty Fellow at Chief Justice Meir Shamgar Center for Digital Law and Innovation (2022-present)

Israeli Academy of Arts and Sciences Committee on Climate Change (2021- present)

Israeli Academy of Arts and Sciences Committee on Academy-Government Relationship (2021)

Israeli Academy of Arts and Sciences’ Committee for Guidelines for Times of Crisis (2020-2021)

Senior Fellow, The Israel Democracy Institute (2018- 2021)

Senior Fellow, Edmond J. Safra Center for Ethics, TAU (2017- 2023).

University of Toronto Law School, Distinguished Visitor (2017).

Institute for Advanced Legal Studies at Hebrew University, member of research group "The Legitimization of Modern Criminal Law" (2016).  

Vice Dean for Research at Faculty of Law Tel Aviv University (2015-2017).  

Lab Fellow, Safra Center for Ethics, Harvard University and Visiting Scholar at  Harvard Law School  (2013-2014)

Member of The Young Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities (2012-2017)

Member of the "Global Young Academy" (2012- 2018)

Visiting Scholar, Harvard Law School (2011-2012)

Visiting Professor, University of Toronto Law School (2009)

“Law in the Jewish Tradition Research Group” Halpern Center Bar Ilan University (2008)

Director, Taubenschlag Center for Criminal Law, Tel Aviv University Faculty of Law (2009-2013)

Member of Israel Academy of Sciences Junior Faculty Forum (2009-2010)

Tel Aviv University Faculty of Law (2004-present)


Full CV

Representative Publications

“Reclaiming the State or Reclaiming the Public? Book Review of Reclaiming the Public. By Avihay Dorfman and Alon Harel” Cambridge L. J. (forthcoming, 2024)


Truth, Reason, Justice, and Evidence Law” Cornell L. Rev. Online (2023)


“Trial by Design” American Philosophical Quarterly (2022)


“Does Legal Epistemology Rest on a Mistake?” (with David Enoch and Levy Spectre) Philosophical Issues (2021)


“Cost Benefit Analysis in Legal Fact Finding” in Christian Dahlman, Alex Stein, and Giovanni Tuzet (eds.) "Philosophical Foundations of Evidence Law" (Oxford University Press, 2021)


“Half the Guilt”  Theoretical Inquiries in Law (2021)


“Procedure in the Age of the Administrative State”, Jerusalem Review of Legal Studies (2018)


"Sense and Sensitivity" (with David Enoch) 67 Stanford Law Review 557 (2015).


"Attorney Fees in a Loser Pays System" (with Theodore Eisenberg and Issi Rosen Zvi) 162 University of Pennsylvania Law Review 1619 (2014).


"When Courts Determine Fees in a System with a Loser Pays Norm" (with Ted Eisenberg and Issi Rosen Zvi) 60 UCLA Law Review 1452-1492 (2013).


"Statistical Evidence, Sensitivity, and the Legal Value of Knowledge" (with David Enoch and Levi Spectre) 40 Philosophy & Public Affairs 197-224 (2012). (Chosen by the Philosopher’s Annual as one of the ten best articles in philosophy for 2012).


"Conviction without Conviction" 96 Minnesota Law Review pp. 833-885 (2012).


“Does the Judge Matter? Exploiting Random Assignment on a Court of Last Resort to Assess Judge and Case Selection Effects” (with Ted Eisenberg and Issi Rosen-Zvi) 9 Journal of Empirical Legal Studies pp. 246- 290 (2012).


"Constitutionalism and the Criminal Law: Rethinking Criminal Trial Bifurcation" 61 University of Toronto Law Journal pp. 811-843 (2012).


"Rights for Sale" (with Tsilly Dagan) 96 Minnesota Law Review pp. 90-141 (2011).


"Force and Freedom: Can They Co-exist? Critical Notice: Force and Freedom by Arthur Ripstein" 24 Canadian Journal of Law and Jurisprudence pp. 387-403 (2011).


"The Confessional Penalty" (with Issi Rosen Zvi) 30 Cardozo Law Review pp. 871- 916 (2008).

(selected for the 2008 Harvard-Stanford International Junior Faculty Forum).


"Overcoming Procedural Boundaries" (with Issi Rosen Zvi) Virginia Law Review 94 pp. 79-156 (2008)

(selected for the 2007 Stanford-Yale Junior Faculty Forum).


Full CV

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