Stern, A. Bianco, S., Yeh, M.T., Wright, C., Butcher, K., Tang,. C., Nielsen, R., Andino, A. Costs and merits of mutational robustness in viruses. Cell Reports, (2014) In press
Stern, A. CRISPR and RNA interference: similarities across immune systems. Physics of Life Reviews. pii: S1571-0645(13)00181-4. (2013)
Mick E., Stern A., Sorek R. Holding a grudge: Persisting anti-phage CRISPR immunity in multiple human gut microbiomes. RNA Biology, 10(5):1-7 (2013)
Mayrose, I., Stern, A., Burdelova, E., Sabo, Y., Laham-Karam, N., Zamostiano, R., Bacharach, E., Pupko, T. Synonymous site conservation in the HIV-1 genome. BMC Evolutionary Biology 13:164 (2013)
Stern, A., Mick, E., Tirosh, I., Sagi, O., Sorek, R. CRISPR targeting reveals a reservoir of common phages associated with the human gut microbiome. Genome Research, 22(10):1985-94 (2012)
Stern A., Sorek R. The phage-host arms race: shaping the evolution of microbes. Bioessays, 33(1): 43-51 (2011)
Stern, A., Keren, L., Amitai, G., Sorek, R.. Widespread targeting of self-DNA by the prokaryotic CRISPR immune system: gene regulation or auto-immunity? Trends in Genetics, 26(8):335-340 (2010)
Stern A., Mayrose I., Shaul S., Gophna U., Pupko T. An Evolutionary Analysis of Lateral Gene Transfer in Thymidylate Synthase Enzymes. Systematic Biology, 59(2): 212-225, (2010)
Penn O.* , Stern A.*, , Rubinstein N., Dutheil J., Bacharach E., Galtier N., Pupko T. 2008. Evolutionary modeling of rate shifts reveals specificity determinants in HIV-1 subtypes. PLoS Computational Biology. Nov;4(11):e1000214 (2008) *Authors contributed equally.
Sela N, Stern, A., Pupko, T., Ast, G. Transduplication resulted in the incorporation of two protein-coding sequences into the turmoil-1 transposable element of C. elegans. Biology Direct. Oct 8;3:41 (2008)
Cohen, O., Rubinstein, ND., Stern, A., Gophna, U., and Pupko, T. A likelihood framework to analyze phyletic patterns. Proceedings of The Royal Society of London Series B-Biological Sciences. Dec 27;363(1512):3903-11. (2008)
Stern, A., Doron-Faigenboim, A., Erez, E., Martz, E., Bacharach, E., Pupko, T. Selecton 2007: advanced models for detecting positive and purifying selection using a Bayesian inference approach. Nucleic Acids Research. 35: W506-W511 (2007)
Stern, A., Privman, E., Rasis, M., Lavi, S., Pupko, T. Evolution of the metazoan protein phosphatase 2C superfamily. J. Mol. Evol. 64(1):61-70, (2007)
Stern, A., Pupko, T. An Evolutionary Space-Time Model with Varying Among Site Dependencies. Mol. Biol. Evol. 23: 392-400 (2006)
Doron-Faigenboim, A.*, Stern, A.*, Mayrose, I., Bacharach, E., and Pupko, T. Selecton: a server for detecting evolutionary forces at a single amino-acid site. Bioinformatics. 21(9): 2101-2103 (2005) *Authors contributed equally.