פרופ' צביה בר נוי

סגל אקדמי בכיר בחוג למדעי האחיות כללי
ועדת מינויים יחידתית בביה"ס למקצועות בריאות
ראש בית הספר בביה"ס למקצועות בריאות
חוג למדעי האחיות כללי סגל אקדמי בכיר
פרופ' צביה בר נוי
טלפון פנימי: 03-6405340
פקס: 03-6409496
משרד: מקצוע הבריאות

מידע כללי

פרופ' צביה בר-נוי, ראשת ביה"ס למקצועות הבריאות, וחוקרת ומרצה בכירה בחוג למדעי האחיוּת.


את התואר הראשון למדה באוניברסיטה העברית בחוג למדעי האחיוּת ולאחר מכן עבדה 7 שנים כאחות בטיפול נמרץ ילדים, במקביל לעבודתה סיימה תואר שני בגנטיקה של האדם בהצטיינות באוניברסיטת תל-אביב. את  לימודי הדוקטוראט בגנטיקה של האדם ביצעה באוניברסיטת תל-אביב בהנחייתה של פרופ' קוסובר איתה משתפת פעולה במחקרים משותפים עד היום.


מתוך אמונה כי תרומה לאדם ולחברה הם חשובים ביותר, השתלבה בחוג למדעי האחיוּת, שהוא החוג המייסד את תחום מדעי האחיוּת האקדמי בארץ והמוביל בתחומו.


פרופ' צביה בר-נוי

Sivia Barnoy, RN, Ph.D.

Personal Statement

I began my academic studies in the nursing department of the Hebrew University in Jerusalem and graduated at 1986 with distinction. After, I continued my studies for my M.Sc. in human Genetics at Tel-Aviv University and graduated at 1990 with distinction. Following I pursued my Ph.D. at the department of Human Genetics at Tel-Aviv University under the supervision of Prof. kosower and graduated at 1999. I continued with collaborative research with Prof. Kosower at the department of Human Genetics focusing on the Calpain-Calpastatin system involvement in Neuron development and in a model for Alzheimer’s disease. In parallel I joined the senior faculty of the Nursing Department at Tel-Aviv University. As a geneticist and a nurse my primary research focuses on the psycho-social aspect of genetics. In my studies I investigate issues like decision making for genetic testing, the nurses role in genetics, parents coping with a child harboring a genetic disease. Lately my research focuses on sharing genetic information with families from both the counselees and counselors’ perspectives. CASCADE As a scientist genetic nurse I have the experience and passion to bring my expertise in genetics and research into my research projects. I have professional experience in managing and analyzing large-scale research projects in different settings in both quantitative and qualitative designs. My research projects were funded by the Israeli Cancer Association, The Israel National Institute for Health Policy Research, the International Society for Nurses in Genetics, the Shalem Foundation and more. As a senior faculty member and researcher at the nursing department at Tel-Aviv University I have and am mentoring 43 students for their MA theses and Ph.D. dissertations. During my 4 years term as the head of the Nursing Department, I gained experience in human resources management and of managing a complicated setting where 1100 students study in 5 different programs. As a nurse I am proficient in managing health-related research, such as in the proposed study. I have many close ties with practitioners in the clinic from genetic clinics, health promotion and primary care, enabling me to remain up-to-date in these fields and to carry out research in these areas. Focus on cancer


B. Positions and Honors:

1986-1987      Staff nurse, pediatric intensive care unit, Haddassah Medical Center, Jerusalem, Israel

1987-1993      Staff nurse, pediatric intensive care unit, Beilinson Hospital, Petah-Tikva, Israel

1992-1996      Teacher, Department of Human Genetics and Biochemistry, Sackler Faculty of Medicine,

                      Tel Aviv University, Israel.

1998-2004      Teacher, Department of Nursing, Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University, Israel

2004-2009      Lecturer, Department of Nursing, Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University, Israel

2005              International Society for Nurses in Genetics (ISONG); founder award for Excellence in Education

2005                Tel Aviv University, Israel. Dean's Award for Excellence in Teaching.

2007 -2010     Head of the RN to BSN program, Nursing, Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University, Israel

2007               Tel Aviv University, Israel. Dean's Award for Excellence in Teaching.


2009 –2013    Senior Lecturer, Department of Nursing, Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University, Israel

2009               Tel Aviv University, Israel. Dean's Award for Excellence in Teaching.

2009-to date  Sigma Theta Tau International, honor society in nursing, member

2010-2014      Nursing Department Chair, Department of Nursing, Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University, Israel

2013-2020     Associate professor, Department of Nursing, Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University, Israel

2014-to date   Head of Graduate program, Department of Nursing, Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University, Israel

2018-to date   Core Faculty, Sackler Bioethics and Law Initiative, Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University, Israel

2017-to date   Israel representative, Global Genomics Nursing Association (G2NA)

2018              International Society for Nurses in Genetics (ISONG);  Founder Award for Excellence in Research

2018              Founder and co-chair, advisory committee to the head nurse of the Ministry of Health, for defining nurses’ role in genetics

2019-to date   Israel representative, International Medical Informatics Association – Nursing Informatics (IMIA-NI)

2019-20         Member, advisory committee to the Minister of Health on “Patient Centred Care”, The Ministry of Health

2020-             Full Professor, Department of Nursing, Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University, Israel.

2021              Member of the Council for Higher Education committee for quality assessment of the nursing departments in Israel



  1. Research Grants (last 10 years)


Co-Principal investigator

The Israel Cancer Association Research topic: Communication of genetic information to cancer patients' relatives: Practice, law and ethics in Israel.




















Co-Principal investigator



Co-Principal investigator




Principal investigator


Principal investigator



Principal investigator


Co-Principal investigator


Leading PI

The Academy of Medical Sciences UK, Daniel Turnberg Travel Research Fellowship: Family involvement in the medical decision-making process in genetics: The Clinicians’ View.

The Israel National Institute for Health Policy Research. Patient's and health caregivers' perspective on quality and safety culture and patient involvement in medical care and decisions in general hospitals in Israel

Sigma Theta Tau International,

Decision-making process in cancer genetics: Clinicians’ views of family Involvement.

The Israel National Institute for Health Policy Research. Health information exchange in the continuity of care: nurses' and patients' perceptions

Shalem Foundation. Resilience, coping and adaptation of parents to Down syndrome children.

The Israel National Institute for Health Policy Research. Emerging Technologies impact on ways and means of treatment of elderly patients

Israel Cancer Research Foundation ICRF, Title: Cascade screening for hereditary cancers



































המחקר של פרופ' בר-נוי המחקר מתמקד בשני תחומים עיקריים:

  1. גנטיקה –  בהיבט החברתי, חוקי ופסיכולוגי

2. סיעוד וטכנולוגיות – תוך התמקדות בטכנולוגית מידע


  1. Peles Bortz A (PI), Bluvstein I (PI), Bergman L (s), Barnoy S (PI).                                                                                            Anxiety and support resources for Israeli women before gynecological surgery.                                  

Women & Health, 2016; 57(3), 329-341.                                                                                                            


  1. Itzhaki M (PI), Hildesheimer G (PI), Barnoy S (C).  Katz M (PI).                                                                                                    Family involvement in medical decision making: Perceptions of nursing and psychology students.                                                                                                          

Nurse Education Today, 2016; 40 181-187.                                                                                                         


  1. Bar-Tal Y (PI), Barnoy S (PI).                                                                                                                                    Factors influencing the decision to comply with nurse recommendations to take or avoid influenza vaccination.                                                                                                                                                Nursing Inquiry, 2016; 23(4); 338–345.                                                                                              


  1. Itzhaki M (PI), Meridian O (s), Schifter-Sagiv T (PI), Barnoy S (PI).                                                                                                                Nursing students' attitudes and intention to work with mentally ill patients before and after a planned intervention.                                                                                                                                           Academic Psychiatry, 2017; 41(3); 337-344.                                                                                                   


  1. Warshawski S (PI), Barnoy S (PI), Itzhaki, M (PI).                                                                                                             Factors associated with nursing students' resilience: Communication skills course, use of social media and satisfaction with clinical placement.                                                                                     

Journal of Professional Nursing, 2017; 33(2), 153-161.                                                                             


  1. Niv G (s), Bar-Josef S (C), Ben Bassat O (C), Avni I (C), Lichtenshtein L (C), Niv Y (C), Barnoy S (PI).                                                         

  2. Quality of life and uncertainty in Crohn's disease.                                                                                              Quality of Life Research, 2017; 26(6), 1609–1616.                                                                                             


  1. Barnoy S (PI), Biton A (s), Itzhaki M (PI).                                                                                                                             Social inclusion of children with Down syndrome: Jewish and Muslim mothers' knowledge, attitudes, beliefs, and behavioral intentions.                                                                                                         Journal of Pediatric Nursing, 2017; 35, 50-56.      


  1. Warshawski S (PI), Barnoy S (PI), Kagan I (PI).                                                                                                           Professional, generational, and gender differences in perception of organizational values among Israeli physicians and nurses: Implications for retention.                                                                                                                               Journal of Inter-Professional Care, 2017; 31, 696-704.                                                                                     


10.Asman O (PI), Melnikov S (C), Barnoy S (PI), Tabak N (PI).                                                                    Experiences, behaviors, and perceptions of registered nurses regarding research ethics and misconduct.                                                                                                                                                       Nursing Ethics, 2019; 26(3), 859-869.                                                                                                                       


Kardosh M (s), Bar-Tal Y (C), Barnoy S (PI).

           The relationship between body image, gender, subjective norms, and the

            decision to undergo preventive mastectomy among Arab and Jewish BRCA


           Cancer Nursing, 2018; 41, 255-262.


  1. Gilbar R (PI), Barnoy S (PI).                                                                                                                                    Companions or patients? The impact of family presence in genetic consultations for inherited breast cancer: Relational autonomy in practice.                                                                                                    Bioethics, 2018; 32(6), 378-387.                                                                                                                       


  1. Warshawski S (PI), Itzhaki M (PI), Barnoy S (PI). (2018).                                                                                          The associations between peer caring behaviors and social support to nurse students.                                                                                                                                          Nurse Education in Practice, 2018; 35, 88-94.   


  1.  Kagan I (PI), Porat N (PI), Barnoy S (PI).                                                                                                                                  The quality and safety culture in general hospitals: patients', physicians' and nurses' evaluation of its effect on patient satisfaction.                                                                                                                                                                                                   International Journal for Quality in Health Care, 2018; 31, 261-268.


  1. Warshawski S (PI), Katz O (s), Barnoy S (PI).                                                                                                                 Role of academic self-efficacy and social support on nursing students' test anxiety.                                                                                                                            Nurse Educator, 2019; 44, E6-E10.


  1. Barnoy S (PI), Melnikov S (C), Bar-Tal Y (PI). (2018)                                                                                                        The effect of e-health information on nurse-patient encounters: Mutual feelings and perceptions.                                                                                                                            CUPS Current Psychology, 2020; 39: 1416–1422.    


  1. Warshawski S (PI), Itzhaki M (PI), Barnoy S (PI).                                                                                                                      Nurse and nurse student attitudes and perceived self-efficacy in use of information and communication technologies: Professional and cultural differences.                                                                                                                        CIN-Computers, Informatics Nursing, 2019; 37(1):20-28                                                                             


  1. Ohana S (PI), Barnoy S (PI).                                                                                                                                      Israeli E-patients' informational needs.                                                                                       Nursing Outlook, 2018; in press 2019; 67, 190-198.


  1.  Lifszyc-Friedlander A (PI), Honovich M (C), Stolerman E (C), Madjar B (C), Barnoy S (PI).

         Family health clinics as a source of social capital.

            Journal of Pediatric Nursing, 2019; 47, e2-e9.


  1. Shemesh T (PI), Barnoy S (PI).

Assessment of the intention to use mobile health applications using a technology acceptance model in an Israeli adult population.

Telemedicine e-Health; 2020; 26, 1141-1149.


  1. Gilbar, R (PI). and Barnoy, S (PI).

Facing legal barriers regarding disclosure of genetic information to relatives          

New Genetics and Society, 2020; 39, 483-501.                                                                                                              


Articles Accepted for publication


  1. Bar-Tal Y (PI),  Barnoy S (C), Warshawski S (C), Tehilla M (PI).                                                                                                        Factors influencing patient perceptions of nutritionists' epistemic authority and their decision to comply with treatment recommendation.

            Current Psychology, 2020; In Press.                                                                                                              


  1. Dagan E (PI), Amit Y (s), Sokolv L (s), Litvak P (s), Barnoy  S (PI)

Integrating genetic professional skills into nursing practice: Results from a large cohort of Israeli nurses.

Journal of Nursing Scholarship


אוניברסיטת תל אביב עושה כל מאמץ לכבד זכויות יוצרים. אם בבעלותך זכויות יוצרים בתכנים שנמצאים פה ו/או השימוש שנעשה בתכנים אלה לדעתך מפר זכויות
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