ד"ר עומר זאב סרגי

סגל אקדמי בכיר בארכיאולוגיה
ארכיאולוגיה סגל אקדמי בכיר
ד"ר עומר זאב סרגי
משרד: גילמן, 312

קורות חיים


B.A.: 2002-2005 - Tel Aviv University, Department of Jewish History and Department of General History (summa cum lauda)

M.A.: 2006-2007 - Tel Aviv University, Department of Archaeology and Ancient Near Eastern Cultures (summa cum laude, no thesis, direct program for outstanding students to PhD)

PhD:  2007–2012 - Tel Aviv University, School of Jewish Studies (approved, Jan 2013; Title: The Rise of Judah in the 9th Century BCE: Archaeological, Historical and Historiographical Perspectives; Supervisor: Prof. Oded Lipschits)

Post-Doctorate: 2012–2014 - Wissenschaftlich-Theologisches Seminar, Ruprecht-Karls Universität, Heidelberg, Germany (Alexander von Humboldt Research Fellowship for outstanding post-Doctoral students; Subject: States and State Formation in the Iron Age Levant; Supervisor: Prof. Manfred Oeming)


2005-2010: Area Supervisor, The Tel Aviv-Heidelberg Excavations in Ramat Raḥel (Directed by Oded Lipschits and Manfred Oeming)

2012-2016: Area Supervisor, The Lautenschläger Azekah Expedition (Directed by Oded Lipschits, Yuval Gadot and Manfred Oeming).

July 2018; March-July 2019: Director, Salvage Excavations in Ḥorvat Tevet, the Jezreel Valley, carried out by the Israeli Institute for Archaeology on behalf of the Sonia and Marco Nadler Institute of Archaeology, Tel Aviv University (license B-467/2018; B-475/2019).


PI, The Archaeological Expression of Palace-Clan Relations in the Iron Age Levant: A Case Study from the Jezreel Valley, Israel (co directed with Karen Covello-Paran, IAA and Prof. Hannes Bezzel, Friedrich-Schiller Universität, Jena; funded  by the Gerda Henkel Stiftung AZ 20/F/19)



2019-2023 Gerda Henkel Stiftung for Research Projects 

2014 - DFG, Grant for Scientific Events

2014 - Fritz Thyssen Foundation, Grant for International Conferences


2012-2014 Alexander von Humboldt Research Fellowship for Outstanding post-Doctoral scholars (Host Institute: Wissenschaftlich Theologisches Seminar, Karls-Ruprecht Universität Heidelberg, Germany)


2015–2017 Christina Jones, MA thesis, Inter-Regional Connections during the Late Bronze Age as Reflected through the Animal Economy: Azekah- A Case Study (co supervised with Lidar Sapir-Hen, Oded Lipschits); Final grade: 90.

2018–2020 Madelaine Butcher, MA Thesis, Northern Holemouth Jars in the Iron IIA: A Royal Israelite Administrative System for the Redistribution of Wealth (co-supervised with Oded Lipschits); Final Grade: 97. 

2018–2021 Ruth Sapan, MA thesis, The Gebirah in the Service of the Deuteronomist (co-supervised with Oded Lipschits); Final grade: 95.

2018–2021 Jordan Weitzel, MA Thesis, Burial Habits in the Iron I–Iron IIA Jezreel Valley in Light of the Cemeteries at Ḥorvat Tevet and Tel Shaddud (co supervised with Oded Lipschits); Final Grade: 99.

Since 2018 Barak Eyali, MA thesis, Tribal Groups and their Place in the History of Ancient Israel through Biblical Historiography (co-supervised with Oded Lipschits; Thesis proposal approved, 2019)

Since 2019 Maayan Hemed, MA Thesis, Royal Distributive Economy or Extended Household Economy? Spatial and economic analysis of Ḥorvat Tevet, an Early Iron Age Site in the Jezreel Valley (co-supervised with Prof. Yuval Gadot; Thesis proposal approved 2020).








Accepted for publication

Sergi, O. forthcoming. The Two Houses of Israel: State Formation in Israel and Judah and the Origins of Pan-Israelite Identity (Archaeology and Biblical Studies). SBL Press, Atlanta.



Articles in peer-reviewed scientific journals

Sergi, O. 2010. The Composition of Nathan's Oracle to David (2 Sam 7: 1-17) as a Reflection of Royal Judahite Ideology. Journal of Biblical Literature 129 (2): 261-279.

Lipschits, O., Sergi, O. and Koch, I. 2010. Royal Judahite Jar Handles: Reconsidering the Chronology of the LMLK Stamp Impressions. Tel Aviv 37: 3-32.

Lipschits, O., Sergi, O. and Koch, I. 2011. Judahite Stamped and Incised Jar Handles: A Tool for Studying the History of Late Monarchic Judah. Tel Aviv 38: 5–41.

Sergi, O., Karasik, A., Gadot, Y., and Lipschits, O. 2012. The Royal Judahite Storage Jars: A Computer-Generated Typology and its Historical and Archaeological Implication. Tel Aviv 39: 63–93. 

Sergi, O. 2013. Judah's Expansion in Historical Context. Tel Aviv 40: 226–246.

Finkelstein, I., Lipschits, O. and Sergi, O. 2013. Tell er-Rumeith in Northern Jordan: Some Archaeological and Historical Observations. Semitica 55: 7–23.

Sergi, O. 2014. Foreign Women and the Early Kings of Judah: Shedding Light on the Historiographic Perception of the Author of Kings. Zeitschrift für die Alttestamentliche Wissenschaft 126: 193–207.

Sergi, O. 2014. The Alleged Judahite King List: Its Historical Setting and Possible Date. Semitica 56: 233–247.

Sergi, O. 2015. State Formation, Religion and "Collective Identity" in the Southern Levant. Hebrew Bible and Ancient Israel 4: 56–77.

Sergi, O. 2016. The Omride Dynasty and the Reshaping of the Judahite Historical Memory. Biblica 97: 503–526.

Sergi, O. 2017. The Emergence of Judah as a Political Entity between Jerusalem and Benjamin. Zeitschrift der Deutschen Palӓstina-Vereins 133: 1–23.

Sergi, O. and Gadot, Y. 2017. The Omride Palatial Architecture as Symbols in Action: Between State Formation, Obliteration and Heritage. Journal of Near Eastern Studies 76:1–9.  

Webster, L.C., Sergi, O., Kleiman, S., Lipschits, O., Hua, Q., Jacobsen, G.E., Tristant, Y. and Gadot, Y. 2017. Preliminary Radiocarbon Results for Late Bronze Age Strata at Tel Azekah and Their Implications. Radiocarbon 85: 1–23.

Sergi, O. 2017. The United Monarchy and the Kingdom of Jeroboam II in the Story of Absalom’s and Sheba’s Revolts (2 Sam. 15–20). Hebrew Bible and Ancient Israel 6: 329–353.

Sergi, O. and Kleiman, A. 2018. The Kingdom of Geshur and the Expansion of Aram-Damascus to the Northern Jordan Valley: Archaeological and Historical Perspectives. Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research 379: 1–18.

Sergi, O. 2019. The Iron I-IIA and the Rise of Ancient Israel: A Fresh Look. Near Eastern Archaeology 82: 42–51.

Sergi, O. and Gadot, Y. 2019. Introduction: The Rise of Ancient Israel in the Iron I–IIA – The Need for a Closer Look. Near Eastern Archaeology 82: 5–7.  

Sergi, O. 2019. (Re)Constructing Identities in the Bronze and Iron Age Levant. Welt des Orients 49: 146–150.

Sergi, O. 2019. Israelite Identity and the Formation of the Israelite Polities in the Iron I-IIA Central Canaanite Highlands. Welt des Orients 49: 206–235.

Amir, A., Gadot, Y., Weitzel, J., Finkelstein, I., Neumann, R., Bezzel, H., Covello-Paran, K., and Sergi, O. 2021. Heated beeswax usage in mortuary practices: The case of Ḥorvat Tevet (Jezreel Valley, Israel) ca. 1000 BCE. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 36: 1–11.


Articles Published in Books

Sergi, O. 2017. The Battle of Ramoth-gilead and the Rise of the Aramaean Hegemony in the Southern Levant during the Second Half of the 9th Century BCE. In: Berlejung, A., Maeir, A.M. and Schüle, A. eds. Wandering Aramaean: Aramaeans Outside Syria – Textual and Archaeological Perspectives (LAOS 5). Wiesbaden:  81–97.

Sergi, O. 2017. Rethinking Israel and the Kingdom of Saul. In: Lipschits, O., Gadot, Y. and Adams, M.J. eds. Rethinking Israel – Studies in the History and Archaeology of Ancient Israel in Honor of Israel Finkelstein. Winona Lake (Eisenbrauns): 371–388.   

Ben-Yosef, E. and Sergi, O. 2018. The Destruction of Gath by Hazael and the Arabah Copper Industry: A Reassessment. In: Hitchcock, L., Shai, I. Uziel, J., and Dagan, A. eds. Tel it in Gath: Studies in the History and Archaeology of Israel, Essays in Honor of Aren M. Maeiron the Occasion of his Sixtieth Birthday (Ägyptum und Altes Testament 90). Münster: 461–480.

Sergi, O. 2019. Erzählung, Geschichten und Geschichte in den biblischen Überlieferungen von der Entstehung der israelitischen Monarchie (1 Sam 9–2 Sam 5). In: Fischer. I. and Claassens, J. eds. Prophetie (Die Bibel und die Frauen Eine exegetisch-kulturgeschichtliche Enzyklopädie). Stuttgart: 19–43.

Sergi, O., Lipschits, O. and Koch, I. 2019. Memories of the Early Israelite Monarchy in the Books of Samuel and Kings. In: Koch, I., Römer, T. and Sergi, O. 2019. Writing, Rewriting, and Overwriting in the Books of Deuteronomy and the Former Prophets: Collected Essays in Honor of Cynthia Edenburg (BETL 304). Leuven (Peeters): 173–194.

Kleiman, S., Koch, I., Webster, L., Berendt, K., Sergi, O., Oeming, M., Gadot, Y., Lipschits, O. 2019. Late Bronze Age Azekah – An Almost Forgotten Story. In: Maeir, A.M., Shai, I. and    McKinny, C. eds. The Late Bronze and Early Iron Ages of South Canaan (Archaeology of the Biblical Worlds 2). Berlin (de-Gruyter): 37–61.

Sergi, O. 2019. On Scribal Tradition in Israel and Judah and the Antiquity of the Historiographical Narratives in the Hebrew Bible. In: Krause, J., Oswald, W. and Weingart K. eds. Eigensinn und Entstehung der hebräischen Bibel: Erhard Blum zum siebzigsten Geburtstag. Tübingen (Mohr Siebeck): 275–299.

Sergi, O. 2021. Narrative, Story, and History in the Biblical Tradition about the Formation of the Israelite Monarchy (1 Samuel 9–2 Samuel 5). In: I. Fischer and Claassens J.L. eds. Prophecy and Gender in the Hebrew Bible (The Bible and Woman, Vol 1.2). Atlanta (SBL): 13–46.

Sergi, O., Bezzel, H., Tzur, Y. and Covello-Paran, K. 2021. Ḥorvat Tevet in the Jezreel Valley: A Royal Estate. In: Covello-Paran, K., Erlich, A. and Beeri, R. eds. New Studies in the Archaeology of Northern Israel. Jerusalem (IAA): 31–48.


Sergi, O. 2016. Lmlk Stamp Impressions. In: Lipschits, O., Gadot, Y. and Freud, L. (eds.) Ramat Rael III–Final Publication of Yohanan Aharoni's Excavations (1954, 1959-1962), Volume II (Monograph Series 35). Tel Aviv: 287–341.

Sergi, O. and Koch, I. 2016. Concentric Circles Incisions. In: Lipschits, O., Gadot, Y. and Freud, L. (eds.) Ramat Rael III–Final Publication of Yohanan Aharoni's Excavations (1954, 1959-1962), Volume II (Monograph Series 35). Tel Aviv: 356–368.

Sergi, O. 2020.  Area D-4: Stratigraphy and Architecture. In: Lipschits, O., Oeming, M., Gadot, Y. (eds.) Ramat Rael IV: The Renewed Excavations of the Tel Aviv-Heidelberg Expedition (2005-2010) (Monograph Series 39). Tel Aviv: 269–326.

Sergi, O. in press.  The LMLK Stamp Impressions from the Renewed Excavations at Ramat Rahel. In: Lipschits, O., Oeming, M., Gadot, Y. (eds.) Ramat Rael V: The Renewed Excavations of the Tel Aviv-Heidelberg Expedition (2005-2010). Tel Aviv.

Sergi, O. in press. Concentric Incisions on Jar Handles from the Renewed Excavations at Ramat Raḥel. In: Lipschits, O., Oeming, M., Gadot, Y. (eds.) Ramat Rael V: The Renewed Excavations of the Tel Aviv-Heidelberg Expedition (2005-2010). Tel Aviv



Sergi, O. 2015. Queenship in Judah Revisited: Athaliah and the Davidic Dynasty in Historical Perspective. In: Durand, J-M., Güichard, M. and Römer, T. eds. Tabous et Transgression (OBO 274). Göttingen: 99–112. 

Sergi, O. 2015. In: Oeming, M. and Sláma, P. eds. “A King Like All the Nations” (Deu 17:14)? The Kingdoms of Israel and Judah in the Bible and History (BVB 28). Zürich: 33–49.

Sergi, O. 2015. The Emergence of Judah between Jerusalem and Benjamin. In: Steibel, G.D., Peleg-Barkat, O., Ben-Ami, D. and Gadot, Y. New Studies in the Archaeology of Jerusalem and its Environs 9. Jerusalem: 50–73. [Hebrew].

Sergi, O. 2016. The Gilead between Aram and Israel: Political Borders, Cultural Interaction and the Question of Jacob and the Israelite Identity. In: Sergi, O., Oeming, M. and de-Hulster, I. eds. In Search of Aram and Israel: Politics, Culture, and Identity (ORA 20). Tübingen: 333–354.  

Sergi, O. 2018. Politik der Liebe: Die Dynastie Omri und die Entstehung der Geschichterinnerung in Juda. In: Oeming, O. ed. Ahava: Die Liebe Gottes im Alten Testament (ABG 55). Leipzig (Evangelische Verlagsanstalt): 171–193.

Sergi, O. 2018. Jacob and the Aramaean Identity of Ancient Israel between the Judges and the Prophets. In: Brett, M. and Wöhrle, J. eds. The Politics of the Ancestors: Exegetical and Historical Perspectives on Genesis 12–36. Tübingen: 283–305.

Sergi, O. 2021. Saul, David und die Entstehung der Monarchie in Israel: Neubewertung des historischen und literarischen Kontexts von 1Sam 9–2Sam 5. In: Bezzel, H. and Kratz, R.G. eds. David in the Desert: Tradition and Redaction in the History of David’s Rise (BZAW 514). Berlin and Boston (de-Gruyter): 35–64.



Sergi, O., Oeming, M. and de-Hulster, I. eds. 2016. In Search of Aram and Israel: Politics, Culture, and Identity (ORA 20). Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck.   

Koch, I., Römer, T. and Sergi, O. 2019. Writing, Rewriting, and Overwriting in the Books of Deuteronomy and the Former Prophets: Collected Essays in Honor of Cynthia Edenburg (BETL 304). Leuven: Peeters.

Krause, J., Sergi, O. and Weingart, K. 2020. Saul, Benjamin and the Emergence of Monarchy in Israel (Ancient Israel and its Literature 40). Atlanta: SBL Press. 

Sergi, O. and Gadot, Y. eds. 2019. The Rise of Ancient Israel: A Fresh Updated Look. Special Issus of Near Eastern Archaeology, Vol. 82.

Sergi, O. ed. (Re)Constructing Identities in the Early Iron Age Levant. Special Issue of Die Welt des Orients, Vol. 49.



Lipschits, O. and Sergi, O. 2006. Bani, Banishment, Bazlith, Belthetmus, Bezai, Bigvai, Bilshan, In: The New Interpreters Dictionary of the Bible, p. 388–389, 410–411, 424, 451, 465, 466.

Sergi, O. 2007. Book Review- Brooks, S. S. Saul and the Monarchy, A New Look. Bulletin of Anglo-Israel Archaeological Society 25: 196–203.

Sergi, O. 2011. Ramat Rahel as an Administrative Center: The Early and Late Lmlk Stamp Impressions. NEA 74 (1): 16.

Sergi, O. 2011. Concentric Incisions on Jar Handles from Ramat Rahel. NEA 74 (1): 31.

Sergi, O. 2012. Chronicles of the Kings (Israel/Judah), Book of. Encyclopedia of the Bible and Its Reception, Volume 5: 236–237.

Sergi, O. 2013. Book Review–Robker, J. M. 2012. The Jehu Revolution: A Royal Traditio of the Northern Kingdom and its Ramifications (BZAW 435). Berlin and New York. ZAW 125: 536.

Sergi, O. 2012–2021. Chronicle of the Kings (Israel/Judah), Book of; Goliath (person); Gedaliah (person, 1–2); Gur (place); Jabbok (place); Jehoiada (person, 1–4); Jehoshaphat (person, 1–6), Joram (King of Israel), Joram (King of Judah), Joram (person, 1–4); Laish (place); Lebo-hamath (place); LMLK Jar Handles; Maacah (place);  Makkedah (place); Mesha Inscription, Encyclopedia of the Bible and Its Reception Vol. 5: 236–237; Vol. 9: 1059–1061; Vol. 10: 593–594, 1021–1022, 1059–1061; Vol. 13: 558–560, 843–846, 849–856; Vol. 14: 639–648; Vol. 15: 613–614, 1205–1206; Vol. 16: 960–962; Vol. 17: 280–281,  574–575; Vol. 18: 793–801.  

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