פרופ' רות חיימי כהן ג'לדטי

סגל אקדמי קליני בנוירולוגיה
בי"ס ללימודי המשך ברפואה
נוירולוגיה סגל אקדמי קליני
טלפון פנימי: 03-6408218
טלפון נוסף: 03-6406358
פקס: 03-9378220

מידע כללי

Ruth Djaldetti, MD 

Head, Movement Disosrder Clinic,

Rabin Medical Center, Beilinson Campus,

Petah Tiqwa, Israel.



קורות חיים



                             1983 – 1989 Graduated Sackler Faculty of Medicine,

                             Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel.


1990                      MD Degree

                              MD Thesis:  Effect of dexamethason on IL-1 and                                    IL-3-LA release by unstimulated human

                              mononuclear cells.

                              (Supervisor: Professor Djaldetti).         


1990-1991             Rotating internship,  Golda Medical Center,

                               Petah Tiqwa, Israel.


1991 – 199            5 Resident, Department of Neurology,

                              Beilinson Medical Center, Petah Tiqwa,  Israel


1996                      Israeli Board of Neurology.


1998-2000             Research fellowship, Neuroscience Division

                             of Movement Disorders Unit, Columbia

                             University New York, NY, USA.


1998-2000            Research fellowship on “Mechanisms of neuronal death in

                              neurodegenerative diseases” at Neuroscience   Division of Movement disorders Unit,

                              Columbia University  New York, NY.


תחומי מחקר

Research interest


1.    Clinical and genetic aspects of Parkinson's disease


2.    Genetic mechanisms of pain in Parkinson's disease


3.    Non-motor symptoms in Parkinson's disease


4.    Clinical aspects of Multysystem atrophy (MSA).


5.    Nuclear imaging aspects of Parkinson's disease and parkinsonian disorders




GRANTS (2008- 2013)


2010  co-investigator; Michael J. Fox Foundation, 75,000$









          R. Djaldetti, B.I. Nageris, M. Lorberboym, T.A. Treves, E. Melamed, E. Yaniv.

          [(123)I]-FP-CIT SPECT and olfaction test in patients with combined postural and rest tremor.         

          J Neural Transm 115(3):469-472, 2008.


          S. Yust-Katz, S. Sthneer, E. Melamed, R. Djaldetti.

          Long-term Parkinson's disease – time for optimism.

          Biomed Pharmacother 62(4):233-235, 2008.



          S. Yust-Katz, D. Tesler, T.A. Treves, E. Melamed, R. Djaldetti.

          Handedness as a predictor of side on onset of Parkinson's disease.

          Parkinsonism Relat Disord 14(8):633-635, 2008.


          M. Kollensperger, F. Geser, K. Seppi, M. Stampfer-Jountchev M, M. Sawires, C. Scherfler, S. Boesch, J. Mueller, V. Koukouni, N. Quinn, M.T. Pellecchia, P. Barone, N. Schimke, R. Doedel, W. Oertel, E. Dupont, K. Ostergaard, R. Djardetti, et al, European SMA Study group.

          Red flags for multiple system atrophy.

          Mov Disord 23(8):1093-1099, 2008.


          M. Funayama, Y. Li, T.H. Tsoi, C.W. Lam, T. Ohi, S. Yazawa, E. Uyama, R. Djaldetti, E. Melamed, H. Yoshino, Y. Imamichi, H. Takashima, K. Nishioka, K. Sato, H. Toiyama, S. Kubo, Y, Mizuno, N. Hattori.

          Familial parkisonism with digenic parkin and PINK1 mutations.

          Mov Disord 23(1):1461-1465, 2008.


          R. Djaldetti, S. Hassin-Baer, M.J. Farrer, C. Vilarino-Guell, O.A. Ross, V. Kolianov, S. Yust-Katz, T.A. Treves, Y. Barhum, M. Hulihan, E. Melamed.

          Clinical characteristics of Parkinson's disease among Jewish ethnic groups in Israel.

          J Neural Transm 115(9):1279-1284, 2008.


          J. Clarimon, R. Djaldetti, O. Lleo, R.J. Guerreiro, J.L. Molinuevo, C. Paisan-Ruiz, T. Gomez-Isla, R. Blesa, A. Singleton, J. Hardy.

          Whole genome analysis in a consanguineous family with early onset Alzheimer's disease.

          Neurobil Aging 30(12):1986-1991, 2009.


          R. Djaldetti, T.A. Treves, I. Ziv, E. Melamed, Y. Lampl, M. Lorberboym

          Use of a single [(123)I]-FP-CIT SPECT to predict the severity of clinical symptoms of Parkinson disease.

          Neurol Sci 30(4):301-305, 2009.


          R.A. Hauser, M. Panisset, G. Abbruzzese, L. Mancione, N. Dronamraju, A. Kakarieka; FIST-STEP Study Group.

          Double-blind trial of levodopa/carbidopa/entacapone versus levodopa/carbidopa in early Parkinson's disease.

          Mov Disord 24(4):541-550, 2009.


          A. Abraham, I. Ziv, A. Steinmetz, D. Groshar, R. Djaldetti.

          Autoimmune polyendocrine syndrome type I and brain calcinosis.

          Parkinsonism Relat Disord 16(2):101-104, 2010.


          M.A. Hellmann, E. Melamed, A.P. Steinmetz, R. Djaldetti.

          Unilateral lower limb rest tremor is not necessarily a presenting symptom of Parkinson's disease.

          Mov Disord 25(7):924-927, 2010.


          M. Kollensperger, F. Geser, J.P. Ndayisaba, S. Boesch, K. Seppi, K Ostergaard, E. Dupong, A. Cardozo, E. Tolosa, M. Abele, T. Klockgether, F. Yekhlef, F. Tison, C. Daniels, G. Deuschl, M. Coelho, C. Sampaio, M. Bozi, R. Djaldetti, et al.

          Presentation, diagnosis, and management of multiple system atrophy in Europe: final analysis of the European multiple system atrophy registry.

          Mov Disord 25(15):2604-2612, 2010.


          R. Djaldetti, M. Lorberboym, Y. Karmon, T.A. Treves, I. Ziv, E. Melamed.

          Residual striatal dopaminergic nerve terminals in very long-standing Parkinson's disease: a single photon emission computer tomography imaging study.

          Mov Disord 26(2):327-330, 2011.


          R. Inzelberg, J.M. Rabey, E. Melamed, R. Djaldetti, A. Reches, S. Badarny, S. Hassin-Baer, O. Cohen, H. Trau, J. Aharon-Peretz, R. Milo, M. Schwartz, M. Huberman, L. Gilead, M. Barchana, I Liphshiz, C. Fitzer-Attas, N. Giladi.

          High prevalence of malignant melanoma in in Israeli patients with Parkinson's disease.

          J Neural Transm 118(8):1199-1207, 2011.


          C. Moreno-Lopez, J. Santamaria, M. Salamero, F. Del Sorbo, A. Albanese, M.T. Pellecchia, P. Barone, S. Overeem, B. Bloem, W. Aarden, M. Canesi, A. Antonini, S. Duerr, G.K. Wenning, W. Poewe, A. Rubino, G. Meco, R. Djaldetti, et al.

          Excessive daytime sleepiness in multiple system atrophy (SLEEMSA study).

          Arch Neurol 68(2):223-230, 2011.


          C. Vilarino-Guell, C. Wider, O.A. Ross, J.C. Dachsel, J.M. Kachergus, S.J. Lincoln, A.I. Soto-Ortolaza, S.A. Cobb, G.J. Whilhoite, J.A. Bacon, B. Behrouz, H.L. Melrose, E. Hentati, A. Pschmann, D.M. Evans, E. Conibear, R.           Djaldetti, et al.

          VPS35 mutations in Parkinson disease.

          Am J Hum Genet 89(1):162-167, 2011.


         S. Yust-Katz, D. Shitrit, E. Melamed, R. Djaldetti.

          Respiratory distress: an unrecognized non-motor phenomenon in patients with parkinsonism.

          J Neural Transm 119(1):73-76, 2012.


          L. Greenbaum, R.C. Smith, M. Lorberoym, A. Alkelai, P. Zozulinksy, T. Lifshytz, Y. Kohn, R. Djaldetti, B. Lerer.

          Association of the ZFPM2 gene with antipsychotic-induced parkinsonism in schizophrenia patients.

          Psychopharmacol (Berl.) 220(3):519-528, 2012.


          R. Inzelberg, O.S. Cohen, J. Aharon-Peretz, I. Schlesinger, R. Gershoni-Baruch, R. Djaldetti, Z. Nitsan, L. Ephraty, O. Tunkel, E. Kozlova, L. Inzelberg, N. Kaplan, T. Fixler-Mehr, A. Mory, E. Dagan, E. Schechtman, E. Friedman, S. Hassin-Bear.

          The LRRK2 G2019S mutation is associated with Parkinson disease and concomitant non-skin cancers

          Neurology 78(11):781-786, 2012


          O. Sadan, N. Shemesh, R. Barzilay, M. Dadon-Nahum, T. Blumenfeld-Katzir, Y. Assaf, M. Yeshurun, R. Djaldetti, Y. Cohen, E. Melamed, D. Offen.

          Mesenchymal stem cells induced to secrete neurotrophic factors attenuate quinolinic acid toxicity: A potential therapy for Huntington's disease.

          Exp Neurol. 234(2):417-427, 2012


          L. Greenbaum, I. Tegeder, Y. Barhum, El. Melamed, Y. Roditi, R. Djaldetti.

          Genetic contribution of genetic variants to pain susceptibility in Parkinson's


          Eur J Pain. 16(9):1243-1250, 2012


         A. Khlebtovsky, A. Rigbi, E. Melamed, I. Ziv, I. Steiner, A. Gad. R.


          Patient and caregiver perceptions of the social impact of advanced

          Parkinson's disease and dyskinesias.

          J Neural Trans. 119(11):1367-1371, 2012



 AM Allen, M Ben-Ami, A Reshef, A Steinmetz, Y Kundel, E Inbar, R Djaldetti, T Davidson, E Fenig, I Ziv.

Assessment of response of brain metastases to radiotherapy by PET

imaging of apoptosis by (18)-F-ML-10

E J Nucl Med Mol Imajing. 39(9):1400-1408, 2012


     M. Hellmann, R. Djaldetti, J. Luckman, R. Dabby.

    Thoracic sensory level as a false localizing sign in cervical spinal cord

     And brain lesions.                                                                                                                                                                                    

     Clin Neurol Neurosurg. 115(1):54-56, 2013



L. Greenbaum, A. Rigbi, N. Lipshtat, R. Cilia, S. Tesei, R. Asselta, R. Djaldetti, S. Goldwurm, B. Lerer

Association of nicotine dependence susceptibility gene, CHRNA5, with    Parkinson's disease age at onset: Gene and smoking status interaction.

Park Relat Disord, 2013


        A . Abraham, N. Peled, A. Khlebtovsky, F. Benninger, I Steiner, H.  Stiebel-Kalish, R. Djaldetti.

Nocturnal carbon dioxide monitoring in patients with idiopathic             intracranial hypertension.

  Clin Neurol Neurosurg. 115(1):54-56, 2013         

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