ד"ר רונית חנני

סגל אקדמי בכיר במדיניות ציבורית
סגל אקדמי בכיר במוזיאון הטבע ע"ש שטיינהרדט
מדיניות ציבורית סגל אקדמי בכיר
ד"ר רונית חנני
טלפון פנימי: 03-6406742
משרד: נפתלי, 055

Short Biography

Ronit Justo-Hanani is an assistant professor of public policy and risk regulation at the Department of Public Policy, and the Steinhardt Museum of Natural History, Tel Aviv University. She has a multidisciplinary academic background which includes Law, Biology, and Public Policy.


She teaches courses on risk regulation of health, environment and consumer safetythe regulation of emerging technologies, and regulatory policy in the public sector. Dr. Justo-Hanani is a supporter of interactive teaching methods, such as projects and case studies.


Working at the interface of biology, public policy and political science and studies of regulation and governance, Ronit Justo-Hanani has extensive experience of interdisciplinary collaboration. In 2010-2011 she participated in collaborative EU-funded project of ODEMM (Options for Delivering Ecosystem-based Marine Management), and advanced course of Public Communication & Applied Ethics of Nano-biotechnology, funded under FP6 (Nanobio-RAISE project). Dr. Justo-Hanani is a member of the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES), IUCN, Gland, Switzerland. She was also a member of the research group on biosecurity and transnational crime at the Canadian Institute for Advanced Research (CIFAR), Toronto, Canada.


Currently, Dr. Justo-Hanani works on the following projects:


► Governing Nanotechnology: The Politics of Risk Regulation in Europe and the United States | monograph to be published by Edward Elgar Publishing

► The Limits and Prospects for International Regulatory Cooperation on Synthetic Biology | The Steinhardt Museum

► Europe and Multilateral Environmental Agreements: Lessons from the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework | The Steinhardt Museum


Ronit Justo-Hanani is frequently invited to lecture on the topic of risk regulation of environment, science and technology to policymakers and academic audiences. She was invited to teach at the Technical University of Munich (TUM), as part of Erasmus+ program (2018-2019). She also led personal research projects funded by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of Israel, Ministry of Environmental Protection of Israel, Ministry of Science and Technology of Israel, Environment and Health Fund, Israel Nature and Parks Authority, and Jerusalem Institute for Policy Studies.


Previously, Ronit Justo-Hanani worked as adjunct lecturer and post-doctoral research fellow at the Department of Public Policy, and the Steinhardt Museum of Natural History of Tel Aviv University (2017-2021), where she obtained her PhD (2016). In 2014-2016, she was a visiting scholar at the Haas School of Business in the University of California, Berkeley, United States, with Prof. David Vogel as a host. In 2013, she was a research fellow at the Edmond J. Safra Center for Ethics, Faculty of Law, Tel Aviv University. In 2007, she held a UNESCO L'OREAL fellowship at the Sheffield Institute of Biotechnology Law and Ethics in the University of Sheffield, UK. Dr. Justo-Hanani studied Law at the Reichman University (IDC), and Ecology, at the Faculty of Life Sciences, Tel Aviv University, Israel. Previously, she was a lawyer in a Law firm.  

Research Topics

► Risk regulation of environment, health and safety in Europe and the United States

► European risk governance of emerging technologies

► Biodiversity politics and policies


Dr. Ronit Justo-Hanani studies classic and emerging risk phenomena, ranging from nanotechnology, artificial intelligence, GM-food and other consumer products, to bioinvasion, biodiversity loss, agricultural pesticides, and hazardous chemicals. Theories of transatlantic regulatory divergence, the role of the EU as transnational and global risk regulator, and global environmental politics, are central to her work. 


› Justo-Hanani, R (2022). The Politics of Artificial Intelligence Regulation and Governance Reform in the European Union. Policy Sciences 55, 137-159. [article]

› Justo-Hanani, R & Dayan, T (2021). Risk Regulation and Precaution in Europe and the United States: The Case of Bioinvasion. Policy Sciences 54, 3-20. [article]

› Justo-Hanani, R & Dayan, T (2020). Environmental Policy Expansion in the EU: The Intriguing Case of Bioinvasion Regulation. Journal of Environmental Policy & Planning 22, 315-327. [article]

› Amdur, L, Justo-Hanani, R, Ben-Haim, U, Toperoff, G (2020). Good Neighborliness Between Farmers and Adjacent Communities: Moderating Conflicts over the Use of Pesticides. Horizons in Geography 98, 149-170. [article]

› Gore, M.L, Braszak, P, Brown, J, Cassey, P, Duffy, R, Fisher, J, Graham, J, Justo-Hanani, R, Kirkwood, A.E, Lunstrum, E, Machalaba, C, Masse, F, Manguiat, Omrow, D, Stoett, P, Wyatt, T, & White, R (2019). Transnational Environmental Crime Threatens Sustainable Development. Nature Sustainability 2, 784-786. [article]

› Justo-Hanani, R (2018). Examining the Possibility of Recognition of EU Regulation for Pesticides Registration[Research Paper]

› Justo-Hanani, R (2018). Chemicals and Children Products Safety: Risk Regulation and Policy[Research Paper]

› Justo-Hanani, R (2017). Policy and Regulation on Agricultural Use of Pesticides Near Residential Areas[Research Paper]

› Justo-Hanani, R (2016). Israeli Regulation and Policy of GM-food and Crops. International Food Law and Policy, 2016, pp. 1409-1425, Publisher: Springer, Cham, Switzerland. [Book Chapter]

› Justo-Hanani, R & Dayan, T (2016). Explaining Transatlantic Policy Divergence: The Role of Domestic Politics and Policy Styles in Nanotechnology Risk Regulation. Global Environmental Politics 16, 79-98. [article]

› Kark, S, Sutherland, W.J, Shanas, U, Klass, K, Achisar, H, Dayan, T, Gavrieli, Y, Justo-Hanani, R, Mandelik Y, Orion, N, Pargament, D, Portman, M, Reisman-Berman, O, Safriel, U.N, Schaffer, G, Steiner, N, Tauber, I, Levin, N (2016). Priority Questions and Horizon Scanning for Conservation: A Comparative Study. PloS one 11, 1-29. [article]

› Justo-Hanani, R & Dayan, T (2015). European Risk Governance of Nanotechnology: Explaining the Emerging Regulatory Policy. Research Policy 44, 1527-1536. [article]

› Justo-Hanani, R & Dayan, T (2014). The Role of the State in Regulatory Policy for Nanomaterials risk: Analyzing the Expansion of State-Centric Rulemaking in EU and US Chemicals Policies. Research Policy 43, 169-178. [article]

› Justo-Hanani, R (2013). Invasive Species in Israel: Regulatory and Policy Options[Research Paper] 

› Justo-Hanani, R, Dayan, T, Tal, A (2010). The Role of Regulatory Decision-Making on Non-Indigenous Species Introductions. Biological Invasions 12, 2815-2824. [article]

› Justo-Hanani, R (2010). Regulating Risks of Transgenic Animals. [Research Paper]

› Gavrieli, Y, Cohen-Shacham, E, Justo-Hanani, R (2008). Environmental Scientists and Environmental Policy-makers: Discourse Assessment and Action Recommendations[Research Paper] 

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