ד"ר רונן שגב

סגל אקדמי בכיר בחוג למדעי האחיות כללי
חוג למדעי האחיות כללי סגל אקדמי בכיר

מידע כללי

Dr. Ronen Segev, PhD, RN,

Dr. Segev is a staff member of the Nursing Department.

Dr. Segev had his BA, MA, and PhD from Tel-Aviv university.  His post-doctoral from the Ben Gurion University of the Negev.

Dr. Segev has a clinical experience from the Nephrology Department of Hasharon Hospital. He has more than ten years of experience in teaching nursing at the Ruppin academic center. He is focused on Medical Education and the History of nursing and health Professions, chronic patients, and health and multicultural societies' research.




University / Institute:  Tel-Aviv University, Department of Nursing 

Subject:  Nursing                      

Period: 2001-2005                   

Degree: BA, RN  Cum Laude   

Date Awarded: 2005    


University / Institute:  Tel-Aviv University, Department of Nursing

Subject:   Nursing                    

Period:  2008-2011                       

Degree:  MA     Cum Laude                 

Supervised by:   Dr. Tammy Sagiv-Schifter and Prof. Malka Eherenfeld         

Title of Thesis: Cultural Competence Relationships among Nursing Students and Implications on their Awareness of Culturally Competent Care                                 

Date Awarded: 2011           


University / Institute:  Tel-Aviv University, Sackler Faculty of Medicine

Subject:   Nursing                    

Period:     2012-2018                     

Degree:     PhD                   

Supervised by:  Prof. Hava Golander and Prof. Eran Dolev         

Title of Doctoral Dissertation:  The Israeli Defense Forces' Nursing Development between 1948-1983                                                

Date Awarded:     15/10/2018      




 University / Institute: Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Faculty of Health, Moshe Prywes Center for Medical Education

Subject:  Medical Education                   

Period:  2020- 2022                     

Subject:  Post-Doc                    

Degree or Professional license: Post-Doctoral studying

Date Awarded: N/A                    

Supervised by:  Prof. Shifra Shvarts

Title: Integrating Military Nurses as Independent Practitioners in Primary Military Medicine in IDF Clinics-as

          A Future Model for Training and Integrating Independent Nurses in Primary Health Care in Israel's

          Public Health System-Monitoring Research



Years (period)

Name of Organization


European Dialysis and Transplant Nurses Association/

                              European Renal Care Association    


The Israeli Society of the History of Nursing


The International Chair in Bioethics


American Association for the History of Nursing


European Association for the History of Nursing


American Transcultural Nursing Society


The Israeli Nursing Research Association


European Transcultural Nursing Association


The International Chair in Bioethics


European Dialysis and Transplant Nurses Association/

                              European Renal Care Association    



2005 Tel-Aviv University Rector's Award for excellence in studying

2010 EDTNA/ ERCA Best Presenter Award

2010 Tel-Aviv University Faculty of Medicine's Dean Award for excellence in studying

2011 EDTNA/ ERCA Best Presenter Award

2013 Steyer Award for the School of Health Professions’ students, Tel Aviv University

2014  Steyer Award for the School of Health Professions’ students, Tel Aviv University

2014 The Ben-Gurion University, Health Sciences Faculty Award for promotion the Israeli

         Nursing's Education

2015 Steyer Award for the School of Health Professions’ students, Tel Aviv University

2016 Steyer Award for the School of Health Professions’ students, Tel Aviv University

2018 The Israeli Ministry of Health and Nursing Division 3rd Place Award for Reducing

         Inequality in Israeli Nursing Education’s Program


2019  The Israeli Ministry of Health and Nursing Division honor for the promotion of nursing in


2020 Ruppin Academic Center excellence award for teaching, research and institute’s



2020 ERASMUS+ Staff Mobility for Teaching and Training Grant, Kauno

        Kolegija/University of Applied Sciences, Kaunas, Lithuania 1,340 EUR


2021  Ruppin Academic Center excellence award for teaching, research and institute’s





פרסומים נבחרים



.R. Segev.  A Two Layer Uniform: History of the IDF nursing 1948-1983. Modan & Ministry of Defense Publication, 240 pp, 2021. [Hebrew]

ר. שגב. מדים כפולים: ההיסטוריה של הסיעוד בצה"ל בשנים 1948-1983. מודן ומשרד הביטחון, 240 ע"מ.





R. Segev. Morbid obesity in hemodialysis patient. Kol Hakiliya: The Journal of the Israeli Nephrology Nurses, Vol. 12, pp.14–15, 2007 [Hebrew].

ר. שגב. השמנה חולנית במטופל המודיאליזה. קול הכליה: ביטאון עמותת אחיות ואחים נפרולוגים בישראל, גליון 12, ע"מ 14-15, 2007.

 A. Gonen, D. Sharon, L. Lev-Ari, E. Strauss, R. Segev. The Impact of nursing students' cultural diversity on the intention and attitudes toward the use of information technology. Journal of Transcultural Nursing, Vol. 27(3), pp. 302–310, 2016. (IF=1.959; Rank 61/124; 9 Citations; Q2).


R. Segev. “Nurses in Arms”: The service of the IDF nurses in the first years of the state. An Olive Leaf and Sword: Military Medicine Studies in Medical Issues of the Hagana and the IDF, Vol. 17, pp. 173–192, 2018 [Hebrew].

ר. שגב. אחיות לנשק: שירות האחיות בצה"ל בשנות המדינה הראשונות. עלי זית וחרב: עיונים בסוגיות רפואיות בתולדות כוח המגן וצה"ל, גליון י"ז, ע"מ 173-192,


R. Segev. Healing tough wounds using Topical Oxygen Therapy during hemodialysis sessions. Nephrology Nursing Journal, Vol. 46(3), pp. 330–336, 2019. (IF= .959; Rank 87/119; 1 Citation; Q3).


R. Segev. From civilian service to military service: what led policy-makers to remove nursing care from field units of the Israeli Defense Force (IDF) and return it later? Israel Journal of Health Policy Research,Vol. 9(1), pp.1–6, 2019. (IF=2.385; Rank 51/88; no citations; Q3).



R. Segev, E. Strauss. Forming an affiliation between two culturally different academic institutions of nursing studies. Sage Open Nursing,Vol. 6, pp. 1–7, 2020.

https://doi.org/10.1177/2377960820982146 (IF=not ranked; Rank 115/181; no citations;Q3).


R. Segev, S. Mor, R. Even-Zahav, E. Neter. Cultural intelligence and social distance among undergraduate students in clinical and non-clinical professions. Group Processes & Intergroup Relations, pp. 116, 2020. https://doi.org/10.1177/1368430220975476  (IF=3.129; Rank 26/65; 1 citation; Q2).


R. Segev.  Dr. Andre De Vries: The Father of Israeli Urolithiasis Research. Urology, Vol. 148, pp. 4–7, 2020. https:doi.org/10.1016/j.urology.2021.11.028 (IF=2.649; Rank 52/89;no citations ;Q3 ).



A. Gonen, R. Segev. Nursing informatics in Israel from a historical perspective. CIN: Computers, Informatics Nursing,Vol.39(12), pp.865-873, 2021. https://doi.org/ 10.1097/CIN.0000000000000726 (IF= 1.985; Rank 80/111; no citations ;Q2).


J. Segalovich, S. Dahan, G. Levi, R. Segev. How Do Mental Health Nurses Perceive Cultural Competence? Journal of Psychosocial Nursing and Mental Health Services. 21, 2021. (IF=1.098; Rank 100/122; Q3).


S. Dahan, G. Levi, R. Segev. Shared Trauma During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Psychological Effects on Israeli Mental Health Nurses.  International Journal of Mental Health Nursing. 17, 2022. (IF=3.503; Rank 5/122; Q1).


R. Segev. Learning from Critical Care Nurses' Wartime Experiences and their long-term impacts. Nursing in Critical Care. 1-8 pp, 2022. https://doi.org/10.1111/nicc.12819 (IF=2.897; Rank 22/125; Q1)


 R. Segev. A Historical observation of the public awareness towards nursing profession in Israel. Nurse in Israel, Vol. 203, pp. 17–20, 2020. [Hebrew].

ר.שגב. מבט היסטורי על התודעה הציבורית למקצוע הסיעוד בישראל. האחות בישראל, גליון 203, ע"מ 17-20, 2020.

R. Segev. TV series “’Lock Time’ is wrong: Women were Critical in the Yom Kippur War,” an Opinion Article, Globes, 18.11.2020 https://www.globes.co.il/news/article.aspx?did=1001349904 [Hebrew].



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