פרופ' מרים [מירי] פלדון אליאב

אמריטוס בחוג להסטוריה כללית
חוג להסטוריה כללית אמריטוס
טלפון פנימי: 03-6409785
משרד: גילמן, 374



1966-1969  Hebrew University, Jerusalem,  History & Philosophy,   BA

1969-1973  Hebrew University, Jerusalem,   History,           MA Magna cum laude

1974-1977  Oxford University, England,       History,                        D.Phil.

Doctoral Dissertation: The Social Content of the Utopias of the Renaissance

Supervisor:  Prof. H.R. Trevor-Roper

Examiners:  Prof. John Hale & Dame Frances Yates


Professional Experience:

1971-1973  Hebrew University     Teaching Assistant

1973-1974  Hebrew University     Instructor

1978-1979  Stanford University     Teaching & Research Fellow

1979-1984  Tel Aviv University     Lecturer

1984-1989  Tel Aviv University     Senior Lecturer

1986-1988  Sabbatical at Wolfson College, Oxford

1989-2008  Tel Aviv University     Associate Professor

2008-2012  Tel Aviv University  Full Professor

2012-  Emerita

1996-2000  Tel Aviv University     Chairperson of the History Department

2003-2015    Editor, Zmanim: A Historical Quarterly                

2005-2015   Director, Morris E. Curiel Institute for European Studies

2015-present Chairperson, The Historical Society of Israel 





1.  Realistic Utopias:  The Ideal Imaginary Societies of the Renaissance,Oxford   University Press, 1982, 180pp.

2.  with Elie Barnavi, Le Périple de Francesco Pucci: Utopie, hérésie et vérité religieuse dans la Renaissance tardive, Hachette,Paris, 1988, 280 pp.

3.  Renaissance Impostors and Proofs of Identity, Palgrave Macmillan; 2012, 291 pp.      


1. The "Discovery" of America and its Historical Significance, Israel Ministry of Defense Press, Tel Aviv, 1992, 112 pp. (in Hebrew)

2.  The Protestant Reformation, Israel Ministry of Defense Press, Tel Aviv, 1997,  111 pp. (in Hebrew)

3.  The Printing Revolution,Israel Ministry of Defense Press, Tel Aviv, 2000,  132 pp. (in Hebrew)

4. Satan’s Renaissance: Early Modern Persecutions (in preparation, in Hebrew)


1.  "If You Will It, It Is No Fairy-Tale: The First Jewish Utopias", The Jewish Journal of Sociology, Vol. 35, Dec. 1983, pp. 85-103

2.  "Secret Societies, Utopias and Peace Plans: The Case of Francesco Pucci", The Journal of Medieval and Renaissance Studies, Fall 1984, pp. 139-158

3.  "Grand Designs: The Peace Plans of the Late Renaissance", Vivarium, vol. 27, 1989, pp. 51-76

4.  “Invented Identities: Credulity in the Age of Prophecy and Exploration”, Journal of Early Modern History, Vol. 3, no. 3, August 1999, pp. 203-232.

5.  “On Ruffs and High Heels: Renaissance Sumptuary Laws”, Historia, 11, February 2003, pp. 47-68 (in Hebrew)

6.  “Prince or Pauper? Impostors and Dupes in Early-Modern Europe”, Zmanim, 83, Summer 2003, pp. 14-27 (in Hebrew)

Chapters in Books:

1.  "Realistic Utopias from More to Campanella", in Utopias and Communes (ed. A. Yassur),Haifa, 1981, pp. 17-26 (in Hebrew)

2.  "Metamorphoses of the Scientist in Utopias: A Comment",  in The Prism of Science,  (ed. E. Ullmann-Margalit),Dordrecht, 1986, pp. 17-20

3.  "Universal Peace for the Benefit of Trade: The Vision of Émeric Crucé", in Religion, Ideology and Nationalism in Europe and America: Essays Presented in Honor of Yehoshua Arieli, (eds., H. Ben Israel et al.),Jerusalem, 1986, pp. 29-44

4.  “The New World – Utopia or Paradise Lost?”, in Following Columbus,Jerusalem, 1996, pp. 117-126 (in Hebrew).

5.. “Vagabonds or Vermin: Attitudes to Gypsies in Early Modern Europe”, in Miriam Eliav-Feldon, Benjamin Isaac, Joseph Ziegler (eds.), The Origins of Racism in the West,  Cambridge University Press, 2009, pp. 276-291.

6. "Between Utopia and Satan's Realm: A Short Tour in Renaissance Europe", in A Festschrift for Zvi Yekutiel, forthcoming (in Hebrew)

7. "Introduction", in Miriam Eliav-Feldon and Tamar Herzig (eds.), Dissimulation and Deceit in Early Modern Europe, Palgrave Macmillan, 2015, pp. 1-8.



1.  (English Edition Editor), A Historical Atlas of the Jewish People,Hutchinson,London, 1992 (General Editor: Elie Barnavi).

2.  (Editor), Following Columbus: America 1492-1992, Merkaz Shazar and The Historical Society ofIsrael,Jerusalem, 1996, 552 pp.  (in Hebrew).

3.  (Editor and Academic Adviser), A Journey to the Past: From the Middle Ages to the Modern Era, A school text book, Tel-Aviv, 1997 (in Hebrew)

4.  (Hebrew Edition Editor), Eugene F. Rice, Jr. & Anthony Grafton, The Foundations of Early Modern Europe 1460-1559 (Ramot –TelAvivUniversity), 2000.

5.  (Hebrew Edition Editor & Translator), Natalie Zemon Davis, The Return of Martin Guerre, Tel Aviv, 2001

6.  (Editor, with Yitzhak Hen) Women, Children and the Elderly: Essays in Honour of Shulamit Shahar, Merkaz Shazar, Jerusalem, 2001, 185 pp. (in Hebrew)

7.  (Hebrew Edition Editor & Translator), Judith C. Brown, Immodest Acts: The Life of a Lesbian Nun in Renaissance Italy, Tel Aviv, 2002

8.  (Chief Editor) Zmanim, A Historical Quarterly published by Tel-Aviv School of History, The Open University and Merkaz Shazar, (since 2003; issues 85 – to present).

9. (Scientific editor of Hebrew edition), Tommaso Campanella, La città del Sole, Nahar Books, Binyamina 2006.

10. (Scientific editor of Hebrew edition), Robert Darnton, George Washington’s False Teeth: An Unconventional Guide to the Eighteenth Century, Tel-Aviv 2007.

11. (Editor, with Benjamin Isaac and Joseph Ziegler), The Origins of Racism in the West, Cambridge University Press, 2009.

12. (Editor, with Tamar Herzig), Dissimulation and Deceit in Early Modern Europe, Palgrave Macmillan, 2015.


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