ד"ר תמר מאיר

סגל אקדמי בכיר במנהלת ודיקנאט אמנויות
מנהלת ודיקנאט אמנויות סגל אקדמי בכיר
ניווט מהיר:
ד"ר תמר מאיר
משרד: גלריה לאומנויות


Dr. Tamar Mayer is an art historian and curator, a specialist of nineteenth century French art. There are two main threads in her research, the study of drawing theory and technique, and the study of museum history and practice. Tamar is the head curator of the Genia Schreiber Art Gallery, where she established an innovative interdisciplinary platform that brings the sciences and arts together. She gained her PhD from the University of Chicago (2017) in the department of Art History and in the Committee on Social Thought, with a dissertation on the drawings and preparatory processes of Jacques-Louis David. Tamar’s next research project (supported by the Israeli Science Foundation, ISF) is on the drawings of Israeli art historian, Moshe Barasch. She teaches courses and seminars in modern art, drawing theory, museum studies and curatorial practices


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