פרופ' מריוס אושר

סגל אקדמי בכיר בביה"ס למדעי הפסיכולוגיה
ביה"ס למדעי הפסיכולוגיה סגל אקדמי בכיר
פרופ' מריוס אושר
טלפון פנימי: 03-6408727
משרד: שרת, 150

Short Biography

Professor Marius Usher has received his PhD in Physics at Tel-Aviv University with a dissertation on neural-network modeling. Following this he pursued postdoctoral training in visual psychophysics (Weizmann Institute), in computational-neuroscience (Caltech) and cognitive psychology (Carnegie Mellon University). In 1995 he started to lecture in Psychology in England (University of Kent and Birkbeck College, London). From 2004 he was a Professor of Cognitive Psychology at Birkbeck College, University of London. In 2008 he returned and started to teach at Tel-Aviv University .

Fields of Interest

Choice, decision-making and numerical processing (the algorithm the mind/brain uses to generate preferences and make decisions; rationality); visual attention and interactions with emotion and consciousness; Philosophy of mind (Agency, moral responsibility, content of mental representations; phenomenal vs access consciousness; rationality).

Selected Publications

Personal Website

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