ד"ר ארז יוסקוביץ

עמית הוראה בלימודי מזרח אסיה
לימודי מזרח אסיה עמית הוראה
ד"ר ארז יוסקוביץ
משרד: גילמן

General Information

Erez Joskovich, PhD 

Erez Joskovich is an Adjunct Faculty in the Department of East-Asian Studies at Tel-Aviv University. He completed his Ph.D. studies at Tel-Aviv University in collaboration with the University of Tokyo (2014). His research interests are ranging from medieval to contemporary Japanese Buddhism. His publications focus on pre-modern and modern Zen, emphasizing Zen as a living religion. His latest paper: “The Inexhaustible Lamp of Faith: Faith and Awakening in the Japanese Rinzai Tradition” (Japanese Journal of Religious Studies, 42:2, 2015), sheds new light on the role of faith in the Rinzai tradition. His current project applies performance theories to Zen ritual. ​



2014                PhD, The School of Philosophy, Tel-Aviv University in cooperation with The University of Tokyo.

2008-2012       Research Fellow at the Department of Religious Studies, The University of Tokyo.

2007                M.A (summa cum laude) Religious Studies, Tel-Aviv University.

2003                B.A (summa cum laude) Philosophy and East Asian Studies, Tel-Aviv University.


2014-               Adjunct Faculty, Department of East Asian Studies, Tel Aviv University.

2012-2014       Lecturer, Department of East Asian Studies, Tel Aviv University.

2003-2005       Adjunct Instructor, Department of East Asian Studies, Tel Aviv University.



Refereed Journal Articles

(Forthcoming) “Playing the Patriarch: Representation and Transformation in the Zen Sermon.”  Journal of the American Academy of Religion.

2015                “The Inexhaustible Lamp of Faith: Faith and Awakening in the Japanese Rinzai Tradition.” Japanese Journal of Religious Studies, 42:2.

2012                “Zen and Science.” Electronic Journal of Contemporary Japanese Studies, 12:1.

2011                “How Old is the Wine: Ningen Zen Kyōdan and the development of laypeople Zen narrative in contemporary Japan.” International Journal for the Study of New Religions, 1:2.

Book Chapters

2012                “Zen in a Secular Age: The Development of the Laypeople Zen Narrative” in Sharma A., (ed.), Buddhism in East Asia. Delhi: Vidyanidhi Prakashan.


Conference Proceedings

2011                “Lay Zen Practice in Modern Japan” in The 5th Lay Buddhist Forum, Monasticism and lay Buddhism.


Book Reviews

2014                “Review of John Nelson’s Experimental Buddhism: Innovation and Activism in Contemporary Japan”. Journal of Buddhist Ethics, 21.


Manuscripts in Preparation

(Forthcoming) From Vimalakirti to Salaryman: Tradition, Adaptation, and Innovation in Japanese Zen.


Web-Based Publications

2010-               Fifty-six entries in the Digital Dictionary of Buddhism, A. Charles Muller (ed.)  <http://www.buddhism-dict.net/credits/lists/joskovich-list.html>

2010                Annotated translation into Hebrew of the Xinxinming (信心銘), available at <http://cafe.themarker.com/post/2190710/>

Other Publications

2012                Translation from Japanese and the translator’s introduction of Nosaka Akiyuki. 1980. Sensō dōwa shū. Tokyo: Chūkō bunko. [Nosaka Akiyuki, Sipure milhamah li-yeladim, Erez Joskovich trans. Tel Aviv: Yediʻot Aharonot].


2011-2012       Japan Foundation Fellowship.

2008-2010       Japanese Education Ministry (MEXT) scholarship for research students.

2006                Religion Studies program excellence award.

2005                Eisenberg Foundation award for East Asian Studies.


2013                “Enemies, A Love Story – Tokugawa Ieyasu and the Buddhist Institution.” Embassy of Japan in Israel, Feb 1.

2010                “Twentieth Century Boys: Religion and Religiosity in Contemporary Japanese Society”, Embassy of Japan in Israel, Dec 3.


Panels Organized and Chaired

2016                “Beyond Japan: Asian Multifaceted Divinities”, in Multifaceted Divinities in Japan and Beyond. The Hebrew University of Jerusalem and Tel-Aviv University, May.

2013                “Transcending Tradition: Contemporary Zen Experience in East Asia” American Association of Asian Studies Annual Convention, San Diego, CA, USA, March.

2011                “Dharma in the Age of Internet – changes, challenges, and opportunities”, American Association of Asian Studies Annual Convention, March.

Papers Presented

2016                “Representation and Transformation in Zen Monastic Practice: Towards a Theory of Buddhist Ritual Practice. The 13th Biennial Conference of Asian Studies in Israel, Tel-Hai College, Israel, May.

2014                “Playing the Patriarch – The Zen Sermon as a Ritual Performance”. Performing Japanese Traditions International Workshop, Tel-Aviv University, Israel, June.

2014                “Lay Zen in Contemporary Japan: Tradition and Interpretation”. The 12th Annual Israeli Asian Studies Conference, Haifa University, Israel, June.

2014                “Right Understanding: Faith, Practice and Awakening in the Zen Tradition” - The 12th Annual Israeli Asian Studies Conference, Haifa University, Israel, June.

2014                “Lay People Zen in Contemporary Japan Tradition and Interpretation” - The 6th Israeli Conference for Contemporary Religions and Spirituality, Tel Aviv University, Israel, April.

2012                “Forgetting Both Ends: Shaku Sōkatsu and the Development of Modern Lay Zen” The 6th Lay Buddhist Forum, Malaga University, Spain, November.

2011                “Lay Zen Practice in Modern Japan” The 5th Lay Buddhist Forum, Seoul, Korea, November.         

2011                “Faith and Non-duality: an alternative reading of the Xinxinming:” The 10th Annual Conference of Asian Studies, Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel, June.

2011                “Finding the Middle Path in the Field – Doing Fieldwork as a Scholar-practitioner of Zen”: The 10th Annual Conference of Asian Studies, Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel, June.

2011                “On-line Zen in Contemporary Japan”: The American Association of Asian Studies Annual Convention, Honolulu, Hawaii, March.

2010                “Zen for a secular age” – The 9th Annual Israeli Asian Studies Conference, Haifa University, Israel, June.

2010                Ningen Zen Kyōdan and the development of laypeople Zen narrative” – Buddhism in Asia Tradition, Changes, and Challenges. The University of Delhi, India, February.

Workshops and Seminars 

2015                “Buddhism in China - Connecting with the Source Research Seminar. Nirvana Sutra” under the guidance of Professor Mark Blum (UC Berkeley), Wuwei, China, June.

2014                “Buddhism in China - Connecting with the Source Research Seminar. Tiantai Study” under the guidance of Professor Daniel B. Stevenson (The University of Kansas), Tiantai-shan, China, August.


2013                “Tradition, New Religions and In-between – Lay people Zen in Modern Japan.” Department of East Asian Studies Seminar, Tel-Aviv University, Dec 3.

2011                “Gendai nihon ni okeru zaika shugi no zen no jissen.” Department of Religious Studies, The University of Tokyo, May 12.

2010                “Popular Zen in Contemporary Japan.” Department of East Asian Studies Advanced Students Seminar, Nov 2.


“From Revering the Buddha to Killing him – The Forking Paths from early Buddhism to Zen.” (Spring 2016).

“Kōans and the Dialectic Tradition of Chan/Zen Buddhism” (Fall 2015).

From Imperial-Way to Aum – Religion and Society in Modern Japan (Fall 2012, Fall 2013, Spring 2014).

“Kill the Buddha! Kill the Patriarchs!” – Zen Buddhism from a Critical Perspective (Fall 2012, Fall 2013, Spring 2014).

“Introduction to Japanese Society, History, and Culture” (Fall 2003, Spring 2004, Fall 2004, Spring 2005) – T.A. (instructor of records).


2016-               Co-Editor of Journal of Innovative Research in Japanese Studies (IRJS).

2015-               Book Review Editor for H-Buddhism (https://networks.h-net.org/h-buddhism).

2010-               Writer and editor for the Digital Dictionary of Buddhism, edited by A. Charles Muller.  <http://www.buddhism-dict.net >


2015-2016       Establisher and instructor of the Tel-Aviv University Buddhist Meditation Group.

2006-2007       Volunteer Consulter at The Cancer Hospice at Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer, Israel.

2005-2007       Social Guide at the Nizanim Boarding School for youth with mental disabilities, Moshav Zeitan, Israel. 


2016-               The American Academy of Religion.  

2014-               The Israeli Association of Japanese Studies, Member of the Managing Committee.

2011-               The American Association of East Asian Studies.

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