פרופ' יאיר בר

סגל אקדמי קליני באונקולוגיה
בי"ס ללימודי המשך ברפואה
אונקולוגיה סגל אקדמי קליני

Dr Jair Bar, MD PhD

Dr Jair Bar is an active physician, head of the Thoracic Oncology service at the Sheba Institute of Oncology. He is also the Deputy Director of the Institute and the Head of the Israel Lung Cancer Group. 

Dr Bar heads a basic research lab, focusing on models of lung cancer, studying the tumor-immune system-host interactions and how these can be manipulated to eradicate lung cancer.

The focuses of the lab are:

1) The study of the formation of metastatic disease at specific organs. In the field of lung cancer, the improvement in systemic treatments as well as localized treatments has been dramatic. However, predicting and preventing metastatic spread to specific organs such expected to improve further the results, specifically the quality of life. Preventing metastatic disease is expected also to increase the rate of cure among cancer patients. The lab currently focuses on the mechanism of metastatic spread of lung cancer to the brain. We have uncovered novel signaling pathways involved in this devastating event, and aim to study ways to prevent it.

2) Another major ongoing project of the lab is setting up a model of lung cancer that is amendable to immunotherapy treatments, based on ex-vivo organ cultures of real human tumors. Immunotherapy is the most significant advancement in the field of Oncology. However, reliable and accessible models are not available to study novel immunotherapy agents and mechanisms of resistance. Using fresh tumor samples, we are able to reproduce the 3D and stroma-cancer structures of the original tumors, including all elements of the immune system.

Jair is also a clinical investigator, leading a large number of clinical trials for lung cancer patients, using Immunotherapy and other tools.


Jair Bar, MD PhD - CV


NAME (Last, First, Title):        

Bar Jair, M.D. Ph.D.



Deputy Director, Institute of Oncology

Sheba Medical Center

ACADEMIC DEGREE: Senior Lecturer

Academic track, Tel Aviv University, since Oct 2015

Address (office):         Institute of Oncology

                                    The Chaim Sheba Medical Center

                                    Tel Hashomer, 5262000, Israel.

Tel (office):                 +972-3530-7096

Fax:                            +972-3530-7097

Cel:                              +972-54-6288901

E-mail:                        bar.jair@gmail.com, yair.bar@sheba.health.gov.il






The Hebrew University-Hadassah School  Jerusalem, Israel







Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel



Molecular Biology

Sheba Medical Center, Tel-Hashomer, Israel.

Specialist in Oncology


Medical and Radiation Oncology

The Ottawa Hospital Cancer Center, Ottawa, Canada.

Fellowship of Thoracic Medical Oncology


Thoracic Medical Oncology

Additional Certificates:

Medical Specialist license, Oncology (Medical & Radiotherapy), Israel.     2009

License to practice medicine, Israel, Unrestricted                                          1998


Work / training positions:

2014-              Deputy Director, Institute of Oncology, Sheba Medical Center, Israel.

2013-              Chairman of the Israel Lung Cancer Group.

2011-              Head, Thoracic Oncology, Medical & Radiation Oncology, Institute of Oncology, Sheba Medical Center, Israel.

2011-              Head, Novel Therapeutics for Lung Cancer Lab, Institute of Oncology, Sheba Medical Center, Israel.

2009-2011      Clinical & Research Fellow, Medical Oncology, The Ottawa Hospital, Ottawa, ON, Canada.

2004-2009      Resident, Oncology (Medical and Radiotherapy), Sheba Medical Center, Israel.

2005-2008      Investigator, an independent research lab at the Sheba Cancer Research Center, Israel.

1998-2004      Physician (part-time), Internal Medicine, Sheba Medical Center, Israel.

1998-2000      Research fellow, the Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel.

Professional memberships and administrative positions

2011-   Israel Society of Clinical Oncology and Radiotherapy – Member.

2013-   Chairman of the Israel Lung Cancer Group.

2014-   Deputy Director, Institute of Oncology, Sheba Medical Center, Israel.

2017-   Scientific Committee Member: Israel Society of Clinical Oncology and Radiotherapy Annual Meetings.

2018-   European Society of Medical Oncology – Member.

2018    Organizing Committee Member: The 3rd International Conference on Genomics – History, Medicine and Society. October 2-5, 2018, Haifa, Israel.

2019    Scientific and Organizing Committee member: European School of Oncology course; Where medical and radiation oncology meet: integrating state of the art strategies. February 27 – March 1, 2019, Tel Aviv, Israel

2020    Secretary of Organizing Committee member Israel Society of Clinical Oncology and Radiotherapy Annual Meeting 2021

Editorial activities:

Editorial board member of Annals of Thoracic Oncology Research since 2017.

Editorial board member of MEMO (Magazine of European Medical Oncology) since 2013.

Grant reviewer for Israel Science Foundation, ‘Israel Cancer Fund’, the Israeli Health Ministry Chief Scientist, 'The Netherlands Organization for Health Research and Development', ‘Bi-national Science Foundation’.

A reviewer for European Journal of Cancer, Lung cancer, Clinical Lung Cancer, PLOS ONE, Cancer Science, Cancer Microenvironment, J of Chemotherapy, Pharmaceutical Research, International Journal for Biotechnology, Molecular Biology Research and Expert Opinion on Drug Delivery journals.

Other activities:

PI on most industry-sponsored lung cancer trials in the Sheba Oncology Institute, since 2012.

PI and initiator of many clinical investigator initiated trials (latest; NCT01932229, NCT02938624).

Patent pending: Non-Provisional patent application; Use of A Primary Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Gene Expression Signature as A Predictor of Brain Metastasis; THM Ref: 2019016-00-00. Application number 62/879,716, USA.


Awards and competitive grants:

2019                List of 'best doctors of Israel' Forbes magazine (peer reviewed)

2018                List of 'best doctors of Israel' Forbes magazine (peer reviewed)

2018                Best abstract ISCORT award

2018                Investigator-Initiated clinical study approval by AstraZeneca Inc.

2018                MOH research grant

2017                List of 'best doctors of Israel' Forbes magazine (based on peer review)

2015                Investigator-Initiated clinical study approval by Merck Inc.

2014                Sheba Medical Center research grant

2012                Sheba Medical Center research grant

2012                Israeli Science Ministry “Nofar” fund

2011                Israel Cancer Association research grant

2011                Israel Science Foundation personal research grant

2011                Amgen Canada Fellows ASCO CME program

2011                Canadian Oncology Winter Conference award

2010                Ottawa Regional Cancer Foundation research grant

2010                Canadian Oncology Winter Conference award

2009                Canadian Oncology Winter Conference award

2008                Dr. Kline/Ms. Merkis Award, American Physicians Fellowship

2007                Israel Cancer Association grant (joint grant with Dr. Pfepfer, Sheba MC)

2007                Van Bates grant from the Tel Aviv University Cancer Biology Research Center (joint grant with Dr Tsarfati, TAU)

2006                Young Investigator prize, ISCORT 2006

2005                Bloch foundation research award

2005                Young Investigator prize, ISCORT 2005

2004                Research Grant from TEVA pharmaceuticals

1998-99           Research grant from the Israel Cancer Association

1998-99          Research grant from the Peter Friedmann Fellowship for Physicians, WIS

1993               B. Med Sc. Magna Cum Laude

Research Interests

Lung Cancer

Organ-targeted metastatic spread


Tumor-host interaction

Cancer microenvironment

Jair Bar, MD PhD - publication list (updated January 2020)

Appel S, Bar J, Alezra D, Bey-Ayun M, Honig N, Chatterji S, Katzman T, Symon Z, Lawrence Y. Image-guidance triggered  adaptive replanning  of  radiation therapy for  locally advanced lung cancer: an evaluation of cases requiring plan adaptation. Accepted to Br J Radiol. Oct 2019. https://doi.org/10.1259/bjr.20190743

Teodor Gottfried, Iris Kamer, Iris Salant, Damien Urban, Yaacov Lawrence ,Amir Onn, Bar J. Self-reported sleep quality as prognostic for survival in lung cancer patients. Cancer Management and Research. Jan 2020,12:313-321.

Bar J*, Ofek E*, Barshak I, Gotffried T, Zadok O, Kamer I, Urban D, Perelman M, Onn A. Small cell transformation as a mechanism of resistance to immunotherapy in non-small cell lung cancer. Accepted to Lung Cancer, Dec 2019; 138:109–115. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.lungcan.2019.09.025.

Bar J, Markel G, Kuznetsov T, Percik R, Leibowitz-Amit R, Berger R, Golan T, Daher S, Taliansky A, Dudnik E, Shulman K, Urban D, Onn A. Acute vascular events as a possibly related adverse event of immunotherapy; a single institute retrospective study. European Journal Of Cancer. October 2019; 120: 122-131. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ejca.2019.06.021.

*Dudnik E, *Bar J, Peled N, Bshara E, Kuznetsov T, Cohen AY, Shochat T, Nechushtan H, Onn A, Agbarya A, Moskovitz M, Keren S, Popovits-Hadar N, Urban D, Mishaeli M, Maimon Rabinovich N, Brenner R, Zer A, Rotem O, Roisman LC, Wollner M. Efficacy and safety of BRAF inhibitors (BRAFi) +/- MEK inhibitors (MEKi) in BRAF mutant (BRAFm) advanced non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC): findings from the real-life cohort. Accepted to Clinical Lung Cancer, March 2019. doi.org/10.1016/j.cllc.2019.03.007  *Equal contribution

Appel S, Bar J, Ben-Nun A, Perelman M, Alezra D, Urban D, Ben-Ayun M, Honig N, Ofek E, Katzman T, Onn A, Chatterji S, Dubinski S, Tsvang L, Felder S, Kraitman J, Haisraely O, Rabin Alezra T, Lieberman S, Marom EM, Golan NG, Simansky D, Symon Z, Lawrence YR. Comparative effectiveness of intensity modulated / volumetric arc to 3-dimensional conformal radiation in locally advanced lung cancer: pathological and clinical and outcomes. Accepted to Br J Radiol 2019; 92: 20180960. doi.org/10.1259/bjr.20180960

Bedas A, Peled N, Rabinovich NM, Mishaeli M, Shochat T, Zer A, Rotem O, Allen AM, Bar J, Dudnik E. Efficacy and safety of ALK tyrosine kinase inhibitors (ALK TKIs) in the elderly patients with advanced. ALK-positive non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC): findings from the real-life cohort. February 2019 Accepted to Oncology Research and Treatment.

Eshet Y, Baruch E, Shapira-Frommer R, Steinberg-Silman Y, Kuznetsov T, Ben-Betzalel G, Daher S, Gluck I, Asher N, Apter S, Schachter J, Bar J, Boursi B, and Markel G. Clinical significance of pancreatic atrophy induced by immune checkpoint inhibitors: A case-control study. Cancer Immunology Research, December 2018, 6(12). DOI: 10.1158/2326-6066.CIR-17-0659.

A. Ben Nun, N. Golan, E. Ofek, D. Urban, I. Kamer, D. Simansky, A. Onn, A. Ackerstein, S.P. Raskin, T. Shulimzon, N. Zeitlin, I. Redinsky, S. Halperin, M. Jurkowicz and J. Bar. Neoadjuvant pembrolizumab (Pembro) for early stage non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) – initial report of a phase I study, MK3475-223. Annals of Oncology, 29(suppl_8), October 2018, mdy290.011.

J. Bar, K. Shulman, T. Kuznetsov, G. Markel, S. Daher, R. Berger, T. Golan, D. Urban, T. Sela, E. Shacham Shmueli, R. Klempfner, A. Talianski, A. Onn, E. Dudnik Evaluation of a possible link between immunotherapy (IO) and acute vascular events. Annals of Oncology, 29(suppl_8), October 2018, mdy288.090.

Dudnik E, Peled N, Nechushtan H, Wollner M, Onn A, Agbarya A, Moskovitz M, Keren S, Popovits-Hadari N, Urban D, Mishaeli M, Zer A, Allen AM, Maimon Rabinovich N, Rotem O, Kuznetsov T, Shochat T, Roisman LC, Bar J, on behalf of the Israel Lung Cancer Group. BRAF Mutant Lung Cancer: Programmed Death Ligand 1 Expression, Tumor Mutational Burden, Microsatellite Instability Status, and Response to Immune Check-Point Inhibitors. Journal of Thoracic Oncology, August 2018, 13(8):1128-1137

Bar J, Urban, D Kuznetsov T, Gadot M, Zadok O, Kamer I, Perelman M, Onn A, Ofek E. Small cell transformation as a mechanism of resistance to immunotherapy of non-small cell lung cancer. J Clin Oncol, 36(15) suppl, June 2018, DOI: 10.1200/JCO.2018.36.15_suppl.e21230 36

Romaniello D, Mazzeo L, Mancini M, Marrocco I, Noronha A, Kreitman M, Srivastava S, Ghosh S, Lindzen M, Salame TM, Onn A, Bar J, and Yarden Y. A Combination Of Approved Antibodies Overcomes Resistance Of Lung Cancer To Osimertinib By Blocking Bypass Pathways. Clinical Cancer Research, June 2018, DOI: 10.1158/1078-0432.CCR-18-0450

Dudnik E, Moskovitzb M, Daher S, Shamai A, Hanovich E, Grubstein A, Shochat T, Wollner M, Bar J, Merimsky O, Zer A, Daniel Z, Goldstein A, Hammerman A, Cyjon A, Shechtman, Y Abu-Amna M, Flex D, Roisman LC, Peled N. On behalf of the Israel Lung Cancer Group. Effectiveness and safety of nivolumab in advanced non-small cell lung cancer: The real-life data. Lung Cancer, November 2017, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.lungcan.2017.11.015.

Dudnik E, Peled N, Wollner M, Onn A, Agbareya, A Nechushtan H, Kuznetsov T, Roisman L, Belilovski Rozenblum A., Geva S, Zer A, Bar J. BRAF Mutant NSCLC: Correlation with PD-L1 Expression,TMB, MSI and Response to ICPi and Anti-BRAF Therapy. MA 02.06, Journal of Thoracic Oncology. November 2017, 12(11), Sup. 2, S1804–S1805. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jtho.2017.09.455

Allen AM, Urban D, Dudnik J, WollnerM, Agbarya A, Rosenberg SK, Moskovitz M and Bar J. Real-World Practice Patterns in the Treatment of Stage III Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer; the Israeli Experience. Annals of Thoracic Oncology Research, 2017 August; 1(2): 1006.

Shlomi D, Abud M, Liran O, Bar J, Gai-Mor N, Ilouze M, Onn M, Ben-Nun A, Haick H, Peled N. Detection of Lung Cancer and EGFR Mutation by Electronic Nose System. Journal of Thoracic Oncology, 2017 July, 12(10);1544-1551. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jtho.2017.06.073

Dudnik E, Roisman LC, Bar J, Hammerman A, Daher S, Moskovitz M, Shamai S, Hanovich E, Shechtman Y, Abu-Amna M, Zer A, Wollner M, Merimsky O, Cyjon A, Peled N On behalf of the Israeli Lung Cancer Group Economic aspects of nivolumab in non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC): lessons from real-life. Journal of Clinical Oncology 35, no. 15_suppl e18322

Dagan A, Sella T, Urban D, Onn A, Bar J*, Segal G*. Low ALT is not associated with Increased Rate of Mortality in Patients with Advanced Lung Cancer. *equal contribution. Journal of Cachexia, Sarcopenia and Muscle Clinical Reports, 2017, 2(1), e00016, P. 1.

Appel S, Goldstein J, Perelman M, Rabin T, Urban D, Onn A, Shulimzon TR, Weiss I, Lieberman S, Marom EM, Golan N, Simanski D, Ben-Nun A, Lawrence YR, Bar J *, Symon Z * Definitive dose Chemo-radiation followed by Surgery for Locally Advanced Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Patients; Evaluation of Trimodality Strategy *equal contribution. Accepted to IMAJ Feb 2017.

Shiran I, Heller E, Jessel S, Kamer I, Meshulam I, Navon R, Urban D, #Onn A, #Bar J. NSCLC Patients with adenocarcinoma morphology have better prognosis than patients diagnosed with NSCLC favor adenocarcinoma. # equal contribution. Clinical Lung Cancer, 18(3): 316–323.e1. May 2017. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cllc.2017.01.009.

Appel S, Lawrence YR, Goldstein J, Pfeffer RM, Weiss I, Rabin T, Felder S, Ben-Ayun M, Tzvang L, Alezra D, Simansky D, Ben-Nun A, Bar J, Symon Z. Stereotactic Ablative Body Radiation for Stage I Lung Cancer in Israel: A Retrospective Single-Center Report. IMAJ 2017 January; 19: 39-43.

Bar J, Gorn I, Hasim MS, Baghai T, Hanson JEL, Niknejad N, Perkins TJ, Stewart DJ, Sekhon HS, Villeneuve PJ and Dimitroulakos J. Induction of Activating Transcription Factor 3 is associated with cisplatin responsiveness in NSCLC: A potential predictive biomarker of response. Neoplasia. 2016 September; 18(9): 525–535.

Appel S, Goldstein JD, Symon Z, Lawrence Y, Bar J, Rabin T, Ben Ayun M, Davidson T, Ben Nun A. Does Pathologic Response to Neoadjuvant Chemoradiation to 60 Gy Predict Survival in Locally Advanced Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer? Int J Rad Onc Biol Phys 2016 Oct; 96(2): Sup E465.

Appel S, Lawrence YR, Bar J, Ben Nun A. Concomitant chemo-radiation to 60 Gy followed by surgery for locally advanced non-small cell lung cancer patients; evaluation of trimodality strategy. J Thor Onc. 2016 April; 11(4): Sup S109. Abstract 122P ELCC 2016.

Leibowitz-Amit R, Shapira-Frommer R, Golan T, Korach L, Israel A, Shalem Y, Shacham-Shmueli E, Ben-Ami E, Hausner D, Zach L, Nili Gal-Yam E, Kaufman B, Onn A, Urban D, Bar J, Berger R. Initial clinical experience with pembrolizumab in metastatic heavily pre-treated patients with solid cancers in a single institution. Eur J Cancer, September 2015 51(sup 3); S111.

Feinberg T, Alkob L, Herbig J, Cancilla J, Torrecilla J, GaiMor N, Bar J, Ilouze M, Haick H, Peled N. Cancerous glucose metabolism in lung cancer – evidence from exhaled breath analysis. Journal of Breath Research, 2016 June; 10(2): doi:10.1088/1752-7155/10/2/026012.

Nisman B, Nechushtan H, Biran H, Peled N, Gantz-Sorotsky H, Doviner V, Perelman M, Bar J, Onn A, Uziely B, Peretz T. New ARCHITECT plasma pro-gastrin-releasing peptide assay for diagnosing and monitoring small-cell lung cancer. British Journal of Cancer 2016; 114: 469–476. doi:10.1038/bjc.2016.7.

Ben Nun A, Simansky D, Rokah M, Zaytlin N, Ben Avi R, Soudack M, Golan N, Apel S, Bar J, Yelin A. Hybrid video-assisted and limited open (VALO) resection of superior sulcus tumors. Surgery Today. 2016; 46: 686. doi:10.1007/s00595-015-1225-0.

Bar J, Ding K, Zhao H, Han L, Laurie SA, Seymour L, Addison CL, Shepherd FA, Goss GD, Dimitroulakos J, and Bradbury PA. Angiotensin Converting Enzyme and Aldosterone Serum Levels as Prognostic and Predictive Biomarkers for Cediranib in NCIC Clinical Trials Group study BR.24. Clin Lung Cancer. 2015 Nov;16(6):e189-201. doi: 10.1016/j.cllc.2015.05.002. Epub 2015 May 13. PubMed PMID: 26081815.

Bar J, Botser D, Navon R, Peled N, Biran H, Nili Gal-Yam E, Ben-Arieh S, Raskin S, Onn A; A single-arm phase II study of afatinib treatment for advanced EGFR-mutant non-small cell lung cancer (mNSCLC) patients (pts) with EGFR-tyrosine kinase inhibitor (TKI) resistance. J Clin Oncol 33, 2015 (suppl; abstr e19031).

Bar J, Gottfried M, Dudnik J, Flex D, Keren-Rosenberg SP, Agbarya A, Onn A, Moskovitz MT, Maimon N, Lazarev I, Peled N, Popovits-Hadari N, Biran H, Urban D, Herscovici L, Wollner M. Prognostic impact of first treatment choice in EGFR mutant non-small cell lung cancer (mNSCLC) patients (pts) per mutation type; retrospective analysis. J Clin Oncol 33, 2015 (suppl; abstr e19120).

Nisman B, Nechushtan H, Biran H, Peled N, Gantz-Sorotsky H, Doviner V, Perelman M, Bar J, Uziely B, Peretz-Yablonski T. New ARCHITECT plasma pro-gastrin-releasing peptide assay and lung cancer: Implications for diagnosis, follow-up, and prognosis. J Clin Oncol 33, 2015 (suppl; abstr 7570).

Katanov C, Lerrer S, Liubomirski Y, Lieder-Trejo L, Meshel T, Bar J, Feniger-Barish R, Kamer I, Soria-Artzi G, Kahani H, Banerjee D and Ben-Baruch A. Regulation of the inflammatory profile of stromal cells in human breast cancer: Prominent roles for TNF-alpha and the NF-kappaB pathway. Stem Cell Research & Therapy 2015 May; 6:87  doi:10.1186/s13287-015-0080-7.

Bar J, Gorn-Hondermann I, Moretto P, Perkins TJ, Niknejad N, Stewart D, Goss G, Dimitroulakos J. Cyclin dependent kinase 6 down-regulation as a potential mechanism of acquired cisplatin resistance in non-small cell lung carcinoma. Clin Lung Cancer. 2015 Nov;16(6):e121-9. doi: 10.1016/j.cllc.2015.01.008. Epub 2015 Feb 3. PubMed PMID: 25703099.

Sella T, Botser D, Navon N, Biran H, Tenenbaum S, Urban D, Onn A, Bar J. Preferences for disclosure of disease related information among thoracic cancer patients. Lung Cancer 2015 Apr;88(1):100-3. doi: 10.1016/j.lungcan.2015.01.021. Epub 2015 Jan 31.

Shlomi D, Ben-Nun A, Kaplan T, Ilouze M, Simanski D, Shulimzon T, Gai-Mor N, Cohen L, Golan N, Baltaxe E, Bar J, Onn A, Onn A, Peled N. Automated target-FISH lung cancer detection (LCD) test of induced sputum. European Respiratory Journal 2015 46: PA3002; DOI: 10.1183/13993003.congress-2015.PA3002

Agbarya A, Melamed-Frank M,  Kaidar-Person O,  Goldberg-Cohen I, Nasrallah H, Wollner M,   Bar J, Rennert G, Lejbkowicz F. Getting out of a wheelchair: an uncommon insertion

mutation in exon 19 of EGFR responsive to erlotinib. SpringerPlus. 2014; 3:507
DOI: 10.1186/2193-1801-3-507.

Bar J, Cyjon A, Dov F, Sorotsky H, Biran H, Dudnik J, Peylan-Ramu N, Peled N, Nechushtan H, Gips M, Katsnelson R, Keren SR, Merimsky O, Onn A, Gottfried M, on behalf of the Israeli Lung Cancer Group. EGFR mutation testing in advanced non-small cell lung cancer. Lung May 2014; 192(5): 759-763. DOI 10.1007/s00408-014-9604-7.

Bar J, Damianovich M, Hout Siloni G, Dar E, Cohen Y, Zadok O, Cohen Y, Perelman M, Barshack I, Yarden RI, Simansky D, Ben Nun A, Onn A. Evaluation of EGFR, KRAS and TP53 mutations as predictive of disease recurrence in resected early non-small cell lung carcinomas (NSCLC). MEMO, 2014 February; 7(1): 10-15.

Bar J, Damianovich M, Hout Siloni G, Dar E, Cohen Y, Perelman M, Ben Nun A, Simansky D, Yellin A, Urban D, Onn A. Genetic mutations screen in early non small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) specimens. Clinical Lung Cancer, 2014 March, 15(2): 159–165.

Bar J, Spencer S, Morgan S, Pike L, Cunningham D, Robertson J, Jürgensmeier JM, Goss GD. Correlation of LDH isoenzyme profile with outcome in advanced colorectal cancer patients treated with chemotherapy and bevacizumab or cediranib (HORIZON I study). Clinical Colorectal Cancer, March 2014; 13(1): 46–53.

Shlomi D, Onn A, Gottfried M, Bar J, Biran H, Ilouze M, Dvir A, Nechushtan H, Soussan-Gutman L, Peled N. Better Selection Model for EML4-ALK Fusion Gene Test in Patients with Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer. Journal of Cancer Therapy, 2013, 4, 54-58

Bar J, Ding K, Zhao H, Laurie SA, Shepherd F, Addison C, Goss GD, Dimitroulakos J, Bradbury PA. Exploratory analysis of angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) and aldosterone (Ald) serum levels as prognostic and predictive biomarkers on the NCIC CTG BR24 trial. J Clin Oncol 31, 2013 (suppl; abstr 8048). [IF 2011: 18.372]

Urban D, Bar J, Solomon B, Ball D. Lymph node ratio may predict the benefit of postoperative radiotherapy in Non–Small-Cell Lung Cancer. Journal of Thoracic Oncology, 2013 Jul;8(7):940-6.

Bar J, Spencer S, Morgan S, Pike L, Cunningham D, Robertson J, Jürgensmeier JM, Goss GD. Correlation of lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) isoenzyme profile with outcome in advanced colorectal cancer (CRC) patients (pts) treated with chemotherapy and bevacizumab (BEV) or cediranib (CED). J Clin Oncol. 30, 2012 (suppl; abstr e13541). [IF 2011: 18.372]

Biran H, Perelman M, Bar  J, Zwas TS. Somatostain receptor (SSTR)-targeted therapy in pulmonary large-cell neuroendocrine carcinoma (LCNEC) patients with intermediate proliferation rate (PR). J Clin Oncol 30, 2012 (suppl; abstr e17509). ). [IF 2011: 18.372].

Shiran I, Borshteen R, Urban D, Onn A, Biran H, Bar J. The efficacy of pemetrexed-based treatment for advanced non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC), as correlated with the pathologic features of tumors. Journal of Thoracic Oncology. 2012 June; 7 Sup 1, S45.

Bar J, Ng D, Moretto P, Goss DG, Sun A, MacRae R, Laurie S, Leighl N and Nicholas G. Chemoradiotherapy for recurrent NSCLC; retrospective database analysis of two large cancer centers. Clinical Lung Cancer. 2013 March; 14(2). 200-4.

Vickers MM*, Bar J*, Gorn-Hondermann I, Yarom N, Daneshmand M, Hanson JEL, Addison CL, Asmis TR, Jonker DJ, Maroun J, Lorimer IAJ, Goss DG and Dimitroulakos J. Stage-dependant differential expression of microRNAs in colorectal cancer: Potential role as markers of metastatic disease. Clinical and Experimental Metastasis. 2012 Feb; 29(2). 123-132. *Equal contribution. [IF 2010: 4.113]

Gomes M, Souza C, Bar J, Sekhon H. Interdisciplinary site-specific didactic meetings: Interdisciplinary site-specific didactic meetings: Addressing competency-based education and program-based clinical services. International Conference on Residency Education 2011, Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada. Open Medicine. September 21, 2011. Vol. 5(3), pp.S10, abstract 159.

Bar J, Gorn-hundermann I, Reid S, O’Brien A, Niknejad N, Goss GD, Dimitroulakos J. Activating transcription factor 3 (ATF3) as a potential biomarker of platinum sensitivity in non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). J Clin Oncol. 29: 2011 (suppl; abstr e21012). [IF 2011: 18.372]

Bar J, Perez-Iratxeta C, Gorn-hundermann I, Reid S, Goss G, Dimitroulakos J. microRNA (miR) analysis as a tool for discovering platinum resistance mechanisms in non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). 2011 Proceedings of the American Association for Cancer Research. Abstract #4949.

Vickers MM, Asmis T, Jonker D, Maroun JA, Yarom N, Bar J, Gorn-Hundermann I, Daneshmand M, Dimitroulakos J. Metastasis suppressing/promoting microRNA expression in primary and metastatic colorectal cancer. Ann Oncol. 2010 Oct; 21, sup (8): viii49 (102P).


Gorn I, Bar J, Vickers MM, Dimitroulakos J. Optimization of microRNA (miRNA) extraction from formalin fixed paraffin embedded (FFPE) colorectal and lung cancer tissues, and validation of a microRNA internal control.  Ann Oncol. 2010 Oct; 21, sup (8): viii60 (147).

Yosepovich A, Avivi C, Bar J, Polak-Charcon S, Mardoukh C and Barshack I. Breast cancer Her2 equivocal cases: is there an alternative to FisH testing? a Pilot study Using two Different antibodies sequentially. IMAJ, 2010 June; 12: 78-81.

Markel G, Ortenberg R, Seidman R, Sapoznik S, Koren-Morag N, Besser M, Bar J, Shapira R, Kubi A, Nardini G, Tessone A, Treves AJ, Winkler E, Orenstein A and Schachter J. Systemic dysregulation of CEACAM1 in the melanoma patients. Cancer Immunology Immunotherapy, 2010 February; 59(2): 215-230. [IF 3.728 2007].

Bar J., Feniger-Barish R., Moskovits N, Lukashchuk N, Goldfinger N, Rotter V, Goss G, Oren M. Cancer cells suppress p53 in adjacent fibroblasts. Journal of Thoracic Oncology 2009 September; 4(9) Sup (1): S605.

Bar J , Feniger-Barish R., Lukashchuk N, Shaham H, Moskovits N, Goldfinger N, Simansky D, Perlman M, Papa M, Yosepovich A, Rechavi G, Rotter V, Oren M, Cancer cells suppress p53 in adjacent fibroblasts. Oncogene 2009 Feb 12;28(6):933-6. [IF 6.44 #14/132 Oncology 2007].

Gluck I, Simon A.J, Catane R, Pfepfer R, Schachter J, Rechavi G, and Bar J. Malignant Melanoma patients' germ-line analysis of Thymidine/Guanidine polymorphism in position 309 of the promoter of the Mdm2 gene. Melanoma Res. 2009 August; 19(4): 199-202. [IF 2.077, 15/39 Dermatology, Oncology].

Bar J, Yerushalmi R, Shapira-Frummer R, Kutchuk I, Sulkes A, Gutman H, Catane R, and Jacob Schachter J. Concurrent Chemobiotherapy with Cisplatin, Dacarbazine, decrescendo Interleukin-2 and Interferon alpha2b in Patients with Metastatic Melanoma. Oncology Reports. 2008 Dec;20(6):1533-8. [IF 1.597].

Moskovitz N, Kalinkovich A, Bar J, Lapidot T and Oren M. p53 attenuates cancer cell migration and invasion through repression of SDF-1/CXCL12 expression in stromal fibroblasts. Cancer Res. 2006 Nov 15;66(22):10671-6 [IF 7.656, #10/127 Oncology 2006].

Zalcenstein A, Weisz L, Stambolsky P, Bar J, Rotter V and Oren M. Repression of the MSP/MST-1 gene contributes to the antiapoptotic gain of function of mutant p53. Oncogene. 2006 Jan 19;25(3):359-69 [IF 6.582, #12/127 Oncology 2006].

Bar J, Lukaschuk N, Zalcenstein A, Seger R, Oren M. The PI3K inhibitor LY294002 prevents p53 induction by DNA damage and attenuates chemotherapy-induced apoptosis. Cell Death and Differentiation. 2005 Jun 3; 12: 1578–87 [IF 7.463, #22/125 Cell Biology 2006].

Bar J, Cohen-Noyman E, Geiger B, Oren M. Attenuation of the p53 response to DNA damage by high cell density. Oncogene. 2004 Mar 18; 23(12):2128-37 [IF 6.582, #12/127 Oncology 2006].

Lavon I, Pikarsky E, Gutkovich E, Goldberg I, Bar J, Oren M, Ben-Neriah Y. Nuclear Factor-kappaB Protects the Liver against Genotoxic Stress and Functions Independently of p53. Cancer Res. 2003 Jan 1; 63(1):25-30 [IF 7.656, #10/127 Oncology 2006].

PhD thesis: Role of p53 in tumor-host interactions. Mentor: Moshe Oren, Weizmann Institute of Science. Approved Dec 2004.


Book chapters, editorials, reviews, letters:

Onn A, Bar J, Herbst Roy S. Angiogenesis inhibition and lung cancer therapy. Editorial. Lancet Oncol. 2014 Feb; 15(2): 124 – 125.

Shlomi D, Pekar M, Iluze M, Bar J, Biran H, Navon R, Onn A, Peled N. The Diagnostic Puzzle of EML4-ALK Rearrangement in Lung Cancer. Review. The Journal of OncoPathology. 2013 Jul; 1(2): 103-110(8).

Bar J, Urban D, Borshtein R, Nechushtan H, Onn A. EGFR mutation in lung cancer: tumor heterogeneity and the impact of chemotherapy. Editorial. Chin Clin Onc. 2012 Dec 11. DOI: 10.3978.

Bar J, Shiran I, Urban D, Agbarya A, Onn A. Anti-angiogenic treatments in advanced NSCLC: back to the drawing board. Editorial. J Thorac Dis. 2012 Oct 18. DOI: 10.3978.

Bar J, Goss G. Tumor vasculature as a therapeutic target in Non-small Cell Lung Cancer. Journal of thoracic oncology. Review. March 2012; 7(3): 609–620. [IF 4.040, #50/185 Oncology,

#7/46 Respiratory System].

Bar J, Herbst R and Onn A. Overcoming resistance to EGFR TKIs in lung cancer. Review. Clinical Lung Cancer. On line Dec 2011 [IF 2.393].

Bar J, Wheatley Price P. Advances in liposomal formulations for targeting lung cancer (2011). In: Ed. Souto EB. Lipid Nanocarriers in Cancer Diagnosis and Therapy. Special handbook edition. Shrewsbury, UK: iSmithers Rapra Publishing. pp. 257-278.

Livneh J, Waddington K and Bar J. Addressing Safety Issues of Health Care Personnel, Family Members, and the Environment. Letter. Journal of Clinical Oncology. 2010 February 16; published online [IF 17.157].

Bar J, Moskovits N and Oren M. Involvement of stromal p53 in tumor-stroma interactions. Review. Seminars in Cell and Developmental Biology. 2010 February; 21(1):47-54 [IF 4.528].

Bar J, Onn A and Herbst RS. Molecular Events Surrounding the Angiogenic Switch of Lung Cancer. In: Eds. Pass H. Carbone DP, Johnson DH, Minna JD, Scagliotti GV and Turrisi AT III. Principles and Practice of Lung Cancer, the official reference text of the IASLC:, 4th Ed., Lippincott, Philadelphia, PA. 2010.

Bar J, Herbst RS, and Onn A. Targeted drug delivery strategies to treat lung metastasis. Review. Expert Opinion on Drug Delivery. 2009 October; 6(10):1003-1016 [IF 3.345, 2009].

Bar J, Herbst RS, and Onn A. Multi-Targeted Therapeutics in Lung Cancer: New Clinical Data. Review. Clinical Lung Cancer. 2008 May 15;9(sup3):S92-S99.

Bar J and Onn A. Combined anti-proliferative /anti-angiogenic strategies for cancer. Review. Expert Opinion on Pharmacotherapy. 2008 Apr;9(5):701-15. [IF 2.077, 123/216 Pharmacology & Pharmacy 2008].

Frommer-Shapira R, Bar J, Kuchuk, I, Catane, R and Schachter, J. Chemobiotherapy in metastatic melanoma patients: the Sheba experience. Melanoma Research.

2007 Feb; 17(1): A27-A28.

Bar J, Ehrenfeld M, Rozenman J, Perelman M, Sidi Y, Gur H. Pulmonary-renal syndrome in systemic sclerosis. Review. Semin Arthritis Rheum. 2001 Jun;30(6):403-10.


International conferences presentations:

Survival prolongation by rationale innovative genomics (SPRING): An international WIN consortium phase I study exploring safety and efficacy of avelumab, palbociclib, and axitinib in advanced non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) with integrated genomic and transcriptomic correlates. B. Solomon, A. Callejo, Bar J, G. Berchem, L. Bazhenova, P. Saintigny, E. Raymond, N. Girard, R. Sulaiman, C. Bresson, F. Wunder, J.J. Lee, J. Raynaud, E. Rubin, B. Young, V. Lazar, E. Felip, A. Onn, B. Leyland-Jones, R. Kurzrock. Annals of Oncology (2019) 30 (suppl_5): v602-v660. 10.1093/annonc/mdz260

LBA15: Overall survival with first-line durvalumab plus platinum-etoposide in patients with ES-SCLC in CASPIAN: subgroup findings from Asia. Makoto Nishio, Jun Ho Ji, Katsuyuki Hotta, Chao-Hua Chiu, Jong-Seok Lee,5 Koichi Azuma, Sang-We Kim, Shang-Yin Wu, Mikhail Dvorkin, Dmytro Trukhin, Libor Havel, Maximilian J. Hochmair, Mustafa Özgüroğlu, Jair Bar, Yuanbin Chen, Jonathan W. Goldman, Natalie Byrne, Peter J Laud, Norah Shire, Luis Paz-Ares. Annals of Oncology, proceedings of ESMO-Asia, Singapore 2019.

Jair Bar, Damien Urban, Efrat Ofek, Aliza Ackerstein, Ilanit Redinsky, Nir Golan, Iris Kamer, David Simansky, Amir Onn, Stephen Raskin, Tiberiu Shulimzon, Michael Peled, Nona Zeitlin, Sharon Halparin, Menucha Jurkowicz, Ramez Abukhalil, Marina Perelman, Alon Ben-Nun; Neoadjuvant pembrolizumab (Pembro) for early stage non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) – updated report of a phase I study, MK3475-223. ASCO 2019. Poster presenter. DOI: 10.1200/JCO.2019.37.15_suppl.8534. Journal of Clinical Oncology 37, no. 15_suppl (May 20 2019) 8534-8534.

D2-24  R. Perets; K. Yoh; D.-W. Kim; J. Bar; M.-J. Ahn; A. Nagrial; M. Satouchi; D. Rasco; D. H. Lee; D. R. Spigel; D. Kotasek; M. Gutierrez, J. Niu ; S. Siddiqi ; A. Chain ; B. D. Butts ; X. Li ; J. Cyrus ; R. A. Altura ; B. C. Cho. Antitumor Activity and Safety of MK-1308 (Anti–CTLA-4) Plus Pembrolizumab in Patients With Non–Small Cell Lung Cancer: Updated Interim Results From a Phase 1 Study – ASCO 2019. DOI:10.1200/JCO.2019.37.15_suppl.2558 Journal of Clinical Oncology 37, no. 15_suppl (May 20 2019) 2558-2558.

Opher Globus, Bar J, Amir Onn, Inbal Uri, Sivan Lieberman, Jonathan Weidenfeld, Rakefet Manu-Sitton, Yael Eshet, Yaacov Richard Lawrence, Damien Urban Early Mortality in Metastatic Lung Cancer: a SEER population data analysis. ASCO 2019. DOI: 10.1200/JCO.2019.37.15_suppl.9103 Journal of Clinical Oncology 37, no. 15_suppl (May 20 2019) 9103-9103.

Paradigm Shift in the Treatment of NSCLC . Immuno-Oncology 2019 World Congress, May 23 - 24, 2019, Barcelona, Spain. Invited speaker.

Keynote speaker: Does addition of immunotherapy in SCLC improve survival? 1st Immuno-Oncology Society of India Congress,15-17 March 2019, Mumbai, India. Invited speaker.

Immunotherapy in early stage NSCLC. European School of Oncology course; Where medical and radiation oncology meet: integrating state of the art strategies. February 27 – March 1, 2019, Tel Aviv, Israel. Invited speaker.

Radiation effects on the immune system. European School of Oncology course; Where medical and radiation oncology meet: integrating state of the art strategies. February 27 – March 1, 2019, Tel Aviv, Israel. Invited speaker.

Dudnik E, Peled N, Wollner M, Onn A, Agbareya, A Nechushtan H, Kuznetsov T, Roisman L, Belilovski Rozenblum A., Geva S, Zer A, Bar J. BRAF Mutant NSCLC: Correlation with PD-L1 Expression,TMB, MSI and Response to ICPi and Anti-BRAF Therapy. MA 02.06, Journal of Thoracic Oncology. November 2017, 12, (11), Sup. 2, S1804–S1805. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jtho.2017.09.455

Immunotherapy for lung cancer – elusive targets. Abstract discussion. ESMO annual meeting. Madrid, Spain, September 2017. Invited Speaker.

Poster: A. Ben Nun, N. Golan, E. Ofek, D. Urban, I. Kamer, D. Simansky, A. Onn, A. Ackerstein, S.P. Raskin, T. Shulimzon, N. Zeitlin, I. Redinsky, S. Halperin, M. Jurkowicz and J. Bar. Neoadjuvant pembrolizumab (Pembro) for early stage non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) – initial report of a phase I study, MK3475-223. Poster presentation at ESMO annual meeting 2018.

Poster: J. Bar, K. Shulman, T. Kuznetsov, G. Markel, S. Daher, R. Berger, T. Golan, D. Urban, T. Sela, E. Shacham Shmueli, R. Klempfner, A. Talianski, A. Onn, E. Dudnik Evaluation of a possible link between immunotherapy (IO) and acute vascular events. Poster presentation at ESMO annual meeting 2018.

Poster discussion: B C Cho  R Perets  J Bar  M-J Ahn  D-W Kim  K Yoh  A Nagrial  D R Spigel  D H Lee M Gutierrez  D Kotasek  S Siddiqi  A Chain  B D Butts  Y Zhang  X Li  J Cyrus  A Tse R A Altura  D Rasco. Phase I study of the CTLA-4 inhibitor MK-1308 in combination with pembrolizumab in patients with advanced solid tumors. Annals of Oncology, 29(suppl 8)1 October 2018, mdy279.402, https://doi.org/10.1093/annonc/mdy279.402. Invited discussant.

Poster: Gottfried M, Maimon N, Mishaeli M, Dudnik J, Wollner M, Bar J,  Onn A, Frenkel O, Keren SR. Correlation between erlotinib-induced rash and efficacy in first-line therapy of patients with advanced non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) expressing epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR)-mutation: A prospective multi-center, open-label, single-arm, phase II study. 150P April 2018. Journal of Thoracic Oncology 13(4):S90-S91


Oral Presentation: Dudnik E, Peled N, Wollner M, Onn A, Agbareya, A Nechushtan H, Kuznetsov T, Roisman L, Belilovski Rozenblum A., Geva S, Zer A, Bar J. BRAF Mutant NSCLC: Correlation with PD-L1 Expression,TMB, MSI and Response to ICPi and Anti-BRAF Therapy. MA 02.06, Journal of Thoracic Oncology. November 2017, 12, (11), Sup. 2, S1804–S1805. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jtho.2017.09.455

Oral presentation: Bar J. Tissue taking and testing, NSCLC, The impact of multi-disciplinary team. 8th Regional Oncology Forum, October 2017, Warsaw, Poland. Invited speaker.

Oral presentation: Bar J. Immunotherapy for lung cancer – elusive targets. Abstract discussion. ESMO annual meeting. Madrid, Spain, September 2017. Invited Speaker.

Oral presentation: Bar J. Immunotherapy in locally advanced and metastasized NSCLC: 2nd line, 1st line, liftoff!. European Respiratory Society International Congress. Milano, Italy, September 2017. Invited Speaker.

Poster: Kamer I, Bar J, Bab-Dinitz L, Zadok O, Daniel-Meshulam I, Onn A. Immunotherapies evaluation in an Ex-vivo culture model of NSCLC. Poster presentation. Yokohama, Japan, November 2017, World Conference on Lung Cancer.

Oral presentation: Dudnik E, Peled N, Wollner M, Onn A, Agbareya A, Nehushtan H, Kuznetsov T, Roisman CL, Zer A, Bar J.  On behalf of the Israel Lung Cancer Group. BRAF mutant NSCLC: correlation with PD-L1 expression, TMB, MSI and response to ICPi and anti-BRAF therapy. Yokohama, Japan, November 2017, World Conference on Lung Cancer.

Abstract: WINTHER- a Study of Cancer Therapy Based on Tumor and Normal-Matched Biopsies e the Sheba Medical Center Lung Cancer Experience. T. Sella, A. Ackerstein, S. Halperin, G. Hout-Siloni, S. Lieberman, I. Barshack, H. Nechushatan, R. Berger,J. Bar, A. Onn. Yokohama, Japan, November 2017, World Conference on Lung Cancer. Journal of Thoracic Oncology 12(11), sup 2, S2283. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jtho.2017.09.1655

Poster: Modeling immunotherapy in ex vivo organ culture of non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). Bar J, Daniel-Meshulam I, Onn A, Ben-Nun A, Simansky D, Zeitlin N, Golan N, Rokah M, Ben-Avi R, Kamer I. Abstract 4910. AACR annual meeting, New Orleans, LA, April 2016.

Abstract: A single-arm phase II study of afatinib treatment for advanced EGFR-mutant non-small cell lung cancer (mNSCLC) patients (pts) with EGFR-tyrosine kinase inhibitor (TKI) resistance. Bar J, Botser D, Navon R, Peled N, Biran H, Nili Gal-Yam E, Ben-Arieh S, Raskin S, Onn A; J Clin Oncol 33, 2015 (suppl; abstr e19031).

Abstract: Prognostic impact of first treatment choice in EGFR mutant non-small cell lung cancer (mNSCLC) patients (pts) per mutation type; retrospective analysis. Bar J, Gottfried M, Dudnik J, Flex D, Keren-Rosenberg SP, Agbarya A, Onn A, Moskovitz MT, Maimon N, Lazarev I, Peled N, Popovits-Hadari N, Biran H, Urban D, Herscovici L, Wollner M. J Clin Oncol 33, 2015 (suppl; abstr e19120).

Poster: New ARCHITECT plasma pro-gastrin-releasing peptide assay and lung cancer: Implications for diagnosis, follow-up, and prognosis. Nisman B, Nechushtan H, Biran H, Peled N, Gantz-Sorotsky H, Doviner V, Perelman M, Bar J, Uziely B, Peretz-Yablonski T; J Clin Oncol 33, 2015 (suppl; abstr 7570).

Poster: miR profiling identifies CDK6 down-regulation as a potential mechanism of acquired cisplatin resistance in non-small cell lung carcinoma. Bar J, Gorn-Hondermann I, Moretto P, Niknejad N, Stewart DJ, Goss GD, Dimitroulakos J. Poster 154P ESMO 2014 Congress, 26-30 September, Madrid, Spain.

Poster: Stromal FoxM1 and p53 in lung cancer as mediators of tumor progression, metastatic spread and chemo-resistance. Kamer I, Daniel I, Perry G, Onn A, Bar J. Abstract 1153. AACR annual meeting, San Diego, CA, April 2014.

Poster: Exploratory analysis of angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) and aldosterone (Ald) serum levels as prognostic and predictive biomarkers on the NCIC CTG BR24 trial. Bar J, Ding K, Zhao H, Laurie SA, Shepherd F, Addison C, Goss GD, Dimitroulakos J, Bradbury PA. Abstract 8048. ASCO annual meeting, Chicago, IL, June 2013.

Poster: Activating transcription factor 3 (ATF3) down-regulation correlates with platinum resistance in non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). Bar J, Gorn-Hondermann I, Stephanie R, Moretto P, Shiran I, Jessel S, Perelman M, Heller E, Kamer I, Daniel-Meshulam I, Goss GD, Dimitroulakos J. Abstract 895. AACR annual meeting, Washington DC, May 2013.

Abstract: Correlation of lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) isoenzyme profile with outcome in advanced colorectal cancer (CRC) patients (pts) treated with chemotherapy and bevacizumab (BEV) or cediranib (CED). Bar J, Spencer S, Morgan S, Pike L, Cunningham D, Robertson J, Jürgensmeier JM, Goss GD. Abstract e13541. ASCO annual meeting, Chicago, IL, June 2012.

Poster: The efficacy of pemetrexed-based treatment for advanced non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC), as correlated with the pathologic features of tumors. Shiran I,  Borshteen R, Urban D, Onn A, Biran H, Bar J. 3rd European Lung Cancer Conference (ELCC), 18-21 April 2012, Geneva, Switzerland.

Poster:  Interdisciplinary Thoracic Pathology Meetings: Addressing Competency-Based Education. Gomes M, Souza C, Bar J, Sekhon H. Pulmonary Pathology Society Biennial Meeting, New York, NY, USA, August 2011.

Oral presentation: Chemoradiotherapy for recurrent NSCLC; retrospective database analysis of two large cancer centers. Ng D, Moretto P, Goss GD, Nicholas G, Laurie S, Sun A, Leighl N, MacRae R, Bar J. Abstract 824, 14th World Conference on Lung Cancer, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, July 2011.

Abstract: Activating transcription factor 3 (ATF3) as a potential biomarker of platinum sensitivity in non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). Bar J, Gorn-hundermann I, Reid S, O’Brien A, Niknejad N, Goss GD, Dimitroulakos J. ASCO annual meeting, Chicago, IL, June 2011.

Poster: microRNA (miR) analysis as a tool for discovering platinum resistance mechanisms in non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). Bar J, Perez-Iratxeta C, Gorn-hundermann I, Reid S, Goss G, Dimitroulakos J. Abstract #4949, 102th annual AACR meeting, Orlando Fl, April 2011

Poster: microRNA (miR) profiling of lung cancer cells reveals Cyclin Dependant Kinase 6 (CDK6) as a regulator of platinum sensitivity. Bar J, Perez-Iratxeta C, Gorn-hundermann I, Reid S, Goss GD, Dimitroulakos J. 11th Annual Targeted Therapies of Lung Cancer meeting, Santa Monica, CA, February 2011.

Poster: Interdisciplinary Thoracic Pathology Meetings: Addressing Competency-Based Education. Gomes M, Souza C, Bar J, Sekhon H. Pulmonary Pathology Society 2011 biennial meeting, MSKCC, NYC, August 2011.

Poster: Interdisciplinary Site-Specific Didactic Meetings: Addressing Competency-Based Education and Program-Based Clinical Services. Gomes M, Souza C, Bar J, Sekhon H. The International Conference on Residency Education. Quebec city, Canada, September 2011. 

Poster: Activating transcription factor 3 (ATF3) as a potential biomarker of platinum sensitivity in non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). Bar J, Gorn-hundermann I, Reid S, O’Brien A, Goss GD, Dimitroulakos J. 11th Annual Canadian Oncology Winter Conference, February 2011.

Poster: Metastasis suppressing/promoting microRNA expression in primary and metastatic colorectal cancers. Vickers M, Asmis T, Jonker D, Maroun J, Yarom N, Bar J, Gorn-Hundermann I, Daneshmand M, Dimitroulakos J. ESMO, Milano Italy, Sept 2010. 

Abstract: Optimization of microRNA extraction from formalin fixed paraffin embedded colorectal and lung cancer tissues, and validation of a microRNA internal control. Bar J, Gorn-Hundermann I, Vickers M, Dimitroulakos J. ESMO, Milan Italy, Oct 2010.

Poster: Cancer cells suppress p53 in adjacent fibroblasts. Bar J., Feniger-Barish R., Moskovits N, Lukashchuk N, Goldfinger N, Rotter V, Goss G, Oren M. 13th World Conference on Lung Cancer. July 2009, San Francisco, California, USA. Abstract 6752.

Poster: Cancer Cells Inhibit the Activation of p53 by DNA Damage in Neighboring Stromal Cells. Bar J, Feniger-Barish R, Lukaschuk N, Shaham H, Moskovitz N, Oren M. The 4th International Conference On “Tumor Microenvironment: Progression, Therapy and Prevention”, Florence, Italy, 2007.

Poster: Cancer Cells Inhibit the Activation of p53 by DNA Damage in Neighboring Stromal Cells. Bar J, Lukaschuk N, Shaham H, Moskovitz N, Oren M. Cancer, Proteases, and the Tumor Microenvironment, an AACR special conference, Florida, USA, 2005.

Poster: Attenuation of the p53 response to DNA damage by high cell density. Bar J, Wilder S, Cohen-Noyman E, Oren M. 11th international p53 workshop, Barcelona, Spain, 2002.


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