Issachar (Issi) Rosen-Zvi is a Professor of Law and the Vice Dean at Tel Aviv University’s Faculty of Law. Between 2014-2018 he served as the Academic Director of the Elga Cegla Legal Clinics. He obtained his LL.B. (magna cum laude) from Bar-Ilan University, his LL.M. in law and sociology from Tel Aviv University (summa cum laude). He continued his studies at Stanford Law School, where he received his J.S.D. in June, 2002. He clerked for the Honorable Chief Justice Aharon Barak of the Israeli Supreme Court and practiced law at Kirkland & Ellis, LLP in New York. Rosen-Zvi is a four-times recipient of research grants from the Israeli Science Foundation (ISF) and his papers were selected for the Stanford/Yale Junior Faculty Forum and the Harvard/Stanford International Junior Faculty Forum. He was a visiting professor at Cornell Law School, Northwestern Pritzker School of Law, SciencesPo Law School (Paris), Goethe University (Frankfurt), and the Oñati International Institute for the Sociology of Law (Spain). His areas of research and teaching include administrative law, local government law, law and society, law and geography, environmental law, and civil procedure. His works have been published in prestigious law journals in the United States and in Israel, including Stanford Law Review, U. Penn Law Review, Virginia Law Review, UCLA Law Review, North Carolina Law Review, Law & Society Review, Journal of Empirical Legal Studies, and Tel-Aviv University Law Review.
פרופ' יששכר רוזן-צבי
ראש מרכז במנהלת הפקולטה למשפטים

Research Interests and Teaching
Procedure, environmental law, local government law, law & society.
Education |
1999- 2002 |
Stanford Law School,Stanford, California |
1998 |
Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel. |
1996 |
Bar Ilan University, Ramat Gan, Israel. |
Academic Appointments |
2016 - Present |
Tel Aviv University, The Buchman Faculty of Law, Israel Full Professor. |
Fall 2005 - 2016 |
Tel-Aviv University, The Buchmann Faculty of Law, Israel Associate Professor. |
Fall 2016 |
Northwestern University, Pritzker School of Law, Chicago, IL Visiting Professor. |
Fall 2007 |
Cornell University, Law School, Ithaca, NY Visiting Professor. |
Feb 2006 & Feb 2007 |
Int’l Institute for the Sociology of Law, Oñati, Spain Visiting Professor. |
Representative Publications
Taking Space Seriously: Law, Space and Society in Contemporary Israel (Ashgate, 2004), 216 pp.
Overcoming Procedural Boundaries, Virginia Law Review Vol. 94, pp. 79-153, 2008
The Confessional Penalty, Cardozo Law Review Vol. 30, pp. 871-916, 2009 (with Talia Fisher)
Just Fee Shifting, Florida State U. Law Review Vol. 37, pp. 717-767, 2010
Israel’s Supreme Court Appellate Jurisdiction: An Empirical Study, Cornell Law Review Vol. 96, pp. 693-725, 2011 (with Theodore Eisenberg and Talia Fisher)
Signaling Virtue? A Comparison of Corporate Codes in the Fields of Labor and Environment, Theoretical Inquiries in Law Vol. 12, pp. 603-663, 2011 (with Guy Mundlak)
You Are Too Soft! What Can Corporate Social Responsibility Do For Climate Change?, Minnesota Journal of Law, Science & Technology Vol. 12 pp. 527-570, 2011
The Geography of Sexuality, North Carolina Law Review Vol. 90, 955-1026, 2012 (with Yishai Blank)
When Courts Determine Fees in a System with a Loser Pays Norm: Fee Award Denials to Winning Plaintiffs and Defendants, UCLA Law Review Vol. 60, pp.1452-1493, 2013 (with Theodore Eisenberg and Talia Fisher)
Attorney’s Fees in a Loser Pays System, University of Pennsylvania Law Review Vol. 162, pp. 1619-1661, 2014 (with Ted Eisenberg and Talia Fisher)
Reviving Federal Regions, Stanford Law Review Vol. 70 (forthcoming 2018) (with Yishai Blank)