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- Zvibel I, Wagner A, Pasmanik-Chor M, Varol C, Oron-Karni V, Santo EM, Halpern Z, Kariv R.2013. Transcriptional profiling identifies genes induced by hepatocyte-derived extracellular matrix in metastatic human colorectal cancer cell lines. Clin Exp Metastasis 30:189-200.
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- Khatib M*, Zvibel I*, Zelber-Sagi S, Varol C, Lahat G, Abu-Abeid S, Klausner JM, Halpern Z, Fishman S. 2014.Discriminatory metabolic and inflammatory parameters in serum and omental adipose tissue of obese patients with different insulin sensitivity. J Clin & Translational Endocrinol. 1, 115-119. * equal authors.
- Varol C*, Zvibel I*, Spektor L, Mantelmacher FD, Vugman M, Tamar T, Khatib M, Elmaliah E, Halpern Z, Fishman S. 2014. Long-acting glucose–dependent insulinotropic polypeptide ameliorates obesity-induced adipose tissue inflammation. J Immunol 193:4002-9. * equal authors.
- Rabinowich L*, Fishman S*, Hubel E, Thurm T, Park WJ, Pewzner-Jung Y, Futerman A, Halpern Z, Zvibel I.2015. Sortilin deficiency improves the metabolic phenotype and reduces hepatic steatosis in a murine model of diet-induced obesity. J Hepatol 62:175-81.*equal authors.
- Hubel E, Saroha A, Park WJ, Pewzner-Jung Y, Lavoie EG, Futerman AH, Rafael Bruck, Sigal Fishman S, Dranoff JA, Shibolet O*, Zvibel I*. 2017. Sortilin deficiency reduces ductular reaction, hepatocyte apoptosis and liver fibrosis in cholestatic-induced liver injury. Am.J. Pathol. 187:122-133. * equal senior authors.
- Mantelmacher FD, Fishman S, Cohen K, Pasmanik Chor M, Yamada Y, Zvibel I*, Varol C*. 2017. Glucose-Dependent Insulinotropic Polypeptide Receptor Deficiency Leads to Impaired Bone Marrow Hematopoiesis. J Immunol.198:3089-3098. *equal senior authors.
- Erez N*, Hubel E*, Avraham R, Cohen R, Fishman S, Bantel H, Manns M, Tirosh B, Zvibel I#, Shibolet O#. 2017. Hepatic amiodarone lipotoxicity is ameliorated by genetic and pharmacological inhibition of endoplasmatic reticulum stress. # equal senior authors. Toxicol Sci. 159: 402-412.
- Mantelmacher FD*, Zvibel I*, Cohen K, Epshtein A, Pasmanik- Chor M, Vogl T, Kuperman Y, Weiss S, Drucker DJ, Varol C, Fishman S. 2018. GIP regulates inflammation and body weight by restraining myeloid cell-derived S100A8/A9. Nature Metab, 1. equal authors
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