ד"ר דוד הומינר

בדימוס במחלקות קליניות
מחלקות קליניות בדימוס
טלפון פנימי: 03-6407442
טלפון נוסף: 2244
פקס: 03-6765359

מידע כללי

David Huminer, MD                                       

Deputy  director, Internal Medicine D 

Beilinson Medical  Center


קורות חיים


1970 - 1977   Sackler  School of Medicine, Tel Aviv University- M.D.

Date of Receiving Specialization Certificate : Specialist in Internal Medicine- July 13, 1989.

Title of Doctoral Dissertation: Obstacles in the way to successful treatment of hyperparathyroidism.

Names of Supervisors : Prof. M. Dintsman, Prof. U. Liberman, Dr. E. Kessler.


1997   Visiting professor, Infectious diseases, Stanford  University, USA



1977-1982Physician, Israeli Defence Forces (Academic Reserve).

1977 - 1979   Anesthesiology, Rebecca Sieff Hospital, Zefat

                       (during Military Service).

1979              Orthopedic Surgery, Rebecca Sieff Hospital, Zefat,

                      (during Military Service).

1982- 1995     Resident and senior physician,  Internal Medicine C,

                        Beilinson Medical Center.

1995- present    Deputy  director, Internal Medicine D , Beilinson Medical  






1.  D.  Rapaport, Y. Ziv, M. Rubin, D._Huminer, M. Dintsman.

    Primary Hyperparathyroidism in children.

    J. Pediatr Surg 21(5):395-397, 1986.


2.  D. Huminer,  S.D. Pitlik, C. Block, L. Kaufman, S. Amit,

    J.B. Rosenfeld.

    Aquarium-borne Mycobacterium marinum skin infection.

    Report of a case and review of the literature.

    Arch Dermatol 122:698-703, 1986.


3. S.D. Pitlik, S.A. Berger , D. Huminer

     Non –enteric infections acquired through contact with water.

     Rev Infect Dis 9:54-62, 1987


4. S.A. Berger, D. Huminer

    Antibiotics: Wher are the oldies?

    Pediatr Infect Dis 6:1055-1056, 1987


5.  D. Huminer, Y. Siegman-Igra, G. Morduchowicz, S.D. Pitlik.

    Ecthyma gangreosum without bacteremia.  Report of six cases

    and review of the literature.

    Arch Int Med  147:294-301, 1987.


6.  D. Huminer, J.B. Rosenfeld, S.D. Pitlik.

    AIDS in the pre-AIDS era.

    Rev Infect Dis 9:1102-1108, 1987.


7.  G. Morduchowicz, D. Huminer, Y. Siegman-Igra, M. Drucker,

    C.S. Block, S.D. Pitlik.                                         

    Shigella bacteremia in adults. Report of five cases and review

    of the literature.

    Arch Intern Med 147:2034-2037, 1987.


8.  D. Huminer, Z. Samra, Y. Weisman, S. Pitlik.

    Family outbreaks of psittacosis in Israel.

    Lancet 2:615-618, 1988.


9.  D. Huminer, M. Garty, M. Lapidot, S. Leiba, H. Borohov,

    J.B. Rosenfeld.

    Lymphoma presenting with adrenal insufficiency.  Adrenal

    enlargement on computed tomographic scanning as a clue to diagnosis.

    Am J Med 84:169-172, 1988.


10.  D. Huminer, S. Dux, J.B. Rosenfeld, S.D. Pitlik.

    Inadvertent sulfonylurea-induced hypoglycemia:  A dangerous but

    preventable condition.

    Arch Intern Med 149:1890-1892, 1989.


11. G. Morduchowicz, S.D. Pitlik, M. Alkan, M. Drucker, D. Huminer,

    J.B. Rosenfeld, C.S. Block.

    Transfusion reactions due to bacterial contamination of blood


    Rev Infect Dis 13:307-31             


12. A.Chen, D. Huminer

      The role of estrogen receptors in the development of gallstones and gallbladder


      Medical Hypotheses 36:259:260,1991


13.  D. Huminer, K. Symon, I. Groskopf, D. Pietrushka, I. Kremer,

    P.M. Schautz, S.D. Pitlik.

    Seroepidemiologic study of toxocariasis and strongyloidiasis in

    institutionalized mentally retarded adults.

    Am J Trop Med Hyg 46:278-281, 1992


14.  D. Huminer, S. Pitlik, D, Kitayin, Y. Weissman, Z. Samra.

    Prevalence of Chlamydia psittaci infection among persons who work

    with birds.

    Isr J Med Sci 28:739-741, 1992


15.  D. Huminer, B. Hardy, S. Pitlik

     Hydrochlorothiazide induced relapsing fever.

     Isr J Med Sci 28:880-882, 1992 


16. D. Huminer, S. Dux, Z.Samra, L.Kaufman, A. Lavy,  C. Block, S.Pitlik

    Mycobacterium  simiae infection in Israeli patients with AIDS.

    Clin Infect Dis 17:508-509, 1993


17.  D. Huminer, S. Pitlik, R. Lavy, Z.S. Samra.

    Mycoplasma and chlamydia in adenoids and tonsils of children

    undergoing adenoidectomy or tonsillectomy.

    Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol 103:135-138, 1994


18. J.Bishara, L.Leibovici, D. Huminer, M.Drucker, Z.Samra, H.Konisberger, S.Pitlik

    Five-year prospective study of bacteremic urinary tract infection in a single   


    Eur J Clin Microbiol Infect Dis 16:563-567, 1997


19. N.Barak, D.Huminer, T.Segal, Z.Ben-Ari, J. Halevy, R.Tur-Kaspa

Lipoamide dehydrogenase deficiency: a newly discovered cause of acute hepatitis 

  in adults.

J Hepatol 29:482-484, 1998


20. D. Huminer, J. Bishara, S. Pitlik

Home intravenous antibiotic therapy for patients with endocarditis.

  Eur J Clin Microbiol Infect Dis 18:330-334, 1999


21. V. Teplitsky,  D. Huminer, J. Zoldan,  S. Pitlik, M. Shohat, M. Mittelman

 Hereditary partial transcobalamin II deficiency with neurologic, mental and       hematologic abnormalities in children and adults

IMAJ  5:868 – 872, 2003


22. M. Cohen, D. Huminer, F. Salmon, M.Cohen, R. Tur-kaspa

Inflammatory pseudotumor of the liver- a therapeutic dilemma.

IMAJ  7:472-473, 2005

Other publications


23. D. Huminer

Mees' lines or Muehrcke's lines?

Lancet (on line only) 372:1410, 2008 (comment)


24. ד. הומינר

עורך משנה, כתיבת תקצירים ודיונים, "בחן את עצמך",

“ISRELI  JOURNAL OF MEDICINE”"עדכון ברפואה פנימית", הפך לאחרונה  ל-

מדיקל מדיה, 1992 עד היום.

D. Huminer

Serving as Co-editor, writing abstracts +discussions

Internal Medicine Update/Israeli Journal of Medicine , Medical Media Publications, 1992- present.


25. ד. הומינר

מדריך לרופא תורן במחלקה הפנימית , מהדורה שביעית 2013

הוצאות: מרכז רפואי רבין, בי"ח בילינסון והאיגוד לרפואה פנימית


D. Huminer

Treatment guidelines for physicians on duty in the Internal Medicine ward, 7th edition.

אוניברסיטת תל אביב עושה כל מאמץ לכבד זכויות יוצרים. אם בבעלותך זכויות יוצרים בתכנים שנמצאים פה ו/או השימוש שנעשה בתכנים אלה לדעתך מפר זכויות
שנעשה בתכנים אלה לדעתך מפר זכויות נא לפנות בהקדם לכתובת שכאן >>