פרופ' זאב הרצוג

אמריטוס בארכיאולוגיה
ארכיאולוגיה אמריטוס
ניווט מהיר:
טלפון פנימי: 03-6409578
פקס: 03-5494941
משרד: רוזנברג, 116


Professor of Archaeology


Ph.D. 1977, Tel Aviv University: The City-Gate in Eretz Israel and Its Neighboring Countries.

Took part in the excavations of Hazor and Megiddo with Yigael Yadin and in digs at Tel Arad and Tel Beer Sheba with Yohanan Aharoni.

Directed the excavations at Tel Michal and Tel Gerisa and in 1997 has begun a new exploration project at Tel Yafo (ancient Jaffa).

Co-editor: Salvage Excavation Reports. Member of the Editorial Board of the Monograph Series of the Sonia and Marco Nadler Institute of Archaeology at Tel Aviv University.

Appointed as Visiting Scholar at University of Pennsylvania (1978/9), Harvard University (1984/5; 1989/90; 1996/7) and at New York University (2002/3).

Fields of interest: Social Archaeology, Ancient Architecture, Field Archaeology.

Director of the Institute of Archaeology at Tel Aviv University since 2005.



Z. Herzog. Beer-sheba II: The Early Iron Age Settlements. (Publication of the Institute of Archaeology No. 7) Institute of Archaeology, Tel Aviv University and Ramot Publishing Co. Tel Aviv 1984.

Z. Herzog. Das Stadttor in Israel und in den Nachbarländern. Verlag Philipp von Zabern. Mainz 1986.

Z. Herzog, G. Rapp, O. Negbi (eds). Excavations at Tel Michal, Israel. (Publication of the Institute of Archaeology No. 8) University of Minnesota Press and Tel Aviv University, Institute of Archaeology. Minneapolis 1989.

Z. Herzog. Archaeology of the City: Urban Planning in Ancient Israel and Its Social Implications. (Monograph Series of the Sonia and Marco Nadler Institute of Archaeology No. 13) Emery and Claire Yass Archaeology Press, Institute of Archaeology, Tel Aviv University. Tel Aviv 1997.

R. Amiran, O. Ilan, M. Sebbane and Z. Herzog. Arad; Part I: R. Amiran, O. Ilan and M. Sebbane: Ancient Arad - An Early Bronze Age Community on the Desert Fringe (pp. 105-109); Part II: Z. Herzog. The Arad Fortresses (pp. 111-292). Tel Aviv 1997. [Hebrew].

Recent Articles

Herzog, Z. 2001. "The date of the temple at Arad: reassessment of the stratigraphy and the implications for the history of religion in Judah," in Studies in the Archaeology of the Iron Age in Israel and Jordan (Journal for the Study of the Old Testament, Supplement Series, 331). Edited by A. Mazar, pp. 156-178. Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press.

Herzog, Z. 2001. Deconstructing the walls of Jericho: biblical myth and archaeological reality. Prometheus 4: 72-93.

Herzog, Z. 2002. The fortress mound at Tel Arad: an interim report. Tel Aviv 29: 1-103.

Herzog, Z. and Bar-Yosef, O. 2002. "Different views on ethnicity in the archaeology of the Negev," in Aharon Kempinski memorial volume: studies in archaeology and related disciplines. Edited by E. D. Oren and S. Ahituv, pp. 151-181. Beer-Sheva: Ben-Gurion University of the Negev Press.

Herzog, Z. 2002. "Water supply at Tel Beersheba in the 1st Millennium BCE," in Cura Acuarum in Israel, In memoriam Dr. Ya'akov Eren: proceedings of the 11th International Conference on the History of Water Management and Hydraulic Engineering in the Mediterranean Region Israel 7-12 May 2001, (Schriften der Deutschen Wasserhistorischen Gesellschaft (DWhG), Band 1). Edited by C. Ohlig, Y. Peleg and T. Tsuk, pp. 15-22. Siegburg: Deutschen Wasserhistorischen Gesellschaft.

Herzog, Z. 2003. "The Canaanite city between ideology and archaeological reality," in Saxa Loquentur, Studien zur Archeologie Palestinas/Israel: Festschrift for Volmar Fritz zum 65. Geburtstag. Edited by C. G. den Herzog, U. Hubner and S. Munger, pp. 85-96. Munster: Ugarit Verlag.

Herzog, Z. and Singer-Avitz, L. 2004. Redefining the centre: the emergence of state in JudahTel Aviv 31: 209-244.

Herzog, Z. 2006. "Beersheba Valley archaeology and its implications for the Biblical record," in Congress Volume Leiden 2004, Supplement to Vetus Testamentum, 109. Edited by A. Lamaire, pp. 81-102. Leiden. Boston: Brill.

Herzog, Z. 2006. Review of: Routledge, B., Moab in the Iron Age: Hegemony, Polity, Archaeology . Philadelphia , 2004. Mediterranean Historical Review 21:115-120.

Herzog, Z. and Singer-Avitz, L. 2006. Sub-dividing the Iron Age IIA in northern Israel: a suggested solution to the chronological debateTel Aviv 33: 163-195.

Finkelstein, I., Herzog, Z., Singer-Avitz, L. and Ussishkin, D. 2007. Has King David's Palace in Jerusalem Been Found? Tel Aviv 34: 142-164.

Herzog, Z. 2007. State Formation and the Iron Age I-Iron Age IIA Transition: Remarks on the Faust-Finkelstein Debate. Near Eastern Archaeology 70,1: 20-21.

Herzog, Z. 2008. The Exodus from Egypt between Myth and History. In: Feige, M. and Shiloni, Z. (eds.) Archaeology and Nationalism in Eretz-Israel . Sde Boker: 157-169 [Hebrew].

Herzog, Z. 2009. Is there Evidence for the Intentional Abolishment of Cult in the Arad and Tel Beersheba Excavations? Eretz-Israel 29:125-136 [Hebrew].

Herzog, Z. 2009. Phoenician Cities in Palestine . In: Helas, S. and Marzoli, D. (eds.), Phönizisches und punisches Städtewesen . ( Iberia Arhchaeologica 13). Mainz am Rhein: Philipp von Zabern: 39-44.

Herzog, Z. Forthcoming. Perspectives on Southern Israel's Cult Centralization: Arad and Beersheba . In: Kratz, R. G. and Spieckermann, H. (eds.) One God - One Nation. One God - One Cult: Biblical and Archaeological Perspectives .

Herzog, Z., and L. Singer-Avitz. Forthcoming. Iron Age IIA Occupational Phases in the Coastal Plain of Israel. In: Finkelstein I. and Na'aman, N. (eds.) David Ussishkin Festschrift.

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