Dotan, H. 2011. The Dentist as a Manager: Building Effective Relationships and Networks for Personal and Professional Advancement. European Journal of Esthetic Dentistry . Volume 12 (1)
Dotan, H. 2009. Workplace Friendships: Formation and Consequences for Managerial Effectiveness. Best Paper Proceedings. Academy of Management
Dotan, H., & Van-Waarden, F. 2002. Occupational Health and Safety Regulations in the EU Member States: Implementation of the 89/391/ EEC Framework Directive. Research Papers/ Netherlands School for Social and Economic Policy Research (AWSB). ISBN 90-393-3072-7.
Working Papers & Under Review
Dotan, H. 2011. The Individual's Perspective on Workplace Friendship Formation: Development and Validation of a New Measure. (final preparation for submission to Journal of Applied Psychology )
Dotan, H. 2011. Workplace Friendships: Formation and Consequences for Managerial Effectiveness. (in preparation for submission to OBHDP )
Lewin, D, & Dotan, H. 2011. The Trimodal Theory or Human Resource Management and Business Performance. (in preparation for submission to Academy of Management Journal ).
Dotan, H. & Effenbein, H. Accurately Classifying Relationships: How and Why do misclassifications occur?. Working Paper, Tel-Aviv University.
Dotan, H, Gordon, S, Parise, S. Volpe, E. Social Media, Workplace Friendship and Work Experience. Tel-Aviv University.