פרופ' דן הרן

אמריטוס בחוג למתמטיקה עיונית
חוג למתמטיקה עיונית אמריטוס
פרופ' דן הרן
טלפון פנימי: 03-6408849
פקס: 03-6407543
משרד: שרייבר, 002

קורות חיים


תואר שלישי, אוניברסיטת תל אביב, 1983

תחומי מחקר

אריתמטיקת השדות, תורת גלואה, חבורות פרוסופיות.


  1. D. Haran, M. Jarden, Bounded sentences in the theory of algebraically closed fields with distinguished automorphisms, Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik 337, 1–17 (1982).
  2. D. Haran, A. Lubotzky, Embedding covers and the theory of Frobenius fields, Israel Journal of Mathematics 41, 181–202 (1982).
  3. M. Fried, D. Haran, M. Jarden, Galois stratification over Frobenius fields, Advances in Mathematics 51, 1–35 (1984).
  4. D. Haran, The undecidability of pseudo real closed fields, Manuscripta Mathematica 49, 91–108 (1984).
  5. D. Haran, A. Lubotzky, Maximal abelian subgroups of free profinite groups, Math. Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc. 97, 51–55 (1985).
  6. D. Haran, M. Jarden, Real free groups and the absolute Galois group of R(t), Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 37, 155–165 (1985).
  7. D. Haran, Non-free torsion free profinite groups with open free subgroups, Israel Journal of Mathematics 50, 350–352 (1985).
  8. D. Haran, The Bottom Theorem, Arch. Math. 45, 229–231 (1985).
  9. D. Haran, M. Jarden, The absolute Galois group of a pseudo real closed field, Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa 12, 449–489 (1985).
  10. D. Haran, M. Jarden, The absolute Galois group of a pseudo real closed algebraic field, Pacific Journal of Mathematics 123, 55–69 (1986).
  11. D. Haran, On closed subgroups of free products of profinite groups, Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society 55, 266–298 (1987).
  12. D. Haran, M. Jarden, Absolute Galois group of a pseudo p-adically closed field, Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik 383, 147–206 (1988).
  13. D. Haran, Quantifier elimination in separably closed fields of finite imperfectness degree, Journal of Symbolic Logic 53, 463–469 (1988).
  14. D. Haran, Closed subgroups of G(Q) with involutions, Journal of Algebra 129, 393–411 (1990).
  15. D. Haran, Cohomology theory of Artin-Schreier structures, Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 69, 141–160 (1990).
  16. D. Haran, A proof of Serre's theorem, J. Indian Math. Soc.55, 213–234 (1990).
  17. D. Haran, M. Jarden, Compositum of Galois extensions of Hilbertian fields, Annales Scientifiques de l'École Normale Supérieure 24, 739–748 (1991).
  18. D. Haran, On the cohomological dimension of Artin-Schreier structures, Journal of Algebra 156, 219–236 (1993).
  19. D. Haran, L. Lauwers, Galois stratification over e-fold ordered Frobenius fields, Israel Journal of Mathematics 85, 169–197 (1994).
  20. M. Fried, D. Haran, M. Jarden, Effective counting of the points of definable sets over finite fields, Israel Journal of Mathematics 85, 103–133 (1994).
  21. I. Efrat, D. Haran, On Galois groups over pythagorean and semi-real closed fields, Israel Journal of Mathematics 85, 57–78 (1994).
  22. M. Fried, D. Haran, H. Völklein, Absolute Galois group of the totally real numbers, C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris 317, 95–99 (1993).
  23. M. Fried, D. Haran, H. Völklein, Real hilbertianity and the field of totally real numbers, Contemporary Mathematics 174, 1–34 (1994).
  24. D. Haran, H. Völklein, Galois groups over complete valued fields, Israel Journal of Mathematics 93, 9–27 (1996).
  25. D. Haran, M. Jarden, Regular split embedding problems over complete valued fields, Forum Mathematicum 10, 329–351 (1998).
  26. D. Haran, M. Jarden, Regular split embedding problems over function fields of one variable over ample fields, Journal of Algebra 208, 147–164 (1998).
  27. P. Dèbes, D. Haran, Almost Hilbertian Fields, Acta Arithmetica 88, 269–287 (1999).
  28. D. Haran, Hilbertian Fields under Separable Algebraic Extensions, Inventiones mathematicae 137, 85–112 (1999).
  29. D. Haran, Free subgroups of free profinite groups, Journal of Group Theory 2, 307–317 (1999).
  30. D. Haran, M. Jarden, The Absolute Galois Group of C(x), Pacific Journal of Mathematics 196, 445–459 (2000).
  31. A. Engler, D. Haran, D. Kochloukova, P.A. Zaleskii, Normal Subgroups of Profinite Groups of Finite Cohomological Dimension, Journal of the London Mathematical Society 69, 317–332 (2004).
  32. D. Haran, M. Jarden, Relatively projective groups as absolute Galois groups, in "Progress in Galois Theory", H. Voelklein and T. Shaska (Eds), Developments in Mathematics 12, 87–100 (2005).
  33. D. Haran, M. Jarden, F. Pop, Projective Group Structures as Absolute Galois Structures with Block Approximation, Memoirs of the AMS 189, No. 884 , 56 pp., (2007).
  34. D. Haran, M. Jarden, F. Pop, P-adically Projective Groups as Absolute Galois Groups, International Mathematics Research Notices 2005, 1957–1995 (2005).
  35. D. Haran, M. Jarden, The Absolute Galois Groups of Finite Extensions of R(t), Archiv der Mathematik, 89, 524–529 (2007).
  36. M. E. Alonso, D. Haran Covers of Klein Surfaces, Advances in Geometry 8, 557–590 (2008).
  37. D. Haran, M. Jarden, Regular Lifting of Covers over Ample Fields, Albanian Journal of Mathematics 1, 215–224 (2007).
  38. D. Haran, M. Jarden, F. Pop, The absolute Galois groups of the field of totally S-adic numbers, Nagoya Mathematical Journal 194, 91–147 (2009).
  39. L. Bary-Soroker, D. Haran, D. Harbater, Permanence criteria for semi-free profinite groups, Mathematische Annalen 348, 539–563 (2010).
  40. R. M. Guralnick, D. Haran, Frobenius subgroups of free profinite products, Bulletin of the London Math. Society 43, 1141–1150 (2011).   arXiv:1001.3599v3 [math.GR] .
  41. D. Haran, M. Jarden, F. Pop, The absolute Galois groups of subfields of the field of totally S-adic numbers, Functiones et Approximatio Commentarii Mathematici 46, 205–233 (2012).
  42. D. Haran, M. Jarden, F. Pop, The Block Approximation Theorem, Mathematical Journal of Okayama University 55, 53–85 (2013).
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