פרופ' רפאל גרינברג

סגל אקדמי בכיר בארכיאולוגיה
ארכיאולוגיה סגל אקדמי בכיר
פרופ' רפאל גרינברג
טלפון פנימי: 03-6405470
פקס: 03-6407237
משרד: רוזנברג, 116


Research Interests

My focus in recent years has been on two distinct fields: Levantine Bronze Age research, and the meaning and impact of archaeology in the present. My Bronze Age research, most recently summarized in a monograph, The Archaeology of the Bronze Age Levant (Cambridge, 2019), covers questions such as the formation and dissolution of early urban societies in the Levant, long and mid-range interaction, migration and trade, and social and economic aspects of ceramic industries (most recently, the Kura-Araxes interaction sphere). My work on archaeology in the present includes teaching and writing about the community archaeology, the colonial legacy of archaeology in Palestine and Israel, and the politics of the archaeology of ancient Jerusalem. These interests are brought into relation with one another through a commitment to critical archaeology and to the investigation of perrenially relevant questions such as time, migration and transmission of culture, and material culture and its agency. 

 EBA field work: Tel Bet Yerah (2003 - present)

Modernity's Sacred Ruins: Colonialism, Archaeology, and the National Imagination in Greece and Israel, a dialogue with Yannis Hamilakis: https://www.facebook.com/britishschoolathens/videos/yannis-hamilakis-rafael-greenberg-modernitys-sacred-ruins-colonialism-archaeolog/446499876596237/ 

 Rogem Ganim community project (2000-2008): Documentary film by Natasha Dudinski http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZcIuKsGOj_Y

Critical archaeology in ancient Jerusalem: www.alt-arch.org


1985-2000: Israel Antiquities Authority Publications -- Editor, Hadashot Arkheologiyot, 'Atiqot, IAA Reports

1998- present: Tel Aviv University

2010-2011: Visiting Associate Professor, UCLA-Cotsen Institute of Archaeology

2011- 2016: Honorary Professor, Institute of Archaeology, University College London

2015 Patinkin Visiting Professor of Modern Israel Studies, University of Chicago
2017–2019 Associate Research Fellow, Albright Institute of Archaeological Research, Jerusalem
2019‒2020 Visiting Scholar and Visiting Associate Professor, Brown University


Non-Academic Appointments

Editorial Board, Journal of Mediterranean Archaeology

Editorial Board, Tel Aviv: Journal of the Tel Aviv University Institute of Archaeology

Member, Council of theIsraelExploration Society

Member, Israeli-Palestinian Archaeology Working Group

Topic Coordinator, Associated Regional Chronologies of the Ancient Near East (ARCANE)


Research Students

PhD Awarded

Sarit Paz 

Mark Iserlis

Hai Ashkenazi

Yael Rotem

Chemi Shiff

PhD Candidate

Nadeshda Bladt Knudsen




1. A. Biran, D. Ilan and R. Greenberg. Dan I. Jerusalem: Hebrew Union College, 1996. 329 pp. Part II: A. Gopher and R. Greenberg. The Pottery Neolithic Levels (pp. 65–81);  Part III: R. Greenberg. The Early Bronze Age Levels (pp.  83–160).

2. E. Eisenberg, A. Gopher, and R. Greenberg. Tel Te’o — A Neolithic, Chalcolithic, And Early Bronze Age Site In The Hula Valley. Israel Antiquities Authority Reports 13. Jerusalem: Israel Antiquities Authority, 2001. 227 pp.

3. R. Greenberg. Early Urbanizations in the Levant: A Regional Narrative. New Approaches to Anthropological Archaeology. London: Leicester University Press, 2002. xii + 141 pp.

4. R. Greenberg, E. Eisenberg, S. Paz and Y. Paz. Bet Yerah—The Early Bronze Age Mound: Vol. I—Excavation Reports 1933–1986. IAA Reports 30. Jerusalem: Israel Antiquities Authority, 2006. vii + 490 pp.

5. R. Greenberg and A. Keinan. The Present Past of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: Israeli Archaeology in the West Bank and East Jerusalem Since 1967. S. Daniel Abraham Center for International and Regional Studies: Research Paper 1. Tel Aviv, 2007. 57 pp.

6. R. Greenberg and A. Keinan. Israeli Archaeological Activity in the West Bank and East Jerusalem: A Sourcebook. Ostracon Press, 2009. 180 pp. + digital database

7. R. Greenberg. Bet Yeraḥ—The Early Bronze Age Mound, Vol. II: Urban Structure and Material Culture, 1933–1986 Excavations. IAA Reports 54. Jerusalem; Israel Antiquities Authority, 2014, vii + 308 pp. 

8. R. Greenberg, O. Tal and T. Da‘adli. Bet Yerah, Vol. III: Hellenistic Philoteria and Islamic Al-Sinnabra, 1933–1986, 2007–2013 Excavations. IAA Reports 61. Jerusalem: Israel Antiquities Authority, 2017, vi + 224 pp.

9. R. Greenberg. The Archaeology of the Bronze Age Levant. Cambridge World Archaeology. Cambridge University Press, 2019, xviii + 413 pp.

10. R. Greenberg and Y. Hamilakis. Archaeology, Nation, and Race: Confronting the Past, Decolonizing the Future in Greece and Israel. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (2022)



1. R. Greenberg and Y. Goren eds., Transcaucasian Migrants and the Khirbet Kerak Culture in the Third Millennium BCE (Tel Aviv 36/2). Tel Aviv 2009.


Articles in Refereed Periodicals

1. R. Greenberg. New Light on the Early Iron Age at Tell Beit Mirsim. Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research 265 (1987): 55–80.

2. A. Gopher and R. Greenberg. Pottery Neolithic Levels at Tel Dan. Mitekufat Haeven 20 (1987): 91–113.

3. R. Greenberg, The Settlement of the Hula Valley in the Urban Phase of the Early Bronze Age. Eretz Israel 21 (1990): 127–131 (Hebrew, with English summary on pp. 105-6*).

4. R. Greenberg, Two Early Bronze Age Cylinder Seal Impressions from Tel Dan. Eretz Israel 23 (1992): 48–50 (Hebrew, with English summary on p. 147*).

5. R. Greenberg. The Ramat ha-Nadiv Tumulus Field: Preliminary Report. Israel Exploration Journal 42 (1992): 129–152.

6. R. Greenberg and N. Porat. A Third Millennium Levantine Pottery Production Center: The Typology, Petrography, and Provenance of the Metallic Ware of Northern Israel and Adjacent Regions. Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research 301 (1996): 5–24.

7. R. Greenberg,  L.K. Horwitz, O. Lernau, H. Mienis, H. Khalaily and O. Marder. A Sounding at Tel Na`ama in the Hula Valley. ‘Atiqot 35 (1998):9–35.

8. R. Greenberg. An Early Bronze Age I and II Tomb at Gadot. ‘Atiqot 42 (2001): 79–94.

9. R. Greenberg. Early Bronze Age Megiddo and Bet Shean: Discontinuous Settlement in Socio-Political Context. Journal of Mediterranean Archaeology 16 (2003):17–32.

10. R. Greenberg, What Happened to Megiddo in the Early Bronze Age II? Eretz Israel 27 (2003):66–72 (Hebrew, with English summary).

11. Raphael Greenberg and Sarit Paz. An EB IA–EB III Stratigraphic Sequence from the 1946 Excavations at Tel Bet Yerah. Israel Exploration Journal 54 (2004): 1–23.

12. S. Bunimovitz and R. Greenberg. Revealed in their Cups: Syrian Drinking Practices in Intermediate Bronze Age Canaan. Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research 334 (2004): 19–32.

13. R. Greenberg and Y. Paz. The Early Bronze Age Fortifications of Tel Bet Yerah. Levant 37 (2005): 81–103.

14. R. Greenberg and G. Cinamon. Stamped and Incised Jar Handles from Rogem Gannim, and Their Implications for the Political Economy of Jerusalem, Late 8th–Early 4th Centuries BCE. Tel Aviv 33 (2006):229–243.

15. R. Greenberg. Towards an Inclusive Archaeology in Jerusalem: The Case of Silwan/The City of David. Public Archaeology 8/1 (2009): 35-50. 

16. R. Greenberg and Y. Goren. Introduction: Migrating Technologies at the Cusp of EB III. Tel Aviv 36/2 (2009): 129-135.

17. R. Greenberg. Extreme Exposure: Archaeology in Jerusalem 1967-2007. Conservation and Management of Archaeological Sites 11(2009): 262-281.

18. M. Iserlis, R. Greenbreg, R. Badalyan and Y. Goren. Bet Yerah, Aparan III and Karnut I: Preliminary Observations on Kura-Araxes Homeland and Diaspora Ceramic Technologies. TUBA-Ar 13 (2010): 245-262.

19. R. Greenberg and G. Cinamon. Excavations at the Rogem Gannim Site (Rujm at-Tarud), 2000–2006. ‘Atiqot 66 (2011): 79–106.

20. R. Greenberg, S. Paz, D. Wengrow and M. Iserlis. Tel Bet Yerah: Hub of the Early Bronze Age Levant. Near Eastern Archaeology 75/2 (2012): 88–107.

21. R. Greenberg. Critical Archaeology in Practice (Kritische Archäologie in der Praxis). Forum Kritische Archäologie 1 (2012): 69‒76.

22. Johanna Regev, Pierre de Miroschedji, Raphael Greenberg, Eliot Braun, Zvi Greenhut, Elisabetta Boaretto. Chronology of the Early Bronze Age in the Southern Levant: New Analysis for a High Chronology. Radiocarbon 54/3-4 (2012): 525–564.

23. Raphael Greenberg. Cylinder Seal Impressions. In A. Golani, Rescue Excavations at the Early Bronze Age Site of Qiryat Ata – Area O. ‘Atiqot 75 (2013): 45–47.

24. Raphael Greenberg, Yael Rotem and Sarit Paz. The Earliest Occupation at Tel Bet Yerah. Tel Aviv 40/2 (2013): 197–225.

25. R. Greenberg, R. Shimelmitz, and M. Iserlis. New Evidence for the Anatolian Origins of ‘Khirbet Kerak Ware People’ at Tel Bet Yerah, Israel, ca. 2800 BCE. Paléorient 40.2 (2014): 185–204.

26. M. Iserlis, Y. Goren, I. Hovsepyan and R. Greenberg. Early Kura-Araxes ceramic technology in the fourth millennium BCE site of Tsaghkasar, Armenia. Paléorient 41.1 (2015).

27. S. Paz and R. Greenberg. Conceiving the City: Streets and Incipient Urbanism at EBA Bet Yerah. Journal of Mediterranean Archaeology 29 (2016): 197–223.

28. R. Greenberg, H. Ashkenazi, A. Berger, M. Iserlis, Y. Paz, Y. Rotem, R. Shimelmitz, M. Shimelmitz, M. Tan and S. Paz. The Circles Building (Granary) at Tel Bet Yerah (Kh. el-Kerak): A New Synthesis (Excavations of 1945-6, 2003–15). Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research 378 (2017): 163–202.

29. M. Iserlis, D. Steiniger and R. Greenberg, Contact between first dynasty Egypt and specific sites in the Levant: New evidence from ceramic analysis. Journal of Archaeological Science Reports 24 (2019): 1023–1040.

30. S. Ishoev and R. Greenberg. Khirbet Kerak Ware (Kura-Araxes) Andirons at Tel Bet Yerah: Functional Analysis and Cultural Context. Tel Aviv 46 (2019): 21–41. 

31. A. Palmisano, J. Woodbridge, N. Roberts, A. Bevan, S. Shennan, R. Fyfe, R. Cheddadi, R. Greenberg, D. Kaniewski, C. Khater, D. Langgut, S. AG Leroy, T. Litt and A. Miebach. Holocene Landscape Dynamics and Long-term Population Trends in the Levant. The Holocene 29 (2019): 708–727.

32. D. Langgut, R. Cheddadi, J.S. Carrión, M. Cavanagh, D Colombaroli, W.J. Eastwood, R. Greenberg, T. Litt, A.-M. Mercuri, A. Miebach, N. Roberts, H. Woldring, J. Woodbridge. The Origin and Spread of Olive Cultivation in the Mediterranean Basin: the Fossil Pollen Evidence. The Holocene 29 (2019): 902 – 922.

33. J. Ashkenazi, M. Aviam, R. Greenberg and O. Tal. A Byzantine Tombstone from Tel Bet Yerah/Khirbat al-Karak. Scripta Classica Israelica 38 (2019): 129–138.

34. R. Greenberg. Wedded to Privilege? Archaeology, Academic Capital, and Critical Public Engagement. Archaeologies 15/3 (2019). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11759-019-09374-7

35. M. Pines, A. Dor, D. Bar-Yosef Meyer, S. Paz, O. Tal, and R. Greenberg. Heads or Snails? A Rustic Feast at Hellenistic Philoteria (Tel Bet Yerah, Israel), circa 150 BCE. Journal of Eastern Mediterranean Archaeology and Heritage Studies 8 (2020): 79–93.

36. J. Regev, S. Paz, R. Greenberg and E. Boaretto. Radiocarbon chronology of the EB I–II and II–III transitions at Tel Bet Yerah, and its implications for the nature of social change in the southern Levant, Levant (2020), DOI: 10.1080/00758914.2020.1727238  

37. R. Greenberg and M. Iserlis. A Note on First Dynasty Egypt, Tel Bet Yerah, and the Origins of Commodity Exchange on the Levantine Seaboard. Journal of Ancient Egyptian Interconnections 27: 38–50.

38. N. Bladt Knudsen and R. Greenberg. The Khirbet Kerak Ware Figurine:A New Component in the Kura-Araxes Cultural Assemblage. Levant.  https://doi.org/10.1080/00758914.2020.1827562

39. O. Lernau, J. Shapiro, S. Paz and R. Greenberg. Fishing, Fish Consumption, Urbanism and Migrants at Tel Bet Yerah (Kh. el-Kerak) on the Sea of Galilee, 3200–2700 BC. Antiquity 382: 885–899.


Chapters in Edited Volumes

1. R. Greenberg. Area A: The Early Bronze Age. In A. Ben-Tor and R. Bonfil eds. Hazor V. Jerusalem: Israel Exploration Society, 1997. Pp. 17–24.

2. R. Greenberg. The Early Bronze Age Phases in Area L. In A. Ben-Tor and R. Bonfil eds. Hazor V. Jerusalem: Israel Exploration Society, 1997, pp. 183–193.

3. R. Greenberg, The Ramat Hanadiv Tumulus Field. In Y. Hirschfeld ed. Ramat Hanadiv Excavations. Jerusalem: Israel Exploration Society, 2000, pp. 583–614.

4. R. Greenberg. Changes in Ceramic Production between EB II and EB III in Northern Israel, Based on the Pottery of Tel Hazor and Tel Dan. In D. Baird and G. Philip eds. Ceramics and Change in the Early Bronze Age of the Southern Levant.  Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 2000, pp. 183–200.

5. R. Greenberg. EB II-III Palestinian Cylinder Seal Impressions and the North Canaanite Metallic Ware Jar. In S. Wolff ed. Studies in the Archaeology of Israel and Neighboring Lands in Memory of Douglas Esse. Winona Lake IN: ASOR/Oriental Institute, 2001, pp. 189–197.

6. R. Greenberg and E. Eisenberg. Egypt, Bet Yerah, and Early Canaanite Urbanization. In E.C.M. van den Brink and T.E. Levy eds. Egyptian-Canaanite Interaction: from the 4th through Early 3rd Millennium B.C.E. (New Approaches to Anthropological Archaeology). London: Leicester University Press, 2002. Pp. 213–222.

7. A. Gopher, R. Greenberg, and Z. Herzog. Archaeological Public Policy in Israel. In D. Korn ed. Public Policy in Israel: Perspectives and Practices. Rowman and Littlefield, 2002. Pp. 191–203.

8. R. Greenberg. Discontinuities in Rural Settlement, Early Bronze Age to Middle Bronze Age I. In A. Maeir, S. Dar and Z. Safrai eds. The Rural Landscape of Ancient Israel. Oxford: British Archaeological Reports, 2003, pp. 27–42.

9. R. Greenberg. Cylinder Seal Impressions. In A. Golani ed. Salvage Excavations at the Early Bronze Age Site of Qiryat Ata. IAA Reports 18. Jerusalem: Israel Antiquities Authority, 2003. Pp. 203–207.

10. R. Greenberg. Early Bronze Age I Pottery. In Y. Hirschfeld ed. Excavations at Tiberias, 1989–1994. IAA Reports 22. Jerusalem: Israel Antiquities Authority, 2004. Pp. 211–215.

11. R. Greenberg. What’s Cooking in EB II? In P. de Miroschedji and A. Maeir eds. I Will Speak the Riddles of Ancient Times: Archaeological and Historical Studies in Honor of Amihai Mazar on the Occasion of his Sixtieth Birthday. Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 2006. Pp. 39-47.

12. S. Bunimovitz and R. Greenberg. Of Pots and Paradigms: Interpreting the Intermediate Bronze Age in Israel/Palestine. In S. Gitin, J. E. Wright, and J.P. Dessel eds. Confronting the Past: Archaeological and Historical Essays on Ancient Israel in Honor of William G. Dever. Winona Lake IN: Eisenbrauns, 2006. Pp. 23–31.   

13. R. Greenberg, Transcaucasian Colors: Khirbet Kerak Ware at Khirbet Kerak (Tel Bet Yerah). In  B. Lyonnet ed. Les cultures des Caucase (VIe–IIIe millénaires avant notre ère). Paris: CNRS Editions, 2007. Pp. 257–268.

14. R. Greenberg. Notes on the Early Bronze Age Pottery: The 1998–2000 Seasons. In I. Finkelstein, D. Ussishkin, and B. Halpern eds. Megiddo IV. Tel Aviv: Institute of Archaeology, 2006. Pp. 149–165.

15. R. Greenberg, Loyal Servants: Relations Between Archaeologists and the Establishment in Israel. In M. Feige and Z. Shiloni eds. An Axe to Grind: Archaeology and Nationalism in Israel. Ben Gurion University, 2008, pp. 105-119 (Hebrew).

16. R. Greenberg. Traveling in (World) Time: Transformation, Commoditization, and the Beginnings of Urbanism in the Southern Levant. In T. Wilkinson, S. Sherratt and J. Bennet. eds. Interweaving Worlds: Systemic Interactions in Eurasia, 7th to 1st Millennia BC. Oxbow, 2011. Pp. 231-242.

17. R. Greenberg. Life in the City: Tel Bet Yerah in the Early Bronze Age. In M. Chesson ed. Life in Early Bronze Age Communities: Papers in Honor of Walter Rast and R. Thomas Schaub. Winona Lake: Eisenbrauns, 2011. Pp. 41-54.

18. R. Greenberg and S. Paz. The Streets of Bet Yerah. In J. Aviram et al eds. Eretz Israel 30 (Amnon Ben-Tor Volume). Jerusalem Israel Exploration Society. 2011. Pp. 156-164. (Hebrew)

19. R. Greenberg and G. Palumbi. Corridors and Colonies: Comparing Fourth-Third Millennia BC Interactions in Southeast Anatolia and the Levant. In A.B. Knapp and P. van Dommelen eds. The Cambridge Prehistory of the Bronze and Iron Age Mediterranean. Cambridge (2014). Pp. 111–138.

20. M. Iserlis, R. Greenberg and Y. Goren. A Technological Study of the Early Bronze Age III Pottery. In A. Mazar ed. Excavations at Tel Beth Shean 1989-1996, Volume 4. Jerusalem: Israel Exploration Society, 2012. Pp. 318–337.

21. R. Greenberg. The Pottery of Strata 21 – 19 (the Earliest Periods and the Early Bronze Age). In A. De-Groot and H. Bernick, Excavtions at the City of David Directed by Yigal Shiloh, Volume VIIB. Jerusalem: Institute of Archaeology, 2012. Pp. 303–330.

22. D. Bolger, R. Greenberg, S. Kroll and G. Palumbi. Red-Black Burnished Pottery of Eastern Asia and Cyprus. In M. Lebeau ed. Associated Regional Chronologies of the Ancient Near East and the Eastern Mediterranean, Interregional Vol. I: Ceramics. Brepols, 2014. Pp. 149–170.

23. R. Greenberg. Introduction to the Levant in the Early Bronze Age. In M.L. Steiner and A.E. Killebrew eds. The Oxford Handbook of the Archaeology of the Levant (ca. 8000 – 332 BCE). Oxford: Oxford University Press. 2014. Pp. 263–271.

24.  Greenberg R. Tel Bet Yerah – Synchronizing Eyptian and South Caucasian Connections. In F. Höflmayer and R. Eichmann eds. Egypt and the Southern Levant in the Early Bronze Age. Orient-Archäologie 31. Rahden: Leidorf (2014). Pp. 93‒106. 

25. R. Greenberg. Ethics in Action: A Viewpoint from Israel/Palestine. In A. González-Ruibal and G. Moshenska eds. Ethics and the Archaeology of Violence. New York (2015). Pp. 19–32. 

26. R. Greenberg. No Collapse: Transmutations of Early Bronze Age Urbanism in the Southern Levant. In F. Hoeflmayer ed. The Late Third Millennium in the Ancient Near East: Chronology, C14,and Climate Change. Oriental Institute Seminars 11. Chicago (2017). Pp. 33–60.

27. M. Isikli and R. Greenberg. Andirons. In M. Lebeau ed. Associated Regional Chronologies of the Ancient Near East and the Eastern Mediterranean, Interregional Vol. II: Artefacts. Brepols 2018. Pp. 77–82.

28. The Early Bronze Age. Archaeology of Eretz-Israel. Open University (Course-Book, Hebrew).

29. R. Greenberg. 150 Years of Archaeology and Controversy in Jerusalem. In S. Mourad, N. Koltun-Fromm and B. der Matossian eds. Routledge Handbook on Jerusalem. Routledge (2018). Pp. 363–376.

30. M.C. Lozada, A. Warner-Smith, R.C. Haydon, H. Barnard, A. Cardona Rosas, and R. Greenberg. Head Processing in the La Ramada Tradition of Southern Peru. In V. Tiesler and M.C. Lozada eds. Social Skins of the Head: Body Beliefs and Ritual in Ancient Mesoamerica and the Andes. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press (2018). Pp. 187–203. 

31. R. Greenberg. The Jerusalem Heritage Zone: Two Policy Proposals. In R. Bernbeck, A. Badran and S. Pollock eds. Reclaiming the Past for the Future: Oral History, Craft and Archaeology. Adel Yahya in memoriam. Berlin: Ex Oriente (2019). Pp. 21–44. 

32. R. Greenberg. What Would a Decolonized Archaeology of Israel/Palestine Look Like? In O. Bartov ed. Israel-Palestine, Lands and Peoples. Berghahn Books (2021).



R. Greenberg. Redundancy, Plurality, and the Digital Archaeological Record. In S. Matskevitch, N. Yahalom and U. Davidovich eds. Ilan Sharon Fest.


Conference proceedings

1. R. Greenberg. Uniformity as Ideology in the Early Bronze Age II. In. A. Faust and A. Maeir eds. Material Culture, Society, and Ideology: New Directions in the Archaeology of Israel. Ramat Gan 1999, pp. 15–30 (Hebrew).

2. R. Greenberg and G. Cinamon. The Rogem Ganim Excavations: A Community Project for the Rehabilitation of an Ancient Site in West Jerusalem. In A. Faust and E. Baruch eds. New Studies on Jerusalem, Proceedings of the Sixth Conference. Ramat Gan 2000, pp. 44-51 (Hebrew).

3. R. Greenberg. The Afterlife of Tells. Proceedings of the 2nd International Congress on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East, 22-26 May 2000, Copenhagen, Volume 1. I. Thuesen ed. Bologna: Department of History and Cultures, University of Bologna and Eisenbrauns (2016). Pp. 337–343.

4. R. Greenberg and M. Iserlis. A Comparative technological study of Kura-Araxes ceramics and their derivatives: Project design and first results. In P. Avetisyan and A. Bobokhyan eds. Archaeology of Armenia in Regional Context, Proceedings of the International Conference, 50th anniversary of the Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography, September 15-17 2009. Yerevan. Pp. 70-76.

5. R. Greenberg. Ox-Carts and the Kura-Araxes Migration. Problems of Early Metal Age Archaeology of Caucasus and Armenia. Conference Proceedings, Tbilisi, 19-23 November 2014. Pp. 94–101.

6. R. Greenberg and H. Ashkenazi. On the Collective Ethos of Fortification in the Levantine Bronze Age. In S. Hansen and R. Krause eds., Bronze Age Fortresses in Europe Proceedings of the Second International LOEWE Conference, 9-13 October 2017 in Alba Julia. Bonn: Rudolf Habelt (2019). Pp. 17–28.

7. H. Ashkenazi and R. Greenberg, Shattered Maceheads at Early Bronze Age Tel Bet Yerah: Symbolic Power and Destruction, but Whose? In: S. Hansen and R. Krause (eds.), Materialisation of Conflicts. Proceedings of the Third International LOEWE Conference, 24-27 September 2018 in Fulda. Universitätsforschungen zur prähistorischen Archäologie 345, Prähistorische Konfliktforschung 4, Bonn (2019). Pp. 85-92.


Book Reviews

1. Review of : Lahav I. Pottery and Politics: The Halif Terrace Site 101 and Egypt in the Fourth Millennium B.C.E. By J.P. Dessel. Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research 358 (2010): 72-74.

2. Review of: The Red and the Black: Social and Cultural Interaction between the Upper Euphrates and Southern Caucasus Communities in the Fourth and Third Millennium BC. By Giulio Palumbi. Paleorient 36.2 (2011): 207-210.

3. Review of: Early Bronze Age Goods Exchange in the Southern Levant: A Marxist Perspective. By Ianir Milevski. Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient 54 (2011): 601-604.

4. Review of: Archaeological Interventions on Historical Necropolises. Jewish Cemeteries. By Laia Colomer (ed.). AP: Online Journal in Public Archaeology 4 (2014): 151-154.



As co-editor:

Hadashot Arkheologiyot (Israel Antiquities Authority Newsletter), Nos. 86–96 (1985-1991).

Atiqot (Hebrew series): 10 (1990).

Atiqot (bilingual series): 20, 21, 22, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 33 (1990–1997)


As Series Editor:

Atiqot 35 (1998), 36 (1998), 37 (1999), 38 (1999), 39 (2000), 40 (2000).


As Editor:

G. Avni. Nomads, Farmers, and Town-Dwellers: Pastoralist-Sedentist Interaction in the Negev Highlands, Sixth-Eighth Centuries CE. Supplement to the Survey of Israel. Jerusalem: Israel Antiquities Authority (1996).


L.Y. Rahmani. A Catalogue of Roman and Byzantine Lead Coffins from Israel. Jerusalem: Israel Antiquities Authority (1999).


Encyclopedia Entries

1. Jokneam. Illustrated Dictionary and Concordance of the Bible. G.E. Wigoder ed. New York: Macmillan, 1986. Pp. 554–555.

2. Baalath; Dabbesheth; Eshtaol/Eshtaolites; Eth-Kazin; Gath-Hepher; Hannathon; Ir Shemesh; Jehud; Mareal; Neah; Sarid; Zorah. Anchor Bible Dictionary. D.N. Freedman ed. New York: Doubleday 1992.

3. Tell Beit Mirsim (update). Encyclopedia of Archaeological Excavations in the Holy Land 1. E. Stern ed. Jerusalem: Israel Exploration Society, 1993. P. 180.

4. Tell Beit Mirsim. Oxford Encyclopedia of Archaeology in the Near East, Vol 1. E. Meyers ed. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1996. Pp. 295–297.

5. Beth Yerah – Renewed Excavations and Research. New Encyclopedia of Archaeological Excavations in the Holy Land 5 (2008): 1650–1651.


Brief Excavation Reports

1. H. Bernick and R. Greenberg. Tel Qashish, 1987 Season. Excavations and Surveys in Israel 6 (1989): 108–109.

2. R. Greenberg. Tel Na`ama. Excavations and Surveys in Israel 7-8 (1990): 138–140.

3. R. Greenberg. Area T, Tumulus Field. Excavations and Surveys in Israel 10 (1992): 12–14.

4. R. Greenberg. Hula Valley, Survey of Early Bronze Age Sites. Excavations and Surveys in

Israel 13 (1995): 121–122.

5. A. Onn, R. Greenberg, I. Shaked and Y. Rapuano. Tell el-Wawiyat (Tel Tannim)—1993.

Excavations and Surveys in Israel 15 (1996): 10–12.

6. R. Greenberg. Gadot. Excavations and Surveys in Israel 19 (1999):4.

7. R. Greenberg and G. Cinamon, Jerusalem, ‘Ir Gannim. Hadashot Arkheologiyot — Excavations and Surveys in Israel 114 (2002):80*–81*; 96–97.

8. R. Greenberg. Tel Bet Yerah—2003. Hadashot Arkheologiyot: Excavations and Surveys in Israel 117 (2005). http://www.hadashot-esi.org.il/index_eng.asp (accessed Feb. 2006).


9. R. Greenberg, D. Wengrow and S. Paz. Cosmetic Connections? An Egyptian Relief Carving from Early Bronze Age Tel Bet Yerah (Israel). Antiquity (Project Gallery) Issue 324, Vol 84 (2010). http://www.antiquity.ac.uk/projgall/greenberg324/

10. R. Greenberg and S. Paz. Tel Bet Yerah 2007, 2009: Preliminary Report. Hadashot Arkheologiyot: Excavations and Surveys in Israel 122 (2010) http://www.hadashot-esi.org.il/reports_eng.asp?id=.


11. T. Da‘adli, D. Whitcomb and R. Greenberg. Sinnabra (or Khirbat al-Karak). The Oriental Institute Annual Report 2018/19: 119–123. 


Principal Translations

A. Gopher and Ts. Tsuk.  Ancient Gold: Rare Finds from the Nahal Qana Cave (Israel Museum Catalogue 321). Jerusalem, 1991.

A. Ben-Tor ed.  The Archaeology of Ancient n

אוניברסיטת תל אביב עושה כל מאמץ לכבד זכויות יוצרים. אם בבעלותך זכויות יוצרים בתכנים שנמצאים פה ו/או השימוש שנעשה בתכנים אלה לדעתך מפר זכויות
שנעשה בתכנים אלה לדעתך מפר זכויות נא לפנות בהקדם לכתובת שכאן >>