פרופ' אלחנן [אלי] פרידלנדר

סגל אקדמי בכיר בחוג לפילוסופיה
ועדת מינויים יחידתית בביה"ס למדעי התרבות
חוג לפילוסופיה סגל אקדמי בכיר
פרופ' אלחנן [אלי] פרידלנדר
טלפון פנימי: 03-6408296
משרד: גילמן, 354ב

CV Eli Friedlander


2019                            Eberhard Berent Professor, Department of German, New York University

2014 – present            Full Professor, Philosophy Department, Tel Aviv University

2014 – present            Laura Schwartz-Kipp Chair of Modern Philosophy

2015                            Professor, School of Criticism and Theory, Cornell University

2005 – 2014                Associate Professor, Philosophy Department, Tel Aviv University

2012 – 2013                Visiting Associate, the Humanities Center, Johns Hopkins University

2005                            Adjunct Professor, Graduate Faculty, New School for Social Research

2001                            Adjunct Professor, Graduate Faculty, New School for Social Research

1998 – 2005                Senior Lecturer, Philosophy Department, Tel Aviv University

1993 – 1998                Lecturer, Philosophy Department, Tel Aviv University



1985 –1992                 Harvard University, Philosophy, Ph.D.

                                    Dissertation: Expressions of Judgment (Supervisors: S.Cavell, B. Dreben, H. Putnam, J. Rawls)

1983 –1985                 Betzalel Academy, Fine Arts, BFA

1981 –1984                 The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Philosophy and Mathematics, BA



2023                            Meitner Humboldt Research Award

2022 – 2025                ‘The Image of the Contingent’, grant of the Israel Science Foundation (ISF)

2018 – 2021                ‘Walter Benjamin and Natural History’, grant of the Israel Science Foundation (ISF )

2019                            ‘Critique, Translation, Commentary’,  ISF grant for international conference

2017                            ‘Goethe and Philosophy’, Sackler Institute for Advanced Study grant for international conference

2017                            Goethe and Philosophy, Minerva Gentner Symposium Grant

2016                            One-year fellowship at the Wissenschaftskolleg, Berlin (declined)

2016 – 2019                Life and Mind:  Germany Israel Foundation (GIF) (with Prof. Johannes Haag, U. Potsdam)

2016                            AFTAM Grant  (with Prof. Alison Ross, Monash University)

2016 – 17                    Grant for Cooperation Tel Aviv University – University of Potsdam  (with Prof. Johannes Haag)

2015 – 16                    Grant for Cooperation Tel Aviv University – University of Potsdam   (with Prof. Johannes Haag)

2014 – 2017                ‘Reconstructing Benjamin’s Baudelaire Book’, ISF grant

2012                            ‘Kantian themes in Analytic Philosophy’, ISF grant for conference

2010 – 2013                ‘Forms of Life: Wittgenstein, Goethe and the Nature of Color’, ISF  grant

2010 – 2016                ‘Kantianism in Philosophy’, Yad Hanadiv Humanities grant, PI with partners from Tel Aviv                                                    University and Ben Gurion University.

2008 – 2011                ‘Walter Benjamin and the Necessity of History’, ISF grant

2005                            Membership at the School of Historical Studies, Institute for Advanced  Study, Princeton

2000                            Rector prize for the best teacher in the Faculty of the Humanities, Tel Aviv University

1993                            Tel- Aviv University, Alon Fellowship


Areas of Specialization: Aesthetics, History of Early Analytic Philosophy, I. Kant, W. Benjamin

Areas of Competence: 19th century philosophy, Philosophy of History




Walter Benjamin and the Idea of Natural History, Stanford: Stanford University Press, January 2024)

Expressions of Judgment: An Essay on Kant’s Critique of Judgment (Harvard University Press, 2014)

Walter Benjamin: Ein philosophisches Porträt  (German Translation of Walter Benjamin: A Philosophical Portrait, Verlag Beck, 2013)

Walter Benjamin: A Philosophical Portrait Cambridge: Harvard University Press,  2011)

J.J. Rousseau: An After Life of Words, Cambridge: Harvard University Press (2004)

Signs of Sense: Reading Wittgenstein’s Tractatus Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2001


Journal Articles:

‘On Different Ways to the Highest Good’ in Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal, vol. 52 no.2, 2023.

The Handkerchief : a Dialectical Tale, Il Pensiero : rivista di filosofia : LIX, 2, 2020, 57-69

‘Learning from the Colors of Fantasy’, boundary 2, 45:2, 2018, 111-137

‘Walter Benjamin on Photography and Fantasy’ in special issue of Critical Horizons (ed.)Alison Ross , vol. 18, Issue 4, 2017, 295-306

‘Between Communicability and Common Sense’ in The British Journal of Aesthetics, Volume 56, Issue 4, 1 October 2016, Pages 401–404

‘The Higher Intuitability of History in Walter Benjamin’s Arcades Project’, Dibur, special issue “French Thought/ Hebrew Thought” (eds.) Anat Weisman, Marie Pierre Ulloa, Issue 3, Fall 2016.

 ‘Assuming Violence: A Commentary on Walter Benjamin’s ‘Critique of Violence’’ boundary 2 42:4, 2015, 159-185

‘Missing a Step up the Ladder’, Philosophical Topics, vol. 42:2 , 2014, 45-73

‘The Photographic Gesture’, Paragrana, 23.1, 2014, 46-55

‘On Setting the Stage and Staging the Voice in Weill and Brecht’s Der Jasager’ (co-authored with Michal Grover-Friedlander) in Qui Parle, vol. 21.1, 2013, 203-234

‘The Appearance of the Ideal of Philosophical Questioning in the Work of Art”, in Yearbook for Comparative Literature, (eds.) Eyal Peretz and Michel Chaouli, vol. 57, 2011, 103-116

'Wittgenstein and Goethe: The Life of Colors' in L'Art du Comprendre, (ed.) C. Chauviré, no. 20, July 2011

‘Meaning Schematics in Cavell's Kantian reading of Wittgenstein’ in special issue of Revue Internationale de Philosophie (ed.) Sandra Laugier, no. 256, 2011/2, 183-199.

'Meaning and Aesthetic Judgment in Kant' in special issue of Philosophical Topics on Analytic Kantianism (ed.) James Conant, volume 34, numbers 1&2, Spring and Fall 2006, 21-34

‘On the Musical Gathering of Echoes of the Voice: Walter Benjamin on Opera and Trauerspiel’ in Opera Quarterly 21/4, 2005, 631-646

'The Measure of the Contingent: Walter Benjamin's Dialectical Image', in Boundary 2, 2008 35(3), 1-26

 ‘Discontinued Thinking' Boundary 2, v. 29, N.2, 2002 45-67

‘Regarding the Gaze’, Boundary 2, vol. 28, no. 1. Spring 2001, 75-90

‘Chambery, June 12 1754 : Rousseau’s Dedication of the Self’ Political Theory, April 2000, 254-272

‘Kant and the Critique of False Sublimity’ Iyyun, January 1999, 69-91

‘Some Thoughts on Kitsch’ History and Memory, Fall 1997, vol. 1 -2, 376-392

‘Reverie and Cogito: Rousseau’s Transfiguration of Existence’ Common Knowledge Fall 1996,V.5, N.2, 106-119


Book Chapters:

‘Metaphysics and Magic: Echoes of the Tractatus in Wittgenstein’s ‘Remarks on Frazer’’ in Martin Stokhof and Hao Wang (eds.) Wittgenstein’s Tractatus at 100, Palgrave Macmillan, 2023

‘Spiritual Exercises in the Age of their Technological Reproducibility’ in Religion and Reason: volume around the work of Hent de Vries, (eds.) Tarek Dika and Martin Shuster, New York: Routledge, 2022

‘Cavell and the Modernity of Film’ in Cavell and Modernism, (ed.) Paola Marrati, London, Bloomsbury, forthcoming 2024.

‘The World is my World’: Schopenhauer and Wittgenstein, in Early Analytic Philosophy, (eds.) James Conant, Gilad Nir, forthcoming 2024

‘On the Purity of Language and the Universal Characteristic’ (co-authored with Jonathan Soen) in Leibniz’s Legacy in the Humanities, (ed.) Audrey Borowsky, forthcoming 2024

‘Baudelaire’s Modernity’ in The History of Ideas: The Long Nineteenth Century, (ed.) Joseph Mali, Mossad Bialik, forthcoming 2024. (in Hebrew)

‘Benjamin et Goethe: De la Nature à l’Histoire’, in Goethe – Le second auteur – Actualité d’un Inactuel, (eds) C. Köenig and D. Thouard, Paris: Editions Hermann, 2021.

The Retreat of the Poet in Walter Benjamin’s “Two Poems of Friedrich Hölderlin” in Tsimtsum and Modernity, (eds.), A. Bielik Robeson and Daniel Weiss, Berlin: de Gruyter 2021, 207-218

‘History as Critique’ in Routledge Companion to the Frankfurt School, (eds.)Peter Gordon, Axel Honneth, Espen Hammer, New York: Routledge 2018, 95-106

‘Logic, Ethics and Existence in the Early Wittgenstein’, in Wittgenstein’s Moral Thought, (eds.) Edmund Dain and Reshef Agam-Segal, New York: Routledge 2017, 97-132

‘Common Sense, Communication and Community’ in Palgrave Kant Handbook, (ed.) Mathew Altman, London, Palgrave Macmillan, 2017, 407-424

‘On Vanishing and Fulfillment’ in Benjamin and Theology, (eds.) Stephane Symons and Colby Dickinson, Fordham University Press, 2016, 231-252

‘Rousseau’s Autobiographies’ in The Cambridge Companion to Autobiography (eds.) Emily Whitman and Maria di Batista, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2014, 58-68

 ‘Being-in-(Techni)Color’ in Vertigo, (ed.) K. Makkai London: Routledge 2013

‘Farben und Laute in der "Berliner Kindheit um neunzehnhundert"’ in Klang und Musik bei Walter Benjamin  (eds.) Tobias Robert Klein, Asmus Trautsch, Paderborn ; München : Wilhelm Fink, 2013, 55-66

‘A Mood of Childhood in Benjamin’ in Philosophy’s Moods: The Affective Grounds of Thinking ,  (eds.) I. Ferber, H. Kenaan Dordrecht: Springer, 2011, 39-50.

‘Examples, Representatives, Models, Measures and the Ideal’  (eds.) A. Crary and S. Shieh, Reading Stanley Cavell, London: Routledge, 2005, 202-215

'Rawls' Kantian Constructivism' in Rawls, Moreh Zedek,  Jerusalem,  (ed.) David Heyd, Magnes 2006 (in Hebrew)

‘Carnap, Heidegger, Wittgenstein: Much Ado About Nothing’ in The Story of Analytic Philosophy, (eds.) A.Biletzky and A. Matar,  Routledge, 1998, 226-237


Other Publications:

‘Stanley Cavell, with Time’ in Conversations: The Journal of Cavellian Studies, 2020

 ‘A Measure of Discontinuous Multiplicity’  in Nahum Tevet Works, 1994-2006. Jerusalem: The Israel Museum, 2007

‘The Aesthetics of Opera’, co- authored with Michal Grover-Friedlander, in Michael Kelly (ed.) The Encyclopaedia of Aesthetics, Oxford: Oxford University Press,1998.

‘Reflections of Space’ in Opening Moves exhibition catalogue of Nahum Tevet’s works in the Museum of Modern Art in Vienna, 1997

אוניברסיטת תל אביב עושה כל מאמץ לכבד זכויות יוצרים. אם בבעלותך זכויות יוצרים בתכנים שנמצאים פה ו/או השימוש שנעשה בתכנים אלה לדעתך מפר זכויות
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