פרופ' משה לדיסלב פישר ז"ל

אמריטוס בפנסיה
פנסיה אמריטוס
ניווט מהיר:
טלפון פנימי: 03-6409938
פקס: 09-7461436
משרד: יד אבנר, 005-0


Professor of Classical Archaeology



BA and MA - University of Bucharest, Romania, 1968
Ph.D. Studies - University of Basle, Switzerland, 1974/75
Ph.D. Tel Aviv University, 1980
Ph.D. Dissertation: The Development of the Corinthian Capital in Palestine from its Beginning until the Constantinian Period

Fields of Teaching and Research

• Classical Archaeology

• Greece and Rome in the Near East

• Settlement Patterns in Hellenistic, Roman and Byzantine Israel

• Pottery of Hellenistic, Roman and Byzantine Israel

• Architecture and Architectural Decoration in Hellenistic, Roman and Byzantine Period Israel

Archaeological Field Work

1965-1970Educational excavations and Area Supervisor at Histros and Argamum (Romanian Black Sea Coast)
1971-72Area Supervisor, En Boqeq excavations
1973-1974Area Supervisor, Mezad Tamar excavations
1977-1980Co-director of the archaeological project Emaus/Sha'ar Hagay
1981, 1983Co-director of the excavations at the Roman temple at Qedesh
1982-1989Director of the Horvat Zikrin archaeological excavations
1992-presentDirector of the Yavneh-Yam excavations

Current Projects

Director of the Yavneh-Yam Excavation

- Co-director of the Yavneh Map Archaeological Survey

- Archaeological and Laboratory Research of Marble Importation to Ancient Israel

Research Students

MA Students

Ayelet Harpaz, 2004. Synagogue Doors in Roman and Byzantine Eretz Israel.

Itamar Taxel, 2005. The Transition between the Byzantine and the Early Islamic Periods (the 7th Century CE) as Seen through Rural Settlement - Horvat Zikhrin as a Case Study.

Ph.D. Students

Oren Tal, 2002. Aspects of the Study of the Material Culture of Hellenistic - Ptolemaic and Seleucid - Palestine.

Amnon Dvir, in preparation. East in West. Artistic interactions between the Phoenicians and the Greeks in the Archaic period.

Uzi Ad. in preparation. Settlement in the South Coastal Plain ("Philistia") during the Persian and the Hellenistic Periods (second half of the sixth century – middle of the second century BCE).

Amir Gorzalczany. in preparation. Industry and Urban planning in the City of Ramla and the Surroundings: Economy and Technology in Palestine during the Early slamic Period (ca 634 - 1099 CE).


Selected Publications


Fischer, M. 1980. Everyday Life in Classical Greece. In: Everyman's University, Course "Classical Greece", Unit 11. Tel Aviv (Hebrew).

Fischer, M. L. 1990. Das korinthische Kapitell im Alten Israel in der hellenistischen und römischen Periode. Studien zur Baudekoration im Nahen Osten. Mainz, Verlag Philipp von Zabern.

Fischer, M. ed. 1991. Yavneh-Yam and Its Neighborhood. Jerusalem (Hebrew).

Fischer, M., Isaac, B. and Roll, I. 1996. Roman Roads in Judaea II. The Jaffa-Jerusalem Roads (British Archaeological Reports, International Series, No. 628). Oxford.

Fischer, M. L. 1998. Marble Studies. Roman Palestine and the Marble Trade. (Xenia. Konstanzer Althistorische Vorträge und Forschungen No. 40). Konstanz, Konstanzer Universitätsverlag.

Fischer, M., Gichon, M. and Tal, O. 2000. 'En Boqeq. Excavations in an Oasis on the Dead Sea. Volume II. The Officina. An Early Roman Building on the Dead Sea Shore. Mainz, Verlag Philipp von Zabern.

Fischer, M. ed. 2005. Yavneh, Yavneh-Yam and Their Neighborhood. Studies in the Archaeology and History of the Judean Coastal Plain. Tel Aviv.

Selected Recent Articles

Fischer, M. 1995. The Basilica of Ascalon: Marble, Imperial Art and Architecture in Roman Palestine. With contributions by Antje Krug and Z. Pearl. In: The Roman and Byzantine Near East: Some Recent Archaeological Research (JRA Supplementary Series 14). Ann Arbor, 121-150.

Fischer, M. 1996. Marble, Urbanism, and Ideology in Roman Palestine: The Caesarea Example. In: Raban, A. and Holum, K.G. Eds. Caesarea Maritima. A Retrospective after Two Millennia. Leiden, 251-261.

Fischer, M. and Grossmark, Tz. 1996. Marble Imports and Marmorarii in Eretz Israel during the Roman and Byzantine Periods. In: Katzoff, R. Ed., Classical Studies in Honor of David Sohlberg. Ramat Gan, 319-352.

Fischer, M. and Tal, O. 1996. Two Ceramic Assemblages from Hellenistic Apollonia, Tel Aviv. Journal of the Institute of Archaeology of Tel Aviv University 23:213-234.

Fischer, M. 1999. "…on Parian pillars" (The Book of Esther 1:6): Bible, Midrash and Real Marble in the Ancient Near East. Journal of Jewish Studies 50:235-245.

Weingarten, S. and Fischer, M. 2000. Iamnia - Abella - Ibelin. New Light on the Theophanes Archive. Zeitschrift des Deutschen Palästina-Vereins 116:49-56.

Fischer, M. 2000. Wege des Friedens, Wege des Krieges: vom Mittelmeer nach Jerusalem in Antike und Moderne. In: Dreher, M. Ed. Bürgersinn und staatliche Macht in Antike und Gegenwart. Festschrift für Wolfgang Schuller zum 65. Geburtstag. Konstanz, 211-224.

Fischer, M. Kapharnaum. Reallexikon für Antike und Christentum 20 [Lieferung 154/155, Spalten 43-56]. Stuttgart.

Fischer, M. and Shacham, T. 2004. The Water Systems of the 'En Boqeq Oasis. In: Amit, D., Patrich, J. and Hirschfeld, Y. Eds. The Aqueducts of Israel. (Journal of Roman Archaeology, Supplementary Series Number 46). Portsmouth, Rhode Island, 402-408.

Fischer, M. 2001. Kapharnaum. Eine Retrospektive. Jahrbuch für Antike und Christentum 44:142-167.

Fischer, M. 2002. Yavneh-Yam 1992-1999 - Interim Report. Qadmoniot 25(123):2-11 (Hebrew).

Fischer, M. and Tal, O. 2003. A Mid-Fourth Century BCE Attic Marble Totenmahlrelief at Apollonia-Arsuf. Israel Exploration Journal 53:49-60.

Fischer, M. and Tal, O. 2003. Architectural Decoration in Ancient Israel in Hellenistic Times. Some Aspects of Hellenization. Zeitschrift des Deutschen Palästina-Vereins 119:19-37.

Fischer, M. and Jackson-Tal, R. E. 2003. A Glass Pendant in the Shape of Harpokrates from Yavneh-Yam, Israel. Journal of Glass Studies 45:35-40.

Fischer, M. 2003. Yavne-Yam (Israel) Archäologie und Geschichte einer Hafenstadt am Mittelmeer. Antike Welt 34(3):241-252.

Fischer, M. 2004. The Excavations at Yavneh-Yam (Israel): Remarks to "Pre-Hellenistic Hellenism" in the Eastern Mediterranean. Proceedings of the 11th Congress of Classical Studies (FIEAC) Vol. 3. Athens, 97-107.

Fischer, M. 2004. A Terracotta Harp Player from Hellenistic Yavneh-Yam (Israel). In: Hickmann, E. and Eichmann, R. Eds. Studien zur Musikarchäologie IV…(Papers from the 3rd Symposium of the International Study Group on Music Archaeology at Monastery Michaelstein, 9-16 June, 2002) (Orient-Archäologie Band 15). Rahden/Westf., 437-443.

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