Dead Sea Scrolls, Second Temple Literature, Ancient Science, Anceint Calenadrs, Astronomy and Coslmology, Digital Humanities, Digital editions and reconstructions, Hebrew snd Aramaic
פרופ' אשבל רצון
סגל אקדמי בכיר בחוג לפילוסופיה יהודית
סגל אקדמי בכיר בהחוג להיסטוריה ופילוסופיה של המדעים והרעיונות
חוג לפילוסופיה יהודית
סגל אקדמי בכיר
סגל אקדמי בכיר בהחוג להיסטוריה ופילוסופיה של המדעים והרעיונות

Submitted for publication:
1. J. Ben-Dov, A. Gayer, E. Ratzon (in alphabetical order), Material and Digital Reconstruction of Fragmentary Dead Sea Scrolls. Demonstrated on 4Q418a, Leiden, Brill (ca. 200 pp., accepted by STDJ)
- Ratzon, E., שערי השמש והירח The Gates of Sun and Moon. Tarbiz 82.4, 2014 (pp. 497-512).
- Ratzon, E., היכן נמצא גן העדן?: השנויים במקומו ובתפקידו של גן העדן כפי שמתגלים בתהליך החיבור והעריכה של ספר חנוך Where is the Garden of Eden: Shifts in the Location and Function of the Garden of Eden as Revealed through the Composition and Redaction of 1 Enoch. Meghillot 11, 2015 (pp. 317-355).
- Ben Dov, J., and Ratzon, E., The Oath and the Name in 1 Enoch 69. Journal of Semitic Studies (JSS), LX/1, 2015 (pp. 19-51).
- Ratzon, E., The Gates Cosmology of the Astronomical Book of Enoch. Dead Sea Discoveries, 22(1), 2015 (pp. 93-111).
- Ratzon, E., Methodological Issues Concerning the Astronomy of Qumran. Dead Sea Discoveries, 22(2), 2015 (pp. 202-209).
- Ratzon, E., Astronomy of Qumran: Further Considerations. Dead Sea Discoveries, 23(1), 2016 (pp. 88-95).
- Ratzon, E., Early Mesopotamian Intercalation Schemes and The Sidereal Month. Mediterranean Archaeology and Archaeometry, 16(4), 2016 (pp. 143-151).
- Ratzon, E. and Ben Dov, J., A Newly Reconstructed Calendrical Scroll from Qumran in Cryptic Script. Journal of Biblical Literature, 136(4), 2017 (pp. 905-936).
- Ratzon, E., The First Jewish Astronomers: Lunar Theory and Reconstruction of a Dead Sea Scroll. Science in Context, 30(2), 2017 (pp. 112-139)
- Ratzon, E., Jewish Time: First Stages of Seasonal Hours in Judea. Studies in History and Philosophy of Science 75, 2019 (pp. 23-33).
- Ratzon, E., נתונים חדשים לשחזור עותק ה (4Q418a) של חכמת רז נהיה New Data for the Reconstruction of a Copy of the Wisdom Composition 4QInstruction (4Q418a). Meghillot 14, 2019 (pp. 25-38).
- Ratzon, E., 4Q208: A New Reconstruction and Its Implications on the Evolution of the Astronomical Book. Reveu de Qumran 31,1 (113), 2019 (pp. 51-110)
- Ratzon E. and Dershowitz N., The Length of a Scroll: Quantitative Evaluation of Material Reconstructions. Plos One, 2020 (
- Fincke, J., Horowitz, W., and Ratzon, E., BM 76829: A Small Astronomical Fragment with Important Implications for the Late Babylonian Astronomy and the Astronomical Book of Enoch, Archive for History of Exact Sciences 75,3, 2020 (pp. 349-368) (
- An appendix by Ratzon E. to Noam V., New Reading of MMT. Te'uda 31, 2021 (pp.86-90).
Accepted for publication
- Ratzon E., Geography and Theology: The Shape of the Earth in the Book of the Watchers and Its Biblical Background. Te'uda 32, forthcoming.
- Binder, S., Ratzon, E., and Shivtiel, Y., Professor Bezalel Bar-Kochva: Scholarly Achievements. Te'uda 32, forthcoming.
- Ratzon, E., Placing Eden in Second Temple Judaism. In M. Ahuvia & A. Kocar (Eds.), Placing Ancient Texts: the Rhetorical and Ritual Use of Space. Mohr Siebeck, 2018 (pp. 15-52).
- Ratzon, E., Cosmology. In L. T. Stuckenbruck & D. M. Gurtner (Eds.), T&T Clark Companion to Second Temple Judaism. T&T Clarck, vol. II, 2020 (pp. 167-170).
- Ratzon, E. Garden of Eden – Paradise. In L. T. Stuckenbruck & D. M. Gurtner (Eds.), T&T Clark Companion to Second Temple Judaism. T&T Clarck, vol. II, 2020 (pp. 282-284).
- Ratzon, E., The Heavenly Abode of the Luminaries. In L. T. Stuckenbruck & A. Tefera (Eds.), Representation of Angelic Beings in Early Jewish and in Christian Traditions. Mohr Siebeck, 2021 (pp. 15-45).
Accepted for publication
- Ratzon, E., Asaf Gayer, Scripta Qumranica Electronica. In Sidnie W. Crawford, Russell E. Fuller, Armin Lange, Hanna Tervanotko (Eds.) The Textual History of the Bible. Vol. 3: Dictionary of Textual Criticism. Brill, Forthcoming.