פרופ' אסתר [אתי] אינהורן

סגל אקדמי בכיר בהפקולטה לניהול ע"ש קולר
הפקולטה לניהול ע"ש קולר סגל אקדמי בכיר
פרופ' אסתר [אתי] אינהורן
טלפון פנימי: 03-6408506
טלפון נוסף: 079-3803146
פקס: 03-6407738
משרד: לורי לוקיי, 1027

תחומי מחקר

כלכלת אינפורמציה, מידע בשווקים פיננסיים, חשבונאות פיננסית ודיווח כספי.



"The nature of the interaction between mandatory and voluntary disclosures", 2005, Journal of Accounting Research 43 (4): 593-621.


"Voluntary disclosure under uncertainty about the reporting objective", 2007, Journal of Accounting and Economics 43 (2-3): 245-274.


"Unbalanced information and the interaction between information acquisition, operating activities and voluntary disclosure", co-authored with Amir Ziv, 2007, The Accounting Review 82 (5): 1171-1194.


"Inter-temporal dynamics of corporate voluntary disclosures", co-authored with Amir Ziv, 2008, Journal of Accounting Research 46 (3): 567-589.


"Biased voluntary disclosure", co-authored with Amir Ziv, 2012, Review of Accounting Studies 17 (4): 420-442.


"Extracting sustainable earnings from profit margins", co-authored with Eli Amir and Itay Kama, 2013, European Accounting Review, 22 (4): 685-718.


 "The role of disaggregated accounting data in detecting and suppressing earnings management ", co-authored with Eli Amir and Itay Kama, 2014, Review of Accounting Studies 19 (1): 43-68.


 "Under-weighting of private information by top analysts", co-authored with Gil Aharoni and Qi Zeng, 2017, Journal of Accounting Research, 55 (3): 551-590.


 "Cross-firm real earnings management", co-authored with Nisan Langberg and Tsahi Versano, 2018, Journal of Accounting Research 56 (3): 883-911.


"Competing information sources", 2018, The Accounting Review 93 (4): 151-176.

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