פרופ' פיליפ [סבא] עין-דור

אמריטוס בהפקולטה לניהול ע"ש קולר
הפקולטה לניהול ע"ש קולר אמריטוס
ניווט מהיר:
פרופ' פיליפ [סבא] עין-דור
טלפון פנימי: 03-6409089
פקס: 03-5494018
משרד: רקנאטי, 4

Short Biography

Phillip Ein-Dor is Professor Emeritus at the Faculty of Management, Tel Aviv University. Over the past three decades, Dr. Ein-Dor has published about 50 research papers and has written or edited four books in his fields of interest.

Ein-Dor was the founding editor of the Journal of AIS and has served on the editorial board of MIS Quarterly. He currently serves on the editorial or advisory boards of various IS journals.


The Association of Information Systems (AIS)

EIn-Dor was a member of the AIS organizing committee and a founding member. He has served as a Council member for the Europe-Africa-Middle East region as well as in the organizing, nominating, publications, Fellows and LEO Award committees of the Association. In 2000 he was honored as an AIS Fellow. In 2001 he was elected President-Elect of AIS, and served as President in 2002-2003.

In 2005 Ein-Dor founded and currently chairs the Israel chapter of AIS.


Fields of Interest

Theory of Information Systems and Information System Research, Artificial Intelligence (Natural Language Processing, Knowledge Representation), Information Technology and Infrastructure.

Selected publications

“The World and Business Computing in 2051: From LEO to RUR?” Journal of Strategic Information Systems. 12, 4 (December 2003):353-366.


"A Short History and the Future of Artificial Intelligence: The Next Forty Years."in Kenneth E. Kendall (ed.) Emerging Information Technologies.Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications (1999).


A Paradigm for Management Information Systems(with Eli Segev), Praeger, New York, (1981).


"Organizational Context and Success of Management Information Systems" (with Eli Segev), Management Science, 24, 10 (June, 1978): 1064-1077.

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