Philosophy of language, Logic and the Philosophy of Logic, Philosophy of Communication and Communication Theory, Computer Mediated Communication.
פרופ' אלי דרזנר

Curriculum Vitae
Name: Eli Dresner, Dr.
Faculty: Humanities / Social Sciences, Tel Aviv University
Dept: Philosophy / Communication
Home Address: 4 Mivtsa Kadeshst., Tel Aviv, 69983. Phone No.: 077-5510074
Date and Place of Birth: 27.1.1965, Israel
Marital Status: Married No. of children: 2
1988-1992 Tel Aviv University Interdisciplinary Program. Degree earned in B.Sc.
Mathematics and Computer Science. Course-
requirements for M.A. in Philosophy completed
1992-1998 U.C. Berkeley Mathematics M.Sc.
1992-1998 U.C. Berkeley Logic and Methodology of Science Ph.D.
Title of Doctoral Dissertation: “Formal Semantics and the Algebraic View of Meaning”
Names of Supervisors: Donald Davidson and Stephen Neale (co-chairs), Bruce
Vermazen, Leo Harrington (mathematics).
Academic and Professional Experience:
10.1997-3.1999 Tel Aviv University Philosophy Vatat Post Doctoral Fellow
4.1999- 9.1999 The Hebrew University History and Edelstein Post Doctoral Fellow
Phil. of Science
10.1999-9.2000 The Hebrew University History and Lady Davis Post Doctoral Fellow
Phil. of Science
10.2000-9.2001 Ben-Gurion University Philosophy Kreitman Post Doctoral Fellow
10.2001-9.2002 Tel Aviv University Communication Visiting Lecturer and Philosophy
10.2002- 11.2005 Tel Aviv University Philosophy Lecturer and Communication
12.2005- Tel Aviv University Philosophy Senior Lecturer and Communication
8.2007-12.2007 Boston University Philosophy Visiting Professor
Active Participation in Scientific Meetings
1995 International Congress in Logic, Philosophy and Methodology of Science
(Florence, Italy) – paper.
1997 Stanford-Berkeley Graduate Student Philosophy Conference (Stanford, U.S.A.) –
1998 Departmental Seminar, Philosophy Department, Tel Aviv University – paper.
1999 Departmental Seminar, Communication Department, Tel Aviv University – paper.
1999 Annual meeting of the Israeli Philosophical Association (Jerusalem) – paper.
1999 Conference in Honor of Saul Kripke, Haifa University (Haifa, Israel) – paper.
1999 Departmental Seminar, Philosophy Department, Ben Gurion Univeristy – paper.
1999 Natural Language Semantics Colloquium, Institute for Logic, Language – paper.
Computation, University of Amsterdam (Amsterdam, The Netherlands) – paper.
1999 Two lectures, the Working Group, Center for Rationality, the Hebrew University
– paper.
2000 Annual meeting of the Israeli Philosophical Association (Be’er Sheva, Israel) –
2000 Departmental Seminar, Communication Department, Hebrew University – paper.
2000 Conference on Emotions and the Internet, Haifa University and Oranim College –
2000 Departmental Seminar, Philosophy Department, Bar Ilan University (Tel Aviv,
Israel) - paper.
2001 Departmental Seminar, Philosophy Department, Ben Gurion University – paper.
2001 Departmental Seminar, Communication Department, Ben Gurion University –
2002 Annual meeting of the Israeli Philosophical Association (Bar Ilan University) –
2002 “Internet, Intertext”, conference on the Internet, Ben Gurion University – paper.
2003 Annual meeting of the Israeli Philosophical Association (Tel Aviv University) –
2004 “Reflections on Donald Davidson”, International Conference, Jerusalem – paper.
2004 “Dialogues with Donald Davidson”, Departmental Seminar, Tel Aviv University –
2004 Annual Conference of the Association of Internet Researchers, University of
Sussex, England - paper.
2005 Annual meeting of the Israeli Association for the Philosophy of Science
(Jerusalem) - paper.
2005 Fifth European Congress for Analytic Philosophy (Lisbon) – paper.
2006 Workshop on the Origins and Nature of Computation, Jerusalem – paper.
2006 29th International Wittgenstein Symposium, Kirchberg – paper.
2007 Boston Colloquium for Philosophy of Science, Boston University, Boston – paper.
2008 Speaker Series, Rob Kling Center for Social Informatics, Indiana University,
Bloomington - paper.
2008 2nd European Communication Conference, Barcelona – paper.
2009 Departmental Seminar, Philosophy Department, Bar Ilan University – paper.
2009 32th International Wittgenstein Symposium, Kirchberg – paper.
2010 Conference in memory of Ruth Manor, Tel Aviv University – paper.
2010 Conference in Honor of Marcelo Dascal, Tel Aviv University – paper. Eli Dresner 3 December 2011
2011 "Computation and the Brain" – International Conference, Institute of Advanced
Studies, Jerusalem – paper.
2011 Seventh European Congress for Analytic Philosophy (Milan) – paper.
1. E. Dresner, “Boolean Algebras and Natural Language: a Measurement Theoretic
Approach,” Nordic Journal of Philosophical Logic vol. 4, 1999 (pp. 175-189).
2. E. Dresner, “Quine’s Philosophy of Language and Polish Logic,” History and
Philosophy of Logic vol. 20, 1999 (pp. 79-96).
3. E. Dresner, “Hintikka’s ‘Language as Calculus vs. Language as a Universal
Medium’ Distinction,” Pragmatics and Cognition vol. 7, 1999 (pp. 405-421).
4. E. Dresner, “Tarski’s Restricted Form and Neale’s Quantificational Treatment of
Proper Names,” Linguistics and Philosophy vol. 24, 2001 (405-415).
5. E. Dresner and M. Dascal, "Semantics, Pragmatics, and The Digital Information
Age," Studies in Communication Sciences vol. 1, 2001, (pp. 1-22).
6. E. Dresner, “Wittgenstein’s Builders and Perry’s Objection to Sentence Priority,”
Dialectica vol. 56, 2002, (pp. 49-64).
7. E. Dresner, “Measurement Theoretic Semantics and The Semantics of Necessity,”
Synthese vol. 130, 2002, (pp. 413-440).
8. E. Dresner, “Holism, Language Acquisition and Algebraic Logic,” Linguistics
and Philosophy vol. 25, 2002 (pp. 419-452).
9. E. Dresner, “Effective Memory and Turing's Conception of Mind,” Journal of
Experimental and Theoretical Artificial Intelligence vol. 15, 2003, (pp. 113-123).
10. E. Dresner, “Over Assignment of Structure,” Journal of Philosophical Logic vol.
33, 2004 (pp. 467-480).
11. E. Dresner, “Triangulation, Correlation and Perception,” Iyyun vol. 54, 2005 (pp.
12. E. Dresner, “The Topology of Auditory and Visual Perception, Linguistic
Communication, and Interactive Written Discourse,” Language @ Internet 2/2005.
13. E. Dresner, “Middle Region Phenomena and Globalization,” Gazette 68(4), 2006,
(pp. 363-378).
14. E. Dresner, “Davidson’s Philosophy of Communication,” Communication Theory 16,
2006, 155-172.
15. E. Dresner & S. Barak, "Conversational Multi-Taksing in Interactive Written
Discourse as a Communication Competence," Communication Reports 19(1), 2006,
16. E. Dresner, “A Measurement Theoretic Account of Propositions,” Synthese 153,
2006, 1-22.
17. E. Dresner, E "Turing-, Human- and Physical Computability: An Unasked Question,"
Minds and Machines 18 (3), 2008, 249-355.
18. E. Dresner & S. Barak, “Effects of Visual Spatial Structure on Textual
Conversational Multitasking," Communication Quarterly 57, 2009, 104-115. Eli Dresner 6 December 2011
19. E. Dresner, “Turing on Computation, Memory and behavior“, 2010, The
Rutherford Journal. (
20. E. Dresner, "Radical Interpretation, the Primacy of Communication, and the Bounds
of Language," Empedocles: European Journal for the Philosophy of Communication
1(1), 2009, 123-134.
21. E. Dresner, "Language and the Measure of Mind," Mind and Language 25(4), 2010,
22. E. Dresner & S. Herring, "Functions of the Nonverbal in CMC: Emoticons and
Illocutionary Force," Communication Theory 20, 2010, 249-268.
23. E. Dresner, "Logical Consequence and First-order Soundness and Completeness:
a Bottom-up Approach," Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 52(1), 2010, 75-93.
24. E. Dresner, "Measurement-Theoretic Representation and Computation-Theoretic
Realization," The Journal of Philosophy 107(6), 2010, 272-292.
25. E. Dresner,"The Principle of Charity and Intercultural Communication," The
International Journal of Communication 5, 2011, 969-982.
26. E. Dresner & S. Barak, "Auditory and Textual Conversational Multitasking,"
The Electronic Journal of Communication 21, 2011