ד"ר דבורה פרויד

סגל אקדמי בכיר בחוג למודי הפרעות בתקשורת
עמית הוראה בחוג למודי הפרעות בתקשורת
חוג למודי הפרעות בתקשורת סגל אקדמי בכיר
ניווט מהיר:


Research articles:

Manor, Y., Mootanah, R., Freud, D., Giladi, N., & Cohen, J. T. (2013). Video-assisted swallowing therapy for patients with Parkinson's disease. Parkinsonism & Related Disorders19(2), 207-211.

Freud, D., Moria, L., Ezrati-Vinacour, R. & Amir, O. (2016). Turn-Taking Behaviors during Interaction with Adults-Who-Stutter. Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities, 28, (4), 509-522.

Freud, D., Kichin-Brin, M., Ezrati-Vinacour, R., Roziner, I. & Amir, O. (2017). The relationship between the experience of stuttering and demographic characteristics of adults who stutter. Journal of Fluency Disorders, 52, 53-63.

Freud, D., Ezrati-Vinacour, R., Katz-Bernstein, N. & Fostick, L. (2017). The experience of stuttering among Ultra-Orthodox and Secular-Traditional Jews. Journal of Fluency Disorders, 54, 24-34.

Freud, D., Ezrati-Vinacour, R. & Amir, O. (2018). Speech rate adjustment of adults during conversation. Journal of Fluency Disorders, 57, 1-10.

Amir, O., Primov-Fever, A., Marroushi Marrawi, A. & Freud, D. (in press). The prevalence of self-reported voice disorders in Israel. Journal of Voice.

Freud, D., Levy-Kardash, O., Glick, I. & Ezrati-Vinacour, R. (in press). Pilot program combining Acceptance and Commitment Therapy with Stuttering Modification Therapy for adults who stutter: A case report . Folia Phoniatrica and Logopaedica

Freud, D., Zukerman, G. & Icht, M. (accepted). Personality dimensions of speech and language pathologists who work in the field of stuttering. Communication Disorders Quarterly.


Books and monographs:

Katz, N., Ezrati, R. & Freud, D. (2017). Stuttering beyond borders: interviews with people who stutter around the world (German). Neuss, Germany: Natke Publishing House. 

Katz, N., Ezrati, R. & Freud, D. (in press). Stuttering beyond borders: interviews with people who stutter around the world . Neuss, Germany: Lulu express. 

Barak-Brandes, S. & Freud D. (in press). Silencing and victim blaming of a woman who stutters: A Televised Case Study. In M. Bashri & S. Ahmed (Eds.), Minority Women and Western Media: Challenging Representations and Articulating New Voices.

אוניברסיטת תל אביב עושה כל מאמץ לכבד זכויות יוצרים. אם בבעלותך זכויות יוצרים בתכנים שנמצאים פה ו/או השימוש שנעשה בתכנים אלה לדעתך מפר זכויות
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