Daniel Bar-Tal is Branco Weiss Professor of Research in Child Development and Education at the School of Education, Tel Aviv University. His research interest is in political and social psychology studying socio-psychological foundations of intractable conflicts and peace building, as well as development of political understanding among children and peace education.
פרופ' דניאל בר-טל

מידע כללי
קורות חיים
Biographical Note
DANIEL BAR-TAL is Branco Weiss Professor of Research in Child Development and Education at School of Education , Tel Aviv University. He received his graduate training in social psychology at the University of Pittsburgh, and completed his doctoral thesis in 1974. He is currently Professor of Psychology at the School of Education, Tel-Aviv University. He served as a Director of the Walter Lebach Research Institute for Jewish-Arab Coexistence through Education, Tel Aviv University (2002-2005) and was a Co-editor in Chief of the Palestine Israel Journal (2001-2005). He also served as the President of the International Society of Political Psychology (1999-2000). In 1991, his paper "The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict; A Cognitive Analysis" won the Otto Klineberg Intercultural and International Relations Prize of the Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues (SPSSI) and in 2002 his paper "Why does fear override hope” was first runner (won the second place) in the same competition.
Of special importance in his professional life is founding in 1999 and leading a ‘learning community”. This community consists of 10-15 graduate students, mostly for doctoral degree, who come from different disciplines and different universities to carry their studies about conflict and their resolution. The ”learning community” serves as a framework for learning, reflecting, debating, and developing; carrying conceptual and empirical studies; socialization for academic career and societal involvement; and for social support.
Through the years he has lectured widely on his work in many different countries, and worked as Visiting Professor at Vanderbilt University, Nashville; Brandeis University, Boston; Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Paris; University of Muenster, Germany, University of Maryland, College Park, Polish Academy of Science, Warsaw and University of Palermo.
B.A. in Psychology and Sociology
Tel Aviv University,
Ramat Aviv, Israel - 1970
M.S. in Social Psychology
University of Pittsburgh,
Pittsburgh, Pa., U.S.A., 1973
Ph.D. in Social Psychology
University of Pittsburgh
Pittsburgh, Pa., U.S.A., 1974
Past Experience:
1974-1975 -- Post-Doctoral Fellow/Research Associate Learning Research and Development Center, University of Pittsburgh.
1975-1979 -- Lecturer (equivalent to Assistant Professor) School of Education, Tel-Aviv University.
1978-1980 -- Co-organizer of the International Conference on the Development and Maintenance of Prosocial Behavior in Warsaw, Poland; July 1980.
1979-1983 -- Senior Lecturer (tenured), School of Education, Tel-Aviv University.
1981-1982 -- Visiting Associate Professor, Dept. of Psychology, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN.
1983-1989 -- Fellow Professor (equivalent to senior Associate Professor).
1983 -- Co-organizer of the European - International conference on Group Processes and Intergroup Conflicts in Tel Aviv, October, 1983.
1983-1987 -- Secretary of the Israel Society of Social Psychological Researchers.
1984 -- Co-organizer of the International Conference on Social Psychology of Knowledge, in Tel-Aviv, June 1984.
1985 -- Co-organizer of the European-Israeli conference on Stereotypes and Prejudice in Bad Homburg, West Germany, October, 1985.
1984 - 1987 -- Academic director of in-training-service of high school teachers in Jewish-Arab relations.
1985 - 1987 -- Academic director of in training service of high school principals in Education for Democracy.
1986 - Elected Chairman of the Twelfth Annual Meeting of the International Society of Political Psychology, June 1989, Tel-Aviv.
1987-1988 -- Visiting Professor, Dept. of Psychology, Brandeis University
1988 - 1990 -- Elected member of the Governing Council of the International Society of Political Psychology
1989- Present -- Professor of Psychology, School of Education, Tel-Aviv University
1989 - 1994 -- Member of the Executive Committee of the Political Psychology Division of the International Association of Applied Psychology
1991 -- Visiting Professor, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Paris.
1993 -- Organizer and Chairperson of the International Conference on Education for Democracy in a Multicultural Society. June 1993, Jerusalem
1994-1996—Head of the Peace Education Steering Committee set by the Ministry of Education
1994 - 1996 -- Vice President of the International Society of Political Psychology
1995 - Visiting Professor, Dept. of Psychology, University of Maryland
1997 - Visiting Professor, Dept. of Psychology, University of Muenster
1999-2000—Head of the Peace Education Steering Committee set by the Ministry of Education
1999-2000 -- President of the International Society of Political Psychology
2000-2001—Fellow at the Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study in the Humanities and Social Sciences
2001- Visiting Professor, Institute of Psychology, Polish Academy of Science, Warsaw
2001—Co-director of the European Summer Institute in Political Psychology
2002-2005 ---Director of the Walter Lebach Institute for Jewish-Arab Coexistence through Education, Tel Aviv University.
2005-2006- Visiting Scholar at the Maurice and Marilyn Center for Modern Jewish Studies, Brandeis University, USA
2006-2008 –Lecturer at the National Security College of the State of Israel
2007-2009-Visiting professor at the University of Palermo
2008-9 – Member of the public committee to form national policy for the partnership education between Jews and Arabs in Israel (appointed by the Minister of Education).
20010-2011- Visiting Scholar Brandeis University.
1977-1981 Editor of the Israeli Journal of Counseling and Psychology in Education.
1982-1989 Editor of the Israeli Annals of Psychology and Counseling in Education.
1986-1995 Editorial Advisory Board of the Applied Social Psychology Annual
1990-1995 Editorial Board of the European Journal of Social Psychology
1994- present Editorial Board of Social Psychology of Education
1999-present Editorial Board of Political Psychology
2000-2005 Co-editor in Chief of the Palestine-Israel Journal
2000-present Editorial Board of Advances in Political Psychology
2001-present Editorial Board of Conflict and Communication
2001-present Editorial Board of International Journal of Psychology and Psychological Therapy
2004-2011 Editorial Board of International Red Cross Review
2006-present Advisory Board of International Journal of Conflict and Violence
2008-2012 International Advisory Board of the Encyclopedia of Peace Psychology
Professional Memberships:
American Psychological Association (Foreign Member)
European Association of Social Psychology
International Society of Political Psychology
Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues
Society for Personality and Social Psychology
תחומי מחקר והוראה
פרסומים נבחרים
Porat, R., Halperin, E., & Bar-Tal, D. (in press). The effect of socio-psychological barriers on the processing of new information about peace opportunities. Journal of Conflict Resolution
Bar-Tal, D., & Halperin, E. (in press). The nature of socio-psychological barriers for peaceful conflict resolution and ways to overcome them. Conflict & Communication Online
Lavi, I., Canetti, D., Sharvit, K., Bar-Tal, D., & Hobfoll, S. (in press). A comparative study of the psycho-political consequences of conflict-related violence: The moderating influence of ethos of conflict among Israelis and Palestinians. Journal of Conflict Resolution.
Bar-Tal, D. (September 15, 2012). From resolution to reconciliation in postconflict societies. World Politics Review, 15-20.
Bar-Tal, D. (2012). Societal dynamics of intractable conflict: A socio-psychological approach. Psicologia Sociale, 3, 312-335. Link
Nasie, M., & Bar-Tal, D. (2012) Sociopsychological infrastructure of intractable conflict through the lens of Palestinians: Analysis of children and youth's writings in the Palestinian newspapers (1996-2007). Megamot, 48, 309-336. (in Hebrew). Also published as Nasie,
M., & Bar-Tal, D. (2012) in Sociopsychological infrastructure of an intractable conflict through the eyes of Palestinian children and adolescents. Peace and Conflict: Journal of Peace Psychology, 18, 3-20. Link
Bar-Tal, D., Sharvit, K., Halperin, E. & Zafran, A. (2012). Ethos of conflict: The concept and its measurement. Peace & Conflict. Journal of Peace Psychology , 18, 40-61. Link
Coutant, D., Worchel, S., Bar-Tal, D., & van Raalten, J. (2011). A multidimensionality of the “Stereotype” concept: A developmental examination. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 35, 92-110.
Kolonimus, N., & Bar-Tal, D. (2011). Views of the ethos of conflict and the military service among soldiers of an elite unit in the Israeli army. The Public Space, Issue No 5 (fall), 35-67. (in Hebrew)
Halperin, E., & Bar-Tal, D. (2011). Socio-psychological barriers to peace making: An empirical examination within the Israeli Jewish society. Journal of Peace Research, 48, 637-657. Link