Art on Paper: The Triumphal Entry of the Archdukes Albert and Isabella into Antwerp, 1599 (Turnhout: Brepols Publishers, 2014). ISBN: 978-2-503-52388-0, 158pp.
(With Assaf Pinkus eds.), The Sides of the North, An Anthology in Honor of Professor Yona Pinson, (Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2015). ISBN (10): 1-4438-7538-4; ISBN (13): 978-1-4438-7538-7, 198 pp.
"Moriturum Monumentum Non Morituris Cineribus: Jacob Franquart's Funeral Procession of Albert of Austria, 1622", Explorations in Renaissance Culture, 33.1 (Summer 2007), 109-132.
"An Historian Speaks Art, An Artist Talks History: a Discussion on Ephemeral Art", Image and Sound – Art, Music and History, Richard I. Cohen, ed., Jerusalem: The Zalman Shazar Center for Jewish History, 2007. 197-224. (in Hebrew)
“A Good Omen of Our Hope”: Ephemeral Art and Contemporary Politics in Antwerp, 1599”, History and Theory: Protocols, Jerusalem, 15.10.2008 (Hebrew)
“The Merchant's Voice: International Interests and Strategies in Local Joyeuse Entrée. The Case of Portuguese, English and Flemish Merchants in Antwerp (1599) and Lisbon (1619)”, Dutch Crossing, A Journal of Low Countries Studies, Vol. 35 No. 1, March, 2011, 39–62.
"Views of Peace and Prosperity – Hopes for Autonomy and Self-Government, Antwerp 1599", RIHA Journal 0040 (2012), URL: (date of access 23 August 2012).
“O Triunfo do Enigma: A Bruxa, Aliada de Pensamento”, Cadernos de Teoria das Artes, Serie Geral, 2013, Vol. 2, ed. Yolanda Espiña. 99-119. (Portuguese).
(With Dafna Maharshak), “Advertising gone Wrong - Sixtus V in the Image of Moses: The Fontana Dell’acqua Felice as a failed Communication Channel,” Studies in Visual Arts and Communication - an international journal, Vol. 1, No 1 (2014): 46-71. Online version:
“The Riddle of the Witch of Triumph – The Witch as the Ally of Reason,” SOURCE: Notes in the History of Art, Vol. 34, No. 4 (2015), pp. 10-16
“The Emblems of Triumphal Entries – See Footnote by the Author,” Word and Image, Vol. 31, No. 3 (2015). pp.350-361
“Word into Image into Word: The Inter-Relations between the Written Word and the Painted Image,” in: Inter-Art Journey, Nurit Yaari, ed., (Eastbourne, Chicago and Toronto: Sussex Academic Press, 2015). pp. 180-197.
(With Assaf Pinkus), “The Many Sides of the North: Overview and Perspectives,” in: The Sides of the North, An Anthology in Honor of Professor Yona Pinson, Tamar Cholcman and Assaf Pinkus, eds., (Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2015), pp. 9-20.
“Between the Tides: The Call for Political and Economic Reforms—The Concept of Mercantilism in 1599 Antwerp”, Viator 47.3 (2016), pp. 386-410.
“Three Parts Divided: The Construction, Reconstruction, and Deconstruction of Festival Emblems,” Emblematica: Essays in Word and Image, Vol. 2 (2018).pp. 153-184
"Make Peace, Not War" – An Anti-Propaganda Triumph in Johannes Sambucus’ Arcus aliquot triumphales et monumenta,” Rethinking Europe: War and Peace in the Early Modern German Lands, edited by Gerhild Scholz Williams, Sigrun Haude, Christian Schneider. Chloe. Beihefte zum Daphnis Journal Vol. 48 (2019): 151-172.
“Italians in the Southern Netherlands: One Stage, Two Nations, Three Voices,” Cultures of Baroque Spectacle between Italy and the Southern Netherlands, Ralph Dekoninck, Maarten Delbeke, Annick Delfosse, Koen Vermeir and Caroline Heering, eds. (Brussel, Rome: Institut Historique Belge di Roma: 2019), 281-296.
"On Bats and Bees:Rubens in the Republic of letters," Word & Image, Vol. 37:2 (2021), 192-205.
“The Migration of Emblems through Nürnberg’s History: From Triumph to Civic Memory,” in: Emblems and Empire: Emblematica Politica in Early Modern Nürnberg, Mara R. Wade, ed. (Brill). (Forthcoming).
“’A World Picture’ – The Upside-Down World of the New World,” in: European Courts in a Globalized World, Nuno Senos ed., Palatium e-Publications, Series Editors: Krista De Jonge and Pieter Martens. (Forthcoming)
Review of Stijn Bussels, Spectacle, Rethoric and Power: The Triumphal Entry of Prince Philip of Spain into Antwerp. (Ludus: Medieval and Early Renaissance Theatre and Drama 11). Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2012. April 23, Historians of Neherlandish Art (HNA), Book reviews 2013.
Review of Emblems and Impact: Von Zentrum und Peripherie der Emblematik(2 vols.), edited by Ingrid Hoepel and Simon McKeown, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2017. Emblematica: Essays in Word and Image, Vol. 2 (2018), 392-401.
Review of Typographorum Emblemata, The Printer’s Mark in the Context of Early Modern Culture, edited by Anja Wolkenhauer and Bernhart F. Scholz. Berlin and Boston: De Gruyter Saur, 2018. Renaissance Quarterly 72.3, 1036-1037
Review of Netherlandish Art and Luxury Goods in Renaissance Spain: Studies in honor of Professor Jan Karel Steppe (1918-2009), Daan van Heesch, Robrecht Janssen and Jan Van der Stock, eds. Harvey Miller (Brepols), 2018. Renaissance Quarterly 74.1, 256-258.
Review of Gitta Bertram und Nils Büttner, Sinnbild / Bildsinn. Rubens als Buchkünstler. Verband Deutscher Antiquaree. V. und Staatliche Akademie der Bildenden Künste, Stuttgart 2018. Emblematica: Essays in Word and Image, Vol.4 (2020), 479-482.
“An den christlichen Adel deutscher Nation von des chrislichen Standes Besserung (1520),“ Vier Theologische Schriften, Tel Aviv: Ramot University Press, 2001. 27-102. (in Hebrew)