פרופ' כרמית לוי

סגל אקדמי בכיר בגנטיקה מולקולרית של אדם וביוכימיה
גנטיקה מולקולרית של אדם וביוכימיה סגל אקדמי בכיר
פרופ' כרמית לוי
טלפון פנימי: 03-6409900
משרד: רפואה, 1026


Associate Professor, Department of Human Molecular Genetics & Biochemistry, Sackler Faculty of Medicine



microRNA and DICER in Differentiation and Malignant Transformation of Melanocytes

Our scientific interests involve the role of microRNAs in development, differentiation and malignant transformation. Focusing our studies on melanocytes will provide the foundation for developing novel approaches in the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of skin cancer in general and melanoma in particular. In addition, we are intrigued by the possibility of using these systems as a model for exploring basic microRNA biogenesis beyond the cell specific context.



1. Bell RE, Levy C*. The 3 M’s: Melanoma, MITF and microRNA. PCMR 2011.


2. Feige E, Yokoyama S, Levy C, Khaled M, Igras V, Richard J. Lin, Lee S, Widlund HR, Scott R. Granter, Andrew L. Kung, Fisher DE. Hypoxia-induced transcriptional repression of the melanoma oncogene MITF by the HIF1-DEC1 axis. PNAS 2011.


3. Khaled M., Schubert S, Janas M.M, Veguilla R.A, Golan D,   Fisher D.E, Novina C.D, Shomron N and Levy C*, “A Regulatory Loop Between Microprocessor and  Spliceosome Activities: the Case of miR-211 and TRPM1”.  Plos Genetics 2011.


4. Levy C, and Fisher D.E, “Dual role of lineage restricted transcription factors” Transcription Jan 2011.


5. Levy C, Mehdi Khaled, Dimitrios Iliopoulos, Maja Janas, Steffen Schubert, Sophie Pinner, Po-Hao Chen, Shuqiang Li, Anne Fletcher, Satoru Yokoyama, Kenneth L. Scott, Levi A. Garraway, Jun S. Song, Scott R. Granter, Shannon J. Turley, David E. Fisher, and Carl D. Novina, “Intronic miR-211 assumes the tumor suppressive function of its host gene in melanoma” Mol Cell Nov 2010.  


6. Khaled M, Levy C and Fisher D.E, “Control of melanocyte differentiation by a MITF-PDE4d3 homeostatic circuit” Genes&Dev Oct 2010.


7. Levy C, Khaled M, Robinson K.C, Veguilla R.A, Chen PH, Yokoyama S, Makino E, Jun Lu, Larue L, Beermann F, Chin L, Bosenberg M, Song J.S, and Fisher D.E, “Lineage specific transcriptional regulation of DICER by MITF in melanocytes” Cell Vol.141 June 2010.   



8. Levy C, Golan D, Friedman B and Shomron N “Biased hosting of intronic microRNA genes”, Bioinformatics. 2010 Feb 24. 


9. Shomron N and Levy C “MicroRNA-Biogenesis and Pre-mRNA Splicing Crosstalk”. Journal of Biomedicine and Biotechnology2009:594678 


10. Yokoyama S, Feige E, Poling L.L, Levy C, Widlund H.R, Khaled M, Kung A.L, and Fisher D.E “Pharmacologic suppression of MITF expression via HDAC inhibitors in melanoma lineage”. Pigment Cell and Melanoma Research. 2008 Aug;21(4):457-63. 


11. Levy C, Kahled M and Fisher D.E “MITF: master regulator of melanocyte development and melanoma oncogene” Trends in Molecular Medicine. 2006 Sep; 12(9):



12. Levy C, Lee Y, Nechushtan H, Schueler-Furman O, Sonnenblick A, Hachohen S and Razin E “Identifying a common molecular mechanism for inhibition of MITF and STAT3 by PIAS3”. Blood. 2006 Apr 1;107(7):2839-45. 


13. Sonnenblick A, Levy C and Razin E. “Immunological trigger of mast cells by monomeric IgE: effect on microphthalmia transcription factor, STAT3 network of interactions”. J Immunol. 2005 Aug 1;175(3):1450-5. 


14. Levy C, Sonnenblick A and Razin E, “The interplay between MITF, PIAS3 and STAT3 in mast cells and melanocytes”. Mol Cell Biol. 2004 Dec. 


15. Miller A.J, Levy C, Davis I.J, Razin E, and Fisher D.E. “SUMOylation of MITF and its related family members TFE3 and TFEB”. J Biol Chem. 2004

Oct 25. 


16. Levy C, Sonnenblick A and Razin E “Role played by microphthalmia transcription factor phosphorylation and its Zip domain in its transcriptional inhibition by PIAS3”. Mol Cell Biol. 2003 Dec;23(24):9073-80. 


17. Levy C, Nechushtan H and Razin E “A New Roll for the STAT3 Inhibitor, PIAS3” J Biol Chem. 2002; 277, 1962-1 















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