פרופ' רן ברקאי

סגל אקדמי בכיר בארכיאולוגיה
ארכיאולוגיה סגל אקדמי בכיר
פרופ' רן ברקאי
טלפון פנימי: 03-6405988
משרד: גילמן, 205

קורות חיים





Barkai, R. Flint and Stone Axes as Cultural Markers: Socio-Economic Changes as Reflected in Holocene Flint Tool Industries of the Southern Levant. Studies in Early Near Eastern Production, Subsistence, and Environment. Volume 11. Berlin, ex oriente. 2005.

Refereed Articles

Barkai, R., Burian, F., Friedman, E. and Gopher, A. 1994-5. 18X - An Epi-Paleolithic Collection from the Nahal Poleg Area. Journal of the Israel Prehistoric Society 26: 63-74.

Bunimovitz, S. and Barkai, R. 1996. Ancient Bones and Modern Myths: Ninth Millennium Hippopotamus hunters at Akrotiri Aetokremnos? Journal of Mediterranean Archaeology 9/1: 85-96.

Barkai, R. and Gopher, A. 1997. Transversal Burins from Nahal Zehora I, A Pottery Neolithic Site in Central Israel. Neo - Lithics 1/97: 20-23.

Gopher, A. and Barkai, R. 1997. Here Are the Microliths: A Reply to "Where Are the Microliths". Neo - Lithics 1/97: 16-18. 

Barkai, R. 1998. Resharpening and Recycling of Flint Bifacial Tools from the Southern Levant Neolithic and Chalcolithic. Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society 65: 303-318.

Barkai, R. 1998. Sha'ar Ephraim South: A Late Natufian CampsiteTel Aviv 25/1: 94-103.

Barkai, R. and Gopher, A. 1998. Reintroducing Butt Scrapers (Racloirs Sur Talon): Another Look at a Non-formal Tool Type. Lithic Technology 23/1: 20-26.

Gopher, A., Barkai, R. and Marder, O. 1998. Cultural Contacts in the Neolithic period: Anatolian Obsidians in the Southern Levant. In: Préhistoire d'Anatolie, Genèse de deux mondes, Liège, ERAUL 85: 641-650.

Barkai, R. and Gopher, A. 1999. The Last Neolithic Flint Industry: A Study of the Technology, Typology and Social Implications of the Lithic Assemblage from Nahal Zehora I, a Wadi Raba (Pottery Neolithic) Site in the Menashe Hills, Israel. Journal of the Israel Prehistoric Society 29: 41-122.

Shimelmitz, R., Barkai, R. and Gopher, A. 2000. Canaanean Blade Workshop at Har Haruvim, IsraelTel Aviv 27: 3-22.

Shimelmitz, R., Barkai, R. and Gopher, A. 2001. An Epipaleolithic Occurrence at the Site of 'Ain Miri, Northern Israel. Neo-Lithics 1/01: 4-5.

Barkai, R. 2002. Towards a Methodology of Neolithic and Chalcolithic Bifacial Tool Analysis. Neo-Lithics 1/02: 3-8.

Barkai, R., Gopher, A. and La Porta, P.C. 2002. Paleolithic Landscape of Extraction: Flint Surface Quarries and Workshops at Mt. Pua, IsraelAntiquity 76: 672-680.

Barkai, R. and Galili, E. 2003. The PPNC Bifacial Tool Industry from the Submerged Site of Atlit-Yam, IsraelEurasian Prehistory 1/2: 139-162.

Barkai, R., Gopher, A., Lauritzen, S.E. and Frumkin, A. 2003. Uranium Series Dates from Qesem Cave, Israel, and the End of the Lower PalaeolithicNature 423: 977-979.

Godfrey-Smith, D.I., Vaughan, K.B., Gopher, A. and Barkai, R. 2003. Direct Luminescence Chronology of the Epipaleolithic Kebaran Site of Nahal Hadera V, IsraelGeoarchaeology 18: 461-475. 

Yerkes, R.W., Barkai, R., Gopher, A. and Bar-Yosef, O. 2003. Microwear Analysis of Early Neolithic (PPNA) Axes and Bifacial Tools from Netiv Hagdud in the Jordan Valley, IsraelJournal of Archaeological Science 30: 1051-1066.

Shimelmitz, R., Barkai, R. and Gopher, A. 2004. The Geometric Kebaran Microlithic Assemblage from Ain Miri, Northern IsraelPaléorient 30/2: 127-140.

Verri, G., Barkai, R., Bordeanu, C., Gopher, A., Hass, M., Kaufman, A., Kubik, P., Montanari, E., Paul, M., Ronen, A., Weiner, S. and Boaretto, E. 2004. Flint Mining in Prehistory Recorded by in Situ Produced Cosmogenic 10Be. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences U.S.A. 101(21): 7880-7884.

Gopher, A., Barkai, R., Shimelmitz, R., Khalaly, M., Lemorini, C., Hershkovitz, I, and Stiner, M. 2005. Qesem Cave: An Amudian Site in Central IsraelJournal of the Israel Prehistoric Society 35: 69-92.

Lemorini, C., Gopher, A., Shimelmitz, R., Stiner, M., and Barkai, R. 2005. Use-wear Analysis of an Amudian Laminar Assemblage from Acheuleo-Yabrudian Qesem Cave, Israel. Journal of Archaeological Science 33: 921-934.

Verri, G., Barkai, R., Gopher, A., Hass, M., Kubik, P., Paul, M., Ronen, A., Weiner, S. and Boaretto, E. 2005. Flint Procurement Strategies in the Late Lower Palaeolithic Recorded by in Situ Produced Cosmogenic 10Be in Tabun and Qesem Caves (Israel)Journal of Archaeological Science 32: 207-213.

Barkai, R. 2006. The Earliest Tree Fellers: On Axes, People and Ideology During the Neolithic and Chalcolithic Periods in Israel. Jerusalem and the Land of Israel 3: 5-21 (In Hebrew).

Barkai, R., Gopher, A. and La Porta, P.C. 2006. Middle Pleistocene Landscape of Extraction: Quarry and Workshop Complexes in Northern Israel. In: Goren-Inbar, N. and Sharon, G. (eds.). Axe Age: Acheulian Toolmaking - from Quarry to Discard. (Equonox Publishers, Oxford). Pp. 7-44.

Barkai, R., Gopher, A. and Shimelmitz, R. 2006. Middle Pleistocene Blade Production in the Levant: An Amudian Assemblage from Qesem Cave, IsraelEurasian Prehistory 3(2): 39-74.

Gopher, A. and Barkai, R. 2006. Flint Extraction Sites and Workshops in Prehistoric Galilee, Israel. In: Korlin, G. and Weisgerber, G. (eds.). Stone Age Sites - Der Anschnitt 19, Bochum: Deutsches Bergbau Museum Bochum. Pp. 91-98.

Karkanas, P., Shahack-Gross, R., Ayalon, A., Bar-Matthews, M., Barkai, R., Frumkin, A., Gopher, A. and Stiner, M.C. 2007. Evidence for Habitual Use of Fire at the End of the Lower Paleolithic: Site Formation Processes at Qesem Cave, IsraelJournal of Human Evolution 53: 197-212.

Barkai, R. and Liran, R. 2008. Midsummer Sunset at Neolithic JerichoTime and Mind: The Journal of Archaeology, Consciousness and Culture 1/3:273–284.

Barkai, R., Lemorini, C., Shimelmitz, R., Lev, Z., Stiner, M. and Gopher, A. 2009. A blade for all seasons? Making and using Amudian blades at Qesem Cave, Israel. Human Evolution 24:57-75.

Buaretto, E., Barlkai,R.,Gopher, A., Berna, F., Kubik, P. and Weiner, S. 2009. Specialized Flint Procurement Strategies for Hand Axes, Scrapers and Blades in the Late Lower Paleolithic: A 10Be Study at Qesem Cave, IsraelHuman Evolution 24:1-12.

Frumkin, A., Karkanas, P., Bar-Matthews, M., Barkai, R.,Gopher, A., Schak-Gross, R. and Vaks, A. 2009. Gravitational deformations and fillings of aging caves: the example of Qesem karst system, Israel. Geomorphology 106:154-164.

Stiner, M., Gopher, A. and Barkai, R. 2009. Cooperative hunting and meat sharing 400-200 kya at Qesem Cave, Israel. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences U.S.A. 106:13207-13212.

Gopehr, A., Ayalon, A., Bar-Matthews, M. Barkai, R., Frumkin, A.,  Karkanas, P.,and  Shahack-Gross, R. 2010. The chronology of the Late Lower Paleolithic in the Levant: U series dates of speleothems from Middle Pleistocene Qesem cave, Israel. Quaternary Geochronology (available online).

Maul, L., Smith, K,. Barkai, R., Barash, A., Karkanas, P., Shahack-Gross, R. and Gopher, A. 2010.Of Men and Mice at Middle Pleistocene Qesem Cave, Israel: small vertebrates, environment and biostratigraphy. Journal of Human Evolution (available online).

Hershkovitz ,I;  Smith, P; Sarig, R; Quam, R; Rodríguez, L; García, R; Arsuaga, J-L;  Barkai, .R. and Gopher,.A.  2010. Middle Pleistocene dental remains from Qesem Cave, Israel. American Journal of Physical Anthropology.

Barkai, R.,  Lemorini, C., and Gopher,.A. 2010.Palaeolithic cutlery 400 000–200 000 years ago: tiny meat-cutting tools from Qesem Cave, Israel. Antiquity 84 (325). 

Stiner, M., Gopher, A. and Barkai, R. In press. Hearth-side socioeconomics, hunting and paleoecology during the late Lower Paleolithic at Qesem Cave, Israel. Journal of Human Evolution.

Liran , R. and Barkai, R. Casting a shadow on Neolithic Jericho. Antiquity 085 (327). 2011.

Gopher, A. and Barkai, R. Sitting on the tailing piles: Creating extraction landscapes in Middle Pleistocene quarry complexes in the Levant. World Archaeology 43:2, 211-229. 2011.

Shimelmitz, R., Gopher,.A. and Barkai, R. Systematic Blade Production at Late Lower Paleolithic (400-200 kyr) Qesem Cave, Israel. Journal of Human Evolution 61: 458-479. 2011.

Ben-Dor, M., Gopher, A., Hershkovitz, I. and Barkai, R. Man the fat hunter: The demise of Homo erectus and the emergence of a new hominin lineage in the Middle Pleistocene (ca. 400 kyr) Levant. PLoS One. 6(12): e28689.

Barkai, R. and Biran, N. Aviel: A new Neolithic site at the foothills of Mt. Carmel, Israel. Neo-Lithics 2/11:9-13. 2011.

Rabinovich, R., Ackermann, O., Aladjem, E., Barkai, R., Biton, R., Milevski, I., Solodenko, N. and Marder, O. Elephants at the Middle Pleistocene Acheulian Open-Air Site of Revadim Quarry, Israel. Qauternary International 226-227:183-197.

Yerkes, R.; Khalaily, H. and Barkai, R. Form and Function of Early Neolithic Bifacial Stone Tools Reflects Changes in Land Use Practices during the Neolithization Process in the Levant. PLoS ONE 7(8): e42442. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0042442. 2012. 

Yerkes, R. and Barkai, R.  Tree-felling, Wood Working, and Changing Perceptions of the Landscape during the Neolithic and Chalcolithic periods in the southern Levant. Current Anthropology 54:222-231. 2013.

Smith, K., Maul, L., Barkai, R. and Gopher, A. To catch a chameleon, or actualism vs. natural history in the taphonomy of the microvertebrate fraction at Qesem Cave, Israel. Journal of Archaeological Science 40:3326-3339. 2013.

Mercier, N.,  Valladas, H., Falgueres, C., Shao, Q., Gopher, A., Barkai, R., Bahain, J-J.,   

         Vialettes, L., Joron, J-L. and  Reyss, J-L. New datings of Amudian layers at Qesem  

         cave (Israel): Results of TL applied to burnt flints and ESR/U-series to teeth. Journal of

         Archaeological Science 40:3011-3020. 2013.

Barkai, R., Solodenko, N. and Lemorini, C. An Amudian oddity: A giant biface from  

         Late Lower Paleolithic Qesem Cave in context. Tel-Aviv 40:176-186. 2013.

Horáček, I., Maul, L., Smith, K.T., Barkai, R. and Gopher, A. Bat Remains (Mammalia,  

       Chiroptera) from the Middle Pleistocene Site of Qesem Cave, Israel, including first hint  

       of a Pleistocene Rousette Bat in the Near East. Palaeontologia Electronica Vol. 16, Issue  

       3; 23A; 19p. 2013.

Blasco R, Rosell J, Cuartero F, Fernández Peris J, Gopher A, Barkai, R. Using Bones to Shape Stones: MIS 9 Bone Retouchers at Both Edges of the Mediterranean Sea. PLoS ONE 8(10): e76780. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0076780. 2013.

Yerkes, R.; Galili, E. and Barkai, R. Activities at Final Pre-Pottery Neolithic (PPNC) fishing village revealed through microwear analysis of Bifacial Flint Tools from the submerged Atlit-Yam site, Israel. Journal of Archaeological Science.2013.

Gopher, A. and Barkai, R. Middle Paleolithic open-air industrial areas in the Galilee,  

       Israel: The challenging study of flint extraction and reduction complexes, Quaternary  

       International 331:95-102. 2014.

Shahack-Gross, R., Berna, F., Karkanas, T., Lemorini, C., Gopher, A. and  Barkai, R. Evidence for the repeated use of a central hearth at Middle Pleistocene (300 ky ago) Qesem Cave, Israel, Journal of Archaeological Science 44:12-21. 2014.

Blasco, R., Rosell, J. Gopher, A. and Barkai, R. Subsistence economy and social life

      around the hearth: a zooarchaeological perspective from Middle Pleistocene (300 kya)  

      Qesem Cave, Israel. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 35:248-268. 2014.

Agam, A., Marder, O. and Barkai, R. Small flake production and lithic recycling at late 

      Acheulian Revadim, Israel. Quaternary International 361:46-60. 2015.

Assaf, E., Parush, Y., Gopher, A., and Barkai, R. Intra-site recycling variability at Qesem  

      Cave, Israel: New evidence from an Amudian and Yabrudian assemblages. Quaternary  

      International 361:88-102. 2015.

Lemorini, C., Venditti, F., Assaf, E., Parush, Y., Barkai, R. and Gopher, A. The function  

      of recycled lithic items at late Lower Paleolithic Qesem Cave, Israel : an overview of the  

      use-wear data. Quaternary International 361:103-112. 2015.

 Parush, Y., Assaf, E., Gopher, A. and Barkai, R. Looking for sharp edges: Modes of flint 

      recycling at Middle Pleistocene Qesem Cave, Israel. Quaternary International 361:61-87.  


Rosell, J. Blasco, R. Gopher, A. and Barkai, R. Recycling Bones in the Middle 

      Pleistocene: Some Reflections from Gran Dolina TD10-1 (Spain), Bolomor Cave (Spain) 

      and Qesem Cave (Israel). Quaternary International 361:297-312. 2015.

Zutovski, K. and Barkai, R. The use of Elephant Bones for making Acheulian Handaxes:

      A fresh Look at Old Bones. Quaternary International 406:227-238. 2016.

Solodenko, N., Zupancich, A., Marder, O., Lemorini, C., Nunziante Cesaro, S. and

      Barkai, R. Fat residue and use-wear found on handaxe and scraper associated with

      elephant remains at the Acheulian site of Revadim, Israel. PLoS ONE 10(3): e0118572.

      doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0118572. 2015.

Barkai, R., C. Lemorini, and M. Vaquero. The origins of recycling: A Paleolithic     

      perspective. Quaternary International 361: 1-3. 2015.

 Agam, A. and Barkai, R. Not the brain alone: The nutritional potential of elephant heads

      in Paleolithic sites.  Quaternary International 406: 218–226.. 2016.

Parush, Y., Gopher, A. and Barkai, R. Amudian Versus Yabrudian under the Rock Shelf:

      A Study of Two Lithic Assemblages from Qesem Cave, Israel.  Quaternary International  

      398:13-36. 2016.

Wilson, L., Agam, A., Barkai, R. and Gopher, A. Raw material choices in the Amudian  

      versus the Yabrudian at Qesem Cave. Quaternary International 398:61-69. 2016.

Falguères C., Richard M., Tombret O., Shao Q., Bahain J.J., Gopher A., and Barkai R.

      New ESR/U-series dates in Yabrudian and Amudian layers at Qesem cave, Israel.

     Quaternary International 398:6-12. 2016.

Hardy, K., Radini, A., Buckley, S., Sarig, R., Copeland, L., Gopher, A. and Barkai, R.

      Dental calculus reveals inhaled environmental contamination and ingestion of essential   

      plant-based nutrients at Lower Palaeolithic Qesem Cave Israel. Quaternary International

      398:129-135. 2016.

Maul, L., Smith, C., Shenbrot, G., Bruch, A., Barkai, R. and Gopher, A. Palaeoecological

      and biostratigraphical implications of the microvertebrates of Qesem Cave. Quaternary

      International 398:219-232. 2016.

Smith, K., Maul, L., Flemming, F., Barkai, R., and Gopher, A. The microvertebrates of

      Qesem Cave: A comparison of the two main concentrations. Quaternary International  

      398:233-245. 2016.

Shimelmitz, R., Barkai, R. And Gopher, A. Regional Variability in Late Lower  

      Paleolithic Amudian Blade Technology: Analyzing New Data from Qesem, Tabun and

      Yabrud I. Quaternary International 398:37-60. 2016.

Blasco, R., Rosell, J., Gopher, A. and Barkai, R. What happens around a fire: faunal

      processing sequences and spatial distribution at Qesem Cave (300 kya), Israel.  

      Quaternary International 398:190-209. 2016.

Slon, V., Glocke, I., Barkai, R., Gopher, A., Hershkovitz, I., Meyer, M. Mammalian  

      mitochondrial capture, a tool for rapid screening of faunal and undiagnostic remains, and    

      its application to Middle Pleistocene specimens fromQesem Cave (Israel).  Quaternary  

      International 398:210-218. 2016.

Reshef, H. and Barkai, R. A Taste of an Elephant: the Probable Role of Elephant Meat in  

      Paleolithic Diet Preferences. Quaternary International 379:28-34. 2015.

Assaf, E., Barkai, R. and Gopher, A. Knowledge Transmission and Apprentice Flint-

      knappers in the Acheulo-Yabrudian: A Case Study from Qesem Cave, Israel. Quaternary   

      International 398:70-85. 2016.

Lev, M and Barkai, R.  Elephants are people, people are elephants: Elephants food taboos

      as a case for cross cultural animal humanization. Quaternary International 406:239-245.  


Lemorini, C., Bourguignon, L., Zupancich, A., Gopher, A. and Barkai, R. A scraper’s life

      history: morpho-techno-functional and use-wear analysis of Quina and demi-Quina  

      scrapers form Qesem Cave, Israel. Quaternary International 398:86-93. 2016.

Barkai, R. and Gopher, A. On anachronism, or stone balls in the Amudian: The strange

      presence of Spheroids/Polyhedrons at Qesem Cave, Israel. Quaternary International   

      398:118-128. 2016.

Hershkovitz, I., Weber, G.W., Fornai, C., Gopher, A., Barkai, R., Sloan, V., Quam, R.,

      Yankel, G., Sarig, R., 2015. New Middle Pleistocene dental remains from Qesem cave

     (Israel). Quaternary Internationa 398:148-158. 2016.

Sarig, R.,  Gopher A., Barkai, R., Rosell J., Blasco, R., Weber, G., Fornai, C., Sella-

      Tunis, T. and  Hershkovitz, I. How Did the Qesem Cave People Use their Teeth? 

      Analysis of Dental Wear Patterns. Quaternary International 398:136-147. 2016. Zupancich, A., Lemorini, C., Gopher, A. and Barkai, R. On scraper handling: preliminary  


      results of a combined experimental and use-wear approach related to the study of scrapers

      from late Lower Paleolithic Qesem Cave, Israel. Quaternary International 398:94-102.


Gopher, A., Parush, Y., Assaf, E. and Barkai, R. 2016. Spatial aspects as seen from a

      density analysis of lithics at Middle Pleistocene Qesem Cave: Preliminary results and

      observations. Quaternary International 398:103-117. 2016.

Sánchez-Marco, A. Blasco, R., Rosell, J.,Gopher, A. and Barkai, R. 2016. Birds as  

      indicators of high biodiversity zones around the Middle Pleistocene Qesem Cave, Israel.

      Quaternary  International 421: 23-31. 2016.

Blasco, R., Rosell, J., Smith, K., Maul, L., Sañudo, P., Barkai, R. and Gopher, A.

      Tortoises as a Dietary Supplement: a view from the Middle Pleistocene site of Qesem  

       Cave, Israel. Quaternary Science Reviews 133:165-182. 2016.

Weber, G.., Fornai, C., Gopher, A., Barkai, R., Sarig, R. and Hershkovitz, I. The Qesem

       Cave hominin material (part 1): A morphometric analysis of the mandibular premolars  

       and molar. Quaternary International 398:159-174. 2016.

Fornai, C., Benazzi, S., Gopher, A., Barkai, R., Sarig, R., Bookstein, F, Hershkovitz, I.

       and Weber, G. The Qesem Cave hominin material (part 2): A morphometric analysis of

       dm2-QC2 deciduous lower second molar. Quaternary International 398:175-189. 2016.

Ben-Dor, M., Gopher, a. and Barkai, R. Neandertals’ Large Lower Thorax May   

      Represent  Adaptation to High Protein Diet. American Journal of Physical Anthropology

      160: 367–378. 2016.

Finkel, M., Gopher, A. and Barkai, R.  Extensive Paleolithic flint extraction and 

      reduction complexes in the Nahal Dishon Central Basin, Upper Galilee, Israel. Journal of

     World Prehistory 29(3), 217-266. 2016.

Agam, A., Walzer, N., Schechter, Zutovsky, K., Milevski, I., Getzov, N., Gopher, A. and

     Barkai, R. Organized waste disposal in the Pottery Neolithic? A Wadi Rabah Bifacial  

     Refuse Pit at Ein Zippori, Israel. Journal of Field Archaeology 41.6: 713-730. 2016.

 Barkai, R. Human - elephant interactions: The first two million years. Animal and 

      Society  57:38-50 (In hebrew).  2016. יחסי אדם-פיל: שני מיליון השנים הראשונות

 Zupancich, A., Nunziante-Cesaro, S., Blasco, R., Rosell, J., Cristiani, E., Venditti,

      F.,Lemorini, C., Barkai, R. and Gopher, A. Early evidence of stone tool use in bone

      working activities at Qesem Cave, Israel. Scientific Reports6: 37686.. 2016.

Yerkes, R. W., Barkai, R., Gopher, A., and Zutovski, K.  The use of fan scrapers:

      Microwear evidence from Late Pottery Neolithic and Early Bronze Age, Ein Zippori,

      Israel. Journal of Lithic Studies3(1).2016.

Barkai, R., Blasco, R., Rosell, J. and Gopher A. Fire for a reason: Barbecue at Middle 

      Pleistocene Qesem Cave, Israel. Current Anthropology. 58(S16):314-328. 2017.

 Finkel, M. and Barkai, R. 2018. The Acheulean handaxe technological persistence –  

      Lack of innovation or a case of preferred conservatism? Proceedings of the Prehistoric


Finkel, M., Gopher, A., Ben Yosef, E. and Barkai, R. 2017. An extensive    

      Neolithic/Chalcolithic axe and adze workshop located within a Paleolithic extraction

      landscape at Mt. Reihan, North-Eastern Galilee, Israel. Journal of the Israel Prehistoric

      Society 47:5-32.

Agam, A. and Barkai, R. 2018. Elephant and Mammoth Hunting during the Paleolithic:  

      A  Review of the Relevant Archaeological, Ethnographic and Ethno-Historical Records.  

     Quaternary 1, 3; doi:10.3390/quat1010003



Zupanchich, A., Solodenko, N., Rosenberg-Yefet, T. and Barkai, R. On the Function of         

     Late Acheulean Stone Tools: New Data from three specific archaeological contexts at the                 

     Lower Palaeolithic site of Revadim, Israel. Lithic Technology . 2018.

     DOI: 10.1080/01977261.2018.1523098.

Agam, A., and Barkai, R. Small Flake Acheulian: Further Insights into Lithic Recycling  

      at Late Acheulian Revadim, Israel. Tel Aviv45(2), 170-192. 2018.

Kislev, M. and Barkai, R. Neanderthal and Woolly Mammoth molecular resemblance:

      Genetic similarities might underlie cold adaptation. Human Biology 90:1-14. 2018.

 Finkel, M., Barkai, R., Gopher, A., Tirosh, O., and Ben-Yosef, E. The ‘Flint Depot’ of    

      Prehistoric Northern Israel: Comprehensive Geochemical Analyses of Flint Extraction and

      Reduction Complexes and Implications for Provenance Studies. Geoarchaeology. 2019.

Venditti, F., Nunziante Cesaro, S., Parush, Y., Gopher, A. and Barkai, R. Recycling for a purpose in the late Lower Paleolithic Levant: Use-wear and residues analyses of small sharp flint items indicate planned and integrated subsistence behavior at Qesem Cave (Israel). Journal of Human Evolution 131:109-128. 2019.

 Parush, Y., Yerkes, R., Efrati, B., Barkai, R. and Gopher, A. Flint Recycling in the Neolithic and Early Bronze Age: evidence for small flakes production by means of recycling at Ein-Zippori, Israel. Journal of Lithic Studies. 2018.


Yerkes, R. W., Parush, Y., Barkai, R. & Gopher, A. Microwear analysis of small recycled flakes and recycling recycling at Ein-Zippori, Israel.  Journal of Lithic Studies. 2018.

Keidar, Y. And Barkai, R. Where There's Fire, There's Smoke: Reconsidering Air    

    Circulation and Hearth Location at Paleolithic Cave Sites. Open Quaternary. 2019.

Blasco, R., Rosell, J.,  Arilla, M., Margalida, A., Villalba, D., Gopehr, A. and Barkai, R.

    Bone marrow storage and delayed consumption at Middle Pleistocene Qesem Cave,

    Israel (420-200 ka). Science Advances. 2019.

Efrati B., Parush Y., Ackerfeld D., Gopher A. and Barkai R. Seeing Colors: Collecting and Using Patinated Flaked Items at Middle Pleistocene Qesem Cave, Israel. Journal of the Israel Prehistoric Society 49: 32-62. 2019.

Venditti, F., Cristiani, E., Nunziante-Cesaro, S., Agam, A., Lemorini, C., & Barkai, R.  Animal residues found on tiny Lower Paleolithic tools reveal their use in butchery. Scientific reports9(1), 1-14. 2019.

Blasco, R., Rosell, J., Sánchez-Marco, A., Gopher, A., & Barkai, R. Feathers and food: Human-bird interactions at Middle Pleistocene Qesem Cave, Israel. Journal of Human Evolution136, 102653. 2019.

Venditti, F., Agam, A., & Barkai, R. Techno-functional analysis of small recycled

     flakes from Late Acheulian Revadim (Israel) demonstrates a link between morphology and

     function. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports28, 102039. 2019. 

 Agam, A., Wilson, L., Gopher, A., & Barkai, R. Flint Type Analysis of Bifaces

       From Acheulo-Yabrudian Qesem Cave (Israel) Suggests an Older Acheulian

       Origin. Journal of Paleolithic Archaeology, 1-36. 2019.

Rosenberg-Yefet, T. and Barkai, R. 2019. Early in the late Acheulian: Techno-

        typological analysis  of the earliest lithic assemblage from Lower Paleolithic Revadim,

        Israel. Journal of the Israel Prehistoric Society 49: 6-31.

Kedar, Y., Kedar, G., & Barkai, R. Setting fire in a Paleolithic Cave: The

        influence of cave dimensions on smoke dispersal. Journal of Archaeological Science:

        Reports29, 102112. 2020.

Assaf E, Caricola I, Gopher A, Rosell J, Blasco R, Bar O, Zilberman, E., Lemorini, C.,

        Baena, J., Barkai, R., and Cristiani, E. Shaped stone balls were used for bone marrow

        extraction at Lower Paleolithic Qesem Cave, Israel. PLoS ONE 15(4):

        e0230972. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0230972. 2020.

Halfon, E., & Barkai, R. The material and mental effects of animal disappearance on

        indigenous hunter-gatherers, past and present. Time and Mind13(1), 5-33. 2020.

Ben-Dor, M., & Barkai, R. The importance of large prey animals during the

        Pleistocene and the implications of their extinction on the use of dietary ethnographic

        analogies. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology59, 101192. 2020.

Barkai, R. Lower Paleolithic bone handaxes and chopsticks: Tools and   

        symbols?. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.    

        doi.org/10.1073/pnas.2016482117. 2020.


Chapters in Books 

Barkai, R., Gopher, A. and Friedman, E. 1997. Prehistoric Occurrences in Western Samaria: The 1967-8 survey. In: Finkelstein, I. and Lederman, Z. (eds.). Highlands of Many Culture. The Southern Samaria Survey. Monographs of the Institute of Archaeology, Tel Aviv University: 857-881. 

Barkai, R. 2001. Make my Axe: Flint Bifacial Tools Production and Resharpening at the EPPNB Site of Nahal Lavan 109. In: Caneva, I., Lemorini, C., Zampetti, D. and Biagi, P. (eds.). Beyond Tools: Redefining the PPN Lithic Assemblages of the Levant. Studies in Early Near Eastern Production, Subsistance and Environment 9. Berlin, ex oriente. Pp. 73-92.

Barkai, R. 2001. PPNA Flint and Stone Axes: Technological, Functional and Symbolic Aspects. In: Maeir, A.M. and Baruch, E. (eds.). Settlement, Civilization and Culture. Proceedings of the Conference in Memory of David Alon. Bar Ilan University, Ramat Gan. Pp. 17-47 (in Hebrew).

Barkai, R. and Gopher, A. 2001. Flint Quarries in the Southern Levantine Holocene: A Routine Procedure? New Evidence from the Upper Galilee, Israel. In: Caneva, I., Lemorini, C., Zampetti, D. and Biagi, P. (eds.). Beyond Tools: Redefining the PPN Lithic Assemblages of the Levant. Studies in Early Near Eastern Production, Subsistance and Environment 9. Berlin, ex oriente. Pp. 17-25.

Gopher, A. and Barkai, R. 2001. Flint Extraction Sites and Workshops in Prehistoric Galilee, Israel. Proceedings of the VIII International Flint Symposium, Bochum, 13-17 September 1999.

Gopher, A., Barkai, R. and Asaf, A. 2001. Trends in Sickle Blades Production in the Neolithic of the Hula valley, Israel. In: Caneva, I., Lemorini, C., Zampetti, D. and Biagi, P. (eds.). Beyond Tools: Redefining the PPN Lithic Assemblages of the Levant. Studies in Early Near Eastern Production, Subsistance and Environment 9. Berlin, ex oriente. Pp. 411-425.

Barkai, R. 2004. The Chalcolithic Lithic Assemblage. In: Scheftelowitz, N. and Oren, R. (eds.). Giv'at Ha-Oranim. A Late Chalcolithic Site, Salvage Excavation Reports, No. 1, Emery and Claire Yass Publication in Archaeology, Tel Aviv. Pp. 87-109.

Yerkes, R.W. and Barkai, R. 2004. Microwear Analysis of Chalcolithic Bifacial Tools from the Giv'at Ha-Oranim Site in Central Israel. In: Scheftelowitz, N., and Oren, R. (eds.). Giv'at Ha-Oranim. A Late Chalcolithic Site, Salvage Excavation Reports, No. 1, Emery and Claire Yass Publication in Archaeology, Tel Aviv. Pp. 110-124.

Gopher, A. & Barkai, R. 2006. Flint extraction sites and workshops in prehistoric Galilee, Israel. In Korlin, G. And Weisgerber, G. (eds.). Stone Age Sites – Der Anschnitt 19, Bochum: Deutsches Bergbau Museum Bochum. Pp. 91-98.

Barkai, R., Gopher, A. and La Porta, P.C. 2006. Middle Pleistocene Landscape of Extraction: Quarry and Workshop Complexes in Northern Israel. In: Axe Age: Acheulian Toolmaking - from Quarry to Discard. N. Goren-Inbar, G. Sharon, Eds. (Equonox Publishers, Oxford). Pp. 7-44.

Barkai, R., and Yerkes, R.W. 2007. Stone axes as cultural markers: Technological, functional and symbolic changes in bifacial tools during the transition from Hunter-Gatherers to sedentary agriculturalists in the Southern Levant. In “Prehistoric Technology” 40 Years Later: Functional Studies and the Russian Legacy: Proceedings of the conference held in Verona, Italy; April 20-23, 2005, edited by L. Longo, BAR International Series.

Barkai, R. Gopher, A. and Weiner, J. 2007. Quarrying Flint at Neolithic Ramat Tamar: An Experiment.In: Astruc, L. Binder, D. and Briois, F. eds. Systemes Techniques et communates du Neolithique Preceramique au Proche-Orient. Actes du 5 colloque international Frejus, 2004.Antibes:25-32.

Barkai, R. PPNA Stone and Flint Axes as Cultural Markers: Technological, Functional and Symbolic Aspects. In: Healey, E. Studies in Technology, Environment, Production and Society of Neolithic Chipped and Ground Stone (S.T.E.P.S.) in the Near East. 2011.

Gopher, A.; Barkai, R. And Marder, O. An obsidian industry from Neolithic Ha-Goshrim, Northern Israel. In: Healey, E. Studies in Technology, Environment, Production and Society of Neolithic Chipped and Ground Stone (S.T.E.P.S.) in the Near East. Pp. 395-401. PP. 443-448. 2011.

Gopher, A. and Barkai, R. Pottery Neolithic flint assemblages: History of research and comments on method and theory. In: Gopher, A. (ed.). Village Communities of the Pottery Neolithic Period in the Menashe Hills, Israel. Archaeological Investigations at the Sites of Nahal Zehora. Emery and Clair Yass Publications in Archaeology, Tell Aviv University, Sonia and Marco Nadler Institute of Archaeology. Pp. 748-756. 2012.

Barkai, R. and Gopher, A. Flint Assemblages from Nahal Zehora II: Techno-typological Changes during the PN. In: Gopher, A. (ed.). Village Communities of the Pottery Neolithic Period in the Menashe Hills, Israel. Archaeological Investigations at the Sites of Nahal Zehora. Emery and Clair Yass Publications in Archaeology, Tell Aviv University, Sonia and Marco Nadler Institute of Archaeology. Pp. 757-869. 2012.

Barkai, R. and Gopher, A. The Flint Industry of Nahal Zehora I: Late Wadi Rabah Technology and Typology. In: Gopher, A. (ed.). Village Communities of the Pottery Neolithic Period in the Menashe Hills, Israel. Archaeological Investigations at the Sites of Nahal Zehora. Emery and Clair Yass Publications in Archaeology, Tell Aviv University, Sonia and Marco Nadler Institute of Archaeology. Pp. 870-929. 2012.

Yerkes, R. and Barkai, R. Microwear Analysis of Pottery Neolithic Bifacial Tools from Nahal Zehora I and Nahal Zehora II. In: Gopher, A. (ed.). Village Communities of the Pottery Neolithic Period in the Menashe Hills, Israel. Archaeological Investigations at the Sites of Nahal Zehora. Emery and Clair Yass Publications in Archaeology, Tell Aviv University, Sonia and Marco Nadler Institute of Archaeology. Pp. 930-977. 2012.

Gopher, A. and Barkai, R. The Lithic assemblages at the NaHal Zehora sites: A summary. In: Gopher, A. (ed.). Village Communities of the Pottery Neolithic Period in the Menashe Hills, Israel. Archaeological Investigations at the Sites of Nahal Zehora. Emery and Clair Yass Publications in Archaeology, Tell Aviv University, Sonia and Marco Nadler Institute of Archaeology. Pp. 1110-113. 2012. 


Chapters in Books

Barkai, R. And Gopher, A. 2009. Changing the face of the earth: Human behavior at Sede Ilan, an extensive Lower-Middle Paleolithic quarry site in Israel. In: Adams, B. And Blades, B. (eds.). Lithic Materials and Paleolithic Societies. Blackwell Publishers, Oxford. Pp. 174-185.

Barkai, R. The Evolution of Neolithic and Chalcolithic Woodworking tools and the intensification of human production: Axes, Adzes and Chisels from the Southern Levant. In: Edmonds, M and Davis, V. (eds.). Stone Axe Studies III. Council for British Archaeology. Pp. 39-54. 2011.

Barkai, R. and Gopher, A. Innovative human behavior between Acheulian and Mousterian: A view from Qesem Cave, Israel. In: Le Tensorer, J.-M. et al. The Lower and Middle Palaeolithic in the Middle East and Neighbouring Regions. Etudes et Recherches Archéologiques de L'Université de Liège(ERAUL). 2011.

Barkai, R. and Gopher, A. Two Flint Caches from a Lower-Middle Paleolithic Flint Extraction and Workshop Complex at Mount Pua, Israel. In: Diaz del Rio, P. (ed.). 2nd International Conference of the UISPP Commission on Flint Mining in Pre and Protohistoric Times. BAR International Series. Pp. 265-274. 2011. 

Gopher, A. and Barkai, R. A new Neolithic quarry complex at Har Gevim, Israel: An introduction. In: Diaz del Rio, P. (ed.). 2nd International Conference of the UISPP Commission on Flint Mining in Pre and Protohistoric Times. Pp. 275-282. BAR International Series. 2011.


זומר, ח. וברקאי, ר. 2012. שימפנזים כציידים. טבע הדברים. מרץ 2012  עמ' 20-27.

Zomer, H. and Barkai, R. 2012. Chimpanzees as hunters. Teva Hdvarim. March 2012.:20-27.

שלום, נ. וברקאי, ר. 2012.  האדם הנאנדרתלי - אז והיום. גלילאו יוני 2012, עמ' 26-35.

Shalom, N. and Barkai, R. 2012. Neanderthal man - Past and present. Galileo June 2012: 26-


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