פרופ' יחיאל מיכל בר אילן

סגל אקדמי בכיר בדיקאנט ומנהל הפקולטה לרפואה
דיקאנט ומנהל הפקולטה לרפואה סגל אקדמי בכיר
פרופ' יחיאל מיכל בר אילן
טלפון פנימי: 03-6405955
טלפון נוסף: 03-6409858
פקס: 03-6406916
משרד: רפואה, 749

Professor Yechiel Michael Barilan (Bar Ilan) MD MA

I am a physician, expert in internal medicine and a full professor of medical education in the School of Medicine, Tel Aviv University, where I teach medical ethics to medical students in the past twenty- two years.

My research area is “bioethics”. My focus is the intersections among clinical issues, social history, and fundamental questions, mainly those related to dignity, autonomy, and agency.

I have authored three other monographs, one on human dignity and human rights and two on Jewish medical ethics and law.

Currently I am working on the ethics of vaccination, especially adolescents and children, the history of children’s institutions and the regulation of pregnancy, childbirth, and baby-care in the early years of Israel, and the evolution of “Imago Dei / Human Dignity” as a moral ethos.

Together with Dr. Oren Asman, Dept. of Nursing, we run a bi-weekly seminar for graduate students, open to other students and scholars. This seminars are the main activity of the Medical Ethics and Law Initiative, Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University.

In the School of Medicine, I am working on curriculum development following UNESCO’s core curriculum and on the skills of moral deliberation.




Barilan, YM, Human dignity, human rights and responsibility: the new language of global bioethics ad bio-law. Cambridge (MA): MIT Press, 2012.  301 pages (monograph)


Barilan YM, Jewish bioethics: rabbinic law and theology in their social and historical contexts. Cambridge University Press, 2014.  252 pages (monograph)


Barilan YM. Medical Ethics in Judaism: History, Halakhah and Israeli Law. Magnes 2019 [Hebrew] 512 pages (monograph)


Barilan, YM, Brusa M. and Ciechanover A. (eds.) Can Personalized Medicine be Precise; Can Precision Medicine be Personal. Oxford University Press. 2022.


Active projects

I am responsible for the ESLA (Ethics Social and Legal Aspects) research team in an ERA perMED project on personalized medicine and patients with glioblastoma (2022-2024).

I am co- editing a special issue of VACCINES on vaccine acceptance.

Academic Director and book editor, Ethics in Personalized Medicine, an international workshop, Pontifical Academy of Sciences, 2019-2022


Graduate students:

There are three PhD candidates working on home birth and traditional / alternative practices of childbirth.

One PhD candidate is working on Jewish Law in relation to genetic testing.

One master student is working on the question of brain-death in Jewish law.

One PhD candidate is working on the quantitative and qualitative conceptualization of the “burden of care” on patients with chronic diseases.

One master student is working on virtue ethics in relation to the emergent discourse of “personalized medicine”.


Past graduate students and fellows:

Dr. J. Lehman, PhD dissertation on the philosophy of mind in relation to hearing loss and cognition.

Dr. R. Shani, PhD dissertation on the history of early genetic testing for non-medical purposes (gender verification in sport, crime control).

Dr. D. Shulziner, post doc fellow in political science.

Dr. S. Zuckerman, post doc fellow in medical law and ethics

Dr. M. Garasic, post doc fellow in medical ethics

Prof. M. Spranzi, visiting fellow, bioethics


Past projects

Member, Hospital Ethics Committee, Meir Hospital, Israel. (2003-2008)

Member, Board of the Israel Society for Palliative Medicine and its Committee for drafting its code of ethics and practice guidelines. (2003-2008)

Member, National Committee on the regulation of late abortion in Israel. (2006-2007)

Member, Ethics Committee, EuroCancerComs, European Project (2009-2011)

Member, National Committee on Workers’ Health, Israel. (2010-2011)

Consultant, first three workshops in ethics, International Commission of Military Medicine (ICMM), Zurich, and head of the research ethics arm, COST Program in Ethics in Disaster Medicine. (2010-2014)

Founding Senior Fellow. Safra Center for Ethics, Buchman Faculty of Law, Tel Aviv University. (2011-2015).

Member, Advisory Expert Committee to UNESCO and The International Organization for Judicial Training (IOJT) on bioethics to the judiciary. (2015-2017)



Other titles / qualifications

Training and certification in medical hypnosis by the Milton Erickson Foundation and the American Society for Clinical Hypnosis (1995-1997). Israeli License to practice medical hypnosis (1996).

European Master in Bioethics (University of Leuven)                       2003

Laurea in Chirurgia and Medicina, University of Cagliari           2015

Habilitation (ASN 2016) in the Italian Academic System
in Medicine 06/A2 (Prima 


קורות חיים

יליד ירושלים, תשכ"ו

בוגר הטכניון ברפואה תשנ"ו

סטאג' בבי"ח ע"ש אדית וולפסון, חולון תשנ"ה-תשנ"ו

התמחות ברפואה פנימית במרכז רפואי ת"א ע"ש סוראסקי תשנ"ו – תש"ס

מאסטר בביואתיקה (אונ' לאובן, בלגיה) (תשס"א)

רופא בכיר במרכז רפואי ת"א ולאחר מכן בבי"ח מאיר בכפר סבא, תשס"א – תשס"ז

מרצה בכיר בחוג לחינוך רפואי (תשס"ה – תש"ע)

משרה אקדמית מלאה בחוג לחינוך רפואי, הפקולטה לרפואה ע"ש סאקלר (תשס"ה – תש"ע)

פרופסור מן המנין לחינוך רפואי




My own personal interests encompass moral theory and the intersections among bioethics, social history and related normative domains, such as law and religion, especially Halakhah (Jewish religious law). I explore human rights law and international humanitarian law in the light of the contemporary ethical and meta-ethical discourse. Another aspect of my work aims at developing better understanding and tools of deliberation in bioethics as a psycho-moral process and as socially constructed events of legitimization and education. I am intrigued by the incorporation of the history and philosophy of ideas such as conscience, responsibility, hope and doubt in clinical reality and medical education.


Another branch of research is the socio-historical and moral ideas in the representation of illness and medicine in Western visual art, since the late middle ages through contemporary and experimental art.


Ongoing research projects are:

  1. Moral psychology and the notion of ethical expertise in medical education.
  2. The history of karyotyping exams in questions of gender (e.g. gender verification in sport).
  3. Ethics and law of military, humanitarian and disaster medicine.
  4. The regulation of cloning in international law.
  5. New born screening and the regulation of large, public-health data banks.
  6. Human rights and international humanitarian law.


Our group’s chief aim is to integrate deep theoretical knowledge and creativity with applied problems, contextualizing their ethical dimensions historically and socially. Efforts are made in the direction of cross-disciplinary work, especially through participation in the activities of the new Edmund J. Safra Center for Ethics, Tel Aviv University.


orchid number 0000-0002-1679-0428



Barilan, YM, Human dignity, human rights and responsibility: the new language of global bioethics ad bio-law. MIT Press (forthcoming 2012)

Barilan YM, Jewish bioethics: rabbinic law and theology in their social and historical contexts. Cambridge University Press (forthcoming 2013)

 Articles in peer reviewed journals

  1. Barilan YM, Hertzano R, Weintraub M. Bedside humanities.
            The Israeli Medical Association Journal 2000; 2:327-31.

      Barilan YM, Weintraub M. Persuasion as respect for persons.

  1. Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 2001; 26:13-34.


  1. Barilan YM. Headcounting vs. Heartcounting: an examination of the recent case of the conjoined twins from Malta.
    Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 2002; 45:593-605.
  2. Shmotkin D, Barilan YM. Expressions of holocaust experience and their relationships with mental symptoms and physical morbidity among holocaust survivor patients.
    Journal of Behavioral Medicine 2002; 14:115-34.
  3. Barilan YM. Revisiting the problem of Jewish Bioethics: The case of terminal care.
    Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 2003; 13:143-70.
  4. Barilan YM. Medicine in the eyes of the artist: before and after the holocaust.
    Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 2004; 47:120-34.
  5. Barilan YM. The vision of vegetarianism and peace: Rabbi Kook on the ethical treatment of animals.
    History of the Human Sciences 2004; 17:69-101. IF 0.357


  1. Barilan YM. Bodyworlds and the ethics of using human remains: a preliminary discussion.
    Bioethics, 2006; 20:233-247. IF 1.642


  1. Barilan YM. Contemporary art and the ethics of anatomy.
    Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 2007; 50:104-23.
  2. Barilan YM. The Doctor by Luke Fildes: an icon in context.
    Journal of Medical Humanities 2007; 28:59-80.
  3. Barilan YM. On neighborly love and on the doctor as a friend.
    Assia 2007; 69-70:95-131. [Hebrew]
  4. Turoldo F, Barilan YM. The concept of responsibility: three stages in its evolution in bioethics.
    Cambridge Quarterly of Health Care Ethics 2008; 17:114-23.
  5. Brusa M, Barilan YM. Cultural circumcision in EU public hospitals: an ethical discussion.
    Bioethics 200923:470-482. IF 1.642
  6. Barilan YM. Responsibility as a meta-virtue: truth-telling, deliberation and wisdom in medical professionalism.
    Journal of Medical Ethics 2009 35:153-158.
  7. Barilan YM. Screening tests in Jewish law and theology.
    Assia 2009; 22(85-86):12-30 [Hebrew]
  8. Barilan YM. From Imago Dei in the Jewish-Christian traditions to human dignity in contemporary Jewish law.
    Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 2009; 19:231-259.
  9. Barilan YM. Judaism, human dignity and the most wretched women on earth.
    American Journal of Bioethics 2009; 9:35-37.
  10. Barilan YM. Her pain prevails and her judgment respected: abortion in Jewish law and in the laws of the state of Israel.
    Journal of Law and Religion 2010; 25:97-186.
  11. Shani R, Gross S, Barilan YM. Exploring Kuhn’s concept of a “scientific paradigm”: the case of the “XYY hypothesis”.
    The International Journal of Technology, Knowledge and Society 2010; 6:47-56.
  12. Barilan YM, Brusa M. Triangular reflective equilibrium: A consciences based method for bioethical deliberation.
    Bioethics 2011; 25:304-319. IF 1.642
  13.  Barilan YM. Respect for personal autonomy and the problem of botched autonomy.


  1. Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 36:496-51522.  Barilan YM. Ulysses contracts and the nocebo effect. American Journal of Bioethics (forthcoming 2012)
  3. Barilan, YM. Ulysses contracts and the nocebo effect. American Journal of Bioethics 2012; 12:37-39.


Review and commissioned articles in peer-reviewed journals

1.      Barilan YM. Conjoined twins.

Book review JAMA 2004; 291:2761-2.


2.      Barilan YM. Informed consent: between waiver and excellence in responsible deliberation.
Book review, Medicine Healthcare and Philosophy 2010; 13:89-95.

3.      Barilan YM. The dilemma of good clinical practice in the study of compromised standards of care.
Editorial Critical Care 2010 14(4):176. Epub Jul 15.


Chapters in academic books by peer-reviewing presses


1.      Barilan YM. Abortion.
In: Chadwick R, Ten Have H, Meslin E. (eds.) Healthcare ethics in the era of globalizationNew York, Sage, 2011; pp. 127-144.

2.      Barilan YM. The biomedical uses of the body: lessons from the history of human rights and dignity.
In: Lenk C, Hoppe N, Beier K. (eds.) Human tissue research: A European perspective on the ethical and legal challenges. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2011; pp. 3-14.

3.      Barilan YM. Bedside rationing or rational planning: in search for perspective on medical need and safety.
In: Masin M, Fleck L, Hurst S. (eds.) Towards fair rationing at the bedside. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2013.

4.      Barilan YM, Brusa M, Halperin P. Triage in disaster medicine: ethical strategies in various scenarios.
In: Gordijn B, O’mathuna D, Macklin R. (eds.) Ethics in disaster medicine. Dordrecht: Springer, 2012.

5.      Barilain YM, Barnea R. Routine medical care in the military.
In: Siegal G, Kasher A. (eds.) Bioethics blue and white. Ha’kibbutz Ha’Me’uhad Press, 2012. [Hebrew]


 Items in Encyclopedias


  1.  Barilan YM. Biomedical ethics & Halakha – approaches to. Encyclopedia of Judaism 2nd ed. (Leiden, Brill), 2006, pp. 277-303


  1.  Barilan, Y. M.  Anatomy. 2nd edition of the Encyclopedia of Applied Ethics. San Diego: Academic Press, 2012.


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