פרופ' עמוס זהבי

סגל אקדמי בכיר בבית הספר למדע המדינה
סגל אקדמי בכיר במדיניות ציבורית
בית הספר למדע המדינה סגל אקדמי בכיר
פרופ' עמוס זהבי
טלפון פנימי: 03-6406715
משרד: נפתלי

ענין מחקרי

פרופ' זהבי חוקר בתחומים הבאים:

  • מדיניות חברתית עם דגש על מדיניות הכלה (inclusion)
  • מדיניות מחקר ופיתוח עם דגש על ההיבטים החברתיים והחלוקתיים
  • מדיניות לקידום קבוצות מיעוט
  •  חקר השוואתי של  משטרי רווחה תוך התמקדות בדת, מיעוטים ופוליטיקה

מבחר פרסומים

Amos Zehavi and Or Keshet, "Conservative Ethnic Minority LGTBQ+: Facing the Challenge of Intersectionality in an Inhospitable Environment" Social Policy & Administration. Accepted for publication

Baruch Levy and Amos Zehavi (2023). " Religious and Ethnic Identities Influence on Public Views of Privatization: The Case of Israel " Policy Studies 44(2), 236-257

Dan Breznitz and Amos Zehavi (2022), " Promoting Inclusive Innovation for People With Disabilities: Who Does What and Why?" Disability & Society

Abu-Ghazaleh Mahajneh, M., & Zehavi, A. (2022). The balancing act of minority cultural identity expression policy: Palestinian cultural struggles at the Israeli local government level. International Journal of Cultural Policy, 28(3) 290-305.

Baruch Levy and Amos Zehavi (2021) "The Privatization of Social Services and Government Infrastructures – Israeli Public Opinion" Social Insurance 114, 153-182 (in Hebrew).

Moshe Dror and Amos Zehavi (2020) "Delimiting Citizen Participation: How Israeli Mayors Get the Most Out of the Process" Local Government Studies 48(1), 68-86.

Amos Zehavi and Dan Breznitz (2019) "The Neoliberal Targeted Social Investment State: The Case of Ethnic Minorities" Journal of Social Policy

Baruch Levy, Amos Zehavi, and David Chinitz (2018) "Taking the measure of the profession: physician associations in the measurement age" Health Policy.

Amos Zehavi (2017) "Religionization from the bottom up: Religiosity Trends and Institutional Change Mechanisms in Israeli Public Services" Politics & Religion

Amos Zehavi and Dan Breznitz (2017) "Distribution Sensitive Innovation Policies: Conceptualization and Empirical Examples" Research Policy, 46(1).

Baruch Levi and Amos Zehavi (2016) "Delegation of Clinical Authority, Administrative Culture and Policy Adoption: A Comparative Analysis" Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis.   

Gila Menahem & Amos Zehavi (2016), eds. Policy Analysis in Israel. Bristol, UK: Policy Press      

Ron Mandelbaum and Amos Zehavi (2014) "Recession as a Window of Opportunity for Public Sector Recruitment," Policy Studies 35(2), 115-130.

Amos Zehavi (2013) Religious Supply, Welfare State Restructuring and Faith Based Social Activities. Political Studies, 61(3), 561-579.

Amos Zehavi & Noa Zer (2012) A Public Road to Globalization: Public Services and Customer Internationalization in Israel. Administration & Society, 44(5).

Amos Zehavi (2012). From Enlightened Self-interest to Welfare Coalitions: Overcoming Identity-based Tensions in the Israeli Welfare State. Social Policy & Administration,  46(5), 562-581.

Amos Zehavi (2012). Moving in Opposite Directions? Religious Involvement in Welfare Provision in Israel and the Low Countries. Social Service Review, 86(3), 429-453.

Amos Zehavi (2012) “Welfare State Politics in Privatization of Delivery: Linking Program Constituencies to Left and Right.” Comparative Political Studies 45, 194-219.

Amos Zehavi (2012) “Veto Players, Path Dependency, and Reform of Public Aid Policy to Private Schools,” Comparative Politics 44, 311-330.

Amos Zehavi (2012) “A Reform Less Ordinary? Historical Institutionalism, Punctuated Equilibrium and Mental Healthcare Privatization,” Administration & Society 44, 1–23.

Amos Zehavi (2012) “Regulating non-government schools: Explaining success and failure," Regulation and Governance 5, 446-464.

Dan Breznitz & Amos Zehavi (2010) "The Limits of Capital: Transcending the Public Financer – Private Producer Split in R&D," Research Policy 39(2), 301-312.

Amos Zehavi (2008). The Faith-Based Initiative in Comparative Perspective: Making Use of Religious Providers in Britain and the United States. Comparative Politics, 40(3), 331-351.


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