פרופ' אהרון שלמה [רוני] פיינסטון

סגל אקדמי קליני בכירורגיה אורתופדית
בי"ס ללימודי המשך ברפואה
כירורגיה אורתופדית סגל אקדמי קליני
פרופ' אהרון שלמה [רוני] פיינסטון
פקס: 08-9266716

General Information

Aharon (Roni) Finestone in an Associate Professor in Orthopaedic Surgery.

He works at the Assaf HaRofeh Medical Center in Zerrifin, where he specializes in Foot & Ankle.

He also has a particular interest in orthopaedic medicine / musculoskeletal medicine.

Furthermore, following many years of cooperation with the Israel Defense Forces Medical Corps, he has gained much experience in military medicine and training injuries related to sports.

He served on the board of the Israel Society of Musculoskeletal Medicine for 7 years, 4 years as treasurer, and he is now on the board of the Israel Orthopaedic Society, and the treasurer of the Intenational Federation of Manual / Musculoskeletal Medicine (FIMM).


Born 19/2/1960, Salford, UK.
Emigrated to Israel, 26/9/1970.
Personal: Maried to Nehama + 4.
Residence: Lilach 71, Reut, Israel.

2005 - present    Foot & Ankle Unit, Dept. Of Orthopaedics, Assaf HaRofeh MC, Zerrifin, Affiliated to Sakler Faculty of Medicine Tel Aviv University.
1999 - 2005        IDF Medical Corps, Head of IDF Orthopaedic Service.
1995 - 1999        Residency in orthopaedics, Rabin Medical Center, Beilinson campus, Petah Tikva.
1994 - 1995        IDF Medical Corps, Medical branch.
1992 - 1993        Residency in orthopaedics, Hadassah University Hospital, Jerusalem
1991 - 1992        Residency in orthopaedics, Sheba Medical Center, Ramat Gan
1986 - 1991        IDF Medical Corps, Paratroopers Brigade & Medical branch.


2004 - 2005        Master's in Health Administration, Ben Gurion University of Negev, Beer Sheva.
1978 - 1985        Medical Doctor, Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
1974 - 1978        HaRoeh Religious Municipal High School, Gamat Gan.



Orthopaedic surgery, Foot & Ankle, diabetic feet.

Overuse / sports / training injuries including stress fractures, neck & back pain, shoulder pain, hip & knee pain, ankle sprains.

Musculoskeletal medicine, including myofascial / somatic referred pain.

Health administration with particular interest in management of the orthopaedic economy in Israel.


Professor Finestone has published about 100 original articles in peer reviewed journals, 3 case reports, 6 reviews and 3 chapters in medical books.
He has presented papers in over 40 international meetings.



Tamir E, Finestone AS, Wiser I, Anekshtein Y, Agar G.
Results and complications with outpatient negative-pressure wound therapy for diabetic foot ulcers following surgical debridement – a case series.
Adv Skin Wound Care, accepted 6/10/2017.

Zack O, Levin R, Krakov A, Slodownik D, Finestone A, Moshe S.
The relationship between low back pain and professional driving in young military recruits.
BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders accepted 2017.

Finestone AS, Tamir E, Ron G, Wiser I, Agar G. Surgical offloading procedures for diabetic foot ulcers compared to best non-surgical treatment: a study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. J Foot Ankle Res 11:6, 2018.

Shohat N, Machluf Y, Farkash R, Finestone AS, Chaiter Y.
Clinical knee alignment among adolescents and association with body mass Index – A large prevalence study.
Isr Med Assoc J 20:75-79, 2018.

Rozenfeld E, Finestone AS, Moran U, Damri E, Kalichman L.
Test-retest reliability of myofascial trigger point detection in hip and thigh areas.
J Bodyw Mov Ther 21:914-919, 2017.

Milgrom C, Finestone AS.
The effect of stress fracture interventions in a single elite infantry training unit (1983-2015).
Bone 103:125-130, 2017.

Milgrom C, Sorkin A, Singer J, Nir I, Kogan B, Finestone AS.
The search for the best infantry boot.
Disasters Milit Med 2:14, 2016.

Tamir E, Finestone AS, Avisar E, Agar G.
Mini-invasive floating metatarsal osteotomy for resistant or recurrent neuropathic plantar metatarsal head ulcers.
J Orthop Surg Res 11:78, 2016.

Moshe S, Zack O, Finestone AS, Mishal M, Segal N Slodownik D, Yagev Y.
The incidence and worsening of newly diagnosed low back pain in a population of young male military recruits.
BMC Musculoskelet Disord17:279, 2016.

Minerbi A, Ratmansky R, Finestone A, Gerwin B, Vulfsons S.
The local and referred pain patterns of the longus colli muscle.
J Bodyw Mov Ther 21:267-273, 2016.

Ratmansky R, Minerbi A, Kalichman L, Kent J, Wende O, Finestone AS, Vulfsons S.
Position statement of the Israeli Society for Musculoskeletal Medicine on Intramuscular Stimulation for Myofascial Pain Syndrome - a Delphi Process.
Pain practice 17:438-446, 2016.

Tamir E, Finestone AS, Avisar E, Agar G.
Toe sparing surgery for neuropathic toe ulcers with exposed bone or joint in an outpatient setting: A retrospective study.
Int J Low Extrem Wounds 15:142-147, 2016.

Milgrom Y, Milgrom C, Constantini N, Lavi D, Novak V, Finestone AS.
Cardiovascular and bone health of former elite infantry soldiers at middle life.
Disaster Milit Med 1:3, 2015.

Tamir E, Tamir J, Beer Y, Kosashvili Y, Finestone AS.
Resection arthroplasty for resistant ulcers underlying the hallux in insensate diabetics.
Foot Ankle Int 36:969-975, 2015.

Milgrom C, Burr DB, Finestone AS, Arkady Voloshin A.
Understanding the etiology of the posteromedial tibial stress fracture.
Bone 78:11-14, 2015.

Moshe S, Izhaki R, Chodick G, Segal N, Yagev Y, Finestone AS, Juven Y.
Predictors of return to work with upper limb disorders.
Occup Med 65:564-569, 2015.

Rabin A, Kozol Z, Spitzer E, Finestone AS.
Weight bearing ankle dorsiflexion range of motion – can side-to-side symmetry be assumed?
J Athl Train 50:30-35, 2015.

Wertman M, Milgrom C, Agar G, Milgrom Y, Yalom N, Finestone AS.
A comparison of knee SPECT and MRI in evaluating meniscus injuries in soldiers.
Isr Med Assoc J 16:703-706, 2014.

Rabin A, Kozol Z, Moran U, Efergan A, Gefen Y, Finestone AS.
Factors associated with a visually assessed quality of movement during a lateral step-down test among individuals with patellofemoral pain.
J Orthop Sports Phys Ther 44:937-946, 2014.

Milgrom Y, Milgrom C, Altaras T, Globus O, Zeltser E, Finestone AS.
Achilles tendons hypertrophy in response to six months of high loading training.
Foot Ankle Int 35:1303-1308, 2014.

Milgrom C, Milgrom Y, Radeva-Petrova D, Jaber S, Beyth S, Finestone AS.
The supine apprehension test helps predict the risk of recurrent instability after a first-time anterior shoulder dislocation.
J Shoulder Elbow Surg 23:1838-42, 2014.

Finestone AS, Milgrom C, Yanovich R, Evans R, Constantini N, Moran DS.
Evaluation of the Success of Females as Light Infantry Soldiers.
Biomed Res Int 2014:572953, 2014.

Rabin A, Kozol Z, Finestone AS.
Limited ankle dorsiflexion increases risk for mid-portion Achilles tendinopathy in infantry recruits: a prospective cohort study.
J Foot Ankle Res 7:48, 2014.

Tamir E, Vigler M, Avisar E, Finestone AS.
Percutaneous tenotomy for the treatment of diabetic toe ulcers.
Foot Ankle Int 35:38-43, 2014.

Finestone AS, Levy G, Bar-Dayan Y.
Telecommunications in Israeli Field Hospitals Deployed to Three Crisis Zones.
Disasters 38:833-845, 2014.

Steinberg N, Finestone AS, Noff M, Zeev A, Dar G.
Relationship between lower extremity alignment and hallux valgus in women. Foot Ankle Int 34:824-831, 2013.

Rabin A, Kozol Z, Spitzer E, Finestone AS.
Ankle dorsiflexion among healthy men with differing quality of lower extremity movement.
J Athl Train, 2013.

Finestone AS, Marcus G, Anekstein Y, Mirovsky Y, Agar G.
Assessing kyphosis with SpineScan®: another attempt to reduce our dependence on radiography.
Spine J 13:926-31, 2013.

Milgrom Y, Milgrom C, Constantini N, Applbaum Y, Radeva-Petrova D, Finestone AS.
The effect of very high versus very low sustained loading on the lower back and knees in middle life.
Biomed Res Int 2013:92130, 2013.

Finestone AS, Vulfsons S, Milgrom C, Lahad A, Moshe S, Agar G, Greenberg D.
The case for orthopaedic medicine in Israel.
Isr J Health Policy Res 2:42 2013.

Finestone AS. Noff M, Nassar Y, Moshe S, Agar G, Tamir E.
Management of chronic exertional compartment syndrome and fascial hernias in the anterior lower leg with the forefoot rise test and limited fasciotomy.
Foot Ankle Int 35:285-292, 2013.

Moran D, Evans R, Arbel Y, Luria O, Hadid A, Yanovich R, Milgrom C, Finestone AS.
Physical and psychological stressors linked with stress fractures in recruit training.
Scand J Med Sci Sports 23:443-450, 2013.

Milgrom C, Moran DS, Safran O, Finestone A.
Do the rotator cuff tendons of young athletic subjects hypertrophy in response to increased loading demands.
J Shoulder Elbow Surg 21:1601-1604, 2012.

Milgrom C, Milgrom Y, Constantini N, Lavi D, Appelbaum Y, Novack V, Finestone A.
The effect of high versus low loading on bone in middle life.
Bone 50: 865-869, 2012.

Moran DS, Heled Y, Arbel Y, Israeli E, Finestone A, Evans R, Yanovich R.
Dietary intake and stress fractures among elite male combat recruits.
J Int Soc Sports Nutr 9:6, 2012.

Finestone AS, Eshed I, Freedman Y, Beer Y, Bar-Sever Z, Kots Y, Adar E, Mann G.
Guidelines for Wise Utilization of Knee Imaging.
Harefuah 151:118-123, 2012.

Finestone AS, Petrov K, Agar G, Honig A, Tamir E, Milgrom C.
Pattern of outsole shoe heel wear in infantry recruits.
J Foot Ank Res 5:27, 2012.

Bar-Dayan Y, Morad Y, Elishkevitz KP, Bar-Dayan Y, Finestone AS.
Back disorders among Israeli youth: a prevalence study in young military recruits.
Spine J 12:749-755, 2012.

Moran D, Finestone A, Arbel Y, Shabshin N, Laor A.
A simplified model to predict stress fracture in young elite combat recruits.
J Strength Cond Res 26:2585-2592, 2012.

Shoval N, Barzilay Y, Heled Y, Moran D, Milgrom C, Statlender L, Finestone A.
Assessing soldier ambulation with GPS: A novel modality for stress fracture prevention research in recruits.
J Isr Milit Med 8:21-25, 2011.

Finestone A, Milgrom C, Wolf O, Petrov K, Evans R, Moran D.
Epidemiology of metatarsal stress fractures versus tibial and femoral stress fractures during elite training.
Foot Ankle Int 32:16-20, 2011.

Milgrom C, Agar G, Ekenman I, Safran O, Milgrom Y, Finestone A.
The effect of orthotics on in vivo axial tibial and second metatarsal strains.
Footwear Science 3:91-96, 2011.

Finestone AS, Levy T, Bar-Dayan Y, Levy G.
Progression of telecommunications equipment in a field hospital over a decade: The experience of the Israeli delegations to the earthquake sites at Adapazari, Turkey 1999, and Port-au-Prince, Haiti 2010.
J Isr Milit Med 7:96-103, 2010.

Constantini N, Finestone AS, Hod N, Shub I, Heinemann S, Foldes J, Mann G.
Equipment modification is associated with fewer stress fractures in female Israel border police recruits.
Milit Med 175:799-804, 2010.

Safran O, Milgrom C, Radeva-Petrova D, Jaber S, Finestone A.
Accuracy of the anterior apprehension test as a predictor of risk for redislocation after a first traumatic shoulder dislocation.
Am J Sports Med 38:972-975, 2010.

Finestone AS, Eshel A, Milgrom C, Katz G & Constantini N.
Components of weight increase during infantry basic training.
J Isr Milit Med 6:72-75, 2009.

Finestone A, Raveh A, Mirovsky Y, Lahad A, Milgrom C.
Orthopaedists' and family practitioners' knowledge of simple low back pain management.
Spine 34:1600-1603, 2009.

Finestone A, Milgrom C, Radeva-Petrova D, Rath E, Barchilon V, Beyth S, Jaber S, Safran O.
Bracing in external rotation for traumatic anterior dislocation of the shoulder.
J Bone Joint Surg Br 91:918-921, 2009.

Finestone AS, Milgrom C.
How stress fracture incidence was lowered in the Israel army: a 25-yr struggle.
Med Sci Sports Exerc 40:S623-629, 2008.

Finestone A, Milgrom C, Evans R, Yanovich R, Constantini N, Moran DS.
Overuse injuries in female infantry recruits during low-intensity basic training.
Med Sci Sports Exerc 40:S630-635, 2008.

Etzion-Daniel Y, Constantini N, Finestone AS, Shahar DR, Israeli E, Yanovich R, Moran DS.
Nutrition consumption of female combat recruits in army basic training.
Med Sci Sports Exerc 40:S677-84, 2008.

Milgrom C, Novack V, Weil Y, Jaber S, Radeva-Petrova DR, Finestone A.
Risk factors for idiopathic frozen shoulder.
Isr Med Assoc J 10:361-4, 2008.

Moran DS, Israeli E, Evans RK, Yanovich R, Constantini N, Shabshin N, Merkel D, Luria O, Erlich T, Laor A, Finestone A.
Prediction model for stress fracture in young female recruits during basic training.
Med Sci Sports Exerc 40:S636-44, 2008.

Hetsroni I, Finestone A, Milgrom C, Ben-Sira D, Nyska M, Mann G, Almosnino S, Ayalon M.
The role of foot pronation in the development of femoral and tibial stress fractures: a prospective biomechanical study.
Clin J Sport Med 18:18-23, 2008.

Merkel D, Moran DS, Yanovich R, Evans RK, Finestone AS, Constantini N, Israeli E.
The association between hematological and inflammatory factors and stress fractures among female military recruits.
Med Sci Sports Exerc 40:S691-697, 2008.

Aharony S, Milgrom C, Wolf T, Barzilay Y, Applbaum YH, Schindel Y, Finestone A, Liram N.
Magnetic resonance imaging showed no signs of overuse or permanent injury to the lumbar sacral spine during a Special Forces training course.
Spine J 8:578-583, 2008.

Novack V, Finestone AS, Constantini N, Shpilberg O, Weitzman S, Merkel D.
The prevalence of low hemoglobin values among new infantry recruits and nonlinear relationship between hemoglobin concentration and physical fitness.
Am J Hematol 82:128-133. 2007.

Milgrom C, Radeva-Petrova DR, Finestone A, Nyska M, Mendelson S, Benjuya N, Simkin A, Burr D.
The effect of muscle fatigue on in vivo tibial strains.
J Biomech 40:845-850, 2007.

https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17923053">Tamir E, Daniels TR, Finestone A, Nof M.
Off-loading of hindfoot and midfoot neuropathic ulcers using a fiberglass cast with a metal stirrup.
Foot Ankle Int 28:1048-1052, 2007.

Finestone AS, Ronen Z, Goshen Y, Grinberg N, Ankol OE, Frimer R.
The interdisciplinary committee for exceptional occupational orthopaedic problems in the Israel Defense Forces - A Case Mix Review.
J Isr Milit Med 4:107-111, 2007.

Hetsroni I, Finestone A, Milgrom C, Sira DB, Nyska M, Radeva-Petrova D Ayalon M.
A prospective biomechanical study of the association between foot pronation and the incidence of anterior knee pain among military recruits.
J Bone Joint Surg Br. 88:905-908, 2006.

Milgrom C, Finestone A, Lubovsky O, Zin D, Lahad A.
A controlled randomized study of the effect of training with orthoses on the incidence of weight bearing induced back pain among infantry recruits.
Spine 30:272-275, 2005.

Foldhazy Z, Arndt A, Milgrom C, Finestone A, Ekenman I.
Exercise-induced strain and strain rate in the distal radius.
J Bone Joint Surg Br 87:261-266, 2005.

Milgrom C, Finestone A, Hamel A, Mandes V, Burr D, Sharkey N.
A comparison of bone strain measurements at anatomically relevant sites using surface gauges versus strain gauged bone staples.
J Biomech 37:947-952, 2004.

Milgrom C, Finestone A, Novack V, Pereg D, Goldich Y, Kreiss Y, Zimlichman E, Kaufman S, Liebergall M, Burr D.
The effect of prophylactic treatment with risedronate on stress fracture incidence among infantry recruits.
Bone 35:418-424, 2004.

Finestone A, Novack V, Farfel A, Burg A, Amir H, Milgrom C.
A prospective study of the effect of foot orthoses composition and fabrication on comfort and the incidence of overuse injuries.
Foot Ankle Int 25:462-466, 2004.

Milgrom C, Finestone A, Segev S, Olin C, Arndt T, Ekenman I.
Are overground or treadmill runners more likely to sustain tibial stress fracture?
Br J Sports Med 37:160-163, 2003.

Finestone A, Schlesinger T, Amir H, Richter E, Milgrom C.
Do physicians correctly estimate radiation risks from medical imaging?
Arch Environ Health 58:59-61, 2003.

Milgrom C, Finestone A, Zin D, Mandel D, Novack V.
Cold weather training: a risk factor for Achilles paratendinitis among recruits.
Foot Ankle Int 24:398-401, 2003.

Milgrom C, Finestone A, Sharkey N, Hamel A, Mandes V, Burr D, Arndt A, Ekenman I.
Metatarsal strains are sufficient to cause fatigue fracture during cyclic overloading.
Foot Ankle Int 23:230-235, 2002.

Ekenman I, Milgrom C, Finestone A, Begin M, Olin C, Arndt T, Burr D.
The Role of Biomechanical Shoe Orthoses in Tibial Stress Fracture Prevention.
Am J Sports Med 30:866-870, 2002.

Wolf Y, Bar-Dayan Y, Mankuta D, Finestone A, Onn E, Morgenstern D, Rand N, Halpern P, Gruzman C, Benedek P, Martinovitz G, Eldad A.
An Earthquake Disaster in Turkey: Assessment of the Need for Plastic Surgery Services in a Crisis Intervention Field Hospital.
Plast Reconstr Surg 107:169-170, 2001.

Milgrom C, Millgram M, Simkin A, Burr D, Ekenman I, Finestone A.
A home exercise program for tibial bone strengthening based on in vivo strain measurements.
Am J Phys Med Rehab 80:433-438, 2001.

Finestone AS, Bar-Dayan Y, Wolf Y, Stein M, Tearosh Y, Zaide Y, Mankuta D, Eldad A, Bendek P.
Diagnostic medical auxiliary equipment in a field hospital: experience from the Israeli delegation to the site of the Turkish earthquake at Adapzari.
Milit Med 166:637-640, 2001.

Milgrom C, Finestone A, Ekenman I, Simkin A, Nyska M.
The effect of shoe sole composition on in vivo tibial strains during walking.
Foot Ankle Int 22:598-602, 2001.

Milgrom C, Simkin A, Eldad A, Nyska M, Finestone A.
Using bone's adaptation ability to lower the incidence of stress fractures.
Am J Sports Med 28:245-251, 2000.

Finestone AS, Eldad A, Milgrom C.
Pre-induction sport activity in prevention of stress fractures.
Harefuah 138:719-722, 2000.

Givon U, Friedman E, Reiner A, Vered I, Finestone A, Shemer J.
Stress fractures in the Israeli defense forces from 1995 to 1996.
Clin Orthop Relat Res 373:227-232, 2000.

Milgrom C, Finestone A, Levi Y, Simkin A, Ekenman I, Mendelson S, Millgram M, Nyska M, Benjuya N, Burr D.
Do high impact exercises produce higher tibial strains than running?
Br J Sports Med 34:195-199, 2000.

Milgrom C, Finestone A, Simkin A, Ekenman I, Mendelson S, Millgram M, Nyska M, Larsson E, Burr D.
In-vivo strain measurements to evaluate the strengthening potential of exercises on the tibial bone.
J Bone Joint Surg Br 82:591-594, 2000.

Tichler T, Weitzen R, Finestone A, Orvieto R, Moskovitz M, Singer A.
Testicular Carcinoma: Self-awareness, and testicular self-examination in soldiers and military physicians.
Harefuah 139:102-105, 2000.

Bar-Dayan Y, Beard P, Mankuta D, Finestone A, Wolf Y, Gruzman C, Levy Y, Benedek P, VanRooyen M, Martonovits G.
An earthquake disaster in turkey: an overview of the experience of the Israeli Defense Force Field Hospital in Adapazari.
Disasters 24:262-270, 2000.

Finestone A, Giladi M, Elad H, Salmon A, Mendelson S, Eldad A, Milgrom C.
Prevention of stress fractures using custom biomechanical shoe orthoses.
Clin Orthop Relat Res 360:182-190, 1999.

Milgrom C, Burr D, Fyhrie D, Hoshaw S, Finestone A, Nyska M, Davidson R, Mendelson S, Giladi M, Liebergall M, Lehnert B, Voloshin A, Simkin A.
A comparison of the effect of shoes on human tibial axial strains recorded during dynamic loading.
Foot Ankle Int 19:85-90, 1998.

Mendelson S, Milgrom C, Finestone A, Lewis J, Ronen M, Burr D, Fyhrie D, Hoshow S, Simkin A, Soudry M.
Effect of cane use on tibial strain and strain rates.
Am J Phys Med Rehab 77:333-338, 1998.

Milgrom C, Mann G, Finestone A.
A prevalence study of recurrent shoulder dislocations in young adults.
J Shoulder Elbow Surg 7:621-624, 1998.

Burr DB, Milgrom C, Fyhrie D, Forwood M, Nyska M, Finestone A, Hoshaw S, Saiag E, Simkin A.
In vivo measurement of human tibial strains during vigourous activity.
Bone 18:405-410, 1996.

Milgrom C, Finestone A, Shlamkovitch N, Giladi M, Radin E.
Anterior knee pain caused by overactivity: a long term prospective followup.
Clin Orthop Relat Res 331:256-260, 1996.

Milgrom C, Burr D, Fyhrie D, Forwood M, Finestone A, Nyska M, Giladi M, Liebergall M, Simkin A.
The effect of shoe gear on human tibial strains recorded during dynamic loading: a pilot study.
Foot Ankle Int 17:667-671, 1996.

Milgrom C, Finestone A, Shlamkovitch N, Giladi M, Lev B, Wiener M, Schaffler M.
Stress fracture treatment.
Orthopaedics (International Edition) 3:363-367, 1995.

Milgrom C, Finestone A, Shlamkovitch N, Rand N, Lev B, Simkin A, Wiener M.
Youth is a risk factor for stress fracture. A study of 783 infantry recruits.
J Bone Joint Surg Br 76:20-22, 1994.

Ben-Sasson SA, Finestone A, Moskowitz M, Maron R, Weinner M, Leichter I, Margulies J, Stein P, Popovtzer M, Rubinger D.
Extended duration of vertical position might impair bone metabolism.
Eur J Clin Invest 24:421-425, 1994.

Milgrom C, Finestone A, Shlamkovitch N, Eldad A, Saltzman S, Giladi M, Chisin R, Danon Y.
The clinical assessment of femoral stress fractures: A comparison of two methods.
Milit Med 158:190-192, 1993.

Milgrom C, Finestone A, Lev B, Wiener M, Floman Y.
Overexertional lumbar and thoracic back pain among recruits: a prospective study of risk factors and treatment regimens.
J Spinal Disord 6:187-193, 1993.

Finestone A, Radin E, Lev B, Shlamkovitch N, Wiener M, Milgrom C.
Treatment of overuse patellofemoral pain. Prospective randomized clinical trial in a military setting.
Clin Orthop Relat Res 193:208-210, 1993.

Singer A, Tichler T, Orvieto R, Finestone A, Moskovitz M.
Testicular Carcinoma: A study of knowledge, awareness, and practice of testicular self examination in male soldiers and military physicians.
Milit Med 158:640-643, 1993.

Milgrom C, Finestone A, Shlamkovitch N, Wosk J, Laor A, Voloshin A, Eldad A.
Prevention of overuse injuries of the foot by improved shoe shock attenuation. A randomized prospective study.
Clin Orthop Relat Res 281:189-192, 1992.

Finestone A, Shlamkovitch N, Eldad A, Karp A, Milgrom C.
A prospective study of the effect of the appropriateness of foot-shoe fit and training shoe type on the incidence of overuse injuries among military recruits.
Milit Med 157:489-490, 1992.

Milgrom C, Shlamkovitch N, Finestone A, Eldad A, Laor A, Danon YL, Lavie O, Wosk J, Simkin A.
Risk factor for lateral ankle sprain: a prospective study among military recruits.
Foot and Ankle 12:26-30, 1991.

Finestone A, Shlamkovitch N, Eldad A, Wosk J, Laor A, Danon YL, Milgrom C.
Risk factors for stress fractures among Israeli infantry recruits.
Milit Med 156:528-530, 1991.

Milgrom C, Finestone A, Eldad A, Shlamkovitch N.
Patellofemoral pain caused by overactivity: A prospective study of risk factors in infantry recruits.
J Bone Joint Surg Am, 73:1041-1043, 1991.

Stein M, Shlamkovitch N, Milgrom C, Finestone A.
Marchers digitalia parasthetica among recruits.
Foot and Ankle 9:312-313, 1989.

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